It seemed Judina's moment of quiet seemed to have slowly shifted into something else, Than again how often does anyone visit these graves? no one else was generally here. Then again a lot of people often forget to visit these areas now days."You must enjoy finding me at time when I did not wish to be found."It sounded slightly passive aggressive, Then again given what she was standing over and a part of Kurisa knew whom these two graves were.
Grim reflection upon people long gone, Were not things some people handled well, Maybe Judina was one of them, Then again she was most likely more angry over how it happen too. Alistair still for the most part had been here quietly waiting for Judina to be done, seemingly staring upon whom was speaking. However the massive cat did not move an inch.
Alas a persons work never being done, That click of her brain Judina would turn back to herself so to say, No longer lost into her thoughts or just standing upon family long passed. It was easy to pick up that change."Very well, What is it?"So blank and voided of emotions so quickly almost like she was already repressing her own emotions, something maybe she should not risk at all.
When would running from emotion ruin this person? it was a question most people would easily have to guess."I can assume it is fairly important if your not here in person."It had Judina curious now, it broke her mind from quietly grieving death that just so far seemingly she and her mother might remember. After all Judina was never a woman to carry flowers.