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Whiskey Rose [Alisa]

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Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:41 pm


WORDS: 310 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

She really didn't... He probably shouldn't trust her with anything that had a fire burning underneath but that didn't really mean she couldn't chop up ingredients... She did happen to be quite skilled at chopping up things, something which he might have possibly noticed throughout all their missions together:

"Hmmm, sounds like a plan... I mean, this might be the first time you stayed in Hargeon long enough to put down roots hmm~?", smiling back, Alisa tucked a loose black lock behind her ear before slipping inside his humble abode, taking in the sight of his fittingly decorated home, adorned with all manners of plants, some of which whose names she didn't even know, making her smile widen as that full, well rounded bosom rose and fell with a long, deep breath of that floral fragrance, "I still think you could have stayed at the guild."

After all, Blue Pegasus had never been the type to impose upon its members choice of decorations, and Alisa would certainly not break that tradition... Not when she herself followed that principle to the letter in much of the same way:

"Oho...? Do tell me then, what exactly do you think I'll enjoy~?", she chimed, brow raising as a hint of interest drew on her lips, those deft digits running ever so subtly along whatever furniture she found, as if there was no better way of getting a feel for the place without her prized, tender sense of touch...

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:41 am


"You'll be the first delectable dish I take to the proverbial table." He said in a flirtatious tone of voice. This was of course just him being a bit of tease, not at all being overly serious, except for the part where he mentioned she being the first person to have seen it. That and her being delicious, he knew her ego would be quite the fan of that tiny stroke. Well at least from him that is, she didn't really enjoy the compliments of most men due to the fact, that men were a very easy creature to please in her mind.

While it was true that he was not complicated, he was quite, picky with his women. Not something he particularly viewed as a negative, but to those who did not know him. It could be easily perceived that he was a prude. Strictly off of the fact that he wouldn't sleep with everything that moved, or even flirt with anything that had a pulse. Ah yes, the caveat of being a man. But now was not the time for going over his gender's failings in the realm of having a brain.

He would take her gently by the hand to the back door of the shop. "Now, close your eyes. No peaking of course. I'd be highly upset if you just ruined the moment like that." He said coyly. He opened the door to backside of the shop, it was reserved for he and only a select guest.
Upon opening her eyes she would be greeted with a rock garden, of the joyan variety, little succulents everywhere, as far as the eye could see.

A massage table underneath an oak tree, incense burning, a lovely lavender aroma filling the air. In the middle sat a natural rock hot spring, well he did till the earth to make it so. Adjacent to that was a simple bucket, filled with never melt ice, two large bottles of Champaign chilling, just waiting to popped. "Call it a, late wedding gift." He said with a smile.

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 LGnxHvk

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 10, 2021 6:11 am


WORDS: 310 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

"Why, aren't you a cunning linguist~", chiming back with a teasing quip as her hand rose over her mouth, not really missing such less than subtle innuendo, but at the same, not really thrown off by it either for she was more than capable of taking that same playing field without a second thought.

Unlike Manzo might have assumed, a vain woman like her was indeed partial to flattery regardless of source, but at the same time, she wouldn't really respond to it if that particular source held no interest to her whatsoever. Gender held little weight in her flirtatious choices, after all, especially when those choices happened to be someone she cared about~

"Just what on Earth do you have in mind, hmmm~...?", that quizzical brow rose all too easily as he tempted her with something seemingly mysterious, leaving her wondering just what surprise had he planned out for her, or whether it was even for her specifically. Regardless, she simply held his hand gently and accepted the offer, that silky smooth, irresistibly soft touch of her dainty digits holding on to his as she allowed him to lead her through his home, "Very well... I'll try not to use any seismic sensing either~"

With her eyes closed, all her senses magnified as she felt the warmth of his rough hands radiating up her, the sound of their footsteps over the floorboards... And soon she heard it too, the soft rustling of leaves under the gentle breeze, coupled with an undeniable floral fragrance filling her lungs, making her lips curl in delight:

"My~... I can't believe you prepared all this for me~...", her eyes flared open as she took it all in, hand raising over the supple swell of her chest, her lips parting ever so slightly, "...You were really disappointed to miss the wedding huh...?"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:36 pm


He chuckled ever so slightly at her remarks. She seemed to find it rather odd, that he would go so far for her. Maybe it did make him an odd creature, but that is at the end of the day, what made him who he was. He was always one to go the extra mile for those he cared for. He cared for her deeply, so why not go said extra mile to show her how joyful he was that she found someone. Not only found them, bounce herself to them in such a way.

