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Dancing In The Moonlight [Judith]

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Dancing In The Moonlight [Judith] Empty Wed Apr 28, 2021 3:31 pm

Strange how memories came to someone from the smallest stimuli. Mili sat upon grass at the edge of a small public party, perhaps it had just been some drunkards beginning to dance, perhaps it had been formally arranged. Either way, events such as this always radiated an air of joy and merriment, emotions that Milisandia quite enjoyed partaking in. It was as though a yellow haze drifted over the crowd, sunlight at midnight and the warmth was infectious.

It was only small for now, perhaps twenty to thirty people, not including the small group doing music off to one side, getting paid in drinks and flirtatious looks. Mili couldn't help but find it amusing as he rested ther, one hand down into the grass beside him, fingers dusting through soft foliage, feeling the cold air crystallising into water under his fingertips. No one here knew who he was, no one really cared, he was just another young person out in the night, perhaps looking for fun, perhaps looking for love. Who knew whether either was possible but that didn't wasn't really why Mili was here.

Blue-purple eyes looked up to the clear sky, a shining disc high above witnessing the enjoyment that was happening. What beauty the moon gave off, a special form of coldness and grace that he usually only saw in the dresses of nobility, the ones that wanted to seem aloof, above it all. Spikes of darkness tried to work their way into his mind but he shut them out, closing his eyes and drinking in the air of joy around him instead, cementing it in his mind as a barrier against the void that constantly lurked.

Locking that emotion in did have an unintended side effect however, he suddenly desperately wanted to sing and dance, to take part himself, screw just sitting around watching. He hopped to his feet, stretching his joints out as he looked around, hoping to find some other observer or participant that might just want a partner... Or could be persuaded into wanting one...


Dancing In The Moonlight [Judith] Empty Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:00 pm

In some way there was always magical and interesting to learn later in the evening, It would be an different situation for Judith to be in, She was normally not one out super late in the evenings. What was different here? being bored, it was not something common of her Judith always had been able to keep her mind busy.

If anything being bored with the evening time often lead Judith to meeting and interacting with people who were always the interesting and odd ones out. The general public in even around hosenka was always different and interesting for her, Even if she was slowly adjusting to it.

Everyone else seemed, more content in the casual drinking and loudness that seemed to have been set. Given in the moment much to the content of everyone else Judith felt interested in staying in the crowd. Just she stood out because when she would choose to sit and relax much like everyone had, Judith did not sit in the chair she in fact, make a large leaf sprout a bit off of the ground to sit on.

A quiet place even if she stood out in her own way, She would use to to observe the people around her. not much time passed when she get a view some one who seemed no longer interested upon the casual. A pondering upon such a free spirit was something Judith enjoyed, It showed no matter who you were around.

She just wanted to watch a bit more, considering what she seemingly wanted to do Judith might entirely join this person, for her free spirited nature was one she respected, who ever this was Judith think she could get along with them.

Judith would be seen with a delighted smile, For she lived for moments like these.


Dancing In The Moonlight [Judith] Empty Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:55 pm

It took only a few moments for his eyes to land on someone that seemed perfect for what he wanted, she was sitting aside on her own seemingly enjoying the air of the little party just like he had been moments before. His ears flicked atop his head and his hips started to shift side to side to the music that was playing as he started to move towards the woman. The soft shoes he was wearing tapped a rhythm against the ground as he moved, aiming to catch her eyes as best he could so he didn't end up surprising her, giving her a little wink if he managed it.

Once he was closer her moved around in front of her, swaying back and forth, his tail moving in the opposite direction to himself before he raised a hand towards Judith, palm upwards. Twisting the silvery light of the moon coming down from above, a little heart appeared in his hand comprised of scarlet light before it burst into almost crystal-like flower petals that drifted to the ground from Mili's hand. Then he finally got around speaking to her.

