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Repeat Respite [Private]

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#1Lorelei L Lakefield 

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:32 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
She sighed as she settled into the hot spring. Itg was time for a nice well deserved break. The pink-haired dragon slayer. She earned this, she thought to herself, private time away from all the chaos that had happened to her. Between the yakuza, the disbandment of her guild, and flashes of memory that caused her pain, she earned some time to relax.

What better way than to rest in a women's only hot spring with a towel wrapped around her head? Take in the sights and enjoy a mineral bath and spa treatment? From all of the work she had been doing and yakuza that she got jewels from when they tried to shake her down.

As she sat back, enjoying the scent of the fine minerals in the water, a snack to have later at that, she sipped on a lovely cup of tea.

"This, this is something I could really get used to." She didn't remember the last time she relaxed like this, then again she didn't really remember much of anything at all!

As the workers walked by, asking people if they could use anything, Lorelei ordered another pot of cold tea, preferring nice cold drinks with her hot baths.

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STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
Repeat Respite [Private] DSj5Tim

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:36 pm

Eventually when all the workers had passed Priscilla would walk in, since she herself wanted to relax here as well, in her quest in always finding the interesting people to talk too. Sometimes the far more innocent looking ones also were interesting for Priscilla to meet as well, this area was seemingly perfect.

Lorelei just happen to either be fortunate or the opposite when Priscilla would walk in, while Lorelei was wrapped up in a towel when she was in the fine mineral water bath.

Priscilla was far different, how much different? she would just enter entirely naked with out fear or worry. Priscilla was comfortable in her own skin so to say, She was not scared of other people looking at her with or with out anything on she had confidence in her appearance, body and features.

So much so that she did not care walking around strangers naked like she did in this situation, After all no one would really do much here.

She did have a towel tuck with in one of her arms, Just to be polite after all if some one else did ask nicely she would put it on, Just since it seemed to be a casual relaxing bath area and no other warning that she should be wearing anything while bathing Priscilla kind of just did what she felt.

Priscilla settling into the this situation did not take vary long too, sitting with one of her legs crossed over the other. Lounging her arms out by leaving then stretched out and reading on the edge of the tub.

She would wonder what would be said to her, what reaction this woman would have to Priscilla just showing up as she did, after all she did not know this pink haired woman and Priscilla showed up seemingly almost out of no where, knowing very well there was some one else in there.

#3Lorelei L Lakefield 

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:29 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
Lorelei was enjoying the sights for the time being, from afar at least, with no one being harmed by the act at all. Though the harm only came to her when Priscilla entered the scene and settled into the water herself. There was a bit of copper added to the mineral bath, straight from Lorelei's nose.

As she was busy losing blood from the sight of a woman being so unabashedly brazen to walk around like that, she couldn't help but cover her nose and make a ruckus as she turned around to rest on the edge of the hot water pool.

Clearing her throat for a moment as she tried to clear her head!

There was one thing Lorelei could remember for certain about her past, when all else failed to come to memory, she remembered her affection for the fairer sex. Lorelei Laguna's interest in other girls, some would say, eclipsed that of the most stalwart of red light district trawlers, if only from an art appreciator's viewpoint!

"Lovely, day, er, night! Lovely night, right? That is uh, nice to meet you!" She tried to break the ice while talking to Priscilla over her shoulder, "What brings you here? I needed a nice long break from all the hectic stuff going on in the city lately." She did have a bit of trouble when it came to getting involved with the criminal underbelly of Hosenka, whether she sought them out or not was her own problem, though her luck seemed to draw them to her regardless.

My Sheet | My Statistics | My Bank
My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
Repeat Respite [Private] DSj5Tim

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:32 pm

Ensuring the towel she had would not touch the water, Priscilla might not have expected the moment of how this woman took to her being here. In which it was still interesting, they seemed to be different people in terms of reactions, After all Priscilla just seemed content and with what was really going on in this situation.

Priscilla was wondering if she made a fan or was she making herself a target of something she did not expect right away? it was a really interesting question left on her mind. That or the werewolf was a lot more seemingly eye catching looks was not something she really picked up on around other people. So far even if she was not answered her yet, Priscilla actually would answer her.

"Pleasure is also mine Dear."Back to her normal way of speaking, Priscilla would be her casual self. She had taken nose of the possible nose bleed for the poor woman by her."It is a wonderful time to unwind so to say, I should ask however, Do you need something to clean up the blood?"Priscilla asked this woman just to be sure.

