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Yami, the One-Eyed Panther

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Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Sat Aug 01, 2020 4:02 pm


Yami, the One-Eyed Panther

Somewhere in Hosenka, the rumored One-Eyed Panther resides. He moves in silence and always manages to remain undetected. The other three bosses were actually all serving this guy. There is always a bigger fish in the pond. The Silent Serpents want to take him down to end it all. They found the details about his next whereabouts. The One-Eyed Panther will be attending a meeting at the Crimson Quarter. The Silent Serpents want to defeat him with Daeva Eye's assistance. The adventurers must fight their way through his goons and find Yami, the One-Eyed Panther, together with the Silent Serpents to slay him.

Quest Enemies

  • Yami:

    • Rank: S-rank (700,000XP)
    • Weapons: Gold Ring (+200 DMG)
    • Armor: Suit (3x S-rank Durability)
    • Resistances: Moderate Physical Resistance
    • Strength: 200 STR
    • Speed: 300 SPE
    • Constitution: 300 CON
    • Endurance: 300 END
    • Description: In battle, Yami only utilizes his body. He is a renowned martial artist. With a skin like diamond, he cannot be cut or pierced.

  • Others:

    • 100x Panther Yakuza Recruits (40 STR, 20 SPE, 30 CON, 20 END)
    • 60x Panther Yakuza (80 STR, 20 SPE, 50 CON, 40 END)

Quest Details

  • Reward: 20,000 Experience, 500,000 Jewels, 10 Statistic Points and 1000 Fame.

  • Requirements: 5000 words per participant, spread over at least 10 posts. It must be attended by Kurisa, Leika, and Xandra.


Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Sat Aug 01, 2020 5:25 pm


Sadao, Dai & Kinji:

Kurisa had to get ready to help out the men who wanted some type of partnership with Daeva eye. Apparently they needed her and the two others; Leika and Xandra to help them defeat the big boy. The three they had to go after before were only pawns of him. She sent the info to the others about what was needed. The men were going to join them as this was supposed to be a tough battle. Weren't the S rank missions suppose to be tough too? She always went through them like a knife and butter. She flipped her radiant sunbeam hair to the side and walked towards the Crimson Quarter. She wore a white crop top and a leather jacket unzipped. Her pants were bell jean pants. This was not the eighties, but she liked the style still, sue her.

The people around here were going about their day not knowing anything that was happening, or ignoring it. She was hoping Xandra and Leika will be there by the time she got there or right after. There was much to do and to talk about. The air was crisp, thick like smog as the day turned into night. They were supposed to meet at that time of day. It was safer for the others that lived in Hosenka. One eye will be there hiding behind his crooks that they will have to beat up first. How many will there be? She did not know since they did not give any super details.

Her eyes cornered to see the three standing there waiting. Waiting for them she assumed since there was nothing else. Her eyes spotted Dia gazed at Kurisa who smirked, "Heh, didn't expect to see you so early." He gave a scowl facial expression as always. He always looked pissed, but sometimes she felt like he really was not. Her eyes looked at the others, "This is Sadao." He pointed towards the shirtless man with tattoos around his shoulders and partly on his chest. He seemed taller than Dai by only a few inches. He slicked his hair back and used his other hand to wave. "This here is Kinji. He doesn't talk much." Dai replied and used his thumb to direct towards the white-haired guy. He seemed peaceful, a beautiful man who could a white snake hiding behind a human body.

He just simply nods and then they look directly behind Kurisa as the others arrive. Which way? Not sure. Within this moment and time as they introduce themselves to the girls that don't know them, she thinks a lot. The beaming light posts shine barely enough to reveal anything else besides them as they stood under one. A block away was where the crooks of Yami's and Yami himself were residing. She wondered about what she will do since she only had so many spells. This will be a little fun. Will it not? Her eyes studied Leika and Xandra as they most likely introduced themselves to the ones they now know. If not then all that was left were the explanations that were left out, questions to be asked, and answered as well as destroying the enemy.


#3Leika Earthe 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:34 pm

Leika Earthe
Leika had somehow managed to oversleep, as she awoke to discover Kurisa had left without her already. Her tail was snuggled into her chest and Bolt was nudging her in an attempt to wake her from her slumber. Once the wolf-girl was roused, Bolt brayed and gestured his head repeatedly to indicate they needed to leave now. Leika jumped up so quickly she managed to step on her own tail and fall flat on her face again.

Bolt rolled his eyes and grabbed her long purple dress in his mouth, bringing it to her.

She was about to head out the door in her birthday suit when the Blitzle tossed the gown at her. Leika blinked at the purple material object that Kuri had made for her to wear. She sighed and begrudgingly slipped into it, getting stuck a couple of times as Bolt grabbed it and tugged helping her dress. Once it was on, she headed out of the hotel and ran back toward the Crimson Quarter where she was pretty sure she and the others were to meet.


She arrived on all fours skidding around a corner with Bolt behind her and spotted Kurisa, Sadeo, and two unfamiliar men talking. She scrambled over to Kuri and sat crouched behind her legs, peeking around like a wild animal or shy child would. Bolt nudged Kuri's hand hoping for a head scratch as the humans (human being a relative term) conversed. As introductions were being made, Leika silently observed the interactions.

Her tail swished behind her, her ears pricking with curiosity. She couldn't help but wonder what their next job was. They introduced themselves to her and her ears lowered timidly as she softly said her own name, "Leika..."

She then looked up at Kurisa, and at Xandra if the pink-haired girl had arrived yet. Soon, they would begin, and she was only just realizing her potential as a mage. Having just discovered her magic, she had a lot to learn. Perhaps later on she should train her magic, see how far she could go. But for now, she would support her group the best she could. This would be her first real fight, against an unknown enemy that was far more powerful than herself.

She hadn't seen Xandra's powers, but she had seen Kurisa in action once. She trusted them to protect her. These men though? She trusted Sadeo. But the other two were strangers to her, and she wasn't sure how she felt yet about them. I guess we'll find out how strong these men are when the fighting starts.

[444/5,000 WC]

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Re05b7827f6d0915b454b47e52dbd19ed?rik=nl96VdRemUpvjA&pid=ImgRaw
Fiorian #ff6600, Sinese #006600
#4Xandra Queen † 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:53 am

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 552/5000
Mana: 4530/4530

A smile crawled upon her lips as her golden gaze lit up while reading the contents of the letter. It seemed that the Serpents had required their help a lot sooner than she had anticipated. Kurisa had sent word about the time and location of the gathering while giving a gist of the situation. It was almost as if they were about to face the final boss. In fact, that was exactly what was happening. While they didn't have a plan of action ready, it appeared that all of them would be going in together. Kurisa, Leika and the Bellan as well as the three men from the Silent Serpents. She had only known Kinji due to his involvement in her previous task but the remaining two were rather unknown to her. All she knew was what was retained in her memory from glancing over the notes she had seen during her first meeting with the members of Daeva Eye.

Making her way down the dark and dusky road, she noticed people leisurely walking around as the admired the beauty of the place, unaware of the dangers that lurked. The further into the city she sauntered, the crowd lessened. As she got closer to the infamous Crimson Quarters, the number of tourists roaming the area significantly decreased as every person around her seemed shady. Xandra was clad in a black dress that cinched around the waist and then flowed down to her thighs, stopping mid-way. She wore a pair of black shorts underneath while a pair of combat boots adorned her feet. While it may not have seemed like something she would wear to battle, it was rather practical and allowed her to move freely. After all, that's what she needed. Her short pink hair was pushed behind with a black hairband that rested on her head.

Not long after entering the dreaded streets of the Crimson Quarters, she found them huddled around in a group. The three men stood in front of Kurisa who had Leika shriveled up behind her leg. It seemed as if everyone had already arrived. The smirk on her face quickly fell as she made her way over. It was time to get down to business. "I'm Xandra, from Daeva Eye." The other two men also introduced themselves. Compared to Kinji, they seemed a lot more dangerous. However, as someone who had worked with him, she knew that was probably not the case. Nevertheless, in terms of combat, she believed they would truly be more helpful than the silver haired man.

"Alright, now that we're all here," She looked towards the men, "What do you know about this Yami dude? We need every bit of information we can get in order to beat him. His lackeys were a handful, I can only imagine what a pain the boss is going to be." They needed a plan of action and it was time to create one. With a sigh, Kinji opened his mouth for the first time since she got here. "With all of us together, Yami himself won't be much of a threat. However, we are in his turf. His force would be about ten times the size of ours, maybe even more. We won't be able to get to him unless we destroy his underdogs first."
template by rem of WW

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sig10

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Tue Aug 04, 2020 1:17 pm


Kurisa slicked her long wavy hair back for her bangs to end up flicking back to the way it was. Her eyes wandered back and forth between the five that wasn't herself. She wanted them to introduce themselves, get to know each other, but Xandra got right to business as always. She smiled softly as she enjoyed that part about her. She asked them what they all knew about the guy, Yami. That named sounded so familiar. Like the guy in Kuri's past, but no way it was that man. He had to be some dark race or immortal at that.

