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Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2]

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Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Empty Sun Feb 07, 2021 3:33 pm



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will test and sear them in the morning light."


Finding some place where they could talk was the mean issue right now, not to mention they didn't want to stay on the street too long just in case someone had seen them before hand. Thanks to the district they were in, they didn't need to go very far to find a bar, and within a few minutes they found one that was in the lower end of occupancy. Aegis gently pushed open the old and worn door, allowing for the other two to go in first, after which he followed, using his hand to slow the closing to prevent any loud impact.  

There didn't seem to be any three seat tables, but there was a four seater near the middle right of the establishment. "That spot looks as good as any." he said as he made his way over to the table. The aesthetics of the establishment weren't necessarily anything fantastic or exquisite, but they weren't necessarily in bad condition either. The tables seemed to have a decent amount of wear, but very few stains. He chose to sit down in the seat that was easily able to view the door and outside the window into the street beside them. "I will have a coffee with cinnamon please." he said as the server came over to their table to take their order. He looked towards the other two that were with him "Kurisa, Mya, feel free to have something, it's on myself this time.". "Alright. I guess a small ale for myself please." After waiting to see what Kurisa would order, if she ordered, he thanked the server as she left, then got down to business.

"So, where were we?" he said, waiting for the hot drink to get to him. "Yes. So we still have time tonight, if we put our information together and also work together on this, we might still be able to catch this guy.", He looked over to Mia, "I know it's only one person in particular that were hunting today, but from what we know he seems to be their main supplier, if you can call it that.". He turned towards Kurisa, "I don't know Hosenka down to the smaller areas, how well do you happen to know the area? Are there any other places nearby that he would or could hit tonight?".


WC - 390/2500



Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Empty Sun Feb 07, 2021 7:05 pm


They decided to hit off in a bar that was in the underground area, but not quite. She has been through the thickest stench of extreme crimes from the slavery sales in the Casinos to the underground club that gave off flowers that kept people there till they died. Kuri was quite informed about things that happen in Hosenka unless they are apart of the Black Lotus group. They seem to hide their tracks and let other groups cover for them. She was the executioner of Hosenka, but those that were new around here did not know that. She chuckled softly and walked through the door and towards the table they were going to sit at.

The people around gazed towards Kuri as her reputation was known in about every group around here. After her trip to Joya, she was known by the majority of Joyans. She leaned back into her chair as golden-brown and blue eyes gazed at the waitress. "I'll take a Zombie. I'll need it.". She bowed her head and took the thanks Aegis gave. What a nice guy, right? She gave a light smile as Aegis asked her about the parts here. Her eyes wandered as she looked at every fool who seemed to be guilty in this place. "I could find you anything in this City, Aegis." She smoothly spoke and leaned against the table now, gazing at him. "I am the Empress here. It's quite a dishonor for people that live in Hosenka to not know me if they've been here for a while." She sighed and gazed at a certain group of men who were suspiciously drinking their booze. "If I was a creeper, I'd go to a place where it wasn't suspicious though." She shrugged. "Like a fancy hotel... or even an unexpected club that no one notices." she suspected many places...


Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Sigme10

Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Empty Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:20 am



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will test and sear them in the morning light."


"The empress?", he thought to himself for a moment, considering the situation and his response. "My apologies in that case. Although it is as you say, haven't been here very long myself, and I've been rather... Distracted during that time so I haven't been keeping up too much with the political scene in the area. So I hope you don't find any disrespect from me in that.", as he lowered his head slightly with the end of his comment. "So a fancy hotel or a little known pub or club. I guess that could pose an issue." he said as he looked out the window and could see at least two within view of the current seating arrangements.  

"Where to begin then..." just as he began, his thought process was quickly interrupted by the server bring their drinks back to the table. "Thank you very much." he said with a small smile of appreciation as he sipped on his drink before continuing. "Hmm, that's very good." he raised his head back up, scratching his head slightly, before moving a few stray hairs that had made their way onto his face. "So, we knew that he was going to be around here, are there any specifically average locations in the general area that we could start with?". He took another sip of the hot drink in front of him. The coffee was good, and as he suspected the cinnamon was the perfect touch.

