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Whiskey Rose [Alisa]

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Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Sun Mar 14, 2021 2:00 pm


The beach, it's somewhere most people go to get away from things. But on this particular day in time. It was where Manzo was going to get closer to something rather than far away from it. Which in and of it self was abnormal for him, as someone who loved nothing more than running away from his past. Even the seldom good times were something he still wanted run from more often than not. Purely because of how it made him feel vulnerable. Though he was a student of the human condition he could not bring himself to reflect on things that caused him any kind of pain, or happiness for fear of being too low, or too high.

He walked down the sandy beaches with not a thought in his head at this stage of the game, shoes in one hand, flask in the other, dressed in all black as usual. The spring breeze causing his hair to fly all over the place. His red eyes shining like rubies in the sunset. He would sit down in the sand and take a swig from his flask, staring out at the waves was something he did to calm himself, it put him in a trance like state. Due to his lacrima implant he was far more animalistic than he used to be when he was a slayer of gods.

His body coursed with nature energy and demanded that he be close to nature in any way that he could. So going to a beach was something that would help him heal his aching mind, the booze was just simply out of habit, considering it was poison in and of itself, he was simply able to consume it for energy when needed. His lacrima's ability did often surprise him, seeing as he had not yet truly explored what it could, and could not do.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Mon Mar 15, 2021 12:51 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL

Alisa missed Hargeon... Not to detract from beauty of Myras, one among many breathtaking cities and sights Fiore had to offer... But there's really no place like home now, is there? She scarcely remembered when she started thinking of Hargeon as home, but figured it mustn't have been that long after first getting her stamp. Granted, her first few years had been rife with turmoil as she scarcely used the guild as little more than a momentary resting place between her travels...

Even now she found herself musing on that as she strolled along the shorelines, delighted by the soothing sea breeze against her cheeks like her lover's caress, the saline scent filling her nostrils, the siren's song of crashing waves as they pounded against the shoreline... For a woman so tied to the earth as Alisa Vollan, she found a special solace in just hanging around by the sea as such... No wonder she found herself a seafaring woman to marry... In the end, however lost she could get in her meandering, she never failed to take notice of her surroundings, and as such, quickly spotted a familiar figure standing around by the beach. Her smile curling wider, she quickly turned and climbed down the stairwell, her dainty digits gliding along the handrail, the other hand peeling off her heels as she stepped into the soft, welcoming sands, feeling it sift soothingly between her toes as she approached her guildmate:

"You know, there's a perfectly good bar right at the guild hall~", chimed the sculptress, striding in closer as she caught the sight of one of her aces, downing a bottle all by himself. Some things never change huh? Either his solitary nature, or her tendency to tease him for it.

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Mon Mar 15, 2021 1:06 pm


There was a familiar scent on the air, one that was welcomed, but also saddening in a way. It reminded him of time lost on the road. A touch that had grown colder throughout the years. But that was no one's fault but his, and their former masters. But those days were long since dead and gone, drowned in more bottles than he'd like to admit. But, it was time to put feelings like that to bed forever. Living in ones own past was akin to taking a knife and slitting one's own wrists over and over again. Not that he hadn't been down the road before in his darkest hour, but this time, he would be down his razors, and pick up the sands of the past and watch the wind blow them to and fro.

"There are also a lot of other good beaches in this town as well." He said with a chuckle in the direction of his Master. The two had always enjoyed exchanging barbs like this ever since the first day they laid eyes on each other. It was indeed quite funny to think about the last ten years of life in this guild. He would of course do what he always did once they were done exchanging their barbs.

He rose up from the sand and embraced his master with a familiar hug, pressing their bodies together for an embrace similar to the one he gave her the day he went off on his journey. It was uncommon for them to do this in front of the others in the guild, he wasn't sure why they didn't exchange physical pleasantries, perhaps it had to do with keeping up appearances, but then again who knew, not he.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:04 pm


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

"Oh, you found a better beach than this one? You'll have to show me sometime~", she chuckled, winking knowingly at him as her hand came to rest on her hip, those wine red hues following him as he got up from the sands and wrapped his arms around her.