The dude that was silent finally spoke about how it should be easy, but the guy had quite a few crooks to beat up. A different way than what he said, but meant the same thing. Kurisa nodded, "Alright, so what I've heard is that he's an amazing Martial artist, so being close up won't be good for any of us. No point in trying to cut him up or anything as his body is like a diamond itself. Strong and durable so who knows how much close fighting he can take. I say we just keep ourselves apart from each other and him. First things first though. We have to get rid of all his lackeys." Kurisa instructed and told everyone. Not just her other guild members, but also the three men.

Being here for three months or so does something to you, like making allies and knowing things about people. Contacts are always important rather they're dark and light/good or bad. "Let's go." She said and walked through the alleyway that was dark as the abyss till they were at an opening again. The building itself was guarded by tons of guards. How many did he really need?! Was he that weak or just wanted to make use of his money? There were a lot of questions, but there was not any time for that. The guards were ready and so was she. The rest? Most likely as she then burst forward towards them, creating a spell. She pointed her finger towards them but hurried to take it back. She didn't have time to really mess with all of them. They hurried to charge at them.

Kurisa wasn't sure what everyone else did, but she stayed in the middle, touched the middle of her chest as her eyes glowed a violent blue. The summoning circle appeared in front of her as an 8 meter long by 8-meter tall Tsunami raged towards them as they lined up. Her hand shifted in front of her quickly to end up shooting any crooks going towards her. "Front line out!" she yelled as the tsunami took away the front liners. It was quite a large amount of damage that no weakling or even a semi-strong person could handle. She watched the entrance to Yami to shoot spells at them if anymore appeared. This was a rather fun fight, if only she had a real weapon.




Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sigme10
#6Leika Earthe 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:42 am

Leika Earthe
Leika and Bolt stayed beside Kuri as she explained the scenario off to them. Looked like they were in for a bit of a fight. In fact, it sounded like it was going to be a pretty big fight. Bigger than her first battle. She looked toward the entrance, covered in guards. If those were all bad people, getting inside wasn't going to be easy at all. Even with the six of them, they were drastically outnumbered. One didn't need to be able to count to see that.

Kurisa wasted no time, being the first to attack. She charged toward the enemy with such speed and grace that Leika, for the moment, was frozen in stunned admiration for her friend. She then displayed a show of magic, and the Beastmaster realized she wasn't so odd after all for having magic of her own. Albeit inexperienced and new to this, she'd definitely do her best to help. The three men charged in behind Kurisa to join the fray, taking out a few baddies following Kuri's tsunami.

After Kuri, Sadeo, Kai, and Kinji... Bolt stomped his hooves charging himself with lightning. He then charged toward the oncoming attackers in a straight line taking out as many as he could hit at once. A few moved to the side and avoided the attack, but the Blitzle did manage to take down at least three of his targets.

While all this was happening, Leika suddenly let out an inhumane howl, much like a wild wolf, and her eyes began to glow red. A yellow aura surrounded Bolt, making him stronger as he helped the others fight. Leika seemingly stayed behind the ground, not straying too far but not getting herself physically involved neither as she growled low, staying low to the ground and watching things unfold.

[751/5,000 WC]


Spells Cast:


Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Re05b7827f6d0915b454b47e52dbd19ed?rik=nl96VdRemUpvjA&pid=ImgRaw
Fiorian #ff6600, Sinese #006600
#7Xandra Queen † 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:16 am

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 1082/5000
Mana: 4390/4530

It appeared as though things were moving faster than she had anticipated. With her question and Kinji's response, Kurisa clarified and presented the information that she knew. She assumed that would have either discussed it before her arrival or she must have found out from them somehow. Kinji simply nodded along with a sigh, as it probably saved him the energy of having to explain himself. While Xandra was rather fond of the silver serpents, after all they did help them clean up the trash, she wasn't keen on getting to know them better or becoming buddies with them. She wanted to create a line between them that they should know they cannot cross. She was quite grateful none of the others indulged in the whole getting to know each other concept either. They were here for a mission and she wanted to get that over with rather fast. It seemed as if the men had also realized the silent power struggle taking place between the men and women but decided to let it go. After all, they were the ones who needed help.

Nodding along to what Kurisa said, they simply decided to depart towards their destination. Walking through the dark streets of the vicinity, they reached a large building, quite visibly bigger and sturdier than those surrounding it. Heaps of guards flooded the area as they wandered around as if on patrol. For keeping things lowkey, they were surely announcing the presence of someone important. She looked at the others and nodded in acknowledgement. This was definitely the place. However, sneaking around would do them no good. Their best option was to simply bulldoze through the crowd. They had to defeat these small fries and they had to do it fast. If they weren't quick enough, Yami might escape. This was their only chance and it seemed as if everyone took it seriously.

Kurisa went ahead with a large scale attack, wiping out an entire line of soldiers. She knew the woman was strong but this was a lot more fun to watch than she had expected. Everyone was filled with a fiery passion as they followed the blonde woman into battle, taking guards down one at a time. Xandra chose to stay at the back as a rear guard. It seemed that even Leika was giving her best with the little beast by her side. Given their number, they would definitely try to use that to their advantage. As they advanced further, guards started gathering around them, attempting to attack in every way. Since everyone else was taking good care of the ones in the front, she let a smirk rest on her lips as she realized it was her turn to show them what she was made of. She turned around and snapped her finger. The men that were gathered together in an attempt to attack them as a group soon suffered as a large, purple magic circle, with a diameter of eight meters, formed over their head. Before they had the chance to react, sharp needle-like rain fell over their heads. They probably felt the pain and fatigue that her poison magic was skilled at.
template by rem of WW



Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sig10

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:50 pm


After she went in and started the battle, she watched the rest join in. Leika had her companion go, the boys went out to do their own thing and Xandra used some interesting magic. She never has seen it before, but it looked pretty good. Her eyes looked forward to where the door was. Yami had to be hiding there. No matter where she had to go though she had to make sure she didn't step in someone else's magic nor ability. She put her hair all the way up in a bun as she looked at everyone's positions. She had to quickly think about where she was going to go. Currently, she was in the middle, exact position to dash towards the door and run straight at it.

The door was about only ten to twelve meters from where she stood. She licked her canines and got her body ready. The guys were clearing their own way through so it was up to her to clear forward. Swiftly, she dashed forward and ran with her hand against her chest. Her icy eyes glared forward as a Leviathan dragon was summoned to devour those in front of her within an eight-meter distance from herself and forward. With that, she was now only two meters away. If anyone tried to stab her, it went through her body as if she was a ghost. Her back was now against the door as she cleared a three by eight-meter way forward.

The men were still fighting their way as they had to get rid of the ones that were coming from the side alleyways. If only she had a real weapon instead of just magic. She had to be careful of how much she used at this moment since there was still Yami to take care of. Softly, she sighed and paid attention to the status of everyone. Leika seemed to be in good hands since her companion was trying to defend and fight. Xandra can handle herself and the men were at least good at fighting.

"Let's go!"
She motioned her hand, waved for them to get over here. She opened the door quickly and let them go first. Anyone tried to come in she blasted the last few. Once they went in, that was where the rest of them were. Yami was in the back on a higher level floor watching them. "Hah, let's see you get past the rest of them." He smirked in a cocky way. It was obviously way too easy outside, but now she understood why. The rest were here. She kept the door open till everyone was in shut it immediately.

All of her powerful spells were gone. Kurisa noted on how she had to make and find out more spells. This was clearly not enough to save people. She had to be more powerful to save people and if she can't win against these fools, how will she destroy the evils in which she only believed to be evil. These guys for example. There she stood again in the middle front. Where everyone else stood was on them.




Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sigme10
#9Leika Earthe 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Tue Aug 11, 2020 11:02 pm

Leika Earthe
The Silver Serpents stayed with Kurisa and Xandra, while Bolt stayed close to Leika. This would be a lot easier if Leika was more proficient in her magic and had more companions. But, as she was only starting to learn, being thrust into such a dangerous situation would have to pass for what would be considered a first-hand learning experience. At least the boys seemed to hold their own well, and Kuri and Xandra had some impressive magic at their disposal. They were both quite strong as well, so hopefully, Leika wouldn't be a burden on this mission.