Even if she was waiting to hear about that."That is sometimes, It is always interesting to meet new people, even if in different ways and situations."Nonetheless it was almost an awkward start, Just Priscilla knew how of work off of being around blood."I also have not been in said bathing areas like these in a while." Which was why Priscilla had came here to start with, Lorelei just happen to be chosen to deal with Priscilla at random because she like the spot, The or it was the least amount of people that was something else too that might have been a factor as well.

#5Lorelei L Lakefield 

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Thu Dec 24, 2020 6:28 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
To take note of the hectic stuff going on in the city, the pink-haired lass was the culprit for a majority of it. Lorelei was in fact someone that had gotten mixed up multiple times with the local yakuza outfit, people who wanted to shake her down for her Jewels yet she wasn't so inclined to give it to them. Though being a clumsy and danger-prone dragon slayer didn't help much.

When she was asked if she was in need of helping to clean up blood, Lorelei looked with a confused expression at the woman, only to sink down into the water, blowing bubbles with her nose for a few seconds. The embarrassment was palpable on her face, her eyes just trying to avoid looking at Priscilla for too long. It was clear it was like a school-yard crush! The youthful unemployed maid had a thing for the ladies, and sometimes when they were knock dead gorgeous it was too much for her.

After a moment, she came up from the water and turned around again to catch her breath and try and maintain enough composure to hold a simple conversation with the woman, "So, you don't come to places like this often? I only came here recently myself!" She took a moment, turning back around to meet the eyes of Priscilla.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lorelei Lakefield Laguna. A lot of people call me Trip-L, or just Trouble because they sound so much alike. I can't exactly say why I came to the city, because I don't really remember. Other than trying to find something to jog my memories."

At least starting the conversation was easy enough, and introductions were always a nice ice-breaker. She picked up her cup of tea and dipped it back to her mouth, only to pull her mouth away and pulled the brewed water with her! She tore off a piece of water like stringy taffy and started to chew on it. Now THAT was something to break the ice.

My Sheet | My Statistics | My Bank
My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
Repeat Respite [Private] DSj5Tim

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:16 pm

What an interesting person, Vastly different than most people Priscilla. This lady was not anything she commonly had dealt with it. Far less intimating  then most people Priscilla would encounter upon her travels, Which was an interesting to her.

The bath was relaxing and casual, having no worry about being around Lorelei, Even if Priscilla could assume anyone or thing could be dangerous at any moment, Just so far seemed that Lorelei and herself just seemed to want for the most part the same thing with in this moment.

So this phase has started, the getting to know each other part, Which she did not mind. Priscilla like to know the odd people out so to say."I generally travel often, Then again with how life is I don't travel as often as I use too, just seems how everything is now days for me."It was nice still to Priscilla this was all something she did not assume she would be in for the most part, Then again she often just spent time alone in situations like these.

So alas it came to Priscilla now, did she lie about her name to this seemingly lost minded woman? not really no point in hiding it really."I am Priscilla Ivalice."she really did not have many nicknames to mention, Surely people at one point had many for her, Just Priscilla never focused on what they would be after all if you had to make up a name for some one who lied but their name to start with it kind of seemed fitting.

Then again, This lady did not know that thus Priscilla would just use her commonly used name."The path down to past is always a bit rough, The hard part is the start to the path."Priscilla mentioned, In her mind she wish she forgot her start, It would have made her far less bitter."I am unsure how I could help you, If you wanted it."She would mention that watching Lorelei do as she did with a tea cup and eating it's contents like taffy it seemed to interest the werewolf letting a slightly smile show form her face  leaving Lorelei a small almost easily missed guess that Priscilla was a werewolf by exposing one of her slightly sharpen fangs of her teeth, But it was a small sign showing.

#7Lorelei L Lakefield 

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Mon Dec 28, 2020 8:55 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
"I don't really recall if I traveled a lot or not. I only came here about a month ago myself. In that time, I ran into a few boo--I mean goons! Yakuza! You know, like...local gangsters. I'm told they're kind of a Joyan group of no-good folk." She swallowed a bit of that tea before going for another bite. It was odd to see liquid bitten like it was gelatinous.

To illustrate this, she started to pour more tea from the kettle into her cup, and put her fingers through the little flow of liquid. As she twirled the tea about like a string of cotton candy, she just as quickly slurped it from her fingers with a sigh. "It's a treat to have it while it's been steeping for a while, maybe a bit longer and it'll get chalkier."

She seemed to be relaxing, though that may have something to do with the fact she kept her eyes closed at that point. It was evident just how difficult for Lorelei it was to converse with women she considered to be beautiful.

There were plenty of women walking around the springs, but with the steam obscuring them, or being in groups, Lorelei didn't focus much on them.

