To think that Fiore would drastically change his life in a matter of months was insane. The Desiertan never would have thought he'd stray so far away from who he once was. Honestly, the icing on the cake was when Odin murdered his only friend. Since then, Ezekiel knew the man he had to be. Safiya only made it much easier. The Sentinel's parents were probably disappointed in who their child was now, but at least he was still doing this to conserve mother earth. They were probably with the nature spirits and the elven ancestors, reluctantly watching over him. The Vampire silently strolled towards the mountains of Seighart where he'd walk beyond as he voyaged be to Magnolia City. No, he wasn't going to visit Fairy Tail because he actually cared, but knowledge was power. It was important for him to know what was happening, when it was happening and why it was happening. He had to be ahead of everything if he wanted to influence and protect the world. Plus, he was immortal now- ageless at the very least. He had all the time in the world, so why not take advantage of it? He wasn't in a rush.
In the end he would probably be the last living being on the earth. With a smirk he tucked his hands into his pockets. The moon lit the night sky as the clouds smothered the stars. If he continued at this pace, he should arrive in Magnolia by the morning. With a yawn he stretched his arms before burping. He had completely drained some random man of all his tasty blood, though it wasn't enough. Zeke blinked. Lately he found himself growing more and more hungry. It was like he was building a tolerance to the amount of blood he was drinking. At three times a day he drank blood- not every time resulted in someone's death but perhaps he was over-feeding. The Desiertan bit his lip to take his mind off of the warm, ruby red liquid. Take it easy, he told himself. At this rate he would become what they called a "Feral". It was a Vampire who had been addicted to feeding and couldn't stop. Take it easy, he told himself again as he walked towards the city of Fairies.