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North > East [Air Travel]

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#1Azure Fenic 

North > East [Air Travel] Empty Sat Dec 05, 2020 2:11 pm

Azure Fenic

Now that his work had concluded for the time being his next stop would be Hosenka to follow up on a lead on the strange symbol. Who knows what will greet him once he actually left the city of Orchdia but first he needed to call his trusty mount to pick him up. As he whistled for his feathered friend to arrive he found his tailor and instructed him to send his new clothes to Seig as he would have to drop in and check the guild's library for some more information. Once Extortion had shown up the scholar hopped right on his and made his way East, though the thought of finding his partner again did seem rather tempting given that they haven't contacted him in some time. Flying over the guild once again had seemed to be a recurring thing for Azure even if he didn't really mean it. Once he had gained what he needed from them it would be time to part ways. The sky seemed to be gearing up for something nasty but luckily for him, he was on one of the fastest mounts he had ever been on. Soon the Rocky mountains of Sige had faded into the background the somewhat nice city of Oka which was a nice place to relax and rest before finishing any trip but not this time around as he needed to get to his location fast. The thought was rather tempting, to say the least, but now he had something to keep him focused for some time even if it leads to nothing. The scholar kept tapped the head of his Griffion signaling it to go faster even though he knew that it meant they would have to rest much sooner than he planned. While going through the city he could see a tower in the distance Now that looks like a place with a hidden cave or two under it. He thought to himself

Baska had come into full view and boy did it look like a dull place to be at any point in the season. With the speed that he was going, they quickly blew by the Port and was. Before he even knew it he was passing the center of the nation and all its glory, one day he would uncover everything that they try so hard to hide from everyone. Even though he had never really set foot in the place he had gathered more than enough information about to tell that things were not as they seem. If his information was correct the Rune Knights are really cracking down on things or starting to anyway. At this time he and his ride would need to rest before they finished their trip so the two stopped for the time being and waited till the night to finish their trip to Hosenka. Era was another place that he wished to do some digging on but was also on pause for the moment but would most likely be the second place that ends up in his sights. The midnight sky was always a welcomed friend for the scholar as he did some of his best research at night before and after joining up with the group.
Magnolia the home of Fairy Tail a guild that seemed to be rather quiet when it came to information that didn’t really add up given the history and all that, though he did have to give it to them for having a rather lovely view. Once he had finally reached his destination Azure would dismount and send the beast on its way that it would still be close enough to hear his call when he was ready to leave that is. Hosenka looked like a good place to gather information about the symbol for the time being that is and who knows maybe relax for a bit. If he wanted to find anything it would have been best to send a grunt to survey the place first.

{Sheet / Magic}
North > East [Air Travel] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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