Despite her childish innocence and lack of language and combat knowledge, Leika decided to stay at the back of the battle. She had no weapon, nor equipment of any kind. Her magic was weak. And she had one companion. She wasn't ready for a fight like this. The only thing keeping her alive at this point were the men, her two sisters, and her companion. She watched the battle take place around her, none of the enemies so much as reaching her position as the others kept them busy.

She watched the Acid Rain hailed down by Xandra, the water Dragon created by Kurisa, and Bolt charging in doing the best he can to help. Sadeo, Dai, and Kinji were also impressively skillful in combat. Leika had to prove her worth, while also being cautious. She had no combat training, but she still could do... something. She watched as Kurisa cleared a path and ran into the building followed by the men and Xandra. Leika and Bolt took up the rear, being the last to enter.

Hah, let's see you get past the rest of them.

At his words, and the look of his face, that had to be Yami... the one-eyed panther they were after. Funny. He didn't look like a panther. She saw no fur, ears, nor tail. She was expecting sometime like her or an actual cat. She had no time to ponder expectations vs reality as the fighting began. Yami's men attacked first, prompting Sadeo into action as he stabbed his dagger into the chest of one of the recruits. As he fought, Bolt moved in front of Leika and stomped, bucked, or head-butted any that got too close to Lei.

Leika looked around, seeing everyone's positions. They were spread out with herself positioned 5-10 meters behind each of them. That was enough room to work. Her eyes began to glow and she waved her hands across the floor creating a 2-meter area of vines and roots that pushed through the floor, cracking it as they actively defended the area around the Beastmaster.

[1,209/5,000 WC]


Spells Cast:


Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Re05b7827f6d0915b454b47e52dbd19ed?rik=nl96VdRemUpvjA&pid=ImgRaw
Fiorian #ff6600, Sinese #006600
#10Xandra Queen † 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:45 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 1611/5000
Mana: 4390/4530

As the battle progressed, it was evident that the number of fallen guards far exceeded the amount of effort the six of them had put in. With a few others, the Bellan decided to save her magical energy and instead, dispose of them using their favorite method; raw strength. It was clear that she was stronger than them. Perhaps, it would even be safe to say that everyone in the group was stronger than them. Each of them displayed very competent combat skills as Kurisa clearly demonstrated her power. She could see the fear in some of their eyes which translated into their hesitant moves. She felt a smirk crawl up her lips as she saw them. They were afraid, as they should be. Just when she had finished knocking down the remaining few, she felt uneasy.

Kinji had said that there were likely to be a lot more individuals and yet, they seemed to breeze through them easily. It seemed that there were more located elsewhere, most likely near Yami. Amidst the cloud of dirt and flying debris that was raised inside the building, she saw the front of their attack formation, where Kurisa stayed. The enchantress had missed it from the back and just noticed the door that the blonde destroyed, rather impressively. She made a mental note to ask her to demonstrate that spell once again later.

Xandra took a quick glance at Leika, whom she was slightly concerned about. While the girl had her companion to help her, the pink-haired mage couldn't help but worry. The demi-human felt almost like a little sister with her innocence and naivety. However, she seemed as if she was doing fine. Running on ahead, she watched the man also gather through the bodies they left behind. She ran through the door, staying at the forefront this time. Behind her, she heard footsteps which indicated that the rest had entered. A loud thud boomed through the vicinity, indicating that there was no exit.

She stood a few meters in front of the rest, looking up at Yami, who leisurely stood as he challenged them. While she recalled the information they had discussed about him, she knew he was strong and yet, just looking at him ticked her off. She glanced around the room, noticing men and women, dressed in black suits as they readied themselves to attack. "Let's hope they're stronger than the previous bunch."

Yami looked rather buff and big. Just his build, as well as the armor that he wore over his body, indicated that he would be a tough opponent. Moreover, his renowned abilities as a martial artist made her realize that he wouldn't be a very easy opponent in a physical, close ranged fight. They would have to attack him with magic and from a place out of his range. Perhaps it was best that she saved her magic for now. As the tattooed man, Sadeo if she recalled correctly, took initiative to start the fight by stabbing one of them, she took another look around and positioned herself into a battle stance. It was probably best to let Yami underestimate them. For now, at least.
template by rem of WW


Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sig10

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:47 pm


She looked at Yami in which she paid attention to all the details of him. He really did look like some mob boss, godfather type of person. He was super serious about his business and we were not in his way. His mob goons were here now to try to defeat them, but they no doubt were the same as the ones outside. There was no way that they were tougher, not in her opinion. The three men went out and went to do their thing. The weaker men were up in front as the obvious stronger ones were guarding the boss man.

Her eyes gazed at them and nodded her head for everyone else to join. She walked towards the middle and pointed in a shooting stance. Swiftly, she shot a few with her starlight-like bullet that covered about four by four meters to her right. She only defeated a few, but a few were good enough for right now. She gave a rather sinister smile as her mind was slowly depleting. The longer she fights, the more blood she witnesses the more her mind lets go. It lets Ana take over in which she tries to not let it happen. Sometimes it is difficult though.

As she shot the blood-splattered in her face. Her clothes were getting filthy the more she was killing. There were no witnesses and there was no mercy to the enemies of her guild and the guild of these three men. Her eyes flickered into a ruby red. If only she had a real weapon she could slaughter them like pigs. Ana's train of thought became more controlling as Kuri and Arisa no longer had control over the body. "Haha, none of you are worthy!~" She spoke in a dark sinister tone and laughed.

It made her remember when she went crazy after Yami from ages ago broke Kuri's heart. She destroyed and killed everyone in the bar. Tore a woman's jugular with her own teeth and then drank the bar's booze while the place was burning down. This place was going to be next, other than the fire. She was not as strong as she used to be as her strength was at a one. There was only death in her eyes as if she only had a takeover and Ana was the Takeover. She licked the blood off of her plumped lips as more came towards her.  

"Stupid humans."
She made a fist with one finger pointed towards them. It was like a taunt, but a large four by four-meter bubble dropped on top of them and exploded. The grunts were practically ants to her. As the bubble exploded, so did their bodies. She laughed at it all as Ana was taking more control. The three guys paid no attention, Xandra was destroying it and Leika was doing her own thing. Deep within she had hoped that Leika was doing alright. She met her while she was vulnerable. She did not know how to really speak enough to talk to people and she had nowhere to stay.

Men were bothering her like the gang of guys that she feared away. For now, she was taking care of her as if she was her own child. The girl needed to learn some things since she was enslaved and trapped away from the world. She knew what that was like. She was experimented on, used for the amusement of others, and to study things that they will not study on normal humans. Sure she was 'human' once, but she declared to not be. It did not matter what they saw her as she knew what she was.

Yami continued to gaze, but with more fear as he watched Kurisa/Ana enjoy the blood bath she was giving to these people and herself. It was as if she was bloodthirsty. Truthfully, she was and it was giving her memories of her old life when she resided in Kuri's body. Was this the feeling of being 'bad'? She felt excited, her heart was pumping faster the more she went through all these bodies.

Let the bodies hit the floor.




Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sigme10
#12Leika Earthe 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Tue Aug 18, 2020 9:29 pm

Leika Earthe
So far everything was going in their favor. Leika watched as her guild sisters and the three men from the other guild easily dispatched of the recruits, leaving only the tough guards to defend. Soon. Soon they'd be facing the boss behind this operation. Was she even ready for such a fight? Kurisa's impressive magical prowess eliminated a good chunk of the enemies by itself. This posed as bad news for Leika. As the remaining Yakuza realized the men, Xandra, and Kurisa were too powerful, they decided to focus on the Demi-human that hung passively at the back of the group. Viewing her as the weakest link, the men charged her.

Big mistake.

Five of them were ensnared and easily immobilized by her vines. Once trapped, they were easily taken out by a surprise assault from Sadeo and Kinji. Dai took out three by himself, protecting the cornered Beastmaster. With only a couple remaining, Bolt's mouth opened forming a ball of lightning which he then fired at one of the yakuza, stunning him. However, the little zebra wasn't strong enough to take him out and he retaliated against the Blitzle knocking him back.

He cried out in pain and Leika raised her hand pointing at the lightning zebra as she released a green light from her fingertip, healing the wounds of her companion. She looked toward Yami, glaring at the man that so smugly observed them, feeling safe and untouchable.

We'll see just how untouchable he truly is.

