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Shopping Crisis [Aly | NQ]

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Shopping Crisis [Aly | NQ] Empty Thu Nov 05, 2020 5:35 am

Today, Aly had been given a different kind of mission. It didn't come from the guild itself, instead a local shopkeeper had reached out to Alyssandra personally. The wood elf had woken up to a letter on his desk, likely placed there by a courier but the fact it had happened while he slept was a bit disconcerting. Regardless, he now had a letter on his desk from some unknown shop owner in Magnolia. And this man had some work for Aly. The letter read:

Dear Alyssandra,

I am writing to you today to, in no small way, ask for your help. I have heard that you are a mage in the Fairy Tail guild, and I hope your recent inclusion into the guild will work to both of our advantage. You see, I am constantly plagued by loan sharks who come into my shop at night and steal my wares because I can't pay them back. I don't know what else to do but I know if I go directly to the guild that they'll find out and I'll be dead. That is why I need your help, because they won't know who you are and it'll be safer for all of us.

Please meet me at 114 Magnolia High Street. I'm counting on you.

Aly barely gave himself any time to finish the letter before he rushed out of his room, and then the guildhall, to reach the man's storefront. It was someone in need and it sounded like a life or death situation. This was something Aly could work with, this was something he was very excited about. No more saving cats or locating flowers or anything of the sort. Today, he was getting the chance to be a real hero.


Shopping Crisis [Aly | NQ] Unknown

Shopping Crisis [Aly | NQ] Empty Thu Nov 05, 2020 5:43 am

He met the shopkeeper, a lovely frail man named Marc, about an hour later, as he had forgotten how large a city Magnolia was and how useless it was to actually try and run to somewhere like 114 Magnolia High Street. Regardless, the out of breath elf soon made it, just in time for the shop to close its doors. Marc seemed almost overwhelmed that Aly had arrived, apparently having almost given up hope that anyone would come and save him from his situation. Seeing anyone, even the D rank ranger, appear and extend a helping hand must've been an incredible feeling for him. He allowed Alyssandra to enter the shop, locking the doors behind him as the day slowly turned to night.

It wasn't until around 10pm, at which point the sun was gone and the moon was high, with the darkness of winter creeping across the sky, that they finally arrived. They weren't expecting any company, and they apparently had their own key. But that was not also. Another thing that they didn't know was that they were dealing with an experienced hunter and trapper, someone who stalked his prey as if it was second nature.

Three well placed shots from his bow alerted the two men who had entered that they weren't alone. However, Aly had planned it much better than simply firing off three attacks. Each attack had come from a different angle in the shop, as the wood elf silently made his way through the shop, suggesting to the men that there were more than just the one elf to contend with. A few more attacks, one aimed directly between the first man's legs, was enough to convince them not to bother the shop again. The even dropped their key on the way out. The next morning, Marc paid Alyssandra, not even bothered about the couple of arrows that were sticking out of his wooden beams. If anything, he felt they added more character to the shop, and warned any would-be bandits to stay away, should they ever try anything like that again.



Shopping Crisis [Aly | NQ] Unknown

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