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Fine Dining with Friends [Open]

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#1Günter Von Wolf 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Sun Dec 13, 2020 8:03 pm

Günter Von Wolf

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] A1b6e957-43ae-41aa-b2e5-0eb385d41760

Gunter had handed out his envelopes. Whether people would show up was up to them. Dressed in a nice, fancy black suit, Kratos near him with a little bow tie and cuff-links. They looked fantastic. Though Kratos was a bit hungry on the way there, so he of course had a nice eight year old snack pack that he scarfed down as an appetizer before he left their suite. They made their way down to the Crimson Quarter, to a little place known as "The Phantom of the Opera." While Gunter was in prison, he managed to get a few underground places. This was one of the fanciest VIP mafia-run establishments, where one could rent a table and be wined and dined with music for a night.

Gunter stepped inside and was met by a man with an eyepatch. He looked at Gunter and said "Do you have a reservation?" and Gunter would reply "Yes, it should be under the name Gunter Von Wolf, and I will be having some guests joining me. The exact number is, well, unknown." the man would say in response "Very well. You can head inside and take a seat at the long table in front of the stage. As more guests arrive, we will send you a waiter."

Gunter gives a polite bow to the man for letting him stay in this fine establishment and heads inside. As he gets inside, he's met with a beautiful room. The architecture on the walls is exquisite, and it is truly a place that suits Gunter's new and refined tastes. In fact, it reminds him a little bit of home. It's been a while since he's dined in an establishment like this one. One of this class. No more would he dine with the common folk. Well, dine in an establishment owned by common folk. If he didn't consider it his caliber, then it didn't deserve to have his presence.

Gunter took a seat at the end of the table so that the stage would be behind him, and he would see his guests coming in. He was not here to enjoy the music, he was here to chat, and as such he would face them with respect. Or as much as they deserved depending on their actions. And they could chat with him while enjoying the music and the food.

Kratos would be hanging out in a corner of the room with a couple bottles of wine, ready to jump into action should some of these guests get a little too rowdy. Gunter was wearing his regular non-combat equipment, with the armor and sword being inside his pocket dimension ring. His Eye of Kaom would be active and open.

Gunter waits patiently and should any guests arrive, they would be met by him standing up and giving them a bow. If they'd try to shake his hand, he would do so and say thank you unless said individuals decided to get a little uppity. For if they do not show Gunter respect, then why should he show respect back?


Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:31 pm


Two sides of a coin, no matter how polished.
template by Punki of Adoxography
Her eyes were closed as she fanned herself with the invitation that was sent out to her. Who could have wanted her presence? Was it the people that worked with the One-Eyed Panther? She did not feel like destroying anything today so her money wasn't on it. She chuckled at the thought of the Silver Serpents wanting her time. She helped them free the slaves by destroying a Mafia gang that resided here, retrieved all the locations, and then bought the slaves transportation. What more did they need from her? Her eyes opened as she felt a nudge from Momo - her ferret. She was white as snow and curled around her neck like a scarf.

"We're here," she whispered.

Kurisa gazed at the door with her duo brown and blue eyes. They lit up as soon as she opened the door to reveal a beautiful interior designed restaurant. She looked around before approaching the man with an eyepatch who gazed at her nervously. "K-Kuri, what a pleasant surprise!" He gulped as he has heard of her destruction of a gang as well as other deeds. She gave a small smile and bowed her head. "Do not worry. I am here for dining this time. Know anything?" She flashed the invitation in front of him. He looked at her and cocked his head towards the direction. "Not much, but I'm sure you'll find out soon or later." He chuckled darkly.

Her head turned to see a man by a table alone. She grabbed her black and white Chinese fan and walked towards him. He was surely mysterious looking. If this were some fanfic he'd fit perfectly in the tall, dark, and handsome category. Once she was about five feet from him she bowed her head politely. "Greetings, name's Kurisa." She gave him a genuine smile. "I thank you for your invitation.". Surely, there were more to arrive since invitations were sent out by this man. While this was happening, Momo was gazing at someone else. Whatever his intentions were, it will get interesting otherwise, she wouldn't be here if she felt like was going to be boring.

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Sigme10
#3Kazimir Seiryu 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:53 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
An envelope had been handed to the wind mage through one of his old contacts in the knights. His fingers crumpled into the paper as he read the name. With a deep breath, he eased his non-beating heart. "A bold move"

Kazimir wandered toward the fine establishment. Whatever caliber of being this was, they had fancy tastes. Something showier than the wind mage typically preferred. Yet he had dealt with some of the finer things due to his arrival into vampiric circles and was getting used to having that dance.

The architecture was a marvel of the area. The mage took his time and ran his pale hand across the polished marble. "May I help you sir?" A man with an eye patch asked.

"Of course," Kaz turned to face the man, his robes flowing around his body but instead of the cloak he wore since returning, he opted to pull down his hood and let the indigo hair fall freely.

"Von Wolf," he said with a flat voice. Haunting red eyes peered into the single eye of the host.

"Right this way then," the host said and led Kazimir through the restaurant. All the while, the wind mage scanned the building for who was all there and possible escape routes and vantage points, should things turn south.

The host led him most of the way and then gestured for the mage to continue to the table where a single man sat. Kaz wove by the other tables to stand before Gunter Von Wolf, who was already up and ready to greet. The wind mage halted his step briefly in seeing an all too familiar face.
A strange moment indeed. usually, these meetings were met with just one thing, and it wasn't hospitality or at least feigned hospitality.

"Strange you would call upon respectful gestures now after having started with malintent towards my home even before we met," he said calmly and took his seat across from the man.

"A pleasure to see you again Kurisa. Seems there will be others who would join us soon enough." He suggested based on the number of chairs at the table.

"I hear you are one of the ones responsible for my current situation. And yet, you invited me here. A wise choice, after having served your time, it would be a crime for me to engage with you." He took a quick glance at Kurisa, sorry that she was caught up in this tension.