He would walk past her, over to the chilling bottles of bubbly he had picked out for them. If their wedding was private, and one on one, she could consider this her private bachelorette party. Not really a last hurrah mind you, he knew she'd be back over here for this pampering. She was still the vain beauty she'd always had been. Though something told him, he was in a small group of people who saw past it.

"Don't get any idea's about working this into the job description of Ace." He said with a chuckle as he popped the top on one of the bottles, making sure to pour them quickly into the two glasses he had prepared. Handing one of them to her for a toast of sorts.

He would raise his glass to her, a warm smile on his face. "To us, all of us. May the sun never set on yours and Sofia's bond. May the sun never set on Blue Pegasus. Finally may the sun never set, on friendship." He put the glass up to his full lips to take a swig of the champagne, closing his eyes to savor the moment.

"Now, where would you like to start ma'am." He playing the humble servant on this day.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sun Apr 11, 2021 11:09 am


WORDS: 310 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

"Fufu~... Wouldn't dream of it Manzo~", she quipped back, winking at him as she accepted the glass offered, tilting it ever so slightly so he could properly fill it up, making it quite clear that - as he must have already known - Alisa was very much a glass half full kind of woman.

In the end, nothing felt quite as satisfying as that soothing chime when she met his glass with hers, chuckling as her smile brightened at his words:

"Cheers... If I know you, me, Sofia, everyone at the guild... I'm sure it never will~", she reinforced, bringing the glass up to her lips, her eyes all but shutting for the briefest moment as she savoured the tangy, slightly sparkling wine with a delighted purr, feeling that hearty, vibrant bouquet setting her tastebuds alight, "My~... You must have gone to great lengths to pick just the right wine haven't you?"

With all the options presented before her, Alisa could do nothing but take a simple look around, taking them all in. He'd know which one she chose even before she said it aloud, easily from the way her smile brightened as her eyes fell on those piping hot springs so invitingly before her:

"I suppose if you don't mind us taking these drinks into your springs...", and as if to drive that point home, Alisa brought her idle hand up to the glass, rolling her wedding ring ever so slightly as a faint, dim glow radiated from the piece of jewelry, a dazzling gleam soon spreading to her entire body as she tilted her head back and smiled... When the light finally faded, she was left wearing nothing but a fuzzy towel tucked around her firm, well rounded bosom, squeezing it into a generous, eye catching cleavage as she brushed her long dark hair behind her shoulders, "That sounds like a wonderful place to start."

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Tue Apr 13, 2021 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:13 am


Following Alisa's lead, he took his clothes off, not really caring for a towel unless it was to dry himself off. That and he was not ashamed of his body in any way shape or form. It wasn't as though he lacked modesty, he just didn't see the point. Alisa on the other hand was a tease, and loved the way a towel showed off her figure, leaving her onlookers wanting more and more with each glance.

It was that narcissism at work, not that he minded it. Everyone had their flaws, hers were minor in comparison to some of the people he had come across in his time. He took his drink back into his hand, drinking from it slowly he would look over to his busty companion and smile.

"It would offend me if you didn't take a dip and get thoroughly sauced with me in the process." He said with a smile as he made his way for the spring. He would first stick his feet in. Wanting to get adjusted to the temperature of the water, before making his way in. He turned his head back to his lovely lady friend and smiled in her direction.

