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Smoke on the Water [Natsumi]

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#1Tomoe Tanaka 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Tue Sep 15, 2020 10:47 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
Tomoe was out and about, having a good time in the Sultry Heights of Hosenka. He was thinking of leaving the city soon, but earlier as he was preparing to leave, he got mail from Natsumi. He was challenged to a rematch, seeing as their last encounter in the park a few weeks back was inconclusive. It was a bit soon for yet another fight, but Tomoe was open to the idea. Last time, he was simply training his magic. This time, he had gained relative control over it. He wasn't perfect, as nobody could be so soon after learning of its uses, but he had gained enough control to where he wasn't a complete failure with it. His specialty was always the ability to be a wild card and charge forth without fear, swinging and hacking away at his foes. His mana had calmed since experiencing HER visions, and confronting himself - or rather, the 'him' that he could've become - and killing him.

Tomoe held these thoughts to himself as he approached the area where he was to meet Natsumi for their fight, and using those thoughts to fuel his resolve rather than allow them to hold him back. He'd already died twice, and killed himself once. With that kind of track record, he was confident his magic wouldn't fail him when it counted: the power of the stars themselves, Heavenly Body Magic.

Stepping out onto the steamy waters of one of the many bathing areas within the Sultry Heights, the moon hanging well above in the sky, Tomoe awaited his challenger. He had no gear equipped, and was in nothing but a towel covering the lower half of his body from his waist down to his knees. He wondered why this was how it had to be, but he wouldn't complain much. It would be awkward to fight in such a state, admittedly, especially considering his opponent would undoubtedly be doing the same... but that would prove to be its own kind of training for him.

Standing atop a rock, he waited for his challenger.




#2Natsumi Duranndal 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:42 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi walked with pride to the destination of the fight with tomoe. Ready to brawl down hard as once arrived at the hostprings, she walked in, Heading to the area requested. While on her way she thought about her long history with tomoe, remembering how they first met. With her trying to get his bounty, Fighting at the station all that long ago, back before she was a Dragon Slayer, back when she was 16 and she lost, having almost beaten him back then. Upon arriving near the loacation, she got undressed some, soon walking out in just a towel around her waist, her usual robe tied and wrapped around her chest to cover herself, have a well developed bust most wouldn't assume was so big, due to her binding her chest each day.
Soon she stood across from Tomoe, blushing somewhat as she could see his bare chest, shaking it off as he could see the state she is.

"Hello Tomoe, ready for this fight.....by the way I gotta say your body is rather well defined"

She says as she herself was somewhat muscular herself, it was clear how much she trained since their last match before she left on her training mission.


Spells Mana 1150/1150:

Spell Cooldown:

#3Tomoe Tanaka 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:42 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
Tomoe kinda knew he was something of a stud; women he'd pay at bars for "special services" tended to always agree on that. He hadn't had a proper romance in a long time, but he did know that women all over adored his chiseled frame. He could do with a few extra inches of height, as he did in his former body, but he couldn't be perfect, now could he? Besides, being a bit smaller was advantageous for him in a lot of ways. Though he did admit that it was more clear now than ever before that Natsumi was way taller than him. When did that happen? And why? Did the girl just really love protein and exercise that much?

Geez., Tomoe thought while scratching the back of his head, eyeing the area where her robe was tied and bound to reveal a massive pair of peaks.

He'd try not to stare too long, as that was the sort of things a creeper would do. They were here to fight... while nearly nude, but fight nonetheless! Tomoe took a combat stance with his knees bent, his right leg out in front, and his arms outstretched to guard his face and chest in a brawler stance. He took this posture about 15 meters away from Natsumi, who was on the other side of the hot spring.

"Alright. Whenever you're ready, then! Just don't let your towel come off. God, why'd I agree to this...", Tomoe muttered the last part to himself in doubt, still keeping his guard up and strong as he waited on Natsumi to make the first move - he'd start off defensive, to see what she had in store.




#4Natsumi Duranndal 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:13 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi grinned, seeing tomoe take a fighting stance, having no true way of telling if she was a bombshell, never being hit on, never having dated. She laughed as her chest bounced slightly .

