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I'm Well Acquainted with Villains that live in My Head (Gunter)

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#1Rinni Faithe 

I'm Well Acquainted with Villains that live in My Head (Gunter) Empty Mon May 03, 2021 7:09 pm

Rinni Faithe




It had been a long and adventurous day. Not much excitement outside of the ordinary, and she made a bunch of new... friends? She wasn't sure what to make of the people in their party. But as night drew in, everyone rented a room. Rinni offered to share Gunter's room. As he didn't sleep, she decided she could take his bed. And if he got thirsty, she could, hopefully, prevent him from sneaking out to kill innocent people.

She lay in his bed, thinking about the night he bit her. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks and pulled the blanket over her head. Last she saw him, Gunter was in the other room doing his own thing. What does one do with the extra hours created by lack of sleep?

After a while, Rinni drifted off to sleep.

It was around 3 in the morning when Rinni could be heard tossing and whimpering in bed. The blankets were tangled around her arm and leg and torso like a rope. She was kicking and thrashing, her body drenched in sweat as she was breathing heavily trapped within a nightmare.

"No... no... please... please don't... NO!" She screamed and shot straight up in bed, gasping for breath and shaking as tears welled in her eyes. Her eyes darted around the room frantically, as though searching for monsters. If Gunter would enter the room to check on her, she would latch onto him and break down into tears.

"Goddamn right, you should be scared of me."

I'm Well Acquainted with Villains that live in My Head (Gunter) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song
#2Günter Von Wolf 

I'm Well Acquainted with Villains that live in My Head (Gunter) Empty Tue May 04, 2021 7:37 pm

Günter Von Wolf

As Rinni Screamed Gunter would sit up on the bed next too her, he would then say "Rinni are you ok" while holding her close in his arms. If rinni started to cry he would give her head pats and say too her "everything is going to be ok, nothing is going to hurt you, ill protect you Forever and always."

Gunter would listen to rinni if she spoke and continued to hold her tight in his arms. he would rub her back, while also combing his fingers through her hair. After After rinni Stops crying Gunter will put his index finger under her chin, then as he raises her head.

As his crimson eyes meet her's he would kiss her on the lips. Is she dosen't fight against it he would lie her down as he hoverd above her he would say one last thing to her "Little one I want you in my life as more then we are now, that being said i will not tie you down in a relationship, you will age i do not, if you find someone that you love take it. Will you accept me for what i am?"

#3Rinni Faithe 

I'm Well Acquainted with Villains that live in My Head (Gunter) Empty Wed May 05, 2021 7:49 am

Rinni Faithe




The young Werewolf clung to the Vampire like velcro, crying into his chest as he held her and promised to protect her. She felt his fingers running through her hair as she trembled in his arms. Slowly she relaxed, for some reason feeling safe with him. She knew what he was and what he did but yet at this moment none of that mattered to her. As her sobbing calmed enough for her to speak, she began to confess her nightmares as though confessing sins. "Tomoe... almost killed me once... during a friendly spar. It was... just for fun, for training. We were laughing and poking fun at each other. He slid on Winter's ice and fell on his ass. It was hilarious. But then... something changed. He gained a spell allowing him to summon and control swords... he sent 10 maybe 20 of them after me. I destroyed a few with my bow, blocked some with my dagger... but I got pinned down. A sword pierced both my legs and both my arms and left me helpless. I was younger than I am now... weaker... and Tomoe was going to kill me. He only stopped when I yelled Master... then he let me go but ordered me to never tell anyone what happened. I... I was afraid of him... even before Penumbral's fall..." She shuddered then, remembering Tenshi. "I met another man later on. I believe it was the same night or the following? I can't recall. He was asking me a lot of questions... he was creepy. I tried to leave and he threatened to kill Winter if I moved before he was done. You once told me that I didn't know what a monster was... I met two of them when I was 15... two monsters that plague my nightmares...they're coming for me."

As she finished her story, Gunter placed his index finger under her chin and lifted her head so their eyes met. She began to blush and instantly her amber eyes tried to avert the gaze. She was never comfortable with eye contact. "Gunter, I wanted to ask you... about the night you bit me..." before she could ask about the first kiss, he surprised her with a second one. She tensed up in shock at first, then simply melted into the moment.

Lost, dazed and a bit confused, she didn't resist when he laid her down on her back now hovering over her prone form. She trusted him way more than she should at this point. This was also familiar to her as the night he first bit her, so she assumed maybe he was just thirsty. She was fine with that. The pleasure would act as a barrier from her pain and fears, even if temporary. It would benefit them both. But then Gunter spoke again.

"Little one, I want you in my life as more than we are now, that being said I will not tie you down in a relationship, you will age I do not. If you find someone that you love take it. Will you accept me for what I am?"

Rinni stared up at Gunter in stunned silence, her heart racing in her chest. "Gunter, what...? I... I don't know what to say. I hated you... for so long. I blamed you for Winter, for Penumbral Guard. You destroyed my home, Gunter. It wasn't just a Guildhall to me. I lived there. I had a room there. Thanks to you, I'm homeless. I don't want to go back to living with my parents. I don't want to live with my brother. I love them, but they... they're overbearing. But thanks to you, I have nowhere to go." She sighed and shifted her body under him, scooting more comfortably onto her back and sliding her head up to rest on her pillow. "That being said... you accepted me for what I am... way before you became what you are. Hell, you taught me to accept myself. You helped me through my hard times; you weren't afraid to knock sense into me. Even if it hurt. You were also always honest with me... again even if it hurt... and I respect that. Why wouldn't I accept you for what you are? We're both monsters, right?"

She paused a minute to look up at him, chewing on her lower lip. So that kiss before did mean something. And her jealousy over Isabella was valid. Was she in love with him? Or was this just a crush? Or a side effect of his bite? After coming this far, she wanted to find out. "I... have very mixed feelings for you, Gunter. I hate you for what I lost... but I love you for all you did to help me..." She tilted her head, exposing her neck to him invitingly if he was thirsty. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to speak again, but then closed it and sighed as though not sure what to say or do from here.

"Goddamn right, you should be scared of me."

I'm Well Acquainted with Villains that live in My Head (Gunter) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

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