"I'd say don't drown, but we both know it's physically impossible for you to do so." He said with a wink as wadded into the water up to his waist, picking a spot for himself.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:31 pm


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | TOWEL  

She didn't seem too preoccupied with the sight of her friend casually stripping himself naked, quite the opposite, she seemed just as casual as he was, and certainly didn't take that as a cue to do the same. In the end, their thoughts differed on this particular matter, but neither of them thought less of the other for it. Tease defenitely sounded like a fitting description, though as all things in life, it could easily be interpretend in different ways... Alisa saw it as a show of consideration more than anything else after all, as stripping herself bare before a man's eager eyes sends a very specific message which was pretty much the opposite of what she was going for... There was a reason why she believed, no matter how provocatively she could dress, only her lovers should lay eyes on all of her voluptuous, full frontal glory:

"And that in and of itself, is quite the saucy way of putting it~", she quipped back, sashaying over to the steaming springs, dipping her tiptoes in the piping hot water... At the same time, she found herself idly toying with the knot holding her towel in place, adjusting it slightly, pulling it a bit higher over her ample bosom, leaving those bountiful masses bouncing bewitchingly, "My, my~... All this cheekiness from a couple measly drinks...? You've turned into quite the lightweight Manzo..."

Alisa narrowed her eyes, luscious lips curled into a playful smirk as she slowly descended into the springs with a satisfied sigh, slowly dipping into the welcoming warmth from the chest down, leaving that long, silky dark hair drifting in vibrant tresses beneath the surface, clinging to her skin and the smooth stone behind her as she leaned back and teased:

"Can't imagine what would happen if I'd have let you finish that bottle all by your lonesome~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:50 pm


"Had you done so, I would probably end walking through our beautiful streets with my pants on my head." The emerald eye'd sage laughed. Truthfully, that wasn't actually the case. He had more control than that, but he did so love playing the clown when with his friends. It was an amusing way to lighten the mood of any time spent together.

Raking his hands through his fiery auburn hair, his sun kissed body glistening in the steam of the sultry spring they found themselves in. His ouch stretched hand, caressed her wet hair. A smile upon his face as he did so. She truly did have the most beautiful raven hair. Such tender treatment of her hair would do much for mood. That he knew and knew it well.

He snapped his other finger, a house plant fetching his cigar, placing it in his hand gently. He situated it between his middle and index finger. Snapping his fingers to light it, he would place it to his soft lips, taking an long satisfying drag from it. Upon his exhale, the air of in the spring area was filled with the smell of cherries, and sweet rich tobacco.

An intoxicating aroma to behold no matter who you were.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sun Apr 18, 2021 11:19 am


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | TOWEL  

As she teased her, she couldn't help but giggle as she watched him taking her little provocation in stride, describing a rather humorous image of himself running around the streets of Hargeon with his pants on his head:

"Yes, and I wager nobody in Hargeon wants to see such a sight again~", she replied, chuckling gleefully a the not so pretty picture he so pleasantly painted for her, thankful than no matter how much of a love for drinking he might have, he'd never got quite so wasted as to bring himself to sucha s sorry state.

For snow though, Alisa seemed utterly content to just bask in this heat, leaning back with a soft splash as she rose her hand above the surface, hooking it behind her neck as she took in the starlit skies overhead with a smile plastered on her plush lips.

"You're really not going to quit that habit anytime soon will you...?", she inquired, seriously for once as her brow rose, smiling as he ran his hands down her silky black hair, drawing her gaze back down into his eyes. Not particularly fond of the smell of smoke, Alisa just idle waved her hand in front of her face, but for the most part she didn't let that bother her.

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 19, 2021 8:27 pm


Would he drop the habit any time soon. Hard to say, cigarettes and cigars had been a big part of his life for a long time. They were almost like a safety net for him, something he did when he was stressed, or when he was sad. It was a hard dynamic to explain. That being said, maybe something life changing would do it for him.

"Maybe for the right woman, I'd be willing to quit." He mused about finding the right woman. Maybe one day he would, but there were bigger fish to fry. He was happy with his life at the shop. Not saying a woman would change that, but there were different dynamics coming into play.