"Hahahaha, I will try, but you know how I fight, and you agreed to this cause it would be the bare knuckle brawl between sexes, and if you lost to a girl, what would your manly pride say.

she says in a teasing way, abit bent over as her cleavage was showing abit, she tightened up the tied up robe as to not come off by accident.

Getting prepped as she begun streatching, the steam coming from the hot springs blurrs their vision so all they can see his shillouettes, as if the hotsprings themselves are making a proper battlefield for their fight. She started to breath deeply as to prepare for an attack onslaught, she breathed deeply, as soon she started to intake mana, turning it into fire as this went on, her shillouette only looks like it is streatching, unable to see a few meters infront of them, she soon lets out a bellowing dragonic roar, a huge concentrated beam of fire being shot towards tomoe. The beam being 2 meter diameter, dealing A rank damage to all that come in contact with it, the roar being quite loud startling all in the area

spoiler="Statistics"]Strength: 18

Damage: C-Rank

Speed: 1

Lunge Distance & Speed: 5m/s
Run Speed: 10m/s

Constitution: 32

Hit Points: A-Rank
Run Duration: 3 Posts
Lunge Frequency: 2-Post CD

Endurance: 4

Pain Tolerance: D-Rank

Intelligence: 76 (16 base; +60 from armor)

Mana Cost Reduction: 30%


Enhanced Spell Range
Enhanced Spell Size

Spells Mana 1010/1150:

Spell Cooldown:

#5Natsumi Duranndal 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:56 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi grinned, seeing tomoe take a fighting stance, having no true way of telling if she was a bombshell, never being hit on, never having dated. She laughed as her chest bounced slightly .

"Hahahaha, I will try, but you know how I fight, and you agreed to this cause it would be the bare knuckle brawl between sexes, and if you lost to a girl, what would your manly pride say.

she says in a teasing way, abit bent over as her cleavage was showing abit, she tightened up the tied up robe as to not come off by accident.

Getting prepped as she begun streatching, the steam coming from the hot springs blurrs their vision so all they can see his shillouettes, as if the hotsprings themselves are making a proper battlefield for their fight. She started to breath deeply as to prepare for an attack onslaught, she breathed deeply, as soon she started to intake mana, turning it into fire as this went on, her shillouette only looks like it is streatching, unable to see a few meters infront of them, she soon lets out a bellowing dragonic roar, a huge concentrated beam of fire being shot towards tomoe. The beam being 2 meter diameter, dealing A rank damage to all that come in contact with it, the roar being quite loud startling all in the area


Spells Mana 1010/1150:

Spell Cooldown:

#6Tomoe Tanaka 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:48 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
A smile cracked across Tomoe's face, staying in position and watching the scene before him. He had his gaze focused on those meat mountains for a moment, admittedly, but alerted himself to the true task at hand once the steam began to set in and he saw the magic circle begin its casting near Natsumi. The outline was still clear enough to where Tomoe could see her winding up a spell.

"Well I'd sure feel bad, but it ain't gonna happen when I come over there and kick your ass.", Tomoe spoke aloud as he lunged to the left just as her flames would blast towards him.

With his speed, being a nimble fighter even while nearly ass-naked, he sidestepped the coming inferno, the 15 meter distance being enough time to react and move. After that, he would see Natsumi's silhouette and use another lunge to dash towards her. Still having been 15 meters away after his previous dash, he would be upon Natsumi aiming a punch at her midsection in a second. This would all have happened roughly a second after he first dodged the blast, making a total of two seconds. He would plan accordingly, and react to any potential attacks accordingly as they'd come towards him. After all, he couldn't purely be thinking about offense or even just about chest beefers in this situation.




#7Natsumi Duranndal 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:22 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi saw him lunged at her, ready to do the same midsection punch he always pulled on her. He should know that the same trick wont work on her twice in a row, remembering how it felt each time he had done the same attack with her, once knocked her town, another she caught it but this time she wasnt gonna do either of those. Igniting her fists as her eyes grew sharp Gathering a huge amount of mana as she breathed deeply. Focusing her power, ready for his attack

"Dont you dare think that the same attack will work on someone yet another time   Fire Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Fire Dragon's Fist!!!!!!!!