He eased back into the chair, clear that at least for now he had an open ear, but a storm still brewed behind his eyes. "In that case. To what do I owe the meaning of this meeting. To gloat about your freedom. Or tell me why you so readily launched that attack?" As a former Rune Knight he knew what the consequences would be if he tried to assault a man that had already done his time. But the curiosity of the matter drove his query now.


Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Sun Dec 13, 2020 11:57 pm


A proper strategist would think at least three steps ahead of their opposition. Words she had started to consider almost akin to a motto in recent days. With the recent collection of plans she had set in motion, there was no denying the fact she needed to be careful, to prepare a failsafe in case things turned badly for her.

She knew that in order to succeed, she needed allies, to forge an alliance to prevent that inevitable future from happening, and fortunately for her, she had plenty of ideas on how to proceed with that.

Esperia had for that reason set in motion her plan, using the power of her Millennium Talisman to find the one she had been searching for.

To the others, it must have been a peculiar sight to say the least, the projection of the silver-haired witch manifesting next to Kurisa's seat.

"Kuri~ It is a pleasure to meet you again~" Esperia chimed happily, although there was a subtle difference in her appearance compared to last time, a difference Kurisa would no doubt notice as the right eye of the sorceress had been replaced by the very same eye her cousin had.

"Please forgive me for the poor choice of communication, I happen to be a bit preoccupied with matters in the North, but fortunately this works splendidly~" She smiled kindly at Kurisa, upon which she noticed the table she was seated at. "Oh~ Were you about to eat?" Yet as her gaze drifted from Kurisa to the two men at the table Esperia's eyes had a glint of both fascination and mischief in them.

"Ever the popular maiden, aren't you?" She chimed softly before continuing. "Yet quite a fascinating duo to encounter when you add them to the same table."

Esperia chimed softly, her projection taking a figurative seat beside Kurisa while she raised her hands to her chin, humming softly. "I am a representative of a certain... organization in the North of Fiore~ A pleasure to meet you both~"

Esperia paused for a bit, her gaze shifting to Kazimir. "Mhmm~ The lost leader of the fairies~ The rumors have told me plenty about your past endeavors Kazimir~ Which makes this meeting all the more fascinating." Her gaze shifted from Kazimir to Gunter, her Millenium Eye focused on the man as her smile lingered. "Aha~ The infamous other half of the pair, Just as interesting as his partner, I had to admit I was fairly surprised to find only Tomoe went to the North~"

A light tap of her cheek followed as she leaned her head slightly to the side. "To think I chanced upon this meeting~ I'm truly one lucky girl~"

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she gazed upon Gunter. "Which brings us to a table where it likely will be all smiles and handshakes above the table, and drawn knives underneath it~" She chuckled softly upon which she leaned a bit backward.

"Then again, we might be able to change the mood of this meeting, after all our 'host' is currently, like Kazimir so wisely deduced: free of a bounty, and attacking him would be assault at best, murder at worst. This brings me to the reason I went to seek out my dear friend Kuri just now~"

She tapped her hands together and hummed softly. "But before that~ Please allow me to formally introduce myself."

She rose upwards from her seated position, making a playful curtsy as her projection lightly grasped a hold of her staff. "The name is Morrigan, the last of the nine."

With her introduction finished she nodded at Kurisa, as if to wordlessly convey she would tell her more later and then turned toward Kazimir and Gunter. "With that said and done, I am afraid that this meeting will be equal amounts of pleasure as it will be business."

She leaned sideways against her staff and hummed lightly. "But feel free to indulge with the food and drinks first, I'm sure it will make the conversation more bearable once we start talking about dragons, ancient evils and crazy cultists~"

Looking at the table for a moment she pouted softly. "I should have teleported instead of creating a projection, this establishment seems like they'd make some delicious food..."

-Entered topic through Projection-
Mana: 15000-500= 14500/15000


Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:56 am

The restaurant was immaculate as Yugo waited in the lobby. He had recieved the invite and thankfully been given leave to attend, thought thankfully he had been on such good behaviour that he was allowed to go without a handler. The clothing he was wearing was a gift from Captain Clearwater. It had originally been meant incSe he was invited to see royalty of some kind, though now he wasnt sure that eas a good thing. 

He wasnt sure who knew he even excited, but the fact they managed to get a letter to him despite most likely never even meeting him made Yugo nervous. As he was deep in thought, a man with slick backed hair and an eye patch arrived at the podium and spoke to Yugo. Yugo pulled out the letter and the man nodded right away before leading him to the large and overly stylized table. But as he approched the back of the restaurant the smells became clearer.

Soon he was staring at a man who smelled like gunter, he could even smell Kratos the nasty rocky bastard. Gunter must have changed his face to stay out of trouble, but his nose couldnt be fooled like that. Yugo stood looking st Gunter and the collection of other people. He cursed internally as he saw Kazimir. What the hell are you thinking Gunter, what trouble are you planning now Yugo thought.

He looked toward the ephemeral projection and wondered who it was as he memorised the scent of Kurisa. He then finally spoke up. "Prison seems to have done us both some good... I hope Kratos is wearing a suit and bathed as well."

Last edited by Yugo on Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:36 am; edited 2 times in total

#6Natsumi Duranndal 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:46 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi was on her way to a resturant, having been invited by an ex guildmate of hers, never having met before but she wasn't one to deny food. She was barely wearing anything, having just worked out wearing at best shorts and bandages to bind her rather big chest. Having a vest on her (I know natsu look but I wanted to do this) She was walking as her stomach growled quite abit, working up quite the hunger
He well then exposed choice of outfit showed her well defined body, Clearly her being a mage has no left her physcially weak. Walking down the streets as soon she entered the resuturant. Looking around as she can see it has some class as the attnedant there was scared off her as he spoke.
"Not you.....Anybody but you"
His voice really stood out as she said
"I am here to meet some people"

He gulped. pointing in the direction as he seem to have ran off. She pulls up a chair and sits down with the rest, Someone who might be her ex guild mate, Her Guildmaster, Her exguildmaster from when she was in fairy tail. Someone she had never met and a demihuman. Quite the case of characters.