"Well hey there! What's a lovely lady like yourself doin' sitting alone?" He gave a cheeky grin and flashed her a wink, a few brightly coloured stars sparking into life next to his eye before fading away. "Great music we've got tonight haven't we? Do you mind if I take a seat next to you?" He gestured to the space next to Judith, happy to sit on the ground next to her. It was all about gauging emotions at this point, learning from her and matching it to make himself just a little more charismatic, Mili's dad had taught him well. As he stood there, talking and then eventually waiting, he brushed down the sky blue short dress he was wearing, it had a fairly poofy skirt to it and he'd made sure to put on leggings with it to stop himself from being too cold. "Oh, I should probably introduce myself, huh? Silly me, my name's Milisandia, you can call me Mili though!"


Dancing In The Moonlight [Judith] Empty Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:27 pm

It was a magical night now it seemed. the more interesting of people with in the room and situation, Judith did not mind at all, nothing had set off an alarm for her to be worried about a thing. To answer his question."I am merely use to sitting alone, It is not something to be super worried about."Judith mentioned nicely about it, the fun part of everyone being different in their own way, Was how when one sat alone some found it off, Where Judith being a hermit for many years was use to being alone, even if was not part of this conversation.

To join her was simple she really did not mind at all."But I do welcome the company, It is not everyday when I do these things does one walk up normally to me."Then again she was also sitting on a giant leaf rather then a chair the reality of how that would make her stand out seemed to be lost a older nature mage.

The music was nice then again, it was not exactly the one she would normally be use too dancing too maybe from it being far different then any music she was use too.

Nonetheless it was not going to ruin the conversation."Greetings Milli, I am Judith Karlinus of Fairy Tail."Judith was enjoying the fact that Milli was extremely formal, Something Judith did teach her own children in life as they grew up. For Judith being called anything else was simple."You can call me Judi if you feel needed, I know it is easier to call me by that sometimes."With the normal delighted motherly smile Judith would have, Judith was use being so kind and casual, Milli was a interesting looking person most likely as they continued conversation Judith would talk about.


Dancing In The Moonlight [Judith] Empty Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:45 pm

Gentle, kind, calm, those were the first things that Mili started to pick up on, like little flashes of colour in his mind letting him connect his emotions to them. This was his favourite thing about meeting new people, the colours and sensations they gave off, the things he could connect to and share in and bask under even when the world seemed like it was out to kill him. He smiled brightly and gave a low bow to Judith before twirling and sitting down next to her, resting on one hip, a hand down into the grass so he could lean closer to her.

As she continued to talk, he did realise one slight problem but it never came close to touching his appearance, it just meant he'd need to lie and lie smoothly. "Fairy Tail? Wow! I've heard of them, they do a lot of good stuff don't they? Are you like some kind of hero then?" He asked, eyes glittering and growing wide as he looked up to her, his tail swishing around playfully behind him. "I've always thought of joining a guild! Some of them seem really scary though, I've seen some mean looking people walking around with the guild marks." His lie was like silk, a downturn of the ears to signify fear and worry but he banished it quickly and perked up again.

"I always like spending time with people on the outskirts, they have the best stories and some of the most beautiful souls I've found, sparkling and pure."
He stopped for a moment, putting a finger to his cheek before continuing. "Have you done anything heroic? Saved a kitten from a tree or maybe beat up a mugger or maybe even something even bigger! I'd love to hear your stories, you know before I end up asking you to dance." He finished by sticking the tip of his tongue out, doing his best to appear friendly if a little silly.


Dancing In The Moonlight [Judith] Empty Sat May 01, 2021 3:04 pm

It was an question time, It was a fun thing that would happen when meeting new people and talking to one another with introductions.So he had questions about Fairy Tail and it's actions, A not one she had gotten in a while. If anything it was always fun side to this because Judith was always good at the talking to others."The actions of my guild has been many, As well as good even if questionable their actions to achieve them sometimes."Judith was never shy about her views, Some actions to achieve goals might not exactly be ideas for the causes they needed to do.