Well... Some things do change after all hmmm? A few years ago, Manzo would have never greeted her as such. Not that it surprised her when he pulled her into a tight, tender hug, but even now she couldn't help but chuckle as she noted it, hugging him back, her firm, pliant chest squishing softly into his as a smile drew on her lips:

"Hmmm... Something looks different about you, and I don't just mean the new clothes.", she teased as they finally peeled away from each other, her hand reaching up to her chin as she scanned him head to toe, brow furrowing ever so slightly.

His magic power defenitely gave off a different vibe now, palpably enough that she could notice how it affected his body. The man had a greater penchant for change than she did, enough that she could already pick up on it with relative ease as her brow rose quizzically:

"New magic, I presume?", she mused, brushing a loose lock behind her ear as she took a seat on the soft sands, motioning for him to join her.

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:24 pm


The warmth of her body, the smell of her hair, and feeling of her chest pressed against him, ah what a walk down memory lane that was. It was something he hadn't indulged himself in. in such a long time. He'd have to store this feeling in the old memory banks for later, in case he got down and needed it for late night pick me up.

A wide smile plastered across his face, something that didn't usually find itself upon his face in public, or well even in private. Something occurred within him recently, something he was most eager to share with her, his closest friend, and his greatest love.

He sat down in front of her, his legs crossed. He pressed his forehead against hers, their noses nuzzling together for a moment. Before he scooped up sand into his hand, a small green magic circle forming underneath him. Life giving magic swirled around them for a moment before he looked down.

"Look." He said with tears of happiness running down his face. Another sight that only Alisa had seen, but only in anger and fear.
In his hands, was white flower, and sand had turned to soil in his hands.

"I-I can do more than take life. I can create it." He said with the same wide smile he had before. He didn't know how to describe this feeling, other than, it was so euphoric all he could do was cry. For once in his life, he could make something instead of destroy it. He wasn't cold anymore, he was warm, his magic was full of life.

Life can truly change, if you want it to. It was something he wouldn't soon forget, not now, not ever.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:38 pm


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

His smiled brightened at the mention of her magic, more than enough to make her brow arch as a curious look crossed her face... She... Couldn't really remember the last time she'd seen him in such a good mood? If ever... They used to be one and the same in that regard, at least back when they first met, but Alisa had let go of the worst of her darkness, that weight lifting from her shoulders as she poured her soul into her art. And now, as he held close to her and leaned in, as if he had some secret to show her, her interest piqued, her eyes flaring as she saw the flower sprouting from that handful of sand. Alisa scratched her temple:

"I'd like to advise you to be careful when changing magics too often, but I must admit...", she giggled gracefully, peeling away just enough to look at the flower in his hands, raising an eyebrow as she looked back up into his eyes, "...I've never quite seen you this happy about a new magic before~"

He should be alright in the end, considering how, at least as far as she figured, he'd just chosen a different branch of slayer magics. With her own magic belonging to the same family, she knew it intimately enough to understand the resemblance, enough to know he should be alright:

"It's a nice change of pace isn't it? No matter how you go about it... Humans are more than mere killing machines.", she confessed, sighing deeply, those very same words she could have said many times before, which would have surely fallen on deaf ears, "I'm happy for you~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:41 pm


Manzo smiled and put the new flower behind her hair, thinking it would look quite pretty against her dark hair, and honestly it did. Though there wasn't anything his memory could use as an example to suggest otherwise.

He sat down beside her, his hand on her thigh, not too far up mind you. He may have a new lease on life, he wasn't so eager to lose his life over something as careless as a misplaced hand.

"I met a dragon, some time ago. I was wandering in the forest, and well, there it was." He said as he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket, placing it to his lips. With a snap of his fingers, the life energy around him cause it to ignite.

He took a drag off of it before exhaling a cloud of smoke into the sky. "It told me, There was something far more to me, than the tool I was made to believe I was." He looked out upon the world around him.

