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Burning Pages (Open)

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#1Masado Faithe 

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:45 pm

Masado Faithe
Now that he was in Crocus, he had one mission in mind. Finding the survivors of Penumbral Guard so he can find out what the actual hell happened. Since becoming a Rune Knight, he learned that Masami was a high-ranking Rune Knight and if he recalled correctly that boy was a friend of his sister's from her time in Penumbral Guard. Masado Faithe hadn't been there long enough himself to make many friends, but he recognized names from his sister's circle.

With any luck, he could find Masami and perhaps some other members. He only hoped Rinni was safe and having better luck than he was in her own search. As he had set out to find Guildmates, his sister had set out to find her boyfriend. Of course, her goal in that search was to also find old friends of the Guild, but her main priority was Ko Lesalt.

He still wasn't entirely sure what she saw in that deadbeat punk. He smelled like trouble from the moment Masado first set eyes on him.

And alcohol.

The knight shook his head and fought to hold back a sigh as he patrolled down the streets. He didn't like being this far away from his sister. However, with all this shit she's been through he trusted her to be able to take care of herself. He just hoped she wasn't doing something stupid right now.

The streets weren't overly crowded today. Nor were they inherently empty. This both aided in making the scene completely peaceful as well as potentially easier (or harder) to find the people he was looking for. Depending on one's point of view. of course. He sighed, wondering if this entire trip was a waste of time.

He hoped that it wasn't. And if it were, he prayed Rinni had found someone at least. That way when they meet up later they can share what they discovered with each other and compare notes. He just hoped she came across an ally and not an enemy. At that thought, he subconsciously placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Burning Pages (Open) Giphy
Languages: Fiorian = #0066cc, Encan = #9966cc

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Sun Jan 10, 2021 12:51 pm



One of the unlisted perks of being Captain-Commander is that often, despite being completely unneeded, Masami receives up-to-date knowledge about every Rune Knights member. The boy wasn't the type to become greedy of knowledge, and would rather let surprises come to him instead, thus he did not desire to know more than vain. Recently, the reports were getting annoying, as not only Masami had not yet found the right person to entrust with paperwork, Masami was also tasked to check on every Page, as well as every lower-ranked member of the Rune Knights. It just happened that Masado Faithe was the first person Masami saw when he opened the folder of Pages and their current location. They were in Crocus, so Masami needn't to travel.

He had also learned how to keep hidden, and how to force the truth out of certain people. If only Masami never had the demon lord of Pride within him, he would not enjoy this sort of power. However, since he does, indeed, have the demon lord of Pride within him, he had enjoyed the lesser-crowded ally, as he followed the new Rune Knight—if Masami was told the truth, then Masado Faithe truly was the sibling of Rinni Faithe, a fellow ex-member of the Rune Knights; Masami was also curious, but he did not have much bond with the girl as to hope that she was alive. Masami hid carelessly, perhaps he exposed himself more than five times as he followed, but he was no rogue as to become mindful of his concealment.

Reputation is an important aspect, too. If only Masami didn't have such a famous reputation, then just like Masado Faithe, people would become suspicious and not trust the (ironically) lowly member. Rune Knights came back only recently, but Masami's fame allowed him to immediately earn the trust of people, and not receive any sort of backlash for being positioned in such a high-ranking immediately. Once again, if only the boy did not have the demon lord of Pride within him, then he would not enjoy such a rank—Masami wasn't the type of person as to enjoy these sorts of crowns, anyway.

Thus, when it came the right moment, after Masami leaped from tree to tree and had gotten eventually tired of it, he tried to speak straightforwardly as to avoid embarrassing situations such as stuttering. "You seem like you're scaring the people," he said, being scarily near Masado Faithe, "you should walk slower." Now, it was time to hop off of the tree and land beside the taller knight, "Now that I'm beside you, look, it's starting to get crowded again."


Burning Pages (Open) Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#3Masado Faithe 

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:51 pm

Masado Faithe
Receiving reports of fellow members' names, ranks, and locations were not exclusive to higher ranking Rune Knights. In truth, it started as soon as one became a Page. In fact, that's what brought the 22-year-old mage to Crocus, to begin with. He was, officially, going to head to Era to meet the Rune Knights but as he checked his notes he realized most (if not all) the Rune Knights had left for Crocus. One name, in particular, had caught his attention among the high ranking Rune Knights. Masami Kita. If he recalled, during their family vacation his younger sister spoke of Guild Members she had met and even worked with. One that stood out was Masami. He was no older than herself, yet his magic was impressive.