Mia perked up a slight bit. "If I may? There are two separate places nearby that I was planning to go to. One of them obviously I was already at where I found you guys as well, but the second location I didn't have a chance to approach yet. It was never a guarantee that he would be there either but it is a good chance. It's not too far from here, probably about a 10 minute walk, most likely a lot shorter if we have a quicker pace. It's one of the older places around here, most people just know as Macabre.". Aegis looked back across the wooden table to Kurisa, as she sat there with her newly and freshly delivered drink. "Are you all right with that then?". As he has been talking, he was still keeping his eyes open, i'm watching both inside and outside of the establishment. Mostly due to quite a few patrons were still looking over in their general direction, although unsure if it was situational or because of his partner's apparent popularity.


WC - 802/2500



Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Empty Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:38 pm


Kurisa gazed as their drinks were coming through. As she reached for her alcohol, she wondered if Aegis was being sarcastic or just being friendly when he talked about being disrespectful. Her finger swirled in small circles against the table as she spaced off after that. All she knew was that the woman was talking, but she had her mind on other things. She felt like she was closing in on something more, something different. She felt super tired and that was probably from staying up too late last night. It was a typical self problem that she had to fix herself, but she did not feel like it.

She just nods while gazing away towards what they were saying, but not fully paying attention. Sure towards Aegis, she heard every word, but the stranger she had no reason to. If this was some other city, ANY other place but this one she would. Since this was Hosenka, she did not feel the need to. Her finger ringed around the stem and chugged the drink as she stood up. "Sure, let's go then shall we?" she spoke softly and went towards the door after the other two got up.

"Ladies first." She opened the door for the woman. She kept a calm face, but in reality, she was smirking from within.



Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Sigme10

Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Empty Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:45 pm



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will test and sear them in the morning light."


After they finish their drinks, they stood up and were getting prepared to leave. Aegis quickly went over to the bar area and paid what they had owed as the others were getting ready by the door. After a quick thanks to the server, he met up with them in front of the door before they headed outside of the building.

Mia was walking a little further in front than the others, more for Aegis' benefit then Kurisa's, because he didn't know the area too well at all. Most of the missions he's been on recently were two specific places and they did not require much exploration of the city, or even the district for that matter. That's his knowledge of Hosenka was rather limited, but at the same time, not necessarily ignorant either. While most of the side streets were relatively empty, there was still plenty of people on the main roads. They maneuvered themselves to the left side of the walkways, as to better pass through the many people standing in front of them and in their way as they tried to progressed at a relatively decent speed. "Do you know if there's any spots that we can set up in and watch this place?" he asked, to which Mia responded. "I think so? Probably. I haven't been there too much myself, as I was pretty sure that was the other place that was being watched." He was hoping to see if there was some sort of place near the exit where they could hide without looking too suspicious to everyone else, or even a building next door that they could hide in and jump out if they saw something. But that was a little difficult until he actually saw the place for himself, and could plan accordingly.

After about 5 to 7 minutes of walking, they came across an alleyway on the left side.  "This way." she points to the side street,  "The main exit is over here and we can try and find a spot to holdup in." in the alleyway itself there wasn't many objects that could provide any sort of cover or camouflage. He looked around as they walked forward making sure not to make too much noise or bump into anything on the ground. Luckily, there was adore on the building across from them that overlooked the bar. "Lets try in the building here, as we can watch through the glass and it doesn't look like any good spots to hide here."

Mia quickly tried to kick the door so that they could get in but a just stepped in front of her as fast as he could, blocking her foot. "Not that loud, plus..." he turned the door handle, opening the door quietly, "Always check if it's locked." He smiled to himself slightly.


WC - 1236/2500



Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Empty Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:17 am


She was just tagging along it felt. She was just here to make sure nothing went wrong and this woman wasn't actually a bad person. She cared not though as she felt more judgemental towards women than men. Did that make her sexist of her own gender? Truly probably not since she was still pretty untrusting towards random people. Those that were not on her mental list of allies were always enemies and to be judged accordingly. Those that at least don't make the safety list make it to the list of 'who cares'. Usually, all residents of Hosenka made the list of being safe, but only if they are respectful and give the respect she deserves for protecting this city.

Just as a person who is obviously known...

She sighed softly as she crossed her arms against her chest while walking with the two to some building. They were going to watch from this building? She tilted her head back to look up to see that it was quite run-down and perhaps a trap. She made a mental note of this as she motioned her head straight to gaze at Aegis stopping the woman from kicking the door down. The two were bickering and she just walked up and opened it up. Her head shook as she walked ahead of them to go where they needed to go. While walking past the woman she noticed the expression she was giving was quite dark as if she was wronged in some way.