#7Jolyne Atreides 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Mon Dec 14, 2020 10:29 am

Jolyne Atreides

The primarily problem with doing business with any crime syndicate is that money spoke the largest, thus it was the same with this one. Receiving the envelop days before Jolyne Atreides had plenty of time to set up her trap. This blowhard was the one who attacked the guild and gave such little respect, why should she respect him at all? He had not shown any to anyone, he did not deserve it.

What he deserved was the floor falling out on him. You see he was lead to a room that was above the ballroom, the expanse meant even with his silly eye the skeleton didn't know about would not see her nor the trap. The room Gunter Von Wolf was in was far more than fifteen square meters so he would be caught unawares by the floor falling out. The supports just had to slide backwards, when you gave them enough money to let them rebuild they just let you do it.

As such once Yugo had entered the room everyone would find themselves falling through the floor as it broke under their weight without any support below. "Gunter Von Wolf, the King may have forgiven you but I have not" with her voice beginning as the supports were pulled Jolyne would begin to sprint towards the falling group with her equipment.

#8Günter Von Wolf 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Tue Dec 15, 2020 9:42 pm

Günter Von Wolf

Gunter who was currently sitting in his seat, waiting for his guests to arrive, noticed the presence of a beautiful, elegant woman. Though Gunter had never met this woman, he knew who she was, for her renown and her great deeds were spoken in tales of grandeur and fear in the hearts of the less legal type. He knew that this was the guild master of Sabertooth, one of the individuals he had sent an invitation to. As she approached the table, he stood up, bowed and said "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. You must be Kurisa, the guild master of Sabertooth. This truly is my pleasure."

If Kurisa would allow it, to show respect he would kiss her hand, like one would in the presence of royalty. After doing so, he would coyly look up into her eyes and say "Your beauty leaves me speechless." As this would be going on, Gunter would notice a man in white robes and long indigo hair flowing, enter the room as Gunter would say his coy response to Kurisa.

After being respectful to the guild master of Sabertooth, he would then look at the man that he knew was Kazimir, for this man too had a lot of legends about him. Most individuals in Gunter's old lifestyle would've seen these two individuals and, well, tried to run away in fear. But, Gunter was never really the type of man to run, and this is business. Though with Kurisa here, maybe it was pleasure. Before addressing Kazimir, Gunter would pull out Kurisa's seat for her to sit down at the table, as any gentleman would.

He would bow respectfully to Kazimir and say "Thank you, guild master of Fairy Tail, for joining me in this fine evening for dinner." He would listen to Kazimir's response and his words, as well as Kurisa's. As Gunter listened, he would fill their glasses with a nice sea lord wine, something he picked up from an unnamed contact after his stay in prison; apparently, this wine is so renowned that it can get the gods drunk.

After hearing Kazimir's response, Gunter would respond by saying "I am indeed one of the individuals that assaulted your guild. And it just so happens that you are correct. And unfortunately, yes, we are now meeting after I have served my time." He would then listen to Kazimir talk about the meaning of the meeting and whatnot, and Gunter's response to that would be "I attacked your guild for my own reasons, and the same could be said for my friend. I do apologize for your return to a home of embers and flame. I mean no ill will, it simply was business, but we can talk about my reasons why and I will answer any further questions the moment all my guests have arrived. I'm sure they have their own questions as well. Besides, I'd very much like to get to know all of you, as I'm more than certain we can all be friends."

Gunter would finish off his statement with an expression on his face of a cheeky smile and a friendly demeanor. After talking with Kazimir and getting those introductions done, he would pull out a seat for Kazimir as well. By this point, Gunter would return back to his chair, not sitting down yet but staying close to it, for he knew that by this time his other guests should be arriving shortly.

At that moment, Kratos who was in the corner of the room, seeing the two guests arrive and Gunter and all of them, he would pick up one of the bottles of whiskey, pull the cork out with his teeth, and down the entire bottle. As he does so, he can hear the performers of the orchestra behind the stage preparing their instruments and getting into position to begin playing music around the time that food would be arriving.

Before anyone else had arrived at this point, the sound of merriment and music and people having fun can be heard below the feet of everyone in this meeting, enjoying music and food and drinks in the ballroom below. Some sort of wedding was to be going on in the ballroom below during Gunter's meeting with these famous mages of renown above. Based off of the sound, it can be assumed there at least 50+ people attending this wedding below, but the exact number is unknown.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an unexpected guest arrived in the form of a hologram. Gunter's response to this is "Oh my. Hello there." as he is met with a beautiful white haired woman. Gunter would listen to the hologram woman's banter and not pipe up, assuming they're either friends or acquaintances. He would give a bow when she says that it's a pleasure, and respond with "You as well." He would then listen politely to her banter with Kazimir and when she would address Gunter after talking with Kazimir and mention Tomoe's name, he would respond by saying "Well, as you can see, I've had a bit of business to take care of." He would then say "If this is the same organization I'm thinking of, I'll be meeting one of your colleagues in the west for cookies and tea in a few days."

When Esperia would mention knives under the table, Gunter would smile and say "I hope not, I didn't bring my weapons. I thought there was no need for it."

As Gunter continued to listen to this white-haired mage and as she curtsied he too would bow once again, while she introduced herself as Morrigan, the last of the nine heroes. After Gunter had finally learned the name of this white haired mage, he would continue to listen to Morrigan's banter as she talked about dragons, ancient evils and crazy cultists. This would cause Gunter to raise an eyebrow ever so slightly, with a bit of intrigue.