According to the notes, the boy had been granted Captain-commander upon joining the Rune Knights. That was quite a feat for such a young mage. He must have some impressive credentials. Of course, the notes included mention of the fact the teen had already reached X-Rank. Masado wasn't even aware Ranks that surpassed S-Rank existed. He thought it was mere rumors and tales. Still, it was impressive. And one of the main reasons Masado had decided to stay in Crocus upon arrival was in hopes of meeting this famous mage.

If he truly used to be with Penumbral Guard, he'd have knowledge of what happened during their absence. Too bad Masado had no one to get in touch with his sister from a distance. It wasn't that he was worried about her safety. She was an A-Rank Ranger and a werewolf. He had no doubt she could take care of herself. But, sharing information would go a lot smoother if he could talk to her freely. But, it was what it was. As the Rune Knight speed-walked down the street, his armor clanging, his hand still resting on his sword hilt, he heard rustling and as he glanced over his shoulder he caught movement out of the corner of his eyes. It was quick, almost a blur to the untrained eye, but he definitely saw something.

After the third incident, Masado was convinced of it. He was definitely being followed. He kept his hand on his sword and stayed alert as he walked down the road. He wasn't sure if the one tailing him was friend or foe yet, so he decided to be cautious but not irrational. A voice soon reached his ears, implying he was scaring the citizens by walking too quickly. Most would be startled by a disembodied voice speaking to them. Masado didn't scare as easily as his baby sister, however. Instead, the man slowed to a halt and turned his eyes toward the source of the voice.

It was then that Masami himself landed by his side. He could tell by his clothing, equipment, and the way he carried himself that the boy was both powerful and high ranking. Masado removed his hand from the weapon that rested at his hip, eying the boy in front of him. If it wasn't for his notes and the confirmation of Rinni's stories from the Guild, he would have assumed this teen to be a young girl. The boy was petite, and smaller even than that of Rinni. How could someone so small and innocent looking become so powerful?

Guess one truly could not judge a book by its cover.

As Masami pointed out that the streets were filling again now that he was there, Masado only nodded. It was to be expected. No one knew him; on the flip side, everyone knew Masami. Masado stood at attention and saluted the Captain-commander respectfully. It felt a bit strange showing such respect toward a boy so young, but it was what it was. He was sure the kid deserved all the respect and trust he had most likely earned over a long period of jobs and services. "Captain-commander Masami, yes? You're actually just the person I'd been looking for. Me and my sister used to be members of Penumbral Guard. I believe you'll know her; Rinni Faithe?"

Masado looked around as people busied themselves all along the streets, no longer seeming so distant now that Masami was present. They clearly trusted and looked up to the boy with high regard. Masado would then look down at the shorter male that stood beside him. "I do apologize. It wasn't my intent to scare anybody. I'm searching for Penumbral Guard members. My family and I returned to Fiore after a trip to Enca and discovered our guild had been destroyed. Rinni and I split up in search of answers. She's in Oak City right now, I believe, looking for her boyfriend and any surviving ex-Guildmates. I came here for the same reason. I was hoping you could shed some light on the situation?"

Burning Pages (Open) Giphy
Languages: Fiorian = #0066cc, Encan = #9966cc

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Tue Jan 12, 2021 4:02 am



Startled at the older lad's salute, the boy that was not used to such act of respect had startled himself. "You don't need to,"—ah, Masami was once told to let Pages respect him as an upperclassman, otherwise they will get too familiar and their perception of the Rune Knights will deteriorate to an overly-casual view—"nevermind. It's nice to meet you, Faithe." Masami saluted back, "Penumbral Guard, huh? It's been a while since I've heard that guild." The name felt awfully dead to Masami, too, as if it never existed, and that his mind refused to recall details about the memories shared within it. He had started to walk as to avoid the crowd from clumping up, as Masado shared details with his intentions. Masami didn't feel the need to introduce himself, assuming that everyone knows who he is already.