She yells as parrying his block, leaving him wide open as he threw 4 strong fiery punch, all aimed at his mid section, each one packing a massive hit, causing an explosion for each hit with crazy knockback. She was determined to beat him this time, and nothing was gonna stop her, even if she has to go beyond her limit and destroy the entire area.


Spells Mana 910/1150:

Spell Cooldown:

#8Tomoe Tanaka 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Fri Sep 18, 2020 12:38 am

Tomoe Tanaka
Tomoe had his brute force approach parried to the side; perhaps he wasn't thinking straight due to the nature of the fight and what was involved in it visually. The most he could do, other than praise the girl for parrying his punch successfully, was to reduce the damage as much as possible. He would take two of the four fiery punches she had delivered, but with his pain tolerance they wouldn't stagger him. They would be hot, and no doubt sting him, but he would be able to move and think straight in the midst of the exchange.

He'd dash backwards while still facing Natsumi. His dash would take him backwards 3 meters after the initial two fire punches, having taken C-rank damage. He would reach his 3 meter distance away from Natsumi in less than the blink of an eye, with his lunge speed resulting in him dashing backwards at 15 m/s but stopping 3 meters away, not carrying over any momentum gained during the near-instantaneous travel. Just as he reached the 3 meter distance away, which would have been at the same time that Natsumi would have finished her other two punches as per her spell, Tomoe kicked his left foot out towards Natsumi, and a sphere of stardust shot off of him and aimed for Natsumi's legs.

If his spell would hit its mark successfully and damage Natsumi in the way he intended, Tomoe would rush forth with a dash into her, aiming a punch towards her face. It would be just as fast as last time, with the same distance being maintained. If the spell would not hit her, he would observe her next movements carefully and react accordingly.

"Let's kick things up a bit! It ain't a fight if ya don't work up a sweat!", Tomoe shouted proudly, letting loose some of the 'manly pride' Natsumi had previously spoken of, chuckling all the way.




#9Natsumi Duranndal 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:48 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
Not thinking about what to do, her instincts followed through as she stepped hard, Jumping out with a flip into the air, her rigth fist having swirling flames around it, moving rapidly as soon engulfing her entire fist, she punched as a swirling flames lauch toward tomoe, getting wider and winde with each passing moment
Growing to a 2 meter in diameter, the flames burned hot as at the same time, she overlapped over her hands to form two Fire Orb, clashing them together as to cause an explosion, having quite some trouble with that one as normally it takes some focus, she would need to do some healing afterwards to recover from the fight properly, but it shows that she can adapt to any situation, 2 C rank spells flying at him at full power and upon hit the combined attack would have quite abiti of knockback as well. An spell to push him back uppon hitting and then another explosion ontop of that to get some real distance. She couldnt have been happier in this fight, Having the time of her life as for a moment. Tomoe could have gotten a glimpse of something he wasnt supposed to, Maybe distracting him abit


Spells Mana 840/1150:

Spell Cooldown:

Last edited by Natsumi Duranndal on Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

#10Tomoe Tanaka 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Wed Oct 14, 2020 1:21 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
Tomoe certainly saw a... sight indeed as Natsumi descended with her attacks, and grinned; towels were a flappy thing, after all.. He'd say nothing about it, lest Natsumi's flames grow even more potent, but taking in the sight caused him to be struck by the two fireballs and get knocked back slightly, taking 1x B-rank damage from it. The heat was potent, but not so much so that he couldn't stand it. It was a worthy trade-off, he felt, and took his place standing a total of 5 meters away from Natsumi now.

"Alright then, that was good! Let's get it goin' a bit more though, yeah?!"

Tomoe rushed forth with a lunge, dashing into Natsumi with a jab at her face with his right hand. It wasn't all fancy and fiery like hers, but it would strike about as hard if it hit. With the speed he was moving at, and this transpiring just after her last spells were cast and with Tomoe moving at 15 m/s, it would prove difficult to evade. His cheeks were flushed with a combination of fiery heat and nice views, but that wouldn't stop the fight from progressing. He wouldn't aim to seriously injure the girl, but he would nevertheless throw it with the intent to knock her out or otherwise get her seeing stars.