During this moment, Gunter would take a seat and as he sat down and lit a cigar that he had pulled out from a case on the table, he would notice a very familiar face. Now donning a Rune Knight emblem. As Gunter was about to stand up and greet this old friend of his who was reformed, happy for him, the floor began to shake and fall. It was not as if the floor broke apart into tiny pieces, it was simply that the floor itself, the solid slab of rock reinforced with metal would simply drop like an elevator but at higher speeds. Gunter's only response to this is to exclaim "Oh my! This is unexpected!"

As he and his current guests fell, the last two things he would see would be an underdressed and fairly sweaty silver haired mage open the door as they fell, which was whatever. The other part was more interesting. As this is going on with them falling, he would hear a voice proclaim something about the king forgiving him but not them, and the statement was loud enough for all to hear.

With his Eye of Kaom active and looking around for the source of it with his own eyes as well, he would see a Lich sprinting at the falling group with a butcher's cleaver and heavy armor on. Not something seen on a daily basis for sure, and Gunter had to assume that this Lich was the source of the statement. He'd served his time in jail already, so surely this Lich was some kind of vigilante or violent criminal going against the council's laws.

As the ground would fall, Gunter would remain in his seat, smoking a cigar. He would activate his ring to equip his armor, helmet and sword instantly, his sword conjured forth resting on his lap. His demeanor at this point is that of more so protecting himself from this potential assassin. As this was going on, Kratos would shout out "Boss, look out!" as the Lich rushes Gunter.

Gunter would let this crazy vigilante assassin Lich, should they choose to, attack Gunter. Gunter would let the attack go through, hitting his armor or helmet, wherever they chose to attack if they wanted to. He would activate his Viking King's Rage spell on his Eye of Kaom to make sure that he could survive a hit with a constitution buff. Despite all of this, he does not take an aggressive stance, and remains seated in his seat politely and elegantly, not having any murderous intent in his demeanor or his expression.

As the Lich sprints over to Gunter, as Gunter has his armor and his constitution buff going to protect him from harm, and as all the guests fall... the next thing that can be heard is the sound of a stone slab making a crunch and splat as it crushes the unfortunate innocent guests that were partaking in a wedding below. Blood squirts out from the sides of this floor slab as it hits the ground and gore hits the walls. 50+ people had died instantly as a result of this lunatic Lich's actions.

Gunter exhales the smoke of his cigar.




#9Gorilla Joe 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Wed Dec 16, 2020 12:19 am

Gorilla Joe
Joe was chilling alone on the streets walking on all fours eating bananas and doing general gorilla stuff. He was yet to actually undertake his first mission for Fairy Tail. For some reason ever since joining the guild all of his willpower, motivation and drive had skidded to an abrupt halt. Some other issues in his life had come up and he needed to put working with the guild on hold for a little while so that he could get that drive back. He knew that he had a ROLE to PLAY he just didnt have the capacity to do so at the moment.

All of the sudden he stumbled upon an envelope in the trash. He wondered why someone would put something in the trash without reading it but he was curious. He pulled the envelope out and opened it up. Some kinda invitation to a dinner at a shady restaurant. Joe wondered if they would be serving bananas there. Just in case he put 2 big bunches of bananas in his pockets and made his way to crash this apparent dinner that he wasn't actually directly invited to.

When he reached the restaurant he heard a super loud crash like the building was gonna fall down or something. When he walked through the door he saw a gaping ceiling and a bunch of rubble on the floor with some people scattered around. There was spilled drinks and food everywhere. Joe was mad. How dare they waste food.


Of course he didnt actually want to hurt these people he didn't know so he just pulled all of the bananas out of his pockets, mashed them up so they were nice and squishy and threw them indiscriminately at all of the people he saw. After he ran out of banans he found that his rage subsided and since there was no dinner apparently he just ran away on all fours beating his chest and yelling OOG OOG.

[Exit thread]

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] 6bd2
#10Kazimir Seiryu 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:32 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Kazimir narrowed his eyes at Gunter, who so politely pointed out the situation they found themselves in. Who was this man to so openly encounter others that would see him taken out and remain so calm about it? "No ill will...those are words for people that don't understand the heart of people or too naive to see it. And you don't strike me as that kind of a man. And when you say it's just business, it's just a phrase used to conceal the greed that drives a person." Kaz was a patient man but he had no time for speech that danced around the topic at hand. especially this one. "Alright then, I'll wait for now," he sat back in the chair. The only solace here was that Kurisa was there and then one by one more began to enter into the luxurious room. The projection of another woman appeared, on behalf of an unknown organization and addressed the wind mage.

"Oh. Well, I'm sure there is some exaggeration in my history. But it's nice to meet you," he gave the woman a nod. Strange to be called the lost leader of the fairies but it wasn't wrong.

But oddly enough they were the only guests on this floor and as Yugo entered the room, the man with the eye patch moved away through a side door.
The rune knight barely stepped into the room when the floor began to shake. The center began to buckle first, under their weight. Kaz clapped his hands together as soon as the shakes began, a reactionary habit to send out his senses 15 meters around him for any movement.

The floor began to collapse but the mage's senses didn't pick up any form of life beneath them. He looked around to see they were the only ones up there. Perhaps a trap to catch them all and Gunter seemed as calm and collected as could be.

He grabbed the person nearest to him that he knew. "I got you Kurisa," he wasn't sure if she could fly or not but scooped her in his arm and with a quick step of his foot, they dashed through the air and landed back at the door they came in from. Albeit all that was left was a small sliver of the floor no more than a few feet into the room. As they sailed backward he heard Jolyne's voice calling out with fury.

"What is going..." he spoke softly and waited to see what the crash below would resolve.

"Gunter...I don't know what the meaning of all this is or why you gathered us all here. But words will not heal the damage your actions have caused. Regardless of your reasons, you took aggressive action against Fairy Tail. While you may have no bounty, you are no ally to the guild. When you are ready to put your hands to work replacing the brick and mortar you tore apart, then we can talk."

Kazimir turned toward the doorway. A maddening time moving underground to dark mafia-ridden dens of crime and collapsing structures. "So what will it be Gunter, more words or action to make amends?"



Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:55 am


Two sides of a coin, no matter how polished.
template by Punki of Adoxography
Kurisa gave a genuine smile as she watched him lift her hand up towards his lips. It was a show of respect in different countries to which is why she allowed it. The man has not done anything to her yet so the exchange of respect for respect was into play. Rather it was temporary or to stay was in question. "Thank you, I appreciate the invitation and the compliment. The rumors about you made me curious about how you are as a person, but I suppose that is anyone with a reputation.~" She spoke in a motherly-sweet tone. She soon heard a voice very familiar, Kazimir's. It made her look towards his direction as he spoke to Gunter after noticing her.

"It's very good to see you as well." She politely spoke, bowing her head, and gazing into his eyes. Her gaze went else were while they spoke to each other. Kurisa wondered what this was really about or perhaps there was a show that was going to happen. What she did not know was that the people in her city were easily manipulated into doing something behind her back. The one person she realized was here was a projection, Esperia. She spoke to her about how she was busy. "Perhaps we shall meet someday then.~".

As people one by one arrived, Yugo was the last before the floor started to shake. ' What the hell?' she gritted her teeth. She no longer could fly, but before she could even think she was quickly picked up. Kuri felt an arm around her and gazed to see who it was. Realizing it was Kazimir she just let it happen as they landed back at the door. She stayed close just in case the floor at the entrance fell as well. She wasn't sure how to feel; anger, paranoia, or perhaps even hopelessness in the people. Her mind and heart were conflicted between; Ana wanting chaos and to punish and Kuri who wants to just forgive and help. 'Looks like the party is already over. Doesn't look like drinking is an option.~' Ana teased Kuri as her shadow embraced her. ' Perhaps we should find whoever did this and -'. Kuri gazed up at Kazimir who was talking as she ignored Ana's poking. He talked towards Gunter making her gaze at Gunter now. Her lips frowned as she was disappointed about all this even if deep inside the Ana in her enjoyed it. Truthfully, Kuri was at loss for words.

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Sigme10

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:27 am


Esperia had to admit that the events that followed were unexpected, and in her opinion unfortunately disappointing. Although her eye had perceived the distant flickering of mana, suggesting there was someone underneath them, she had never expected someone to end up causing the floor to collapse!

As the support pillars of the floor underneath them were so cleverly yet brutally removed, the cave-in that happened was in one word described as a: mess.

Certainly, the mastermind behind this ambush might have set up the entire trap in such a way there were perhaps no civilians nearby, but she had still involved unrelated people into her affairs, and so as the floor went down with whoever had not the means of flight, Esperia briefly found herself flailing in the air. "Ah right, as a projection I won't go splat..."

The girl mused softly, looking down upon the situation underneath her. Although there was a momentary look of amusement gracing her expression upon seeing the giant gorilla-man exclaiming the things she had been thinking, the sight of him throwing the bananas around made her almost laugh, almost that is.

Instead as Jollyne charged toward Gunter Esperia's eyes narrowed sharply. "Are you sure that is the a clever way to deal with a grudge my dear?" Esperia chimed softly as she floated lower. "While your hatred for this man is not unfounded, your actions still affected those uninvolved in his crimes, even if they were fortunate enough to be able to remain safe from harm."

A hand raised to her cheek, tapping it lightly as she mused softly. "If I had been in your shoes, I would have opted for a silent assassination, for I am not as kind as your Guild Master, in your case a duel to the death might had been more appropriate if it resolves your grudge, of course, a bit tricky in your situation but..."

She shrugged her shoulders lightly as she turned toward Kazimir: "I hope that in the future you will teach your kin that there is a time, place and method for everything Kazimir~ For right now? Her actions are as tactless and foolish as the tantrum of a child."

She turned toward Kurisa, her lips curving into a gentle smile. "I guess I'll contact you at a more appropriate time in the future~ Maybe we can enjoy some nice food and drinks in peace at that time."

For a moment her gaze shifted to Yugo and Natsumi, the briefest traces of a mischievous smile on her lips. "You two... heh, I guess we'll meet again sooner than you'd like~"

And so she turned toward Jollyne for a final warning: "Just keep in mind: Actions come bearing consequences, Starting with the fact that you're currently in the midst of attacking a man without a bounty on his head, which... is totally fine, if you are ready to bear the punishments and crimes that come with your decision. It is sad if those types of grudges will become the reason why not only guilds but entire cities will burn once the dragons comes knocking in their efforts to unleash Nacht upon Earthland..."

And with those words her projection started to shimmer, but not before she caught a flung banana to the face. "I'm starting to think I should go hunt for a Gorilla, if their aim is this good I might see some use in him~"

and then the projection went poof~


Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Fri Dec 18, 2020 3:47 pm

Yugo barely had time to get used to how the situation was potentially going to go when he felt the floor begin to shake. He jumped back fast slamming against the wall with his feet as the floor suddenly gave out. Thankfully there was no one down below them, but even then Yugo wasn't going to let this go. He grabbed the pendent in his uniform and activated it as he jumped down from the wall and landed on the fallen floor he held the amulet up and let it glow brightly as he spoke.

"Everyone, freeze." He took in the situation quickly and made sure to put himself before not just gunter, but the entire group. If the walking skeleton tried to get past him he would intervene. He let kazimir speak, as well as Esperia, but as Kazimir attempted to leave he would speak again. "I can't let you do that Mister Kazimir. I have my own issues with Gunter, and yes he did attack your guild. However that doesn't mean you or your guild can seek retribution like this. Not only has your guild member attacked someone who has served their time and without blunty publicly, they also endangered the lives of everyone in that room."

Yugos eyes were steady, just like they had been when they had concluded their mountain training. "By the Councils Laws, I have to place your guild mate under arrest for actions against a Civilian....please don't make it harder for yourself or your guild. I believe in you, sir... please."