The boy didn't know much about Rinni Faithe, and the last possible memory left is probably the stomachache the girl had the first time she and Masami met. I wonder if that herbal medicine worked, or, if she even was alive. Masami didn't have any bond with the members of his previous guild; it's just by chance that the person he was closest to—his own guildmaster—was the one that turned his back in a very painful way. Truly, "it's just by chance," as Masami continue to refuse the fact that he was deceived and betrayed. Now, it's as if every single person that Masami meets are potential traitors—that's also the message his demon soul keeps trying to point across. Thus, Masami felt uneasy, and felt an irrational coldness towards Masado. "You've got to be a little more narrow with questions, so I can answer properly," this time, Masami looks away, and spoke without looking at anyone's eyes. He'd still make the effort to wave and smile at the people looking at him, but not to the fellow Rune Knight.

"These people are only scared because you're new—ah, look at those media men. 'New Rune Knight Found Walking Beside Kita Masami,' sounds like a worthy headline, doesn't it?" One of Masami's jobs is to treat the underclassmen with respect and, it wouldn't hurt to give a little lecture. "It's only a little peaceful here because I've already spoken about disliking public interviews—it won't be the same for other cities, though. So, choose now whether you'd go for the public image-type, or the suspicious Rune Knight," not like it's a black-and-white choice. Masami knew well-enough that he fell under both categories, hence why (perhaps?) the magic council consulted Masami and recruited him as a Captain-Commander. Smarter lads assume Masami's diabolic side, while the rest falls for his proven innocence. The beholder is completely aware, yet he prefers to act as if he isn't.

At one point, Masami would stop in his place, placing his hands around the waist, as to stare at Masado's response to the childish reaction, which blankly stared into the older man's head. The location would be less-crowded than where they first encountered each other, yet they'd still be in the alley. There's something Masami would like to ask yet he could not point it out yet.


Burning Pages (Open) Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#5Masado Faithe 

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:15 am

Masado Faithe
Masami stating that it had 'been a while' since he heard of that guild implied confirmation that it had been destroyed for quite a while. How long have they gone without noticing their Guild Tattoos were missing? How long had they been laughing and having fun on Enca while their home and family were destroyed? Masado frowned deeply, furrowing his brows at the thought. He couldn't even imagine what exactly happened that day. But, he was grateful Rinni wasn't there when it happened. If something happened to her...

As Masami proceeded to walk away, the older man walked in time beside him. Because of their difference in height, however, Masado walked a little slow so as to not leave him behind nor embarrass him with wider steps. He had no doubt this boy was faster and even stronger than himself on the battlefield. But, they were simply walking together. Why push his luck and risk overstepping boundaries?

No pun intended.

Masami's response to his question wasn't what he had expected. The lightning mage raised an eyebrow as he glanced down at the smaller boy that walked alongside him. He couldn't help notice the teen had changed the topic back toward that of the crowded streets, deflecting the conversation and instead, speaking of the fact people didn't know him therefore they didn't trust him. Masado chose to stay quiet and allow his superior to speak, listening quietly to the lecture. It was odd, but the man sensed a hint of coldness and subtle hostility directed toward him.

Yet he was sure he had done nothing wrong to provoke the boy.

Was it connected to what went down at the Guild?

This only succeeded in giving Masado more questions than answers. He watched as the Captain-commander quit walking, prompting him to halt as well. The boy now had his arms around his waist, much like a nervous child. He tried to read the boy, however, he could not. Perhaps there was something he wished to say or to ask but simply wasn't sure how?

After a few moments of awkward silence, Masado calmly cleared his throat and took it upon himself to break the ice. "I apologize, sir, for any issues my presence may have caused. Allow me to start over. If you're willing and able to answer... please, tell me... what exactly happened to Penumbral Guard?"

Burning Pages (Open) Giphy
Languages: Fiorian = #0066cc, Encan = #9966cc

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:56 pm



How apologetic... thought Masami when he heard the desperate Masado seek answers the second time, and I thought I wouldn't have to repeat the same story today. Since he had no choice, Masami stared back into Masado's eyes, and bluntly he answered: "Tanaka burned the guild." That was probably the most straightforward thing Masami has said in a while. Surely, context was needed, but Masami receives blatant headaches whenever he tries to recall the things Tomoe Tanaka, the person whose name Masami could no longer call, has said. Assumingly so, and often blaming the demon soul for this phenomena, Masami decided to abide by its' will and spoke less about Tomoe, even in important matters. "Apparently, he was from an old cult-guild thingy, and now he followed the path he was once in," he waved a hand in the air, as if calling someone. The person he called, which was a vendor, didn't hesitate approaching Masami, and was right in front of the two Rune Knights in an instant.