"Priscilla, that's a nice name. I'd love to get help getting my memories back, but I even don't have the feintest of clues for seeking them out. It's like...I get these glimpses, vivid flashes. Like someone is flashing a camera multiple times in front of my eyes. As soon as I adjust myself to focus on them, they're gone. Like trying to remember a dream too hard, you might make things up. It's, admittedly frustrating." She sighed and slipped deeper into the water until only her head was above the surface.

My Sheet | My Statistics | My Bank
My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
Repeat Respite [Private] DSj5Tim

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Tue Dec 29, 2020 8:06 pm

Normally not one to worry about the going in deep into another person problems, it seemed Lorelei was just opening up right away about what exactly some connections she happen to run into while here."Interesting to know."Priscilla had to wonder if she was implying anything that she might want done to them."If they are no good, Maybe some one should kill them all."Priscilla mentioned casually, yes casually talking about kills people with some one she rarely knew, This was typical of her sadly to Lorelei's unknowing of whom she was talking with currently in the tub.

It was a treat and here Priscilla would just say."I can not do that with tea dear, I can only drink it as it's liquid state."Waiting to see what would be said in return. After all not just anyone really unless it is just ice mage, no ice mage however seemed to work it like she had. So she would ask."Might you be an ice or water mage of sorts?"It was something she would see if Lorelei would admit too, it was simple to guess it just what seemed to be special.

So it came to her wanting to learn of her past and the parts that entail of it from how it was going off of her personal experience, Priscilla could not really empathize with her. She had not forgotten things she wished too while other people have forgotten."I have no advise I can give you, I am sorry."She was casual about it, Priscilla would just quietly move herself slightly closer to Lorelei, at least with in arms reach, Then would simple pat Lorelei up top of the head."I do wish you good luck however in terms of a starting point to regain them."The werewolf did wish her well in how to start."I am not one to know how to start a memory, I can help other things depending what they are."Whatever Lorelei could come up with might be useful if she really needed her help.

#9Lorelei L Lakefield 

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Sun Jan 03, 2021 9:22 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
She sighed as she finished the tea, a happy grin on her face while looking at Priscilla for a moment only to blink, "I think killing them would just get you more trouble than you spend doing the deed, you know? Maybe, NOT kill them?" She cleared her throat, trying to cough through the words so they wouldn't have anyone listen in on them as they spoke.

Thankfully the conversation shifted back to Lorelei, "Oh that, uh. I'm what people apparently call a Dragon Slayer," She said while making quotes in the air with her arms, only to return to normal speech, "Essentially, I can eat my element of water in liquid form and regain power from it, but, I can interact with it differently than other people interact with water. Like how the fire slayer eats flames like chunks of meat. Or the wind slayer can tear off pieces of wind. It's, well, it's weird to put it into words like that."

To illustrate, she took a scoop of water from the spring, and dipped her tongue into the bowl made by her cupped hands. As she pulled back, her tongue dragged the water up like a syrup. When her tongue was pulled away however, it immediately returned to a watery state. Better to show the woman than explain it?

Lorelei's blood just rushed to her head as her face reddened the moment the woman came over. A hand upon her head, a beautiful woman in the buff, her heart was thumping at a mile a minute right now!!! Lorelei's eyes just blinked and fluttered!

"I, that is, that I, uh.... Well, y-you see, I....I'm happy for the offer and, you know that I, you're very exotic and I have never been around a woman like you! Thank you for the pet on my head! Please tell me if you are working some sort of charm magic on me right now!" From a stuttering engine to roaring down the speedway, her words came out like a minigun chucking lead.

My Sheet | My Statistics | My Bank
My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
Repeat Respite [Private] DSj5Tim

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:55 pm

It was interesting to piece this all together and commit it to memory. So it would be a useful piece of information in the event that Lorelei or herself ended up needing to work together or had to fight one another, Even if it seemed highly unlikely Priscilla kept a lot of information of whom she met into her mind quietly."Sorry, a guess an old habit of mind still lingers."Priscilla would casually mention about the murdering part, If Priscilla did kill anyone mod related  in this area, She would make sure Lorelei did not hear a connection of it being her."Don't mind that comment."Priscilla would smile about it casually as well, Lorelei hopefully did not think of it the wrong way.

Then again Priscilla was a bold woman, After all she casually walked into a spring with a stranger naked and did not seem to care at all."Interesting power, I can't say it is one I have seen often."Dragon Slayers were most likely a good thing to hear of and see considering what has been going on of late, Something Priscilla had stay cleared of so far.