It did almost sound like she had prepared for a more hard hitting question because the reputation of the guild was always viewed different between people. With how he felt about a guild Judith would not hold back upon her suggestion."The best to go about it, Is to choose one you feel the most comfortable with or who will help you achieve what your desire the most, Or people you can just stand to be around."It was most likely the best insight she could explain it, Even then the case her being in Fairy Tail was not under anything she mentioned either.

So they shared that part in terms of how they meet people."Oh? so I am not the only one, Here I always am interested in the strange ones as well, The conversations you have can be quite enlightening."It was always something she viewed nice, It was a fun a question period for Judith. Since even if simple and basic sometimes how people asked them was fun."Shame I have not met  many ballroom dancer or ballerina dancers with in my meetings with people."Judith laughed slightly about it.

What of her tales? does she really have they many to dive into, There were a few."I myself have been around after a few muggings, Keeping in mind I am never really a fighter, I am more a helper for the other things: wounds,cuts, broken bones. They are work I tend to work and focus rather then the fighting."Judith revealed she was a healer, So she would assume maybe what he was hoping to hear might not be as in depth as he would like.


Dancing In The Moonlight [Judith] Empty Mon May 03, 2021 10:37 am

Mili rested his cheek on his shoulder, staring up at Judith as she spoke as though he were enraptured at what she was saying, making suitable oo's and aah's when she wpoke about fighting muggers and healing wounds. Healing was a useful skill, perhaps if his speciality had laid in that he might have chosen a slightly different path. Then again, considering what the woman said about choosing a guild that aligned with your interests and aimed to further your goals... Well he had definitely found one of those already.

Subconsciously he brought his other hand up, rubbing the back of his neck where his guild tattoo was hidden and covertly tapping it twice just to make sure he wouldn't be recognised even though he wasn't very well known at all. Better safe than sorry and all that. "Guilds always seem so big and important so I get worried. I remember standing outside the guild hall of... I think it was Blue Pegasus... With my mama and I just froze up like a popsicle!" He giggled at the memory and shook his head slightly. "Decided that I'd rather get some experience under my belt and learn more about the guilds. What are the goals of Fairy Tail?"

As she continued talking his ears suddenly perked up at something she said and he rose up slightly, a big smile dawning on his face. "Now I don't know much about ballerina stuff unfortunately, papa never taught me anything like that! However..." He drew the word out, tail swishing faster. "...He did teach me some Ballroom Dancing! Specifically I know a little bit about the Quickstep and Waltz, gonna be super duper rusty though!" He settled back down once more and stretched his legs out with a quiet groan.

"Oh I feel I should talk about my own stuff! I like helping people out too, making sure people are brought to justice for bad stuff! I'm a Light Mage and I'm really good at making sure people end up like... Super slow or super weak and then I bonk 'em on the head and they fall over, it's a nice system!"
He said, rolling onto his back and propping himself up onto his elbows.


Dancing In The Moonlight [Judith] Empty Tue May 04, 2021 4:34 pm

The general conversation seemed to be strongly in Judith's enjoyment and delight most likely because it just seemed so casual and insightful, Then again Judith liked to learn about people it was fun to her in many ways, Much to the nightmare of others it could be. Mili seemed to have a general view much like other people tend to."I can admit the guild life is not for everyone, You do tend to meet some menacing figures from time to time."Judith did mention for the general mention of conversation, Since it was just part of the subject at the time.

The mention of first guild listed Judith could not help but think about her visit to Alisa and her party for the in which she attended."Blue Pegasus is a fairly safe guild for most people, They do not require much, Their guild master Alisa is a respectful woman who had done well to earn her title."It was a good piece of information for Milli.

He wanted some knowing and experience well Judith was the wrong member of Fairy Tail to talk to about that."Well...my experience are fair different then most people with in my guild,I am Fairy Tail's bartender, cook and waitress. The guild has had many before, I just happen to take up that mental currently."So he would have to make due with that, But there was still a few things with in this that might follow."I do travel time to time under requests, it is not often as I tend to prefer to make sure the members of fed and had drinks so i can return to my husband at the end of the day."So Milli learned a lot more about Judith with this but maybe not as much about Fairy Tail in the end.