"I want one of these," said Masami as he pointed at a certain snack, in which the vendor served immediately, was payed, and then took his leave. Masami wanted to keep the conversation as casually yet as professional as possible, there is also a possibility that they are being followed and that people are trying to overhear things that weren't supposed to be said to others. In other words, Masami tried to be keen and careful, but not as much as to bother the other Rune Knight. So, he took his time to make small bites off of the sticky rice before speaking; "The two other people he destroyed the guild with were captured by the Rune Knights a month or two months ago, they're out of Era now. One of them goes by the name 'Yugo,' and is now a Captain of the Rune Knights," pausing to take a small bite, Masami made it quick, "ironic, right? I don't know what they were thinking—recruiting such a criminal—I haven't even met the guy yet." Now that Masami had said everything he needed to say, it was time for him to enjoy the sweet sticky rice snack, that was bigger than his own hand, and apparently bigger than what everyone else got. Favoritism? Maybe. This was the power of reputation.

Truly, the boy didn't mind telling these things to Masado. After all, he was Masami's fellow ex-member – he deserved to know what happened to the guild, even if they didn't treat each other like family, compared to the other guilds. Masami couldn't even spend much time with the guild, which was destroyed a few months after he joined. Sometimes, his belief in the supernatural causes him to assume if he was a curse; perhaps, it was better if he never joined the guild in the first place, or was it an inevitable occurrence? He tried to recall what Rinni looks like, but no luck due to no bond, maybe she looks like her brother? With that thought, Masami would look at Masado. Staaaaaaare.


Burning Pages (Open) Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#7Masado Faithe 

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:18 pm

Masado Faithe
The 22-year-old gasped at the 16-year-old boy's words as he mentioned a very familiar name. "Tenaka!?" He repeated in a very astonished tone of voice. 'Our Guildmaster? But why?' The thought entered his mind as he clenched his fists, gritting his teeth. The young man was shaking as he listened to Masami explain that Tomoe was once part of a dark cult and had apparently returned to his old path. It was a shame. He was a good Guildmaster, from what Rinni told him. She never did tell him, however, what changed when she suddenly became fearful of the Guildmaster and began to avoid him. Had he done something to her even back then?

Masami headed toward a vendor of sorts and Masado quietly followed him. He ordered some sort of pastry. Masado decided that while he was there he'd take the opportunity to order himself a few macaroons. He hadn't had any since he got home. The ones in Enca tasted amazing. However, given the shock that his sister and himself received upon coming home, he felt he could use a sweet to calm his nerves. As the snacks arrived, he couldn't help but notice the size of Masami's pastry was much larger than average. Perks of being world-renowned, I suppose. As they ate their sweets together, Masado listened as Masami detailed the arrest of two of the perpetrators from the Guild destruction. No names were mentioned, but he doubted Tomoe was one of the arrested. The Captain-commander mentioned 'Yugo'  becoming a Captain of the Rune Knights after his release. So two of the attackers were Yugo and Tomoe Tenaka, eh? Who was the third, then?

ironic, right?

Masado nodded. "Yeah."

I don't know what they were thinking—recruiting such a criminal—I haven't even met the guy yet.

"He must have done something to impress them." Masado paused to pop a macaroon into his mouth. Once it was chewed and swallowed, he continued. "Perhaps he regrets his role in the entire ordeal. Maybe he truly turned over a new leaf? As my sister would say, everyone deserves a second chance."

He was trying to stay optimistic. For Rinni's sake more than his own. She wouldn't want him to go out on a revenge kick. Besides, he was far too responsible and relaxed in his decision making to foolishly run in blind looking for a fight. Especially against Tomoe. He knew that mage was dangerously powerful. It'd be suicide to challenge him so brazenly. He was an A-Rank last time Rinni and Masado saw him. Who knew what his level of power was at by now. He only hoped Rinni hadn't been unfortunate enough to encounter him in Oak City. If he was even though. As pissed off as Masado was, he didn't show it on the outside. One received a sentence and was free, his identity unknown to the Lightning Mage.