[1,463/5,000 WC]


Spells Cast:


Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Re05b7827f6d0915b454b47e52dbd19ed?rik=nl96VdRemUpvjA&pid=ImgRaw
Fiorian #ff6600, Sinese #006600
#13Xandra Queen † 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Wed Aug 19, 2020 4:20 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 2277/5000
Mana: 4270/4530

It appeared as though Yami's confidence in his remaining guards was rather uncalled for, just like her intervention in the fight. She had perhaps knocked down one or two guards with absent consciousness while she observed her surroundings. It wasn't something unnatural as the guards had proven to be rather weak compared to the six representatives of the two guilds, despite their clear advantage in numbers. It seemed as if some of the guards decided to target Leika. While she didn't seem to be particularly weak, the presence of the remaining five did manage to overshadow her, perhaps due to the difference in battle experiences. Regardless, it was needless for her to worry as Leika had managed to knock them down. The men, too, defeated a few guards. However, a majority of them were taken care of by Kurisa. As the water mage's attacks left echoing sounds that reverberated through the room, the Bellan guided her gaze towards Yami.

He seemed rather fixated on Kurisa and her oddly violent attacks, which were very unlike her. After seeing her in action a couple of times, she had noticed that the blonde was more of a provisional fighter. Against an army, she sent large and strong attacks and unlike the enchantress, she didn't depend of strategies or schemes for her fight. It was a trait that Xandra respected. However, her fighting style had drastically differed now, evident with the blatant splatters of blood. Her eyes seemed to have a lingering blood lust as she attacked.

Xandra definitely didn't miss this opportunity. Rather than focusing on the peculiarity of Kurisa's behavior, she looked at Yami who looked slightly afraid. More than anything, his disbelief was written all over his face. Perhaps he didn't expect his guards to be so useless, or his enemies to be that strong. While his attention remained on Kurisa, the pink haired mage didn't miss her chance as she clawed her right hand, forming a purple orb before tossing it upwards, towards him. By the time he saw the attack coming, it was too late for him to evade it. The purple orb collided with his armor, creating an explosion which was about four meters in diameter. She knew she had to weaken the enemy because according to the information they had, it was their best chance at victory.

Rather than giving him a moment to recover, she immediately raised her other hand, creating yet another purple orb which launched towards him. Xandra knew her attacks would hit, they always did. As expected, upon impact, it created another explosion. A cloud of dust formed in front of him as the remnants of the area around which she stood got blown away by her attacks. The pieces of the concrete fell onto the ground. She took this moment to look at Kurisa, whose crude remarks had not gone unnoticed. She assumed that this was likely an odd case of possession or the blonde losing control. However, with the way her eyes shone with blood, Kurisa was a double-edged sword in the Bellan's eyes. "Kurisa, I'll be frank. I don't care if you lose control as long as you remember who your enemy is and who are the people that you absolutely must not hurt." She didn't know if Kurisa could hear her or not but it was worth a shot. While she didn't know what happened to her, she did trust her gut instinct which told her that this was not the blonde she knew.

From the words she heard, she made a gamble as she turned her attention back towards Yami. "After all, the most worthless human is the one you have to fight." She had hoped Leika came a little closer to quell the hatred Kurisa had towards humans. After looking at the half-wolf, perhaps she wouldn't attack her own allies. Yami, rather unharmed with no more than a few scratches on his armor, jumped down from the top floor and stood before them.
template by rem of WW

Spells Used:

Yami, the One-Eyes Panther:

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sig10

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Wed Aug 19, 2020 5:45 pm


A shadow loomed over Kurisa's body that no one could see with a normal naked eye. It smirked and coated her body with its' embrace. Her blonde hair was a mess as it was all over the place from all the moving. She was not as fast as most of the fighters she has met, but she could still dodge and blast people in the face. Within time while she blasted and shot the men down she saw Leika use her companion and the men were there helping her. Dai, Saedo, and Kinji were protecting her at all costs as they knew she was the weakest link. It made it easier for her to go and have her own fun.

At the same time, she had to make sure she was not hitting anyone at all with her spells - even if she just wanted some bloodshed. These humans were disgusting, as much as the dark races of hell. Vampires, Werewolves - stupid mutts, daemons - even if they were hot as hell and then you had him, a lich. These humans who loved to hurt innocent people were just as disgusting as them. Their existence shall be denied and be her plaything till their dead bodies dangled as they will with Justice's whip of the rope.

Ana listened to Xandra's words about who was her enemy and who was not. She cornered her gaze at the pink-haired woman with her red bloody eyes. They mirrored the girl's expression who was not really afraid, but more worried probably. There was no time to assume though as Yami was here watching it all. "Be well assured that those who are enemies within thy heart before my cometh will be amerced and find a perpetual wink. Thee art not." She spoke of old as she rarely speaks sanely. When she did she only spoke with half-old words.

Ana cared not in the end as she saw her enemy gaze into her eyes with fear as he should. Her eyes glowed with rings around the iris of her eyes. Quickly, wings of golden white fluttered upward as she slowly flew above ground within a ten-meter height. Her aura was empowering as she feared the man to cower, but not enough to where he will not fight back. She remembered when she first became an angel, a Seraphim at the time and then into a Nephilim. Why did she deserve to be downgraded?! Her eyes started to become watery as she remembered it all to the point of feeling the men violate her body and then stabbed her to death. The men ran off and everyone left her to bleed to death.

The riding suns came forth to give Arisa another chance to live, becoming an angel. They burned her back, gave her a tattoo and powerful abilities. She felt so lucky that she was given a chance, but then after some year or years later they took it back. What did she do wrong? What did she do wrong?! Her head shook as she tried to forget that day, but it will forever be with her, just like when the ones she loved left her too.

It made her hate most men if not all. They will just be her toys, but Kuri and Ari felt forgiving, but not her...


She went back to paying attention as her eyes saw him still there and jumped down onto the ground away from his little hide away. There was no point in hiding now that all of his worthless goons were killed. They all deserved their death. She snickered as she could not wait to have his head on a pike. It wiled her up.

Who will he fight though? He sneered towards them both and went towards Xandra. Her own eyes became cold as she did not like being ignored.

"How dare you!" She screeched as her eyes glared at him. She continued to watch him walk towards Xandra till they were about five meters apart and she was still flying in the sky. Fuck this guy man. She'll first torture him after this and sacrifice him to the Goddess of Sin, herself. She will become one herself so she can punish humanity like the god's punished her. She pointed towards his direction summoning a large circle under him. The circle glowed with raging water circling around the outer edge of it.

Quicker the water was circling as a large four by four-meter shark jumped out from under him. His body was seen within the shark and once it was finished the shark disappeared. His body was torn as his clothes were no longer neat. What a pathetic little man. His armor needed to go.  With his armor on, he could probably take on a few more spells within her rank.

Dai and the rest of the men paid more attention as they sided with Xandra while Yami was facing her. Leika was behind them as she had no idea what she was going to do at this point. Yami will most likely delete her companion if it even got near it. Yami was not funny business nor fun to play around with when it came to the physical business. Thankfully, she relied on magical instead of the properties of physical damage.




Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sigme10
#15Xandra Queen † 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Tue Aug 25, 2020 1:19 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 2899/5000
Mana: 4095/4530

The atmosphere within the vicinity darkened as silence befell. All the guards had dropped either unconscious or dead onto the ground, giving Xandra and her team the benefit of numbers. While Yami was alone, opposing six individuals that breezed through this army of guards, he was the strongest out of them. He was far more experiences. After all, he didn't reach the top of the ladder by simply sitting around. A part of her was rather curious about his status as a renowned martial artist but even she knew that they may not be able to handle it if he decided to show it to them.

The reply that she received to the words she had said made her knit her brows into a frown. While she was concerned about the virago, the words she spoke seemed to heed a warning. She could always figure out what was happening to Kurisa later but for now, they had an enemy to defeat. Albeit her words seemed to have been a few centuries too old, the blonde delivered news that made the enchantress nod her head in acknowledgement. Regardless of what was going on, she didn't pay too much attention to it as long as Kurisa, or whatever she was at that moment, was on their side. As she had launched her attacks, which caused some destruction to the railing on the top floor, she watched as Kurisa grew a pair of wings and rose to where he had stood. The Bellan couldn't see her face but she watched the blonde, disheveled woman shake her head as if attempting to throw her thoughts elsewhere. She seemed to be going through an internal turmoil.

Yami soon jumped down, glancing between the two women who seemed to pose the most threat to him. He didn't even bother to bat an eye to the others. His gaze settled on the pink-haired female, perhaps concluding that she was weaker of the two, which wasn't exactly a lie. However, Xandra was more than prepared to deal with him. Her gaze observed him and the body underneath his armor, causing her to wonder if she was physically stronger than him or not. While she had heard that he was rather resistant to physical force, she was still willing to give it a shot. She stared at him, letting a small smirk crawl onto her lips before she heard the blonde angel scream at being ignored. However, before the Bellan could launch an attack, the Nephilim beat her to it.

