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Poropo Pouring Over Evidence [Quest]

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#1Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pouring Over Evidence [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 12, 2021 6:57 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Weirdlock Jones has seemed happy with Poropo's work last time - cleaning the eccentric detective's office seems to have opened up a door for the diligent monk to step through. However, the door Poropo was stepping through lead to a mansion bigger than the monk could comprehend! For better or worse, Poropo could not see the future unfolding before his eyes and therefore could not begin to comprehend the chain of jobs he would be pulled into by Weirdlock Jones.

"What is this strange device?" asked Poropo while turning and flipping a magical device - Weirdlock explained the device scanned small areas for blood types and fingerprints which Weirdlock could match to victims. Thanks to Poropo's diligent organization, Weirdlock was able to find clues for a case, but the detective's procrastination has unfortunately allowed two more bodies to surface which could be linked to said investigation.

"I just told you what it does - let's search this alleyway as best we can for blood and fingerprints. Can you do that?" Weirdlock seemed upset with Poropo, but the monk had just asked a simple question - the angered detective was likely more upset with himself for not solving this case fast enough. The worried monk just nodded and began scanning the alley using the weird device.

#2Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pouring Over Evidence [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:04 pm

Poropo Poproporp
The detective and monk scoured the alley for blood and fingerprints to try and match to the two bodies found - Weirdlock was looking at one end of the alley while Poropo was looking near one of the corpses. The distressed monk could barely stomach being so close to death, but he persevered in order to stop more death from happening again! The monk took a calm breath, clasped his hands, and mumbled a prayer out of earshot of Weirdlock Jones, "Oh Iron Deity, please bless this magical device bestowed to me by Weirdlock Jones - I hope to find what we need in order to solve this case quickly."

With a quick prayer done, Poropo continued to use the magical device - the area the device could scan was small yet effective. As long as the monk remained diligent then he would find something important, especially near one of the corpses. Speaking of the corpses, Poropo could start stomaching the presence of death and turned to face the partially mutilated, deceased woman - her mouth was slashed open from cheek to cheek, an ominous sight. The monk took a heavy sigh out of respect, but then noticed a slip of paper stuck out of the woman's clothing. The monk carefully bent down to avoid hurting his back and falling on the woman's corpse.

#3Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pouring Over Evidence [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:11 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Poropo bent down carefully and visually inspected the paper sticking out of the deceased woman's clothing - the monk wanted to touch the paper but thought about fingerprints mixing together and blurring the result. Looking at the device in his hand used for scanning and identifying fingerprints, Poropo believed he could touch the paper without disturbing evidence - whether this was true or not did not matter so long as the paper lead to a deeper investigation. Poropo was also clueless as to how fingerprints were important and began reaching for corner of paper sticking out.

"Wait! I have an idea! First Immortal!" Before touching the piece of paper, the clever monk summoned his trusted steed - the First Immortal came into existence and looked at the bend over Poropo with a blank stare. The metallic being was usually summoned to make life easier for the lazy monk - today was almost no different. Poropo gleefully explained what the First Immortal was summoned for this time, "I need your finger-less hands to grab the paper within the woman's clothing."

The First Immortal continued to stare blankly at his summoner. A moment of processing passed - the First Immortal was not sure if helping would be possible considering the First Immortal could barely use his stubby arms for grabbing.

#4Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pouring Over Evidence [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:18 pm

Poropo Poproporp
The First Immortal stared at Poropo for another second and then looked down at the corpse of a woman - the paper was barely visible between the folds of clothing, as if intentionally hidden. This task seemed important to the normally lazy monk - in fact, this task seemed less about laziness and more about nuance. The First Immortal could only partly understand his need in this situation and therefore complied halfheartedly - the First Immortal hover over the woman and poked the paper corner a few times to try and loosen the fabrics. Poropo was worried the evidence was being handled too roughly and tried to verbally stop the metallic being from acting like a curious babe, "Hold on! That is too rough! You are going to-!?"

After a bit of poking and prodding by the First Immortal, the paper slipped out of the folds and onto the floor - the First Immortal picked up the paper between his pillar-like arms for Poropo to inspect. The astonished monk could hardly believe poking worked so well - the woman was hardly disturbed and the paper was fairly clean. The only thing off about the paper was the absence of words - just a circle with a snake's head, as if the snake was eating itself.

#5Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pouring Over Evidence [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:28 pm

Poropo Poproporp
"How curious...I better show this note to Weirdlock. Come, First Immortal...and bless you for helping...can an angel be blessed?" Poropo and the First Immortal took the paper note with a circle to Weirdlock - the detective noticed the strange creature next to Poropo and figured the monk was magical. The detective thought the monk was just a monk who took odd jobs to make ends meet, but the sight of magic next to Poropo gave Weirdlock a sense of pride for keeping Poropo around.

Regardless of his luck, Weirdlock looked down at the small, metallic being next to Poropo - the note held the by the stubby thing looked familiar, "I see how it is...this has gotten more complicated." Weirdlock looked at Poropo and explained, "That symbol is an Ouroboros - the symbol of one of the yakuza gangs within Hosenka. You and your little friend did a good job finding this, but I'm afraid I'll keep needing your help."

"Not a problem - let us inform the authorities so they may help us investigate." Poropo was happy to have been of much help to Weirdlock. The trio, including the First Immortal, went with the note to the Hosenka authorities and explained the situation - the authorities rewarded Weirdlock who gave a cut to Poropo. A cut was attempted to be given to the First Immortal as well, but the First Immortal refused as he scattered into light particles. Poropo explained, "as an angel of the Iron Deity, the First Immortal is unable to accept rewards other than thanks."

1,000/1,000 words

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