Masado popped another Macaroon into his mouth, and as his blue eyes looked down toward the teen, he noticed the boy awkwardly staring at him. The blond blinked a couple times and stared back awkwardly. He slowly put another macaroon into his mouth. He chewed it slowly, and then awkwardly swallowed it. Finally, he asked with a hint of annoyance to his tone. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Burning Pages (Open) Giphy
Languages: Fiorian = #0066cc, Encan = #9966cc

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:40 am



Masami answered with a big "No," leaning a little bit forward when Masado asked if there was something on his face. The boy felt a hint of annoyance from the lad's words, which annoyed him a little as well. Anyway, the topic would slide away from professionalism if they spoke about anything else but Penumbral Guard and its' destruction, yet Masami found the topic too obnoxious to keep discussing of. Thus, Masami instead chose to reply to when Masado spoke of his sister's words, relaxing his shoulders, and softly giving himself a palm on the face.

A second chance? Isn't that term a bit too general? assumed Masami when he imagined someone like Tomoe Tanaka "turning over a new leaf," although Masami wasn't generally bothered by people's never-ending change, knowing that humans normally change ideals immediately upon encountering better ones, it's the demon soul that makes Masami so concerned. The boy didn't want to accept that someone could "change for the better" so quickly—too quickly—but Masami wasn't warned of anything suspicious regards the new Captain, so "Yugo" must have done something to impress the higher-ups. Surely, because he's one of the people that destroyed Penumbral Guard, and stood beside its' ex-guildmaster while doing so. The idea made Masami grieve a little for violence. "Anyway, something to impress the higher ups, since there is no way a person could 'turn over a new leaf' that immediately. I don't want to be biased, but that guy is a criminal, and should have been crumbling in Era's dungeons even now." The hand that facepalmed Masami was raised up, casting a spell upon the user, and immediately the boy sat upon a gigantic—demonic in appearance, whose texture is similar to a corpse—hand, which then floated in the air.

This time, he was able to feel more comfortable. "Want to go hunt them down?" the boy grinned, joking in accordance to the "bounty hunter" title, despite knowing that Masami is no bounty hunter 'less he is accompanied by someone. The power to turn others into deities—almost, except he cannot turn himself into one. "Yugo, I mean," he added as his legs start swinging back and forth in energy, "let's say that we just want a little talk. I don't think we can accept a criminal in the institute. I also don't like the fact that despite forcing a kid like me into the 'Captain-Commander' title, they didn't ask for my thoughts on the case. How about we see what 'Yugo' did to 'impress' the higher-ups ourselves?" No doubt, it was the demon lord of Pride that had influenced this sort of mindset. Masami was the boy who kept his mouth shut, and did not have an opinion to share with others—in other words, he was greedy with his own words, but the confidence had allowed him to speak up, whether or not it will put the other people in ease. A part of Masami worried of intimidating Masado despite being younger, yet also higher in position. He was humble in humility and the thought of being dominant had always been an uncomfortable deal, yet why does it feel so good, so suddenly?

Well, anyone would be honored to walk beside higher-ranked members of a guild or in an institute—as Masami would've assumed, he was technically inviting Masado Faithe to a tea party at this point. "Can't really trust what other people say, so I guess we should just see the truth for ourselves." For some reason, Masami received a flashback of the members of Penumbral Guard that he had communicated with so far, before it was destroyed—then, he wondered, What happened to the guy that owes me some money?


Burning Pages (Open) Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#9Masado Faithe 

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Sat Jan 30, 2021 2:52 am

Masado Faithe
Masami's big 'no' didn't really answer Masado's question. At least, not fully. I mean, it did technically answer his question... but it didn't explain why he was staring at him, to begin with. This boy was definitely a strange one. Perhaps he needed to be more specific with his wording, he contemplated this while rubbing his chin with his index finger and thumb. Masado wasn't a fool, however, and could tell this subject was sore to him. Perhaps they should speak of more pleasant matters. He noticed Masami's facepalm, though light, in response to his sister's opinion on second chances.

"That's just Rinni, though. I don't always agree with my baby sister. In fact, sometimes I fear she's too sweet for her own good..." He continued in response to the facepalm.

Anyway, something to impress the higher-ups, since there is no way a person could 'turn over a new leaf' that immediately. I don't want to be biased, but that guy is a criminal and should have been crumbling in Era's dungeons even now.

Masado folded his arms, closed his eyes, and hummed. He couldn't argue with that. After committing such a heinous crime, how was the man released so soon, and why was he made into a Rune Knight of all things? It just made no sense. As the Page opened his eyes, he saw that Masami had summoned some sort of demonic hand and was using it as a chair. Was this his magic? What sort of magic could produce such a thing? The Lightning Mage stared in awe before shaking his head and focusing on the boy himself.