Rune knight pendent activated

#14Jolyne Atreides 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Sun Dec 20, 2020 3:47 pm

Jolyne Atreides

[[Above I have highlighted many rules about why my post below will go the way I write it, I will try to explain the rules relevance here in order.

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] C5dEQQY

1 - I have not been given a bounty yet, nor should I even be assigned one for the rules below.

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] J0MRcXS

2 - Even if I were a criminal, which I am not, Yugo never included the detailed information in his post for his equipment’s ability thus voiding it. Mentioning it is activated is not the details, a simple spoiler like other members in the thread used once it turned to a potential fight between Gunter and Kazimir.

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] 9KpED3q

3 - Claiming I would hurt with the floor is faulty as I did not apply my strength to the floor directly, and even if I did it could not hurt anyone.

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] A4TpJNh

4 - No constitution being affected is no danger, which civilian did I endanger? None.

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] N7YLnD7

5 - I would have to call a hit if we ignored all of that in order to ‘endanger’ anyone, I will not and have not. I often do not call hits on others to avoid them getting hurt, this cannot work on me hitting myself or avoiding collateral damage from say a spell but in this case I was planning on anime physicsing anyone who couldn't land well. Besides  I have the spells and could easily prevent others from falling if need be in this post. This is NOT the first time I have dropped a floor on someone in rp.

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] 8Ltr7s0

6 - This is why I will not argue on this, there are 5 rules backing me up.

48 Houring]]

"Gunter, listen to Kazimir, leave, or attack the guild when there are people around." Jolyne would shout as she came to a halt fuming, her shoulders heaving from anger and not effort. All of these people over reacted for falling a total of ten feet from the room above in her opinion but it could not be helped. Catching a banana from the guild Gorilla she reflected upon this whole situation, it was just another reflection of why they needed to buck the King's influence.

Gunter was directly next to Kazimir over forty meters from her but a scant one meter from each other as the warrior held himself open for a blow to mock her guild master. If the man cut down Gunter then and there Jolyne would not blame him. The other group was the odd woman and odd man, both of whom looked like gym rats who were probably used to close range. That pair was sixty meters away from her, and to the left of the first pair from her perspective.

Kurisa would be between both of the groups, while Jolyne and the Gorilla would be near the exit(1 meter). Due to the fact that she began her sprint outside she had just crossed the threshold after the group had begun to fall. This allowed both to leave the building if they desired, and put a large distance from the group of people. Any pursuit would be intercepted by the two, Guild Master and Guild Mistress. Both from the two guilds with power in the East.

"Crimes I would have, if I wished to do more than yell at him, yon Judgey Bird! While more clever it would be to kill him; how would he ever learn from his misdeeds then? Child I may be, but everyone has the right to learn even if they are an ass hat like Gunter!" the Lich made sure to keep the anger out of her voice as it was not directed at that woman but at Gunter's actions and current decisions. Dragons did sound like a rather troubling prospect as the woman who vanished did not seem to be jesting about that.

Turning to an odd person who was mumbling something about a crime, she would wonder why he was holding a Rune Knight Pendant without activating it. Much less that there was anyone there that had a bounty and was thus a criminal as far as the ex-Rune Knight was aware. Who was this person to wave their finger? Did they give those relics out to anyone now? Kazimir would recognize the symbol as well as she could, probably Kurisa as well if she were to guess. With all of this, she shook her head and would follow the Gorilla out. Now that her message had been delivered she did not care to be here anymore.


#15Günter Von Wolf 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:59 pm

Günter Von Wolf

To the above post:

The moment that the chair hits the ground, Gunter casually stands up as the chair explodes into splinters, and dusts himself off. As he fixes his hair, he says "That kinda stung a little bit in the heels." With that, he adjusts his tie and looks around at the current situation. He sees that the Lich has stopped advancing, he notices Kazimir with Kurisa in his arms, and when he sees that he thinks "Ah, classic Fairy Tail guild master. The knight in shining white armor."

Gunter listens to everyone say their piece about the floor falling and the dinner, how it was so rudely interrupted by a guest. It is a shame that due to the fact a Lich couldn't eat or drink, that they had to ruin this fine meal for everyone. Gunter did agree with Esperia: truly the actions of a child. By this point, Gunter would start responding to the statements of anyone, so long as it be directed at him.

Gunter scratches his head after hearing what Kazimir said. He inhales deeply and sighs. As he sighs, he looks at Yugo, Natsumi who was up by Kazimir and Kurisa, and Kurisa herself. He could see the anger in Kazimir's face, and hear the angry voice of the angry Lich. He puts his hand to his head, rubbing his forehead and temple, and then looks Kazimir dead in the eyes and begins speaking.

"I'm not going to rebuild the home of a guild that wouldn't even show up to defend itself. Just like how I'm not going to apologize for the annihilation of Penumbral Guard, a guild that I first signed up for, my first home. I will not rebuild your home, Kazimir, and you will have to live with the fact that just like the other members of your guild, you were not there to defend it. You're a guild master that should take responsibility to be there for your guild, and you weren't. While I don't have respect for, hmm, idiots...” and he looks at the Lich, “that make childish decisions...”

He looks back at Kazimir and says “You're a warrior of renown. A Wizard Saint. A hero to the people of Fiore. I may seem a monster to you, and though Fairy Tail was business and I had my own reasons, and you may not want to hear it, but I have respect for heroes such as yourself. Like you, Kazimir, one day I'm gonna have a guild of my own. Maybe you'll retaliate and assault my guild, burn my home, butcher my friends and family, put their corpses on pikes. But I doubt it, because if you did that, you would no longer be the hero this world needs, and I would watch you crawl on the ground before the void devours you. Any action I do, no matter how heinous, is for the betterment of mankind and the world. Though you people may be shortsighted, I will save this world, because unlike you so-called heroes, I will do whatever it takes to put this disgusting species we call humanity on the right path, or I will be the one that lets it be devoured by a sea of chaos and tossed to the void.”

