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The Sun Dims [Solo | Red]

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The Sun Dims [Solo | Red] Empty Sat Feb 13, 2021 1:37 pm

It was a cold winter's night as Apollo was walking home after his long walk outside. His mind was in disarray as he had reminisced of his adoptive father, his life in Desierto and his missing adoptive mom, or at least that's how he viewed her even though she had no relationship with his father. He wondered for the first time in many years why he was abandoned, what could possibly be the reason that his parents didn't want him and just left him on the scholar's doorstep. Did they know the man perhaps or was it by chance, he had no clues and the blanket that he had with him when he was abandoned offered no real clues, only something his father used to name him, he didn't even know if that was his real name. The cold air, he thought, would have helped him put things in line but all it did was just give him a headache, he didn't really like the cold he preferred a more mild weather, it was freezing now. His long coat despite it's warmth wasn't really proving to be enough as he quickened his step to get back to the warmth of his house faster.

Before he realized it his feet and legs started freezing, he couldn't even take a step anymore, he was rooted in place. That was quite unnatural it couldn't have been just the weather, was there someone near him attacking him? He looked around and saw a glow from an alley, the glow grew stronger as the spell got more powerful freezing his body up to the waist now. His eyes caught a glimpse of a man approaching, as he came closer Apollo raised his hands to defend himself but it was futile, they started freezing just as the rest of his body. "She sends her regards" the man said with a smirk before the ice made its way up and encased Apollo inside. She, he thought, who could it have been that he got on their bad side to the extend of sending people to do this to him, he didn't really have enemies, he tried being careful and helpful, he couldn't even really remember a woman he knew well enough to have as an enemy. But what if that woman wasn't an enemy, or at least he didn't consider her one, the woman he sought out to find. Had he wronged her in any way, he always loved her like his mother so why. His mind was going numb from the cold, he wouldn't be able to keep his conscious for much longer in there. "Just be done with it will you?" he heard the man say, then a severe pain went through his brain and then... emptiness.

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