So young, yet so powerful already.

He frowned as he couldn't help wonder how his sister was doing on her end of things.

Want to go hunt them down?

"Huh? What...?" He was snapped out of his inner thoughts.

Yugo, I mean.

The young Captain-commander then proceeded to propose they 'talk' with Yugo themselves, and discover why he helped in the destruction of Penumbral Guard, and why he chose to join the Rune Knights thereafter. It was suspicious, he had to admit. Perhaps it was a cover-up, so as to get away with other crimes under the guise of the law? All things considered, that idea wasn't too farfetched. He noticed Masami was laughing and kicking his legs like an excited mischievous child and he wondered if this was a game to him.

Masado searched out the boy's eyes, trying to gauge how serious he was on the matter. If he did indeed wish to seek out and have words with this 'Yugo' character, then, by all means, Masado was game. After all, he needed answers, and Masami clearly didn't have all the answers he sought. The Mage nodded. "Sure. But, what if he does not wish to speak with us?"

Burning Pages (Open) Giphy
Languages: Fiorian = #0066cc, Encan = #9966cc

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:35 am



Masami sometimes wondered how few adults cannot grasp an automatic response regards the "next step" of a phase, so the boy snapped his fingers, as if that "next step" should've been an easy guess already. "Ah, then he doesn't get to play nice with me us, not like he can't get to jail (again) just because he's the Captain of the Rune Knights!" Well, the only reason why Masami was able to send the guy to jail was because he was already accompanied by a strong mage from Blue Pegasus; quickly scanning Masado from head to toe, the boy realizes that the fellow knight compares not with the Berserker... at least, not right now. That should be an easy fix, while I'm still here, after all, sometimes, overconfidence is a good thing—fooling yourself with a lie to motivate you to turn it into the truth.

"It'll be easy for us to look for him—actually, I think we can go to where he is right now, but doesn't that seem a bit too sudden?" Masami raised a brow after the statement, giving a little chuckle, "We don't want to cause too much trouble." More like Masami doesn't want to catch others' attention by causing trouble, so it would be best if the concept of "trouble" never existed in the first place – a "negotiation" is always the better alternative. "Don't you have anything better to do, though?" Masami doesn't, and that's for sure. He can abandon a job anytime he wants to, and Masami only looks for people if it truly is a serious business—it's the people that look for him instead. So, the thought worried Masami a little, because he cared for Masado's time. He thought that it wouldn't be nice at all to drag people around simply because they were ranked lower (even if Masami humbles himself and thinks not of Masado as a lowly page), and knowing that they're in the same guild, Masami thought that he should be nicer. "You want to look for your sister?" he uttered immediately after a short pause from the previous statement. Rinni Faithe was Masado's kin and also a fellow ex-guildmate. Not that Masami was interested, yet he wanted to wait a little more before striking—if he was still the Masami of Joya, then whoever this Yugo was, they'd probably get their nape struck by a vigilante before he even knew.


Burning Pages (Open) Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#11Masado Faithe 

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:00 pm

Masado Faithe
Ah, then he doesn't get to play nice with me us, not like he can't get to jail (again) just because he's the Captain of the Rune Knights!

Masami had a point; on both parts of that statement. Just because he was a Rune Knight did not make him immune to being arrested should he slip back into his old ways. Unfortunately, they couldn't arrest the man for no reason at all, neither. Like it or not, Yugo was one of them now. And on the bit regarding playing nice? That was all Masami. I mean, just by looking at the kid, Masado could tell how powerful a mage the boy truly was. The older Rune Knight couldn't dare compare. How was a child barely older than his sister so much more powerful than himself?

The kid must have trained hard endlessly since the Guild fell. It was impressive, to be honest. Come to think of it, now that he was back home it would probably be a good idea to do some training as well. He also needed to do his job as a Rune Knight and keep people safe from further harm by outlaws, criminals, and criminally insane mages and non-mages alike. On that note, he should probably check out a few job boards.

It'll be easy for us to look for him—actually, I think we can go to where he is right now, but doesn't that seem a bit too sudden?