"It ain't a fight if nobody sees stars though. Take this and get knocked on your ass!"




#11Natsumi Duranndal 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:14 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi saw her attack hit, which made her quite happy. Finally able to stand toe and toe with her old rival, Grinnign overjoyed as she soon Landed, preparing for the next attack, takking a good stance to prepare to counter attack, watching his every movement, her slitted eyes fixated on him as she steadies her breathing as in the moment, she sees him lunge, she makes her moves inhalin flames reading a giant roar attack.

Tapping her foot on the ground as she forms whips of fire, swinging them down at Tomoe, only for them to miss and slam against the ground, at the last second before his attack hit. She is swung up, being right above  him now, As within that moment, it felt as if time slowed down, and her level of adaptability was shown to be as the way she moved was abnormal, using an attack to move her body in just away for a point blank counter attack.

Soon she let lose her Strongest Roar, Blasting away a huge area, Being Aimed streight down. The ground being broken apart, all hotsprings being destroyed as the area was decimated, No stable footing as a layer of water covered the ground, some piping being unearthed even, shooting out like a fountain as she caused irreapairable damage.


Spells [640/1100]:

Spell Cooldown:

#12Tomoe Tanaka 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Fri Oct 16, 2020 12:06 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
Inhaling flames was a casting motion Tomoe had seen before, and as it was as he was moving forward, he knew he'd need to prepare his counterattack. As Natsumi jumped to be over him using her fire whips, Tomoe raises his left hand out towards Natsumi as she would unleash her fire breath from above in the air, the hand being raised out in protest towards the roar as his own spell would activate.

"It's a powerful move, but...", Tomoe muttered as his spell appeared parallel to her own - a dark void in empty space, acting as a defense to block the blast and consume it, disappearing into a dense black hole.

"You ain't gonna hit me with it, not in this situation!"

While Natsumi was still in the air above, Tomoe would then raise his right hand and a similar void would appear, only this one was white and conjured from pure light. Her breath attack, which had just disappeared into the black hole, was now being fired back towards her through the white hole. On hit, it would deal A-rank fire/light damage to her from point-blank range, replicating the spell's power in its entirety.

Leaving no time to engage further for the moment, Tomoe would once more lunge away to see how the situation would develop from here. He'd dash away backwards 5 meters to see how Natsumi would come out of this, his guard raised the entire time in case she had more tricks up her sleeve.




#13Natsumi Duranndal 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Sat Oct 31, 2020 5:48 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi was perplexed, seeing the black and white hole......once her attack was engulfed, and fire back at her. It felt as if time had slowed down for a second, knowing she could consume her own fire even if it was fired back at her. The taste being awful to her. However she did not give up. Memories rushed by of her years training from when she was a pipsqueak fire mage taking in her parents footsteps using Fusion Fire Magic. To the moment she became a dragon slayer. She was so much different back then. She knew there was no possible way for her to dodge the attack. She ought to know after all it was her own. Knowing the complex maneuver she would have to pull off just to dodge it was impossible in the quick moment.

Thus her brain shut down aware that there was nothing she could do, throwing all logical thinking our the window.
Her Mind going blank but her body reacted, Out of pure survival instinct, Taking a step toward it, and throwing a punch clad in her own fire. clashing with the incoming attack. Flames flying everywhere, the already destroyed onsen being demolished even more.

Soon all of it fade away as she stood unharmed, the robe tied around her chest however was tattered and took some of the damage from the attack as she grinned.  "Is that all you got"



Spells [615/1100]:

Spell Cooldown:

#14Tomoe Tanaka 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:46 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
"Not on your life, but it is the best that you've got.", Tomoe responded with his features turned upward, chuckling, proud that the girl had grown so much since their fight over a year ago - growing both in power and size, of course.