That was a far off thing for him in his mind. But for the sake of his companion, he would put his cigar out, and have a plant clear the area of all the smoke. Not a huge deal, but far be it from him to play a bad host. That simply would not do, not at all. The day he was a bad host, would be the day that hell had frozen over.

"So tell me, where do you and mistress Sofia honeymoon?" He asked with a smile.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 22, 2021 2:36 pm


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | TOWEL  

Alisa didn't really imagine he wouldn't. Quitting isn't easy after all, and as it stood, he really didn't have any particular source of motivation to do that, except for a playful friend throwing cheeky little quips his way. At the end of the day, he didn't particulary need a reason for it, she understood that he'd just grown to like it:

"Fufu~... I suppose you just need the right kind of encouragement hm?", in the end he answered something she didn't quite expect but in retrospective she probably should have. She couldn't help but cock her head ever so slightly, brushing those loose locks away from her eyes as they draped down stubbornly in front of them.

Well, Alisa was mostly teasing, after all, she wasn't really going to press the issue. At the same time, the sight of him putting out his cigar in front of her left her smile widening, almost as much as her face lit up at the mention of her honeymoon. Graceful as ever, she refrained from going into too much details, though her cheeks all but reddened even more than they did was the heat seeped into her body, until she couldn't help but raise her hand there as she added:

"Oh, all over the place really~...? We met by sheer stroke of luck on our respective journeys... Seemed only fitting that we'd spend our honeymoon travelling where the winds took us. I suppose when you find the one for you, I can defenitely recommend a honeymoon like that~", she replied, finding herself musing on what manner of woman could make a man like him quit smoking. Defenitely a strong willed girl, she knew that much~

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Fri Apr 23, 2021 8:58 pm


He wondered what it would be like to have a wedding. Though it probably wasn't in the cards for him. In truth, he had only been with one woman, said woman was across from him. But it was all so very whatever to him at this stage in his life. He had bigger fish to fry, than worry about love. Or having a partner. As he relaxed in the water, he could hear the pitter patter of little feet. As well as what smells like soaked fur, and fish. This could only mean one thing, and one thing only.

"Boss I'm home!" A chipper voice rang out from the interior of the shop. Shortly after, a figure emerged from the door way.
Manzo turned his head, a large smile crept over his face as he came face to face with his feline friend. "Come on in Happy, the water is fine!." Manzo exclaimed with a joyous tone.

Before anyone knew it, a small ball of blue fur had cannon balled into the hot spring. Coming up for air, he came to rest on the head of the auburn haired dragon he had come to know as boss.

"Have a good fishing trip Happy?" Manzo asked as he perched himself on his head. Taking a big stretch before using his head as a diving board. Reappearing nuzzled against Alisa's bosom.



Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 24, 2021 11:54 am


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | TOWEL  

Honestly, Alisa's wedding was a far cry from what most people would imagine one to be... Just the two of them, a priest, some witness, and no more than one or two friends, picked only for how quickly they could get to the wedding in a split second. Alisa and Sofia had gotten married in a rather spur of the moment impulse, but not for a moment did they imagine that detracted from their relationship in any way. Alisa smiled, and yet, before she could well and truly seep into those memories, she heard a voice. Something dreadfully cute that she'd never heared before:

"Ohoooo~....?", ever curious, those wine red hues followed the sound of the voice, only for her smile to curl wider as she caught sight of a rather cute blue cat, "Now who that might you be hmmm~...?"

Cats don't usually talk after all, so that alone was more than enough for Alisa to pay attention, following the blue cat intently as it approached Manzo, happily resting in front of him, only to dive into the waters and emerge against her bust, squishing ever so slightly into that yielding softness:

"Ufufu~... Now that's quite the unusual way to greet a lady, don't you think~?", she teased, raising her brow

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sat May 01, 2021 12:25 pm


It would seem that his feline friend had the same idea most people had. But unlike most people he could get away with such a thing because he was a cute feline. Alisa at no point would her deny him passage to her twin peaks. Something most people would kill for. But for today, happy was the winner of that lottery.