"He made me whole, and clean again." He said as he laid down beside her, his hands behind his head, staring up at the clouds, a wide grin still adorning his face.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:49 am


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

Alisa smiled as he slipped the flower in her hair, brushing it behind her ear as if to make room for it, all but chuckling at the guy who once carried himself like a single minded killing machine now doing something as delicate as putting a flower in her hair. Her eyes drifted down as she felt that hand coming to rest on her thigh, that said, she trusted him enough not to push his luck and simply smiled, her hands coming to rest on the soft sands behind her as she listened to his tale:

"Fufu~... In the middle of the forest hmm~? Hardly the kind of place you'd expect to find a dragon in...", mused the sculptress, hand over her mouth as a graceful little chuckle escaped her lips, "Thought if he's anything like that dragon woman we met at the dungeon, I suppose you really can just find them anywhere if only you just look."

In the end, her eyes followd him as he reached for his pockets, actually chuckling at the idea of him lighting his cigarette with his magic much like he used to with his old lightning magic. I suppose Manzo would always find a way to use whatever magic as a lighter huh?

"Perfectly clean everywhere except for the smoke in your lungs...", chided the sculptress, caringly as she shook her head, "I see not even all the nature magic in the world will make you quit that habit"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 20, 2021 9:16 am


Manzo let out a laugh so hearty that it brought small amounts of tears to his eyes. It was true, he had been smoking since the first day they met, which in some ways was the only constant thing about their relationship at the end of the day. They had both changed so much, and yet small parts of them did indeed stay the same.

"Congratulations on your wedding by the way. Sorry I couldn't be there to give you away." He said with a chuckle. Truth be told, in the frame of mind he was in at that time, she would not have wanted him there.

All he would have done, had he been allowed to be there, was drink himself into a stupor and then bring up things best left just between the two of them. Neither one of them, to his knowledge were ashamed of all the things that transpired between them.

"When did we lose each other Lisa, honestly. When did our flame die? Or more over, why did you let me throw you away?" He asked with a serious tone of voice as he looked out upon the ocean waves crashing onto shore. Not your typical setting for a talk this serious, or well, more so serious for him.

It's not so much that he felt that she owed him any kind of insight into her feelings about their relationship, past or present. But it was something he truly wanted to know. Why did she allow him to walk out of the guild, closing the book on their bond for damn near ten years.

Did she not want him back? Or more over, just have him around. Did she not miss the lunch dates, the little talks between comrades during and after jobs. Their famous motorcycle rides around town.

Perhaps, it was that he was too weak to do what he truly felt in his heart was right.

"Actually, never mind, don't tell me. It's water under the bridge, ancient history."


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:24 pm


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

"Thank you~... Fufu~... Sounds to me like you and my uncle would have a lot to talk about~", Alisa couldn't help but rub behind her neck, smiling almost awkwardly for once, thinking back to how few people had actually been at her wedding.

Uncle Gottfrid never let her hear the end of it, every time she came home, after finding out she'd gotten married without even throwing a proper party. Alas, it would seem that particular topic brought back some unpleasant memories for him:

"Our flame, hmmm~? Now that's oddly sentimental of you, Manzo~", she smiled tenderly, lightening the mood in however way she could, cupping her cheek, noting how she'd never given it much thought... Granted, more than seven years had passed between then and now? Alisa found herself looking up into the skies above "My... You were trying to throw me away hmm? You've done an awful job there considering...", turning back down to look at him as her hand came to rest on his shoulder, "I'm still here~"

Alisa knew now that they weren't exactly compatible in that way... Had either of them tried pursuing more than the fling it was, they'd have torn each other apart in a matter of months, if not weeks, and well... By that point they wouldn't really be standing here now, would she? Alisa had other things on her mind at the time. Things other than romance. She kept everybody at arm's length, including him. He understood that well enough, after all, he did that just as easily as she did:

"You've been mulling over that all this time hmm?", she mused, raising an eyebrow, almost feeling a pang of guilt for never having given it much thought. She couldn't... After all, everytime she thought about him only one thought came to mind, "Really, I just missed having you around I suppose. Though we can't really change the past anyway, so might as well just look forward."