Kuri was always prepared though as she made notes of everything in her head as she past by it all. "So what window are we watching from and which window is whos?" She turned to look at the two of them. As she did this, she made sure to listen out for anything from behind. "I doubt we all need to share the same one." She shrugs and gazes at Aegis.



Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Sigme10

Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Empty Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:40 pm



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will test and sear them in the morning light."


The building itself was pretty beaten down, and wasn't in the best condition, and it could be seen even before walking inside. Even though structurally it seems relatively safe, the windows look like they haven't been cleaned in months, if not years. The outside of the building had not been cleaned any more than what they could un - clearly see through the windows. Lots of garbage and refuse were to be found around the outside. It definitely was not an ideal situation for them to be in, but it did have a clear sight line into the alleyway and the bar just in a conjoining building across the way.

As Aegis opened up the door, you could see into the building itself, although it was quite dark. He was able to see with more clarity than most in the dark, and it was much easier for him to see in darkness. "Our lookout spots don't matter too much in this case as there is only one..." he started saying before stopping suddenly and pulling Kurisa back by the hand as she passed them and almost went inside the building. "Sorry." he whispered while holding what finger up to his mouth to indicate being extremely quiet. When he glanced inside, something got him on guard, even though nothing was there to be directly seen. And that was the problem, there was nothing to be seen. From this age of a building one would expect broken furniture, general unkemptness, and various other types of damage or signs of someone squatting there. But there was none of that, and the floor didn't even have dust on it.

"Someone has been here. Recently." he said in a tone and volume as hushed as much as he could be without being completely inaudible. "Take it slowly, and please be careful.". He nodded to the other two as he slowly pushed the door open again as looked in through the right side of the door. Aegis made his way into the room, while watching up and down. For people or things that could come from the front, and things that were on the ground to make noise and break his sneaking. Although he was indeed normally cautious in nature, he was being even more so because of the two people with him. Most of the floor was open, and cleared of obstacles. no lights were on in here, but that seemed even more strange. The room was open, with no real load bearing on the inside. On the far side of the room, a stair case leading to the upstairs.


WC - 1670/2500



Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Empty Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:47 am


Kurisa followed the lead as she was not sure where they were going. She usually was the leader, but it felt nice for once to follow. This body wasn't getting any younger and wondered when it will fail on her. Not many knew, but once her body can't handle the souls that it contains, it gets sick, and finally, it dies. Usually, when that happens she finds a person to kill her before 'it' comes and takes her. She went by so many names due to them being hosts, but only 2 were able to handle staying and traveled with; Kuri and Arisa. It was why Ana went by Kuri-sa. Both of them had 'Ri' in it so it was actually quite interesting. Maybe there was a thing between them.

Her eyes looked around the rotting wooden place and made sure to watch the woman as well. Once they got to the stairs that went above, Kuri went up ahead quietly even if Aegis did not go. She was not scared of anything because why be scared about dying? She'll just come back eventually... It was depressing to think so, but it was the truth. As she went up there it was dark, no lights be seen and her hand could not feel any lights against the wall. She wanted to talk, but something felt rather disturbing. Something smelled... it smelled like rotting flesh almost. Kuri slowly walked forward away from the door as she saw somethings more towards the corner. If she was younger, surely this would spook her, but then all of a sudden the door slammed shut, locked making her turn around towards the door.



Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Sigme10

Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Empty Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:02 pm



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will test and sear them in the morning light."


"Wait!" he whispered as Kurisa passed him, but it was becoming obvious to him that she wasn't going to try to do the stealthy approach this time. Kurisa passed by them walking towards the stairs throughout the baren first floor. Aegis cautioned Mia, but she followed them as she could. He was being very careful to step on specific conjoining wood on the floor to try and minimize sounds and potential squeaks that could give themselves away.