Priscilla would just casually make mention about it only to gauge a reaction."I am not a generally envious person, Part of me wish I had magic like that, Then again I am magicless myself."Forsake of conversation she would keep being werewolf out of this moment, Still hiding it for the most part unless eventually some one just asked her about it, So far no one has asked.

With this final part Priscilla just chuckled."I am not trying to charm you dear."After all anyone emotional investment was in her son rather then finding a life partner."It is either you are emotionally starved from any affection either physical or emotional."Or which could be the case or with out assuming a thing Priscilla would also mention."Or your gay and do not realize it."Which Priscilla would also mention she did not judge if this lady was into the same gender romantically, Priscilla knew she often grabbed the gaze of various people for many reasons.

#11Lorelei L Lakefield 

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:20 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
She didn't remember any sort of feelings she had prior to her amnesia, other than a liking for ladies, just like Priscilla had guessed by that blatant outing. But starved for affection? Was that true? Lorelei had this blush building on her face at first, both embarrassed and from the heat of the spring.

"I uh, I...Y-yeah I'm gay." She declared while poking her fingers together, looking away briefly before back at the woman, "It's hard to say you aren't really attractive and distracting and...Let's change the subject! E-enough about that, l-let's talk about m-magic?!"

She was trying to get things rolling again before she jerked forward and brought a hand to her head, grasping her hair in pain. A look on her face that just screamed she was shocked. There were more flashes, brief memories. She had grown used to these fleeting moments of vidi rememberance, what triggered them was anyone's guess, but she had developed one thing to counter them.

Normally she forgot them as quickly as she remembered them! To help her out, she would mutter key words out loud for anyone that was listening.

"Chains! Maids! Metal bars! Perfection! Work! Guard! Terrify!" She scowled while hissing the words out from behind her bared teeth, gritting them together firmly. She grabbed onto a bit of the water and tore it away with her hand, chomping down firmly on it to prevent herself from damaging her teeth!

She was having some sort of a memory of being the one in chains, or others in chains, she remembered being a maid, or some sort of service worker. In reality, the truth was all the more terrifying, something that she might not want to remember if she did remember it at all.

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My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
Repeat Respite [Private] DSj5Tim

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Mon Jan 04, 2021 11:38 pm

Feeling like she was either unsure or felt a bit of shame for it Priscilla would just simply put it as."And even if that, That is horrible about it, We all like what we like.Something that she at least considered normal was to be accepting of whatever happens to a person's preference.

Even going as far to know that Priscilla knew she was rather good looking at times, letting out a slight smile about it."I do work on my looks to maintain them, So I do not entirely blame you the compliment."Which was her just giving Lorelei credit when it is needed.

But keeping in mind Priscilla would experience a fair amount with what was happening currently in front of her, After all you never really knew what would happen around a person when you first meet a person. LoreLei seemed to be one of the many that get stuck with in things they might wish to knew but also must suffer when recalling it, Not exactly something that she could say was enjoyable or something she wanted to experience herself.

Priscilla did in her own way quietly suffer with other things retaining to her past, She just never mentioned it to others often. Gauging and looking at what seemed to b happening with Lorelei, Priscilla was not heartless.

With what seemed to be happening Priscilla's content smile went to a rather plain and neutral face quickly.

What did the werewolf do next? Well she acted motherly,The distress of Lorelei was not ignored from her. So she would treat Lorelei like she was trying to help in a time of distress.

It might be embarrassing later on when she came too Priscilla took Lorelei placed her upon her lap and rested her head on upon her shoulder, keeping her hand upon Lorelei's head to petting it soothingly."You will be okay, Take your time for the allow this to pass."It almost seemed like Priscilla was now a different person in this manner how she was acting.

#13Lorelei L Lakefield 

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Tue Jan 05, 2021 1:47 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
She just continued to repeat the words, hoping that Priscilla would remember them as they fleeted on by without any sort of recollection to them after. Her hand was still painfully grasping away at her hair, tugging it. The water between her teeth visibly cracking from the pressure of her bite.

Even as she was placed in the lap of the other woman, her head continued to pound with more flashes of memories. There were many more that flooded into her than before, this episode was much lengthier than any other she had gone through. And just as quickly as it was onset, it started to subside. The dragon slayer's breathing starting to calm down, her heart rate slowing down.

The moment she came to, and realized where she was though, her nose just started to flow with blood. A hand went to cover her nostrils, coughing and sputtering, the water shot from her mouth into the spring!

"I, I uh! I'm okay! I...Th-thank you Ma'am!" Of course she didn't really try to pull way, she just remained there, feeling the comfort of affection, something that was alien to her. Part of her instinct told her to run, that she was in danger, but this was a strange new feeling to her, someone that cared to show doting affection?