"Manzo told me this is the way he wished he could greet you, now I see why. Very soft and warm, Feels like home!" Happy exclaimed with an innocent smile on his face. Though his words had done very little to make Manzo feel safe at this very moment.

In fact said words had caused him to choke on his drink, and forced him to do a spit take of sorts. Once his air way was clear he looked over in Alisa's direction. A small touch of fear in his voice when he spoke. "In total fairness to me. I said that when I was face down from down two bottles of tequila." A hand now rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

That cat might not live to see another day depending on how his explanation landed. Which would hopefully be on the side of compassion, and understanding. If only though, if only.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sat May 01, 2021 5:12 pm


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | TOWEL  

Of course, there are some joys exclusive to cats that men would dream of... But in the end, she was confident even such perks wouldn't really amount to much on the grand scheme of things. When Happy happily yielded such a juicy morcel of information to Alisa's delighted ears, the sculptress wasn't in any way shocked by it, merely letting out an amused, melodious little laughter, eyes narrowing knowingly as she quipped:

"Ufufufu~... Oh did he now?", chimed the sculptress, calmly petting the cute blue cat as she giggled, hand raising over her mouth as she turned her gaze up from him into the eyes of her friend, "Manzo does say the most interesting things doesn't he~? Can only imagine what exactly was going through his head at the time~"

To his credit, the man soon defended himself, at least, as soon as he was done choking on his drink, quickly pointing out that such a bold statement had only left his lips while severely under the influence, which earned a doubtful look from the guild master. Not that she doubted his words in any way, but rather, she knew with absolute certainty that he felt as such, and the tequila did nothing but loosen his tongue:

"So, not too different a setting than the one you're in right now~?", she teased, cocking her head playfully, bringing a finger to her luscious lips as a mischievous smile drew on them, "Seems to me like that sort of thing happens relatively often now~"

She didn't really hold it against him, after all, would be awfully weird after everything they'd been through together, and especially considering the amount of alcohol they both had thus far:

"All the more reason why I should come by to drink with you more often~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Tue May 04, 2021 11:04 pm


"The same thing that always goes through my mind. If only I were a woman, I could use those for pillows again." He said with a laugh as he sipped his drink. Making light of the embarrassment he had suffered at the hands of his companion Happy. Though he could truly not stay mad at the little fur ball forever. He was too cute, and too good a friend for such grudges. Though he would be sure to keep his lips tighter the next time he got plastered. The alcohol already wreaking havoc on his senses with what he had just uttered.

"If you come by more often you might be able to have a home cooked meal more often." Not one to toot his own horn, but he was quite handle with a chef knife. Alisa had never had his cooking, he didn't do a whole lot of that during the period of time they were partners, and on the road together. They didn't have much for cash then. They just ended up with a lot of instant foods at the inn or at the camp site depending on the location.

"You and I together like this, sure does bring back a lot of happy memories." His smile from ear to ear could probably be seen from space. It was true, they did share some wonderful times when they were kids. Just making a name for themselves. Even if their paths diverged for a while, they had more than their share of fun. Now that the two were back together, he had hopes of that fun continuing well into the future. Not the same fun of course, but fun none the less. Hopefully a brand of fun that won't land them both in prison.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sun May 09, 2021 10:58 am


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | TOWEL  

"Ufufu~... My, my, you have quite the poor impression of me, hmm Manzo~...?", chided the sculptress, brow furrowing even though her smile didn't fade even an inch, quite the opposite, his playfulness earned a vibrant laughter from the lithomancer's luscious lips, making her raise a hand over the water as she showed the ring on her finger, "...Can't believe you'd think a married woman would let others use her pillows that eagerly~"

Indeed, Alisa didn't really think any less of the cute little cat, quite the opposite, he was positively adorable, and she knew his lightheartedness would brighten up Manzo's days. Defenitely the kind of companion he needed.