She sighed... Manzo had never even tried talking to her like this before, although... That's probably because, after all this time... He'd never actually been living had he? He just carried on doing what he did best, barely sparing a glance to whatever else the world had to offer:

"Also, if this is the kind of conversation you're looking for, I'll expect you to hand over that bottle.", spoke the sculptress, smirking as she stretched her hand.

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:49 pm


Manzo stared out at the ocean, not truly wanting to look her in the eye. For fear of breaking down into a fit of tears. The truth of the matter was, he did not believe that he could have changed the trajectory of her life. He was fraught with guilt for everything that he had missed.

He handed her the bottle at her request, knowing that this wasn't going to be a fun talk for either of them. If he could compare it to anything, it would be something akin to having his lacrima implanted. Having something removed, but gaining something all at the same time.

He placed his hand on top of hers. Her touch made him feel something, that only she could accomplish. The total and complete undressing, and destruction of every wall he had ever tried to erect to keep others out.

"You were my light, when I thought I could only achieve in darkness." He said sniffling a bit. He had never expressed his emotions to another person who wasn't her, so he felt fine being vulnerable. Even if he knew her disdain for weak men at times. Hopefully she would be willing to make an exception for him, just this once, he would only need one good time. He had seven years to gather how he felt about her, and the time they spent together all those years ago.

"I was trying so hard to drench myself in darkness, and in power. So that what happened to me when I was a child, never happened again." He did not remember how much detail he had gone into with her, about how he was brought up in that small rice village, continents away from here.

"I remember how our nights together were spent with you making fun of my face. How i'd get wrinkles early if I didn't stop my constant frowning." He said with a small chuckle, a single tear running down his cheek.

Again with the water works, he could do nothing but laugh at himself even through the emotional turmoil he was going through, bringing up all these repressed feelings and emotions. "I remember you telling me, that one day you'd give me something to smile about."

She used to be full of little remarks like that, he chalked it up to her being a very idealistic teenager. But seeing as how the two of them were adults now, and still having the same conversations, whats old, truly does become new again.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Sun Mar 21, 2021 12:49 pm


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

It must be hard huh...? After all this time burying his emotions, everything he should have dealt with in due time just came flooding back, and he was obviously ill equipped to deal with it. Thus, it was all she could do to keep him company, though if she was gonna go scratching into the past like that, she defenitely appreciated the bottle, accepting it and taking a good long sip:

"Yeah... I can understand that much, though I suppose that's why you were the first in the guild I ever teamed up with...", the sculptress nodded, her smile fading as some rather unpleasant memories came back...

Not in any way his fault mind you, that was just the way things were... Rubbing her temple, her chest rose and fell with a long, deep sigh, once again fixing her gaze on the skies above. Indeed, only opening her eyes the beauty in the world finally lifted the darkness weighing her down. Manzo had taken an additional five years, and needed his own way to go about it:

"Fufu~... If you got me to say something like that during those days, I can only imagine how you looked.", that or she had quite a few to drink, which was honestly a very real possibility too, considering what she held on hand as she spoke. Usually evenings spent at some less than reputable bar after getting done with the day's work. Alisa didn't have many people she regularly interacted with after all, "Though frankly... You couldn't even smile after wiping out a whole cult of demon worshippers and their pets... I mean even I felt a measure of satisfaction at that~"

A sadistic smile but a smile nonetheless, though what gloomy teenager doesn't get some giddy thrill in the suffering of their hated enemies? Probably not the healthiest joy to have, but a joy nonetheless, and better than nothing all things considered:

"Well... And how are you doing on that front hmm~? It's been over five years between then and now. At least it seems to me like you finally found yourself a reason to smile, with or without my help~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:40 am


"I still have nightmares about taking down the cult. I feared we had bitten off more than we could chew at that point. I was worried that it would be our last job together." He had never been one to admit to such fears. To a degree he believed that Alisa thought there wasn't anything he was scared of. But that could not be further from the truth.