As for the rest of the first floor, it was tidied up and clean, which made the situation that they found themselves in somehow even more eerie then one could assume it would normally be. Even before Aegis got to the first step of the staircase, Kurisa had already going around the bend to the second floor and was now out of sight. He sighed slightly, then carefully turned to Mia. "Stay behind me, and watch behind us just in case.". With a simple nod of agreement, they continued walking slowly until they got up to the staircase. A very short expression close to someone saying *Oh boy here we go* appeared on his face for a split-second, as he put his foot down on the first step and began slowly ascending the stairs. As he slowly stepped up, he used the handrail that was on the side in order to balance out some of the weight of himself so he would make less noise. Even the rail itself had been cleanly dusted, and was free of any fraying or brakes. Step by step, hand by hand, he made his way up the stairs.

About halfway up the stairs is when it curves to the left, ascending further in order to bring a person up to the second floor. He peeked around the corner as soon as he got there, and he sighed slightly as Kurisa to be seen through the door at the top of the staircase. However, upon getting around halfway up the staircase, there was a rotten smell in the air. Aegis looked back towards Mia and said "Stay here and watch the first floor. Watch for anyone coming in.", to which she nodded slightly and crouched down in the corner of the staircase to hide herself better in the shade. As he kept climbing the stairs, Kurisa had stopped moving at the top, in the room, and was standing there without moving. As you got about halfway up the second portion of the stairs, the door at the top slammed shut.

Something was truly and deeply wrong. He quickly ascended the rest of the stairs and tried to open the door, but it was secured and was firmly locked. He knocked repeatedly but didn't get an answer, so he looked down at the bottom of the floor where it met the door. There were Shadows underneath the that one could see through the gap, and there were two sets. One obviously belonging to one of his companions, the other unknown. Using his shoulder he attempted to ram the door from the side that it opened, trying to attempt using the hinges as leverage to pry the door open, breaking through the deadbolt in the process. The side of the door where the lock was approximately located cracked a bit under the pressure but it would not open. The shadow moved however on the other side, assumingly startling the person behind it, if not a short distraction. As soon as he saw this, he backed up a few feet, as much as the top Landing allowed before falling down the stairs, and slamming into the door once again. This time the door gave way not from the lock, but the hinges themselves. As the hinges gave way, the door flew inward, causing the other cloaked figure other than Kurisa to turn around slightly before getting launched forward by the heavy would colliding with his side and back.


WC - 2327/2500



Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Empty Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:45 pm


Kurisa gazed as the person was at the door. The shadow stood there as they had long hair and long garbs on. It was strange as the person on the sheet said it was a male so why did the figure look feminine? Something automatically caught her attention though as a deeper fear became rather active. It finally wrapped into her mind that it was pure dark in here, a fear of hers that she rather not have anyone know. It was too hard to control as she constantly breathed heavily. Slowly, she backed up away from the person and bumped into a pillar that helped hold this broken house.

The figure slowly walked forward towards her - away from the door and at that moment the door broke open as she saw the door come off. With enough light her eyes widened to see it was a man who stood before her, but they were dressed with hair that came from a woman - thin skin still on it. Did they remove that from an actual wo-. Her head turned to see that there were dead women around with cut up parts, some naked. She quickly looked back to see that he was wearing one of the women's clothes as well. As Arisa's mentality died, Ana kicked towards him, but due to her low strength, her leg was grabbed by the man. "L-Let go!" she glared and put her palm above his head as she let out a cry. With enough pressure, she launched something hard enough to push him backwards towards the door. After they were done with him, she'd just leave without much say while wrapping her own arms around herself.




Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Sigme10

Underground Associate [Kurisa Part 2] Empty Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:54 pm



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will test and sear them in the morning light."


The man was grabbing Kurisa by the leg as the door flew in and hit him Square in the back. The impact caused him to fly forward past Kurisa to the left. She was sitting on the ground not moving and seemed panicked. The scene around them was pretty grizzly, as there were bodies everywhere. Some of them still clothed, but not many. While it was pitch black in the room, he could still see decently well as he lunged towards the figure. Two punches in he noticed that that what he was hitting was odd. He grew furious after seeing what it was, as the man had taken pieces off and attached them to himself. With another solid punch, the older man was now unconscious, lying on the ground.

Aegis stepped back from the body laying on the floor, and looked around quickly. There were chains and rope around and he quickly fashioned some restraints to tie the man up with in order to bring him to the guard post.

They didn't say much walking out of the building, but he walked with them till they were safe, then headed out towards the nearest guard post to turn the information in and sadly to someone to clean up the situation that was left behind.


WC - 2542/2500


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