"Ohoo...? Now that's a plan I can get behind~", she replied, brow raising, actually feeling rather curious about his cooking skills. Manzo had never tried her own cooking in turn, and for a good reason, after all she was a notoriously bad cook, and wouldn't really put anybody through the torment of sampling her dishes, "Mhmmm, it most certainly does huh? Thankfully, this time around we can just kick back and relax without worrying about whoever prey we might have been after..."

The life of a hunter is no easy one after all, they had to constantly mind their surroundings, for the predator could become prey at a moment's notice:

"Quite frankly, I feel like this might be one of the first few times we can spend time together without thinking about this or that job...", she mused, folding her arms under the fullness of her bust, that well rounded cleavage rising a bit higher over the water as she cupped her cheek

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:25 am


"Eagerly for everyone else no, for your male bestfriend and hetero life partner yes." He said with a huff as he crossed his arms and looked away from her and off into the distance as he brooded for a moment. Shortly after that he grabbed the bottle of campaign and began to take it straight to the face. Taking gulp after gulp before putting the bottle down outside of the spring while staring off into space.

Though it was true, the was the first time in a long time they had a chance to simply exist in a shared space. Though that was their fate at times. Often apart, rarely together for pleasure. Living inside of the shared memories of each other. Maybe that was something they should simply be grateful for. But that wasn't something he had to be content with.

Though that was not something he could accept, he wanted more of this. Needed more of this, time with someone who understood him. Saw him for who he was, and appreciated it. He had often thought that if people saw the real him, he'd be left out in the cold. To a degree he still had that fear. It was not something he was proud of it, but it was something he had to live with.

"I'll try not expect this to happen more than once a year." He said with a laugh half heartedly.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:31 am


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | TOWEL  


"Oh dear... To think you'd have such ulterior motives like those for inviting me to your home~...", she teased, tilting her head playfully, letting those long, wet strands of dark hair drape down from behind her ear, giggling as he expressed his right to rest his head on her chest. She wouldn't after, all, she didn't want her best friend getting the wrong impression... That would be awfully cruel of her, after all, and an easy misunderstanding to make after everything they'd been through together.

Especially when he looked so desperately out of it, uncorking and chugging down a whole bottle of champage in a way that made her brow raise. And he'd already knocked down half a bottle of whiskey huh? Good thing Alisa was here to help him, or else how many of these bottles he'd knock down on his own. Even a guy with as much endurance as him would defenitely feel it in the morning:

"Pass me that bottle if you don't mind...", spoke the sculptress, her arm emerging from under the steaming, sizzling surface of the springs, flashing him a caring smile, not about to let the man drink himself underwater on his own, "My, only once a year...? Awfully low expectations you're keeping there Manzo... I'm almost disappointed... Then again I suppose that's why I haven't heard about your restaurant until after it opened hm~?"

She'd been pretty surprised to find he had such an endeavor going and managed to keep it a secret until after it opened. Especially since he was now in Hargeon once more, Alisa defenitely didn't plan on such an accident repeating itself... Clearly, they needed to catch up more often.

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:16 am


He sighed and handed her the bottle he had just opened. It was true, he didn't give her a lot of credit. But it was really his own fault for not knowing how to actually invite her over to see him. Somewhere along the lines, in this life they shared together. He had forgotten how to talk to his own best friend.

"To be honest, I didn't think you'd have the time for me. I know it's not fair to assume that kind of thing. Can't help it though." He was ashamed to admit it, but he felt himself as being very small in the grand scheme of her life. Which was a heart breaking feeling.

"I drink to forget how alone I really am. Isn't that just so sad?" He said with a half hearted laugh once again. He only knew how to laugh at this point. It was to keep himself from crying. He knew she didn't like tears, and he didn't like shedding them honestly. He thought it was pointless to cry. Pointless as a whole honestly. it solved nothing, and it never made him feel better.

But the booze did make him feel better, even if it was only for a fleeting moment.

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