Speaking of, the robe around her torso was ripping... that would be a problem for both of them if it happened, so he would need to plan around the potential for something of Natsumi's to be unleashed and in the free air if that robe took any more damage than it already had. Why, of all places, did they need to be fighting nearly naked in a hot spring...? What was the purpose of that? Was this all to give her the advantage? Those thoughts buzzed around in his head for a moment, but was then brought back to the fight.

He'd lunge backwards to create a total distance of 15 meters between him and Natsumi, stopping his lunge once he'd reached that range gap, which would have been in a single second. From that position, standing tall and looking towards his opponent, he would gauge her ability to fight from range. She had mostly demonstrated herself as a physical attacker, but he wished to see either her ranged potential or her speed to catch up to him, if she even could. He prided himself, while telling no one, on his own speed after all. His lunges were but a fragment of his true power in that regard.

"Keep up the pace, though. From now on, we're gonna be fightin' on my terms.", he stated confidently with a mischievous smile, waiting to see what she would do; as things were now, she was 15 meters away from Tomoe, who was ready to react to her future attacks and respond accordingly.




#15Natsumi Duranndal 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Wed Dec 16, 2020 5:25 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
She soon calmed down abit. Breathing deeply as she looked at tomoe.

"I had fun and all, lets do this again, later on when we get stronger much stronger. I am hoping we can atleast be fighting buddies, meeting up every so often to pummel the shit out of each othere."

She starts humming ever so softly as she soon sprinted back into the building to get dressed as she started singing on her way out

"Fairy, where are you going
Hikari zenbu atsumete kimi no ashita terasu yo
Oh Yeah
Kikoeten no ka kono koe wa?
Oh Yeah
Karetatte sakebu kara
Oh Yeah
Kikoeru made kimi no kokoro ga
Oh Yeah
Oh Yeah

Tsuki to taiyou no haitacchi
Wasuremono wa nai desuka?
Okashii na kimi ga inai to
Hoshii mono sae mitsukaranai

Snowing sunao ni
Egao ni nareta no wa
Futari yorisoi
Kasane atta "jikan" ga aru kara
Fairy, where are you going
Hikari zenbu atsumete kimi no ashita terasu yo

Oh Yeah
Namiuchigawa ni ukabeta kanjou
Itsu no manika orenji sae
Shiroku kawatteku kisetsu
Oh Yeah
Bokura futari mitsumeteta reinbĹŤ
Ima wa omoide no naka de
Nanairo ga yuki ni kawaru"
She kept on singing as she ran out of the area


#16Tomoe Tanaka 

Smoke on the Water [Natsumi] Empty Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:12 pm

Tomoe Tanaka

That's all Tomoe could say, just starting to get into the swing of things. He watched as the girl explained her desire to fight some other time, just as he'd started to talk about fighting on his own terms. The man was confused, and ran a hand through his crimson hair, wondering where this encounter had gone wrong. He watched her move away, and with a confused expression, could only nod. "Uh... see ya another time, I guess.", he grumbled, denied his chance to get into a serious fist fight this time.

At that, he could see a few staff from the hot springs approaching him angrily. A bead of sweat dripped down the side of his head as he looked upon the destroyed bath house from his spar with Natsumi. Realizing that the situation was dire and that he couldn't allow Penumbral Guard's reputation to be tarnished for this encounter, decided to confront the staff head-on.

"Yeah, sorry, uhhh... me and my guildmate got a bit carried away there. Listen, listen, I'm the guild master so I can explai-"


The woman who approached first, who seemed to be in charge of the entire operation, delivered a swift and brutal open-handed slap to Tomoe's face, sending him reeling. "Ow! Goddammit, ow!", the Joyan would screech, knowing that a woman's slap was the greatest of weapons any man could face.

Being the master of a light guild, he had no choice but to take to cleaning up after his mess, spending the entire night helping laborers with fixing what had been started by him and his comrade. Maybe next time, if ever, the location would be somewhere way less... public. He'd need to apologize to Penumbral Guard later, knowing that his actions have probably given the guild a hefty bill from the destruction that he and Natsumi had caused.

Eventually, after bowing in apology later that night, he set out to get some sleep.

- EXIT -

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