But some one knowing at least one of the dancing arts she did, It was wonderful even some one seemingly so young as Mili was."I here I thought was a long to drag my husband into it, The other lady I often practice with is often hiding away working herself, It is pleasant to hear others still know the quickstep and the waltz."It seemed to delight the peaceful soul Judith was.

As for his final part well it was pretty interesting, To reveal to another mage your tactics was not something she figured would happen."That is Fairly agreeable, Have you consider any guilds or are you looking for a recommendations?"The wise old soul Judith was could suggest a few things, Even if she looked like she was 30 years old, She had the wit of her actual age of around 60, even if limited by her own means.


Dancing In The Moonlight [Judith] Empty Sun May 09, 2021 5:49 pm

It was a bit of a bother not to learn anything actually substantial about the guild but maybe he'd be able to find someone else to talk about that, Judith herself didn't seem to really do much in the way of running the guild and its abilities, as far as Milisandia could tell anyway. The emotions he could pick up on were curious on that but he pushed them aside, taking in her easy comfort in yellow and her gentleness in a soft violet, letting him stay relaxed and with a smile on his face.

"Bartender and cook, huh? That's pretty cool, a lot of people don't realise just how much work it is to keep places running smoothly! My papa taught me always to be nice to wait staff and people like that because without them then restaurants and stuff like that just wouldn't work! Think about it this way, you keep the big heroes and warriors on their feet, if you haven't eaten you can't have any strength, so you're a direct part of making sure they stay strong! That's really cool." He laughed quietly, covering his mouth with a hand before pushing himself to his feet.

"I better tone down my wiles after hearing that you're married, don't wanna woo you by accident or anything like that."
He stuck his tongue out and looked around as the music started to pick up slightly, something more upbeat. "I'm happy to help you practice your dancin' though, could teach me a few things too and it's always good to get exercise." He looked around at the people around them, dancing and smiling and he drew deeper on that yellow hue that seemed to soak into the night air, this was such a lovely city to keep himself distracted.

"I dunno about guilds, I just wanna do my best to make the world a good place and hm... Sometimes some of the guilds seem like they just wanna sit around looking pretty instead of actually helping! You got any recommendations for me though? I'd love to hear 'em even if I don't end up going with them, a little bit of wisdom and insight is always a powerful tool." He said, starting to stretch his legs out and dusting the grass off of his dress to keep himself looking prim and proper.


Dancing In The Moonlight [Judith] Empty Mon May 10, 2021 7:44 am

The insight he mentioned was one Judith did not think most people remembered, So Judith could actually compliment him upon it."Some one is extremely insightful for some one so young, A detail many do not highlight often anymore."Domestic work was something most people forget was important to do then again, Judith was a mother of four, married and use to being a home keeper so that all was her normal.

It was wonderfully interesting to Judith."I am a firm believer, learning to cook is an important skill."It was a personal view anyway, After all not like if the active and hard working members of Fairy tail needed to eat they did not have to cook themselves, They had some one do it."I am merely  doing my part, Even my children had never told me anything I do is cool."

This young man seemed to be full of compliments and enjoyment in life, It was wonderful."That and I would hate to ruin dreams, My husband is a good man to me after 20+ years of marriage and four children."She did seem to smile at his comment.

Now it seems the main part of the fun would start it seem."Do bare with me, It has been a few months so I might be slow."Since Milli knew what she was referencing it would be helpful for him to know. The perfect dancing partner spoke worries that might be helpful to them both.

They finishing moment to prepare, Judith would make the leaf she sat on disappear. Since controlling the plants was just a part of her magic. Keep in mind the reality of Judith was, She was a extremely small standing at four foot nine inches tall.

Stretching out was a nice situation."If that is what you wish to do there are some guilds I could recommend, I would say the guild I am a part of myself, Keeping in mind it is because I can admit i am a shill for it, The Rune knights or Blue Pegasus."It was Judith's professional and honest opinion, which he could take in any value he would like.

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