There had to be some nights that she worried about what was going on his dreams. The tossing and turning all night, and the clinging to her for dear life. Perhaps she just believed he was clingy, or that he just had trouble sleeping. It was truly anyone's guess at this stage of things.

He didn't worry so much about himself, he was worried that he was too weak to keep her safe during those times. She was a hot head, kicked in doors instead of scoping out the situation. She was a bad ass, before she had any right to act like one. But he saw the potential in her, to be what she had become now. He wanted her to live long enough to get to this point. Which he was more than thankful that she did in all honesty.

"Well, I opened a restaurant in town actually. Traditional Joyan cooking, comfort food, and a stiff drink. Kind of like the tea houses where I grew up." He had always wanted to have a home, and be a staple somewhere. For something other than his ability to take life.

"Had it not been for you, I don't think I would have ever been able to come home." He said with a smile as he took another swig from the bottle the two had decided to share on this canvas of life.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:48 pm


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

The things they saw at their lair were no laughing matter, and if anything only cemented their resolve to take on more jobs like those, find more cults of their ilk and wiped them all out. Alisa's brow furrowed, her nose twitching with a telltale look of utter disgust that did nothing to hide the sorrow of not having gotten there to stop them in time:

"So did I for a moment there... But i'm glad we did. The things we've seen back there... If we hadn't stopped it, their casualties would have been uncountable by this point", she confessed, rubbing her temple and chukling, all but chiding herself for her foolhardiness... By comparison, her own life weighted relatively little, though for all her recklessness, she fully understood the danger she was in. Just like Manzo, she too felt compelled a seething hatred that even now hadn't completely abandoned her, it just no longer drove her forward. She had so many other things to live for after all, "We were quite reckless then huh? I suppose if we were to take the same mission today we'd have hardly broken a sweat but back then... That was about the limit of what we could safely take down without losing an arm for it."

Was something wrong with her...? At times she always felt it was, how she could react so callously, bury all the darkness she witnessed just enough to carry on. Manzo himself could, but at a great cost. Mind you, she did have quite a few sleepless nights, but not nearly as much. Instead, she diverted all her energies into her training, and the result now stood before him. With Manzo, she never felt a need to keep him safe, which was why they worked well together. If she worried he'd get himself killed, she'd have probably been a bit more careful. In the end all she needed to know was where her foes hid, and how many there were. If they moved fast enough they could stike before they ever saw them coming. Not the most effective strategy but it worked... Most of the time. She'd changed quite a bit since those days, but she was still not the best at holding back... But she also worked with new Guild Members, some of whom weren't as capable as Manzo at keeping themselves safe. In the end, whatever somber thoughts she might have had faded into a bright smile when she heard of his new endeavors:

"Oho...? How come it's the first time I'm hearing about this hmm~?", teased the sculptress, smirking as her brow rose, nudging his arm with a playful pout, almost offended he managed to get a whole restaurant set up - in Hargeon of all places - without its local Guild Master not hearing about it, "Hmmm~... Now that you mention it, I did remember hearing about a noodle place around. So that was you huh?"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:08 pm


"I wanted my life to have more meaning. Truthfully, I thought getting back to my roots, tugging at my moms apron, wanting to help her in the kitchen. The shop was the best way to go back home." He said as he took another swig from their shared bottle. The real question of it all was, if she was alive to see him now, would she be able to recognize him.

He stepped out of the darkness, into the light. But he was still very much covered in shadow. Alisa knew the man from almost ten years earlier. But she didn't truly know who he was now. Part of him was more than fearful, that she wouldn't like what she found. If there was another insurrection, I'd probably wash my hands of it."

Now that was something he knew, she would never expect to come from the once formidable killer she had teamed with. "I have no desire to raise my hand in violence ever again. I spilled enough blood on my home soil, to last a life time. Damn holy wars." He said with a moniker of hate in his voice.