Gunter would casually then look at Yugo and say "My friend. I don't know why I have to remind you, but no one here has broken any laws, so I'd recommend putting that badge away, and we'll simply chalk this disaster up to a case of shitty infrastructure." He would then scratch his head while still looking at Yugo in case he responded, and would say "I think it's best we all just call it a night and head our separate ways. Yugo, give my regards to the Rune Knights. Tell them I said hi. Make sure they keep a cell warm for me, just in case I roll by."

Gunter would then turn to Kurisa and say "I do deeply apologize for the ruined dinner and evening. Perhaps I'll swing by one day with a bottle of wine and a slow roasted pig." He would then look to Kazimir and say "And like the friend you are, I don't see any reason not to join in on the feast."

At this moment, Gunter would then listen to any response Kazimir would say in regards to what Gunter had said, and the statement of friendship and being buddies. As he's listening to the responses of people around him, Kratos who was buried under a bit of rubble due to the falling floor, stands up while pushing off a bit of stone and a wooden table that was on top of him. He dusts himself off and starts heading in the direction of Gunter, Kazimir and Kurisa.

Kratos walks by Jolyne with no intention of stopping her from leaving, but as she walks by, he would say loud enough for her to hear but no one else, "The next time we meet in the field, girly, I'm gonna drink the marrow from your bones." With that, Kratos would keep walking, go over to Yugo and as he's walking by Yugo he'd say "Ah, you look good in blue. Still weak though. Tell you what, next time why don't we do a sparring match in the woods? And next time, at least try to last longer than I did. 'Cuz I remember Penumbral Guard too, and you're like a two-pump chump."

Kratos then strolls past Yugo with a strut in his step like a cocky piece of shit. He notices Esperia vanish and just remarks "Huh, this place is haunted, didn't know we had ghosts."

He then makes his way next to Gunter, Kazimir and Kurisa. He dusts himself off again once he gets there to make sure, looks at Kazimir, and burps loudly. "Indigestion, my bad." Kratos would then look at Kurisa and blurt out "Hey boss, she's fucking hot. Can I come to this tea party you're putting on?"

Kratos would then look at Natsumi. Then back at Gunter. Then back at Natsumi. Kratos has a bit of a confused face on him. Looks back at Gunter. Then Natsumi. Then finally Kratos says "Hey boss, am I seeing things or is there a half-naked pre-teen standing right there? I thought you invited a, uh... what're the fancy words you used? Polite, well-dressed guests? This mage is literally wearing bandages around her tits and goddamn booty shorts. This is pathetic. Anyways, boss, I'm gonna go to the donut shop, I'm hungry. I was expecting dinner, but what can I say? Fucking Skeleton Jack over there was too pissed that she couldn't eat, so I'll see you in town, boss."

Kratos would then walk by everyone and head out into town.




#16Kazimir Seiryu 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:18 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Kaz could only smile at the man's retort. A response that he should have expected from the man's actions and demeanor so far. "A guild that wasn't there to defend it. or perhaps your bravado merely hides the fact that you waited for it to be defenseless to attack. Just as now, you hide behind the law and cleansed your bounty at a convenient time," Kaz was tiptoeing around a very pointed statement and stared at the man as if he had evaluated all he cared to. His hate for the man was still there but it was folded within a layer of sadness now.

"No Gunter. Unlike you, I would not harm innocents. I'd never butcher your family and do something as barbaric as put them on pikes. And unlike you, If I were to retaliate it would be when you were there and ready. I have no need to sneak. I'll face you head-on when the time comes. That is...if you would actual face a person head-on. I assure you Fairy tail will be harder to beat than the inanimate bricks you so gallantly destroyed." Kaz spoke with calm disdain. Normally he would have assumed by this point he'd launch into action and drop tornadoes to do the talking for him, but his vampiric nature and immortal life, no matter how briefly he had been a vampire, gave him all the time in the world to take action.

"You have no respect for anyone but yourself. I've never proclaimed myself a hero, so save your moral judgments and arguments. My goal has never been for the people to acclaim me as a hero, but you can look at me however you like. My actions are my own. And whatever goals you have, I'm sure they won't run parallel with saving humanity. Attacking Light guilds doesn't foster much in the way of the betterment of mankind."  He took in a deep breath. The man before him reminded him of what a young Nerva would have acted like. Mankind's endless cycle of repeating the same things. A part of Kaz still wondered what motivations that man had in attacking the guild especially now that he proclaimed some grand vision of salvation in the future. How did it all fit together. But he could just as easily fall into the trap of being the same as the zealots in history.

"I am sure one day you will have a guild, Gunter. And I'm also sure that a man with a vision such as yours won't stay out of the law's eyesight for long. And when your guild turns against the council and a bounty is placed upon you...You will look up one day to see a storm coming for you. Because people may call me a hero...but I can be just as much a monster," he let his Vampiric eyes flash a haunting red hue. He was never much for accolades. People may see him as a hero, but to Kaz, it was always just actions taken out of a sense of duty. And perhaps in that front, the two men did have something in common. They did play by their own rules. Kaz looked over the man and thought about all the great mages that walked Fiore and the vast amounts of power at their disposal. And if nothing else could be said about this situation, Kaz was curious as to the future that was before Gunter. He was certainly bold enough to go after what he wanted. He only hoped that with all the anger that came from Gunter's mouth, he could see that while he hated 'heroes,' he was also proclaiming himself the savior and hero of the world.

Despite the aggressive beginning, Jolyne halted before she attempted to draw any blood. The resolve she should for her guild and guildmates was admirable. It was the spirit that he'd expect from the guild. The wind mage turned his attention toward Esperia who seemed to have some words of wisdom on the situation. "Thanks for the input. But I have no intention of tempering that passion. People must walk their own path. The only thing that determines the right time, place, and method is hindsight. but a duel would be a great idea. I'm sure Jolyne would be more than happy to accept a one on one battle," he replied but doubted that would ever come to pass. He hummed to himself as Jolyne spoke about learning from actions. A more level headed response than he expected from the mad dash she made in there. So that is the paladin Lich of Fairy Tail, he thought to himself.