A magic circle appeared underneath his feet as a shark launched upwards towards him, attacking him. Xandra, of course, did not miss this opportunity to also land a blow on him while he was staggering due to the shark attack. Quickly tapping her foot against the floor, a purple mist surrounded her body as she stayed within her position. Propelling from the mist were several hundreds of small needles that aimed towards Yami, hitting him in different spots and dealing the damage. As he was falling from the impact of the attacks, and the mist dispelled and the female pushed herself against the same foot and immediately closed the five meters gap between them. She raised her leg and slammed down her foot onto his chest, with as much strength as she could muster. She hoped Kurisa wouldn't attack during the time she was close to him.

The sound of his cough caught her attention as it had indicated that his suit, which acted as an armor, had been broken through. As soon as she heard the cough, she jumped backwards, creating a distance of six meters between them. They couldn't give him any time to recover. "Kurisa, now!", She shouted.
template by rem of WW

Spells Used:

Yami, the One-Eyes Panther:

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sig10

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:57 pm


Kurisa hated to be ignored. It reminded her of how people did not care about leaving her behind, left her to die on that cold rainy day as she bled to death to become what she was today. It sickened her to the point where there was no redemption for those that sinned. She cold gazed at them as she watched Leika stood where she was before as the men prepared to do a standby with her. They wanted to go in, but the spells between her own and Xandra's were probably greater than they could withstand.

She was not sure what or when to attack since while Xandra went in after her attack it was obviously not a good idea to blast him. Ana could care less, but the hesitant feeling she got every time she felt like blasting everyone was powerful. Her red eyes spotted Dia who was gazing at her as if waiting for some signal. He reminded her of Kon, her cousin with the white hair and gaze that told people he did not give a shit about you. Truthfully, he did deep inside, but she felt like the case of Amnesia smacked him in the face like she wanted to.

Quickly, she gazed back at Xandra within those few seconds, flying in the sky herself as they were on the ground. The woman seemed to go at it anyways with the physical attacks. Truly Kurisa was unsure how strong this woman was, but she herself was at one strength so her own strength was shit compared to everyone - including Xandra who was probably stronger than this guy's armor. It made her want to train her strength and become stronger. Perhaps in the future, she will get a real weapon and be strong enough to wield it. Sure she was powerful in things such as magic with her intelligence and all, but she felt like she was lacking in everything else.

As that one punch broke the guy's armor she heard her name, being the signal she and Dia were waiting for as he saw Kurisa prepare to pew pew. She was not going to pew pew this time though as she decided to snap her fingers, binding him and holding him still. Dia shot him a few times with his gun as she herself started to motion to do another spell. Her hand-formed into a fist and opened it up towards Yami. A circle soon appeared behind her, summoning a water-figured crane filled with light. Swiftly it dove into him as it pierced his skin. Kurisa kept her bind on him as she nodded for them to finish this up.




Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sigme10
#17Xandra Queen † 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:03 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 3381/5000
Mana: 3990/4530

The happenings before her passed hastily in a blur. The adrenaline that pumped through her blood rushed into her ears as she could hear the sound of her heartbeat drumming. Yami sat on the ground, bound by Kurisa's magic as she launched yet another attack on him, leaving him battered. He didn't seem to have to have been completely defeated yet but any onlookers could tell that he was battered and beaten. While he still had energy to fight, there was far too much she wanted to know from him so it was not yet the time to finish him off. A man like him, who committed several crimes against women and the people of Hosenka, didn't deserve to live. He bathed in luxury while others begged for their lives. Just thinking about that mere fact made her her blood boil from rage.

She clenched her fist, digging her nails into her flesh before she had to the chance to calm herself. She watched the animal Kurisa summoned as it attacked him, watching the growing fear and helplessness develop in in his eyes. It was truly what he deserved. Once her spell vanished, leaving traces of his blood splattered across the marble floor, the enchantress took a deep breath. Calming herself down, she unclenched her fist and narrowed the gap between them. Her golden eyes seemed rather dull within this omniscient lighting as she approached him, seeming to be almost grey in hue. At least that was the case until they lit up with a glowing pink, much brighter than the shade of her pastel hair. The glow in her eye, upon closer inspection, would have the subtle shape of an eye present within her iris. It was gift that she had received upon joining the guild. The Daeve Eye, a guild that sees all and knows all. At least, that's what their motto is.

However, contrary to that motto, her ability wasn't one that could simply know everything upon activation. Instead, she was given the power to mesmerize, allowing her to live up to her title as the Enchantress of the guild. She had never used this ability in front of anyone and now, all her teammates would be able to witness it. Yami's eyes, or rather, his one functional eye, reflected the glow in her gaze, leaving behind any hostility that he had possessed before. She put on a smile, one that was enchanting but obviously fake. Although, she didn't think he would be able to decipher that. As long as he was looking at her, she could guarantee that he would not attack. "Now, Mr.Yami, there are a few things I'd like to know." Seating herself down and balancing her body on her toes of her feet, she looked at him. "Apart from the three organisations and prostitution rings that we took down, how many more do you operate?"
template by rem of WW

Abilities Used:

Yami, the One-Eyes Panther:

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sig10

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Sun Aug 30, 2020 1:21 am


This guy was pathetic. Already all beaten down by mainly two women and guys on the side. While he was in a bind, literally she started to fly down and landed on her feet. This was enough. She had enough as her eye colors flickered to brown and blue. Her hair rested against her shoulders as the blonde shimmered from the lights above them. There was really no time to really mess around, but was there really no time? Softly sighing Kuri walked about five feet from Yami who gazed at the two girls. Xandra seemed to be asking him questions about the organizations they took down with the guys. Dia and the other two were walking towards them as well as Yami could not resist at all.

Yami looked at them as his eyes gave away a defeated look. Lastly gazing at Kuri he glared. "Not like you son of bitches will find them anyways." He chuckled with a gasp of pain as he winced. He became quiet or a little bit as it made her really wonder about how many were there? "Well old man?!" Dia spoke and kicked his side. He seemed to be really inpatient as it reminded her of how Kon was so impatient with the dragon chick, Rosa. He wanted answers, he wanted power, he wanted everything. When did her cousin get so thirsty for power?

It made her curious about what happened to Alice and his children, but then she remembered Judith. Her head shook as she saw Sadao hold his hand against Dia's chest. "Hold it. He won't be able to speak if you beat the shit out of him, Dia." He smirked and tilted his head at Yami who was constantly shifting gazes between all of them now. It was going to be a long damn night. "Mmm." Kuri motioned towards him to where his stomach was on the ground and moved Xandra's feet enough to budge so she will move them if she hasn't. Kuri herself sat on his back and tiredly glared at him by the corner of her eyes.

"You going to speak or shall I open your brain and find all the answers myself?" She wondered coldly. Her lips formed a frown as there were not many ways of getting answers. Either he had to speak up or she will just open up his head to reach for his brain. The brain can give off memories of that person within a few hours after being removed. As long as the hippocampus, the neocortex, and the amygdala were in contact. Hippocampus was important for the past memories from last week to months if that. Amygdala was important due to the fact that it helped all the memories stay in contact and controlled certain parts like memories of fear. Neocortex was also helpful as the memories that were stored in the hippocampus go to the Neocortex as general information - it was close to that.

Kurisa pressed her right hand against his skull, pressing hard down so his face smushed against the cement floor. "Are you going to tell us or not, because trust me I won't make it painless for you. It's better to just tell me." She spoke coldly, soothing as she let her fingertips trace alongside his skull. First from the top of his bald beautiful head that shined from the light and then circle motioned around the temporal location where the hippocampus was likely located as the area was the superior temporal line. It was a linage for the brain, but the bottom middle was at the mid-section of the ear. Her fingertip of the nail slid down his neck to his jugular and swiped it towards her. While she talked, she did that ever so slowly so he could imagine what he will feel with tools if he does not talk.

Pretty simple.

They were interrogating, she had things to do. This poor bastard messed with the wrong people. She was a mad scientist and loved experimenting. This was a piece of cake for the psychotic Nephilim. Sure she was super good, but when it came to bad people she enjoyed torturing them, getting information from them... to make them squirm. It was part of her twisted personality all thanks to that piece of shit Angel that turned her into a Seraphim in the first place. Now she was some watered down goat in comparison to what she was. Oh, they will get their turn for sure. The gods, that angel... he was a piece of work to watch her get violated by some punks who got away scot-free.