"I long for the day, that diplomacy works out between nations, and guilds. I want to build towards that future."


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:43 pm


WORDS: 310 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

"Ufufu~... Now that would be quite the radical change of pace hmmm~...?", Alisa couldn't help but bring a hand over her mouth, chuckling gracefully at the thought of her hardboiled guild mate finally retiring from his life in the shadows and slipping on an apron.

Handing him the bottle, she merely watched him chugging down a hefty gulp, brow raising, wondering just what might the dragon have said that got through to him so impressively. Indeed, she didn't even mind hearing him say how he'd take no part in whatever other insurrections may or may not take place. Alisa wouldn't hold it against him:

"I suppose that's another way to have one less killer in the world hmm~...?", smiled the sculptress, proudly, overjoyed at the sight of one of her closest friends stepping away from the life of death that always weighed him down, "You needn't worry about insurrections though... That's why I'm here."

Alisa couldn't... So long as she still had a guild to protect, so long as she still counted herself among Fiore's Wizard Saints. After all, the mere fact of holding this kind of power made others tempted to try her on for size, some of the less scrupulous ones would even go after her guild. She did everything to protect her guild, but her very affiliation put them at risk whenever she wasn't around to keep them safe:

"We wield power as a deterrent... That's how it's been as of late, how it should be. Sure, some may see that power as something to be challenge, but for the vast majority of opportunists, they won't raise their hand against the guild so long as we're around."

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 27, 2021 11:46 am


It's true, they had a job to do. That job was important, it was one that he would take seriously. But he would only raise his hand in defense, never in attack. Not anymore, it was a life that he felt tainted him, made him ugly. In Blue Pegasus, being ugly was a crime, because if one's soul was ugly, their outward appearance could never be looked upon fondly. Or so that's what Belladonna always said, even though, it was he who held up, the first master's wishes to have him in exile.

Still a decision he didn't fully understand. It could have been a punishment, perhaps it was because he felt that his reaction to having to take that much life made him weak. Perhaps having a conscious, in terms of feeling bad, even for such wickedness. Maybe that disappointed him, maybe he felt as though because of that fact, he would not be able to protect his favorite student. Which was Alisa, he knew that, everyone did. Belladonna even knew she would eventually take the helm of the guild.

He got up from his spot on the beach, and channeled his magic into the ground. Causing a table and chairs to sprout up, for them to sit in. It was a nice parlor trick. "Care to have a seat with me. I know how much to detest sand in your clothes and crevasse." He said with a laugh as he picked up the bottle and placed it on the table.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Tue Mar 30, 2021 3:02 pm


WORDS: 310 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

He'd need to do nothing else... Truly, if Alisa had her way, he wouldn't even need to do that much. As she watched him chug down that drink as he spoke enthusiastically about his new restaurant, Alia reminded herself of exactly what she wanted to protect when she took this job. Much like how the Guildmasters before her really, though Alisa had a different way of doing things, a more liberal view of beauty, and the willingness to do what she felt was necessary for the safety of her guild. She'd have condoned many of the actions that got Manzo exiled in the past, though for the most part, she'd say she was better off not knowing.

"Ufufu~... My, ever the gentleman, hmmm, Manzo~?", cooed the sculptress, standing up from the soft sands, swiping her hand over her supple, shapely rear, swatting away the mostly dry grains of sand as they clung stubbornly to the fabric of her pure white jeans, "Not that I'd ever let that get between a pleasant time with you, but... Far be it from me to refuse that offer~"

Winking playfully at him, she slipped into the wooden chair, brushing her hair behind her shoulder before folding her arms under the table, picking up the bottle and having herself a little drink, delighting in that burning sensation running down her through, all but jolting her awake as she added:

"So when will you show me around this new restaurant of yours hmmm~...?", she quipped, cocking her head playfully

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Fri Apr 02, 2021 4:22 pm


"Heh, we have shared some very pleasant times together haven't we." He said with a playful look on his face. Their partnership throughout the years had enough action, laughs, and steam, to make most movie directors blush at the amount of content between the two. Which of course was one of the many things that set their relationship apart from most peoples.