What was with this kid? First, he suggests hunting down this Jugo guy, now he says it would be too sudden to do so? Masado ran a hand through his blond hair and sighed. He wasn't sure what this boy was getting at or planning at this point. Then again, he wasn't one to talk as he lacked any plans himself. He was, as of the moment, looking for answers, not revenge. Revenge could wait. He first needed to know who his enemies were and why they did what they did. After which he could decide a plan of action.

Don't you have anything better to do, though?

"I mean... I should probably take some jobs... I've been so focused on the Penumbral situation I haven't done much since becoming a Knight."

You want to look for your sister?

Masado was surprised by this sudden question. His blue eyes scanned the boy with curiosity. Was he serious right now? How did they go from tracking Yugo to interrogate him... to suddenly an interest in finding Rinni? Perhaps he was simply being polite. At this point, it was difficult to read into Masami too much as the boy's thinking seemed to be unpredictable and lacked any focus point or logic. Masado shrugged and folded his arms across his chest. "I mean, I don't feel a need to go looking for her. I know approximately where she is. She said she was heading to Oak City. If I run into her while searching for answers, then that's fine, we can update one another then."

Burning Pages (Open) Giphy
Languages: Fiorian = #0066cc, Encan = #9966cc

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Sun Feb 07, 2021 4:18 pm



(OOC: HAHAHA I really like Masado's responses to Masami's childish unpredictability!)

"Hmm... that's actually good to know," responded Masami, as Masado knew where his brethren are located at the present moment, so there'd be less to worry about. He tried not to shrug, as it is a sign of disinterest or complacency, so he instead spoke in quite an excited tone of voice (very convincingly, despite it being an act). Pointing upwards—actually, he thought that the reaction was a little out of place, but he hoped that Masado would view Masami as a childish, immature... Captain-Commander, even if that seemed a bit mismatched. "Then, since you know where a person is despite not meeting them for quite some time now, I'm sure that you'll find exactly where I am next time!" for some reason, that statement made Masami a little sad.

He waved a hand at Masado before the magical hand that carried him launches the boy into the air, but then safely swiping him for a seat afterwards. They were high up in the air now, so if Masami has something more to say, he'd have to shout—so he did so. "Oh, knightly jobs! I was actually looking for a secretary, so you can check up on my desk in the office, and bundle the papers up! They're all organized but I can't read Fiorian properly so all you have to do is proofread them! Also, I'm a kid so I hate papers!" Then, just like that, the hand carried him (upon silent command) away, towards the Grand Cathedral of Crocus. He did have some work left in that place filled with adults, and that he was rude when he walked off from it without a word. In all honesty, he wanted some fresh air, except what he had in return was a bundle of nostalgia and bad memories he tried not to bring back.

There was no choice, of course. He couldn't help but remember the face of his ex-guildmaster when he exposed his chaotic, psychotic yet devoted side. There must be something more to it, if they meet once more, Masami would surely die. But for now, for a child who listened to the melodies of his heart rather than the shouts of his mind, he had no feeling regards searching for the rest of his old members. I probably didn't love them as much as I believed, now, he was feeling guilty, it was as if he did not submit to the promises he had made with someone. Until now, had he been a good person?



Burning Pages (Open) Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#13Masado Faithe 

Burning Pages (Open) Empty Mon May 03, 2021 8:10 pm

Masado Faithe
"What... paperwork? But, Captain-commander Masami!"

Too late. He was already gone. Masado sighed, crossing his arms and shaking his head. Well, looked like his next task was to play secretary for this child that somehow ranked so high. Proofreading huh? Easy enough. Though, it would be a tedious distraction from his current goal. Masado would handle the paperwork requested of him by the Captain-commander, as well as complete some jobs and wait to hear from Rinni.

Masado sighed and stretched. At least he knew his werewolf sister could take care of herself. Perhaps he should send a letter to their parents and let them know they're okay. Masado sighed and put his thumb and finger on the bridge of his nose as though rubbing away a slight headache. He hoped Rinni was having better luck than he was at learning the truth, and that she wasn't doing anything stupid.

So far, all Masado learned were the names of those involved. And that two of them had served time in prison; one of the two somehow becoming a Rune Knight upon being released. How was that possible? Why give a criminal such a position in power over the law? Maybe it was time Masado had a talk with this Yugo character. On that note, Masado turned on his heels and headed off to find the truth.


Burning Pages (Open) Giphy
Languages: Fiorian = #0066cc, Encan = #9966cc

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