"I-I..." He shivered while her fingernails trailed down his spine that she was sitting against. "Can you imagine...?" She gave a wicked sinister smile. "The pleasure of getting that information out of you by force will probably give me more pleasure than you telling me.~" She blushed with a mischievous smirk. She thought for a second and her facial expression quickly went cold with a frown. "But so much work, so spit it out!" She spat towards him and glared with her duo eyes that shined like moon orbs.

"Alright! In my suitcase! They're the locations I keep track of and know about." He was scared for sure as he then looked at the three men and Xandra. "Are you guys going to let this crazy bitch do this to me?!" He yelled out and squirmed more. Kurisa's heart was pounding more with excitement, lust for this guy's blood, and for him to be crushed by any means necessary. She just waited, waited for the word from her partner, and the three guys. Sure she was some monster inside hiding behind an angelic beautiful woman, but she still could control herself... mostly.

Sometimes she just could not control herself, but she did this time.

She tried to remember somethings that made her not want to go out of control. "Well? Dia, go get that suitcase. It's up on the rails." Kurisa slowly looked upwards to gaze where Yami stood before. That stupid trash called a man left the most valuable thing he could have had away from his reach. Now he was being treated like some chair with no cushion. It was really like sitting on some boulder that rested against some Earth platform alongside a field of grass.

Dia nodded and went up there quickly to grab onto it. After retrieving it he went towards Kuri, Xandra, and his other pals that were apart of his little group. Kurisa herself reached into her own pocket to grab some nail polish. "Thank god I brought some of this to entertain myself." She wiggled some pink and black nail polish. "Open it up and read them. Find out how many locations there are." she instructed next. Her sharp nails needed some filing, painted, but she felt like she could to the filing later. As she started to twist the cap off of her pink nail polish she heard Dia speak up.

"I-it's locked."

"Then... unlock it?" She cocked her eyebrows as she wondered what was so hard about it. It took a few seconds before hearing him again as she was about to place the first coating on. Her assets were against Yami's back still and wiggled a little to get comfortable. She could not tell if the sicko was actually enjoying it or not. Her eyes rolled and chuckled as she thought about it. "Yami, dear... do I need to cut that ring off your finger?" She smiled sweetly to him. He picked up his hand with his ring on the finger to give it to Dia.

Slowly, the pink coat goes on first so she could decorate it with black and perhaps some mini jewels. Those were always so pretty, but sometimes she got her hands really dirty. What a shame it was sometimes. Long fingernails were really good to reach inside someone's skin, scratch them a little, and even the best part - sinking them into someone's back as the role of lust takes over you and the other person. She licked her lips as she thought of such naughty things. Perhaps she was getting a little too excited at the thought of hurting this guy or maybe it was the fact that she has been so lonely for so many years without the company of a man in bed. Sadly, she was not the type to go willy nilly anymore to any guy who offers. Perhaps she will go find a guy she has known for a while to have some passionate night after this, but first a few dates of course.

She knew deep inside though that she makes all the men to the yard, yet they never last long as they run away. Sad life, but this is the aftermath of all that. The cost was truly her sanity. "So there are a total of seven cases, we already went to three of them. So we have four more." He explained to Kurisa with his cold unamused face. She understood and signaled so with a nod while painting her nails still with her light beautiful pink that had a tint of lilac. "This is my special nail polish. I make it myself. You Want to know my secret ingredient? Rattlesnake venom. It's very beautiful - the whole process." She starts to talk quietly towards Yami as the men explain to Xandra of what she wanted to know.

"So, four huh? I suppose we got what we needed. Anything else that you need to know, Xandra?" She wondered sweetly as her gaze became softer. Her lips glistened while her smile was genuinely wistful. Perhaps it was because she was not fighting anymore that her personality became softer or maybe she was just in need of a rest. Water sounded amazing, but first, they had to go back to the place where the men's guild was located and talk about all of this more. Her eyes gazed around for a second and noticed something. Where did Leika go? She has sworn she was around here and helping. Even her companion was missing.

"Hey...Xandra?" She gazed again towards her. "Did you see where Leika went?" She wondered if perhaps she got scared and ran off or maybe this really was not her fight in the end. It was like that sometimes sadly. She tried so hard, got so far, but in the end, it did not even matter. Since she was not here with them all. Did she past out or got dragged away by some of the men to safety? Her eyes cornered to look at Dia, and the other two who were with them (she kept forgetting their names pretty much) and asked them, "Have you seen her at all? she gave a side frown as she was lowkey really worried about her. She was like a lost little doe who could get run over by a car very easily. A depressive thought, but it was the truth. While she was talking, she could feel Yami slowly squirming, but with them all around him, he could not really budge out of what he got himself into.


6,084/5000 (+1,084/3,537)

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sigme10
#19Xandra Queen † 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:12 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 4608/5000
Mana: 3920/4530

Her question flustered the man visibly. Albeit not hostile, not towards the pink-haired female, at least, he seemed nervous and frustrated. He turned his gaze towards the men that stood behind the Bellan, hissing out venomous words filled with rage. Xandra let out a soft sigh, remembering why she felt it was futile to use her ability in front of others. While Yami would not show hostility towards her, there were others that he would be more aggressive towards. Perhaps she had undermined the level of interjection of her teammates. The silver haired man, Dia, if she recalled correctly, spoke up. His crude and impatient way of speaking irked her slightly. She would have preferred to be uninterrupted, once again recalling why she was more of a solo adventurer rather than a team player.

The impatient man walked towards Yami, attacking him while he was on the ground, causing the enchantress to take a step back. His violence, however, was soon stopped by his other teammate. Kinji, amid this mess, walked over to Xandra and quietly stood next to her as he watched the fiasco unfold. It didn't take long for Kurisa to take hold of the situation as she, still seemingly possessed by god knows who, decided to sit on top on him and threaten him using rather conventional ways of interrogation. It was almost laughable to see the so called panther quivering underneath her. He was a crime lord, one who had perhaps tortured and ruined the lives of many. And yet, here he was, frightened at the thought of the same thing happening to him.

It was only a matter of time before he squeezed out the information, revealing the location of his plans. "She can do whatever she wants to you. Nobody here would say a thing." She nonchalantly replied to Yami. Once the suitcase was in their hands, and opened, thanks to Kurisa's threats, Kinji moved over and scanned the documents. The other two men simply let him because he was, after all, the brains behind the Silent Serpent. He was the one who could make most use of the data given. However, the pink-haired female felt uneasy. There was something not quite right. She looked around at each of them and none of them had a scratch on their body. Her instincts told her that she had to finish off Yami right then and there. She even clenched her fist, hoping to end it one blow. It was Kurisa's words that snapped her out of her thoughts. Upon being asked if there was something more that she wanted to know, she couldn't get herself to execute the blow. Not yet, at least.

"Are you really the boss?", she asked hesitantly. It was odd that they had managed to defeat him so easily. There was definitely something more than what they could see. That's what Crimson Quarters was all about, a facade that hid lurking danger and as the man who ruled the place, he would definitely be the embodiment of the vicinity. He didn't answer her question and simply looked up at her in response. His expression, while filled with a bit of fear, was oddly smug. She creased her eyebrows into a frown, wondering what was it that she had missed. Wondering if he truly had something under his sleeve or was she simply playing into his bluff. It was then that Kurisa brought up Leika, the young girl almost forgotten by the enchantress. Her golden gaze glided around, only seeing heaps of fallen bodies of his guards. Leika was nowhere to be found.

She immediately looked at the shirtless, tattooed man from the Silent Serpents. "Sadao, was it? Please go look for Leika. She might be in trouble for all we know." He didn't put up much of a fight and instead, immediately left through the very door that they came through, closing the door in the process. It was then that the feeling of unease that had crept into her stomach heightened. As soon as the wooden door closed shut, it felt as if an explosion went off from the position where Yami laid. While it seemed to have caused no damage, the mere pressure of it was enough to sent Xandra flying a few meters back. She could only assume the same would have happened to Kurisa, Kinji and Dia.

When the explosion went off, an odd purplish smoke covered the vicinity, earning a cough from her. For a moment, her eyes were blinded by the fog, unable to see anything before her. Even her spell would have been deactivated. "Everyone keep your guard up, Yami can still move. Make sure to keep the suitcase safe." Her voice echoed, only to be returned by a familiar noise. "Don't worry, the suitcase is safe with me." Kinji's reply reassured her. However, something about the situation felt wrong. She flicked her wrist, hoping to summon her whip in order to move it around and get a feel of Yami's situation but much to her surprise, her magic was not working. As if noticing her hesitance, a voice boomed into her ears from all directions. "Don't bother. In this mist, your magic is practically useless."