The two of them, it was a special bond, all be it a strange one, in the eyes of many. But those people were not the one's they cared about. Alisa cared about Sofia and himself, above all others, and he felt the same way. Though there would always be a special place for Alisa within him, a spot only reserved for her. She was the light of his life, in every instance. Not that he'd ever tell her that, more ammunition for her teasing ways.

He looked upon her body as she brushed herself off, he could not help but chuckle to himself. He had memories of her before she was such a curvaceous and statuesque bomb shell. The time was kind to her, not that he could truly complain to be fair. Time had been quite kind to his appearance as well. Though he always knew she'd grow into a beauty, no matter what form it would take. He just never imagined her bosom blossoming to fully. That one was still something he'd have to wrap his head around.

"How about, you take a walk with me, to my place, and I'll cook something. There's an aged bottle of wine with your name on it." He teased gleefully.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:40 am


WORDS: 310 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

She found it easy to relate to someone who for the most part seemed to share her view on life, back when she was just a brand new member of Blue Pegasus, still woefully hesitant to open up to anybody, so preoccupied was she by her constant quest for vengeanece a against an enemy she'd so far been unable to sink her claws into. She did manage to take down but one of their members, but even that endeavor proved fruitless as he proved unable to give them the location of his brethren... As such, Alisa had plenty of time to direct her focus elsewhere:

"Mmmmm~... Good idea, you can't go around telling me you opened a new restaurant without even treating me to a meal~", quipped the sculptress, already grown used to the looks she got from him, and quite frankly, from just about every other person she met. She didn't necessarily minded for while Alisa abhored unwanted touches, someone's admiration of her only meant they had good taste. She knew him better than to think he'd have ulterior motives at this point, after all their history together, "That would be just plain rude, wouldn't you agree~?"

Mind you, she still made it a point to finish her drink, or at least, get another good, hearty little chug before handing him his bottle with a smile on her face, then standing back up from her seat, only a few moments after sitting down:

"Well then... Lead the way~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Sat Apr 03, 2021 9:46 am


"Oh I could be very cruel if I chose to be, and make you pay for the meal and booze." He said with a laugh. The truth of the matter being, he could be just as big a tease as she was if he had a mind for it. And considering he was quite intoxicated, that side of him could come out to play at any moment. That was a side of him, not even she had laid eyes on, which made it all too enticing for him to simply pass up.

"But since you just paid for a wedding, I'm sure we could work something out." He said with a sheepish grin. Their old method of working things out, had changed through out the years. It would be quite inappropriate of them to use that method now. But there was one thing he could probably get out of her, dishes, he could get her to wash the dishes. That was something about him that would never change. He detested having pruned hands, it just felt disgusting to him on more than one level.

"We can of course discuss the particulars later, let's be off hm?" He said as he offered her his arm to hold on to. A distinguished woman such as she need to be treated like the work of human art that she indeed was.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Sun Apr 04, 2021 2:22 pm


WORDS: 310 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

"Oh, how terribly expensive it might be... How dare you spring such a hefty bill on me hmmm~?", she quipped, chuckling playfully, already having more than a few to drink she could easily laugh it off as well as he did.

Honestly, if he really insisted on payment for his meal, that would only be fair, and Alisa wouldn't think any less of him for it. After all, the man had to make a living. Had this not been the opening meal, she'd have most defenitely insisted to pay for it:

"I suppose one time couldn't hurt~", in the end, she merely nodded as she stepped out of her chair and followed him to his restaurant, holding his arm as he offered it with a smile, the other hand brushing her hair gracefully behind her ear, "Indeed, the meal isn't going to eat itself now, is it~?"