"Can you, if this doesn't sound too weird, could you tell me what I was saying just a moment ago? I don't remember any of it...and it might help jog my memory actually." Lorelei fidgeted a little, she really wanted to remember something, even if it was painful. She just wanted to know who she was!

My Sheet | My Statistics | My Bank
My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
Repeat Respite [Private] DSj5Tim

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Tue Jan 05, 2021 7:35 pm

The blood was slightly expected, Even sadly for the embarrassment of this woman. Eventually it would pass as she hoped it would, Priscilla would just place this woman off of her lap."As I hoped you would be."Leaving out assumed because that was nothing to assume to about recalling events of the past in such a horrible manner.

Even if up in front of a stranger, She did manage well."I was slightly worried, even if you had made sure your were safe, About you maybe hurting yourself still."That was Priscilla's motherly mind set acting up, If it were her son there was more thing that might have been done, Already having them in mind, but alas Lorelei was a small of age woman, But was not Priscilla's small and tin son, So not as much would really be done by her.

So that is what she wanted, a repeat of what words she spoke in her horrified space. So she Priscilla would agree."If you wish then, I shall."They were pretty simple words over all. Recalling them.

Relaxing herself by stretching her arms out again Priscilla would just say them off."They were as followed:Chains, Maids, Metal bars, Perfection, Work, Guard and Terrify."Priscilla almost wanted to attempt to use the tone of voice Lorelei had used for it, But it was kind of unneeded in her mind. It was most likely a horrible idea, After all she was here to help, not mock. Other people could be mocked another time."They are the exact words you had spoken during your moment."Now it would be interesting to see where this would go on from now, was it helpful is an interesting question since they were pretty simple and plain it could go off in many ways.

#15Lorelei L Lakefield 

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Thu Jan 28, 2021 8:11 am

Lorelei L Lakefield
She took in a deep breath. Her head leaning back against the stones while looking up to the dusk sky. Those words that Priscilla told her, in that order, they were familiar, all of them. Regrettably they were all so stinging to her mind.

Chains, chains that held things. Maids, maids that cleaned, she was one for sure, as far as she could tell. Why metal bars, chains and maids together? Were they supposed to maintain a perfect workplace? If they didn't, were they stuffed into cells?

What worried Lorelei the most were the last two words. Who was she guarding, was she guarding anyone? And why terrify?

She took in one more deep breath of the scented air of the baths before giving Priscilla a hug, a shaking hug as she was currently scared of who she was herself. "Thanks, it means a lot, thank you so much..."

One of the workers came by and bent over a little to speak to Lorelei and Priscilla, "Will you two be requiring a couples' special with a meal?"

Lorelei just jumped out of the water, flailing and trying to shout about how this wasn't a date, not that she wouldn't call it one, and so on. She was showing her embarrassment clearly.

My Sheet | My Statistics | My Bank
My Fortune Rolls | My Victory Road | My Dice
STR: D-rank DMG | SPD: 10m/s Run. 5m/s Lunge
INT: 0% MP reduc. 0% WC reduc | END: D-rank tol.
CON: HP=B-rank. Run dur=2 post. Lunge=3 post CD
Repeat Respite [Private] DSj5Tim

Repeat Respite [Private] Empty Fri Jan 29, 2021 1:23 pm

It seemed kind of pointless for Priscilla to try and wonder these things herself, After all it was not her task too. She was only merely, watching and relaxing in a bath."You seem to have a clue, now you need to reveal the rest of whatever it is to work towards."would be more relaxing now? she had to wonder after all, even if Lorelei seemed to be easily embarrassed and such.

So far the casual naked relaxing was something she might have to do more, it felt a bit freeing in a figuratively it was, then again Priscilla was always a lady comfortable with her own skin, so to say.

When it came to that offer however."No doubt if I had my partner with me still I would have accepted they offer, However Lorelei is not my partner in that manner."She would avoid teasing Lorelei, in this manner to hopefully allow her to piece herself together.

"I will however ask you bring me a steak, as rare as you can."
The werewolf part of her would have asked it for not even rare just cooked enough she would not get sick from it, So blue as they called it.

Now Priscilla just then poked Lorelei for a moment and said."Get yourself something to eat as well if you are hungry, might as well since you have a chance to eat."Priscilla was only mentioning because, for now she was in some manner making sure Lorelei did other things then just eat water, Then again Priscilla might not just understand from dragon slayers live, which might be different then human since no sign of Priscilla being a werewolf, right away was now showing because some one was not looking for them. So for now that was just Priscilla being herself.

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