As the conversation continued Yugo got back to his feet to brandish the rune knight pendant. Kaz remembered all the times in the past that he had done just that same thing. "I see," he started and pondered about all that Yugo had said. It was odd to be on this side of things for once. He looked down with a smile and then back over his shoulder at Yugo and Gunter before he reached the door.

"It seems that for the first time tonight I agree with Gunter. No laws seem to have been broken. And no attack was launched. Unfortunately, you'll find there is more grey area in the law, situations, and in the knights themselves than will be comfortable. But You're going to make a fine knight Yugo." If Yugo stuck to what he believed then he would do just fine in the knights. Although this all made Kaz think back to the questionable choices he made in the knights, and even now this all put a sour taste in his mouth about the council.

"Thanks for the invitation to the feast Gunter. But I have a taste for something different these days. And I think I'll just keep an eye on what choices you make going forward," he would wave and exit the building, giving Kurisa a bow as she was just caught up in all this madness. "Have a good evening Kurisa."

"I'll see you later Jolyne. Try not to mix things up too much."



Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Sat Dec 26, 2020 3:49 pm


Kurisa was quite confused about what was happening. Was Kazimir giving Gunter a chance? Her eyes darted towards Gunter who replied to Kazimir in a way that made it obvious that he wasn't looking for redemption from the guild itself. That was how she saw it at least. Her arms wrapped around herself and leaned against the wall next to the door. She wanted to listen to what all had to be said for future conversations between her and those that were in here. She had no intentions of speaking about what happened in this room to anyone else.

Everyone in this room can defend themselves when it came to verbal so she let Kazimir talk for himself as much as Gunter and Jolyne who left right after she gave a piece of her mind. She took a deep breather and watched what seemed to be Gunter's companion. He judged everyone they walked past, including her. The words he had made her stomach turn. She appreciated the compliment, but coming from a companion it was quite new.

"See you later, Kazimir." Her eyes then watched him leave and then shot back at Gunter. She shrugged and tilted her head, "Well, send me a message for when you wish to have dinner again.~" Kuri flashed a genuine smile and turned with a final back-wave of her hand towards Gunter as her back was towards everyone. She had a large quest to finish before she comes back to Hosenka. Maybe then hopefully things between Fairy Tail and Gunter will be more calm, even though she had her doubts.


Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Sigme10

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:22 pm

Yugo knew he couldn't arrest anyone here. Nothing had truly been done. But he couldn't just stand by the side and do nothing. He was jsut glad no one was hurt. He let himself breath and stand up normally as he listened to everyone's final remarks. But as Kazimir spoke to him and tried to leave he spoke up loud enough for all to hear.

"Your wrong Mister Kazimir, Sir. There isn't any color sir, and if the Knights are too dirty to hold their heads high with pride then ill do it myself and show them we can." He put the badge away and with a very serious tone before they left he remarked one more thing as he turned to stare down Gunter. "You can rest assured I won't faulter any longer."

With that final word and after hearing Kratos words he silently made his way to additional exit, he promised himself to remain on this path, and he wouldn't allow himself to faulter or fail. Yugo walked toward the rune knight's base for his next assignment. The Demi-Human needed to get more powerful and skilled and soon. Who knew when Gunter would make trouble again.


#19Günter Von Wolf 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Sun Dec 27, 2020 5:20 pm

Günter Von Wolf

As Gunter listens to the response of Kazimir and Kurisa, he does what any good host would do: smile, bow and wave upon their exit. In his mind, he thinks "It would be a shame for Fairy Tail's guild master to become a monster", but it would not be the first time he had seen an honorable man walk down the path of darkness; hell, he was doing it himself. He would thank everyone as they exit, for attending this unfortunately failed dinner due to the childish actions of one such Fairy Tail lich, but that is okay, for the night could be re-enacted. With one less lich, maybe. Perhaps next time Gunter would invite Odin instead, for a man such as himself would have a bit of renown for being a friendly chap.

Gunter does the best he can with the assistance of any other work staff to clean up to the best of their abilities; most of it will have to be done by a proper cleaning crew. The most he can do is sweep up a bit, so he does. As he does so, he thanks the staff for putting on such a wonderful show. He says "Next time that you decide to ruin one of my dinners, I want you to tell your boss that I will specifically come for the heads of their entire family and make him eat their heads like candy apples." He tosses the staff a small tip so that they each get an even amount, and then leaves.

He walks out the door, smells the foul air of the Crimson Quarter, and he pulls out a cigarette. As he lights it and inhales deeply, he says "Well, I suppose it's time to head to Oak. A few people I need to meet there, and I am very curious to see how those encounters go." As he finishes his smoke, he flicks it on the ground, ashes it out with his nice dress shoes, and heads out with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.


#20Natsumi Duranndal 

Fine Dining with Friends [Open] Empty Thu Dec 31, 2020 5:04 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi saw all that went down, sighing softly as she watched it all go down. She saw it all be a hassle as she was going to leave. Walking away from the area as she stopped looking down at the commotion as she.

She started to sing a song as she walked away.

Me & You
Made it through the bad times
Change the game
You taught me the importance
of sharing roundabout times
that are too much to overcome alone

I have faith in our vision for the future
Sure enough (uh, uh huh)
Unneeded reasons lingering hopes of apprehension
Just ball it all up and let it go
no matter what happens, keep ya head up

Now let’s go to the future we seek, we can make it (uh huh)
There’s no stopping us (uh huh)
The world may change again today
but you’re my family (uh huh)
We have an unwavering wish and dream

We are down by law - just know this
We are down by law – no matter what walls stand in our way we’ll go right over them
Woo we do it for real
(We do it for real)

Once done she would think to herself as she knew that she had nothing left to do here, so she would proceed to leave the area from where she is as she didn't know what else to do in hosenka, not like she had any choice.

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