She trusted the man to lead the way, after all, even though she heard about it, Alisa had no clue where the restaurant was actually located... Instead, she merely enjoyed the casual stroll on the beach alongside one of the few people she considered close, her shapely chest heaving as she took a long, satisfied breath of that soothing sea breeze:

"Pity you didn't place your restaurant on the beach itself... Now wouldn't that be a brilliant setting~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Sun Apr 04, 2021 2:38 pm


"The bill isn't going be quite as hefty as something else you carry on your shoulders day in and day out." He said making a reference to her ample, and hypnotic bussom. All in jest of course, he did realize that it was a privilege to be able to speak to her so candidly. One he enjoyed, especially since here only rule was, look, look all you want, admire to your hearts content. But don't under any circumstances touch.

It was a simple rule, one he followed to the letter, the evidence of which being, he still had both of his hands. "The real shame here, is that you and I don't spend intimate time together like this anymore. Not saying I'm jealous of your wife or anything. But take care not to forget your old friend." He said playfully, her breasts resting upon his arm as they walked. That would be enough for most normal men to throw in the towel.

Not he though, he was not a run of the mill simp for any big breasted woman who gave him the time of day. Not only that, she was a woman of class, not a street walker. Not saying they can't be classy, because he had seen some very swanky brothels in his day.

They would round the corner, towards his little hole in the wall, looks were quite deceiving though. He had done quite a bit of work to his place. Though it was after hours now. The two of them would have the private time they so looked forward to after all these years apart. It would be a nice break, something he had thought of while, well, being deposed.

"Here we are love, let me get the key." He said as he went into his pocket and pulled out the key to turn the lock, opening the door for them.


Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:53 pm


WORDS: 310 | TAG: @Manzo | CASUAL  

"My, how classy of you, Manzo~", quipped the sculptress, not about to take that the wrong way after all these years, and especially after both of them having had quite a few to drink. In the end, he still wouldn't get away without a comeback as she nudged him with her elbow and chuckled, content to just enjoy the sights the rest of the way, almost pouting as he chided her for forgetting him, "I have to wonder whatever gave you that impression hmmm?"

Truly, she'd gotten married without really inviting anybody but in all fairness, she didn't even tell her uncle. Truly, she'd have very little time to, considering Sofia and her had gotten married very much in a spur of the moment kind of initiative, leaving scarce opportunities for preparations of any kind. They didn't even get married on any actual church of any form, having little more than just a priest and witnesses to officiate the matrimony. Somewhat ironic that as his mind wandered to sex worker she simply thought of her wife, but then again, pretty much any excuse was good enough to make her think of Sofia these days, and she'd no doubt he'd feel the same way if he ever decided to get married on a remote beach like this one:

"Let me know if you need help with it... You've had quite a bit to drink after all~", giggled the sculptress, letting go of his arm while her own hand rose over her mouth, watching with idle amusement as he opened the door. She did cherish him, more than he gave her credit for, she just... Happened to play for the other team most of the time. In the end, she could only appreciate him for not letting the past get in the way of their friendship.

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Whiskey Rose [Alisa] Empty Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:11 pm


It was odd that she would offer to help him in the kitchen. He wasn't even aware that she knew how to cook. She seemed like the kind of woman these days, who had all her cooking done for her. He might let her help, but not before he showed her his shop and home. He thought she might even appreciate what he had decided to do with the place.

"Before we get to dinner, I thought you might like a bit of tour of my home." He said with a soft smile.

As she looked around the shop she would be greeted with a small green house. Tea plants, herbs in planters, as well as small trees bearing fruit. Fruit not quite as luscious as her own, but none the less they did bring a beautiful aroma to the shop. As did the tradition Joyan architecture as well as decor. He had named it Mattori's, it seemed fitting in his mind. Simply because he was giving the customer a little taste of who he was, as well as his own culture.

"I tried to make it as inviting as humanly possible. But that's not the part I think you'll enjoy."

He knew she wouldn't be able to resist his little surprise out of the back door of the place. He had purchased the property in it's entirety. Meaning he had redone everything about it.

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