His warning was followed by a loud grunt. "Be careful, he's attacking." She assumed that voice belonged to Dia, as it was coming from her right, where he had stood. Before she had a chance to pinpoint him, she heard shrieks and cries resonating throughout the place. It sounded like cries of help coming from the lips of numerous women all around her. However, the most shrouded her sight. Amidst the cries, she didn't miss his words. "Be careful of where you attack. You might hurt my precious goods." Just listening to him refer to those women as goods irritated her beyond what she could imagine. The quelling rage in her body was soon struck as she felt a blow on the right side of her stomach. She bit down a grunt of pain as her hands immediately and instinctively moved to grab whatever it was that hit her. She realized she had grabbed hold of his leg. He was still weakened thanks to their previous attacks.

"Not so fast." With that, she slammed her free elbow down on his knee, hoping to have accurately located it. She heard the crack of a bone, followed by a shrill close to her. As he shrieked in pain, the voices of the women that boomed around them grew louder. "Get rid of this mist before I break your arms too." She let go of his leg as a 'thud' followed. Assuming he fell onto the floor, she placed her foot over his body, not willing to let go of him. As he laid there, groaning in pain, the mist slowly subsided, revealing the sight around them. The scenery of the room had changed as they were now in an empty warehouse, surrounded by women in shackles and ropes. "What the hell is this?" She asked as Yami continued groaning in pain. Applying pressure onto the foot on his chest, he coughed out an answer. "The r-room....you previously s-saw....was an il-illusion."

She was enraged beyond comprehension as she looked at the frightened women. Looking back at Yami, she hissed out, "Scum like you don't deserve to live."
template by rem of WW

Yami, the One-Eyes Panther:

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sig10

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:49 pm


She was comfortable with this guy as she wondered if she was being too mean, but then she rethinks it. Since this guy was bad, he has done bad things then he deserved the same fate he has been causing good people. That was justice to her. He deserved that Justice. Xandra spoke to one of the boys that were not Dai and told him to go look for Leika. The girl must have run off or have been taken, some could say they were the weakest link. It was nice having her here with her though, but sadly all things but be paid. Rather it is money, your life, or your time in general.

Something was off though as Yami no longer squirmed or anything. Her eyes squinted, ''Why so quiet?" She wondered out loud towards him. He did nothing but have a smug look on his face as the doors went shut and ones that were newly opened or so it seemed. A burst of force exploded where she was, blasting her away from Yami's body. "What in the he--" she slides against the ground on her boots as the heels sparked due to the material it was created with. The bottom of her boots had some thin light-weighted steel as the rest was leather.

Her back hit against someone or something. She was not sure. The area was cloudy as smoke covered the whole room. The person caught her though before she could even fall or smack against the wall itself. "Are you alright?" spoke a voice that sounded more like Kinji's. She could not tell as all she did was respond with a simple answer. "Yea, thanks." She spoke softly as Ari gathered herself up to realize the person was now gone. She could hear everyone speak as of right now and wondered if Xandra had this covered. She felt like Xandra was someone who could handle herself so she did not worry too much about it.

She stood there listening to everything as much as she could. The fact that she had to trust someone with (probably) better sight or at least trusted their instincts was iffy, but every time she trusted her instincts it ended up badly. Just look at her instincts on her love life. She trusted what she did, but in the end, she got fucked over in more ways than one. She will cry about it later so she then heard him talk, Yami that was. He seemed to have some property, but it was not till a few moments later that she finally understood what he meant, triggering back Ana.

Her eyes moon shined red as it pissed her off. She was a huge hypocrite though since she had someone semi-close to her that sold people. This was different, right? She told herself that. Just like with all of her 'dark' attuned friends who did bad things. She made her own justice system and truthfully it was corrupted. Maybe she was not a good person after all. She was less than good, she was possibly good with some twisted outlook in Justice. The fog finally cleared in the end with Xandra over there twisting Yami's arm - almost quite literally as her foot was on him.

It was kind of hot in a way since she was taking the dominant approach. Kuri slowly walked over noticing all the girls who were lined up. Where was he taking these ladies? They were in shackles, ropes, and perhaps a friend of hers would know the people that wanted these types of ladies. They were in a variety of tastes, from; race, height, size. eye colors, hair color, and even personalities as she saw some were frightened and some were not. "Let us free these women while Xandra has him held down," she instructed the two men since the third still has not come back from looking for Leika.

That girl must have gotten herself in trouble or ran so fast and far that trouble could not even get to her anymore. Kurisa went to each girl and tried everything she could to set them from, but without using magic she was completely useless. Her head turned to Kinji who gazed at her and nodded. Soon enough Sadao joined in and shook his head. "No sight of her. Sorry about your guildmate. Doubt she got harmed though since I didn't see any sign of blood." he started to itch the back of his head. He saw Kinji look at him. "Can you stop bickering and help over here." He spoke in his calm tone. The told was really hot to her, she did not know why.

His cool demeanor made her feel rather hot, but at the same time anxious. She felt lonely, leave her alone. Her eyes gazed at Sadeo and Kinji who helped each other unlock one by one. She grabbed the files and grabbed the pen inside the suitcase. Her hips swayed left and right as she walked towards the last girl and looked at her. "Name, starter location, and last thing you remember?" Kurisa questioned as she interrogated the girl. Not in a badass mood, but more so of caring about them and wanting to know where she will be sending them back to. She knew what it was like to be in a cage to end up being used by the main men. Sure there were some cases where it was a woman enslaving a woman or man, but this was not the case this time.

"Cl-Clara..." She started as she spoke with a paranoid tone. Her eyes gazed at Yami frightening. Kuri's eyes glanced back and forth towards the two. "Do not worry about him. He's going nowhere." She assured her. The girl's head nodded, "A-alright. I was taken from Minstrel's boat on the way here to visit my papa who works at Era's Knight station.". "Alright thank you." She wrote it down next to the picture of the girl. This guy had pictures of every 'slave' he captured and planned to sell. It was sickening. "Xandra. " She coldly spoke and gazed at her. "You can take him and do what you wish. I don't need him anymore it seems." She bit her lip and gazed at the three men. "Do you three object?"

They looked at each other and shook their head. "We could care less. The job is done. The only thing left is getting the rest of the information from these girls. Perhaps they know where the rest are. Other than that, we need to go back to our hideout and talk about our... negotiations as well as write down what all happened here to our master." Sadeo spoke, itching the back of his head again. Kurisa nodded towards them, to Xandra, and then went back to listing down the rest of the girls as they were no longer shackled by now.


5,000/5,000 (+2,241/3,537)

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sigme10
#21Xandra Queen † 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Mon Sep 07, 2020 10:51 am

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 5283/5000
Mana: 3850/4530

Wherever her gaze landed. she only saw frightened faces, whimpering and slathered in tears and dirt. Their silent cries suppressed by the fear they felt as they watched the scene unfold before them. Their hands and feet, shackled and held stagnant with ropes, were filled with bruises that she couldn't see quite clearly. The darkness had perhaps made her anger swell further, reaching a point where she felt that it was difficult to resist the urge to kill Yami right then and there. Her foot, which stood on his chest, slowly descended with strength as she heard the groans that escaped his lips.

It seemed as if he had brought them there in order to take advantage of the situation. After all, using magic in such a place, where innocent victims stood, was something they wouldn't do. Kurisa's magic made use of a lot of space and had a large impact so using it with bystanders around would be fatal. Xandra, too, wasn't confident that she would be able to hurt him without causing any damage to her surroundings. Moreover, she wasn't foolish enough to do anything in the presence of these young ladies.

Her eyes glided to her teammates who had began tending to the women, untying them and asking them for details while assuring their safety and she felt the rage quell ever so slightly. It didn't take long for Kurisa to turn back towards her and mention that she had no need for Yami anymore. That was enough of an indicator. Once everyone agreed, she moved her foot off of him and instead, slammed it down on his other kneecap. An audible crack was heard followed by the sound of his scream. She bent down, gently pushing his jaw upwards to close him mouth. "Don't scream or it'll be your arms next." Her voice was loud enough to heard but soft enough to be drowned out to those who stood away from her. After all, she didn't want to scare the victims who already suffered from his reign of terror.

Right now, they had to take care of him, free the young women and of course, find their missing teammate. Her mind wandered back to the place where Sadao had returned from, claiming that Leika could not be found but he assumed she was unharmed. The Bellan had hoped that was the case. The young woman had seemed to be new to the whole fiasco, which made her eyebrows knit in concern. However, at that moment, her mind was filled with ways she could destroy Yami. Leika would have simply have to hold out until they find her.

Golden hues glided around, landing upon a door. She grabbed the man from the collar of his tattered suit and began dragging him there. "I'll be taking care of our..." She glanced at him, disgust evident in her voice, "...precious guest. Don't be alarmed if you hear something questionable." With that, she opened the door and tossed him inside. She followed him in and shut the metal door behind her. The room was small, almost like a cellar for solitary confinement. As her mind wandered about what this disgusting man could have possibly done with his victims in this room, she went berserk. There was no one around to watch so she could let loose.

Xandra flicked her wrist and a long, purple whip extended from her hand. What followed were a series of screams and pleas for mercy but she didn't feel like being merciful. Raising her leg, she slammed her foot right into his face, causing his screams to die out. She had never known herself to be so driven by anger but the rage this man brought about was incomparable. Splatters of blood were evident on her bare legs and arms but drowned in the sea of black of her dress. He laid there, limp, as she bent down once to check his pulse. Upon confirming that he was indeed dead, she finally left the room, wondering what awaited her outside.
template by rem of WW

Spells Used:

Yami, the One-Eyes Panther:

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sig10

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:32 pm


Kurisa gazed at the men and the women while Xandra carried on with her plan towards Yami. All she could hear were some screams and sounds of a whip (assuming it was), she chuckled. The girls who were treated as slaves gazed with fright towards the door as soon as they heard it as well. "A-are they alright?" One of them wondered. She did not really care either way. It was finally time to get these girls home to where they wanted to go. Some were from other Countries and some were from here in small towns. She felt bad for the girls as they were probably stuck in this life for a little while.

Once Xandra was done she looked at them, Kuri nodded at her. "Alright, let us go and get these girls on a carriage to go home." she looked at the guys. "Can you guys secure a ride for them. Some will need boats, some will not. Do what you can and I will take care of the rest." She looked back at the women. They were scared of course. Her head nodded to signal for them to follow. All of them went out of the place and towards the guild where they will take care of them before their departure. Truly it was a wild day and truly Kuri was getting tired. She needed a large break after this or go on her own adventure, but for now, they needed to finish the business they started. Kinji, Sadao, and the guy who looks like a roughed-up Gin all lead Xandra and herself to their large house. It looked like she was really back in Joyan as it was a traditional manor design.

Once they opened the door a few women came out in beautiful kimonos who were gazing at the girls. "Oh, the poor dears. My girls will get them cleaned and freshened up while you finish your business." She nodded her head to them. The 'slaves' looked at Kuri who waited for some signal that it was okay. "You're in good hands now.". A secure smile went along with those words while her eyes watched the women leave. Sadao said his byes and went to secure transportation for the women as it was now just Kinji, Dai, Xandra, and herself.

"Now let's go inside and talk about everything inside," Kinji spoke simply in his cold cool tone while walking to the door that slid open to reveal floor pillows to sit on and a short table.


5,000/5,000 (+2,946/3,537)

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sigme10
#23Xandra Queen † 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:13 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 5915/5000
Mana: 3850/4530

Everything outside of that room had been calm, proceeding as it should. The men from Silent Serpent assisted Kurisa is securing the victims and reassuring them of their safety. As she walked out the door, she wiped the drops of blood off her pale cheek before proceeding to help them. Xandra smiled at the young ladies, "Don't worry, he'll never be able to hurt any of you ever again." Their eyes laced with tears as they let out cries of joy and relief. She too, for once, felt the tension in her shoulders ease. It was then that she realized the subtle throb on the left side of her torso, painfully rising from the area where Yami hit her, as the rush of adrenaline in her veins died out.

Upon Kurisa's instructions, they all made their way out. Two of the men led the way, followed by Kurisa then the victims. The Bellan decided to walk towards the end, followed by Kinji. He glanced back at her with a questioning gaze, "Are you okay?" A small laugh escaped her lips as she realized the intention behind his uncharacteristic action, "If such a small injury had the potential to hurt me, I'd have died ages ago." Of course, she was slightly bluffing, all while ignoring the pain she felt. However, it wasn't critical enough for her to pay much attention to it.

Unfortunately, she was struck with the worry of Leika's disappearance. Where had that girl gone, she wondered. Her mind couldn't help but wander around, landing upon a few gruesome theories. Perhaps they had missed some of Yami's henchmen who kidnapped her while the others were busy focusing on Yami. Or perhaps, Yami wasn't even the final boss. After all, this was Hosenka, the city where human trafficking was very prevalent, albeit hidden under it's beauty. Just maybe, Leika needed their help. At that moment, she glanced at the backs of the ladies in front of them. They, too, had needed their help. As unfortunate as it was, Leika would have to stay safe until they were done with their business here.

It didn't take long for them to reach the base of the Serpents. Compared to their own extravagant and beautiful guild building, it was more of a traditional Joyan structure. Upon entering, the young girls were led to get washed and cleaned up. It reminded the enchantress that she, too, had to get cleaned up. She became conscious of the stains of blood and the cooled down sweat that lingered on her body. She felt disgusting. Making a mental note to clean herself up as soon as possible, she followed Kinji and Kurisa into a traditional room with tatami mats and cushions on the floor.

Taking a seat next to the blonde woman, they faced the thin, silver haired man who sat on the other side of the short table which laid in the middle of the room. He opened the suitcase and laid out the documents. "First of all, I would like to thank the two of you for your assistance. We probably couldn't have done this without you." He bowed his head lightly, a gesture which the Bellan returned. "Don't worry, we were doing it for a pretty selfish reason too." Well, she didn't exactly lie. As Daeva Eye had control over most of the city, it was beneficial for them to not only get rid of the bugs in the area, but to also improve their image by being known for having saved several women. Kinji understood that well and nodded. "Regardless of why you helped us, we are now indebted to your guild. Thanks to you, we could get rid of Yami. Let's go through all this information. We will find all the victims and save them."
template by rem of WW

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sig10

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Fri Sep 11, 2020 8:53 pm


Her eyes gazed at all of them as it was finally time to do the final touches. They started to speak about how each and everyone made it through, what they all did - all besides Leika. Is was unknown when it came to her whereabouts, but Kurisa hoped she was alright. Her eyes scanned Xandra who seemed alright with everything and then the three men. It was like some trio date going on, but one of the women decided to yeet out of here. It did not matter. After they stopped speaking she felt like maybe she too should open her mouth about things.

"Alright, so we already defeated three of the areas who were holding the victims - I will just call them that." She did not feel right calling them slaves. They were not slaves at all to her... They were people who were picked on, victims. "So as we saw on the other papers we have the exact locations, bosses of those locations and according to these, there are about four left? Right? I entrust you men can handle those since they're probably not as difficult as Yami was." She lastly spoke. "Correct. As part of our deal since you helped us a great deal. We would like to become partners with your guild - in our opinions as we're not the leader/master of our group. Most likely he will agree." It was like he was hinting the leader was listening to them. They finished up everything else and once things were over they left.



"Leika's" (+2,923/3,537) [With Xandra's Extra WC: 3,838/3537]

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sigme10
#25Xandra Queen † 

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Empty Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:42 am

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 6284/5000
Mana: 3850/4530

The room, which consisted of only the three of them, was soon occupied by the remaining two men as well. It seemed that only Leika was missing and her absence was very prominent due to the odd ration of men to women within the vicinity. Sadao sprawled across the mat with his legs stretched out as he played with a dagger that rested in his hand while the white haired male, Dia, leaned against the thin sliding doors. If they were enemies, it would have been as if Xandra and Kurisa were surrounded. However, she knew that they were smart enough to not make any enemies out of them.

Kurisa spoke, delegating the responsibility of cleaning up the rest of the trash to the three men as the pink-haired female nodded along. Tucking loose strands of short hair behind her ear, she placed her hand on the table and pushed herself up into a standing position. It was as if a hint laid under Kinji's words as he mentioned his master. It was likely that the room was bugged. After all, it was only natural for the leader to know what happens. She pushed her hand forth for a shake, "In that case, we hope to work with you again. Let's hope your leader is also in favor of this partnership." Kinji shook her hand with a subtle smile on his lips, one that would easily be missed. As her hand fell, she voiced further. "But it would be nice if he comes to greet us himself next time. I'm quite curious as to how the great leader of the silent serpents looks." Her words were a challenge of sort, an establishment of dominance in this partnerships. After all, it only made sense that he should come to greet them as he was the one who needed their help.

"Anyways, we'll take our leave now. Goodbye." With that she turned around and left the area with Kurisa. Once they were outside, she would turn to the blonde. There were many things she wanted to ask but for now, one took priority. "Should we go search for Leika?" With that, they would leave this glimmering place behind until next time.
template by rem of WW

Yami, the One-Eyed Panther Sig10

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