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Deadliest Designer[Solo/Request]

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Deadliest Designer[Solo/Request] Empty Wed May 05, 2021 10:57 pm

Shichiro had just recently won a match in a tournament and even found a new companion to travel around with. The flying lemur as it was called was apparently good at scavenging for food and shiny things. He figured if he trained it well enough, it'll be a boon to him eventually. As Shichiro was lost in thought, a boy had wandered up to him with a pink envelope and a heart sticker as the seal to it. Shichiro groaned a bit as he already knew where this was going but he was obligated to answer it as it was his duty as a Rune Knight. Letting out a small sigh, Shichiro outstretched his right hand in order to receive the letter from the boy before handing him some jewels as a tip for seeking him out. The boy had bowed his head before running off with a bag filled with letters to be delivered. As for Shichiro he decided it was time for him to just head to the boutique store while he read the letter on the way. Ripping the parchment open, he walked slowly as he began to read as to not crash into other things or people as he did so. As usual, there weren't many details given on what the job is but he figured it was best to just go there and talk in person anyway instead of reading a long winded explanation of instructions that may or may not get lost in the mail. The lemur on his shoulder had now finished its meal and began to climb on top of his head, in order to go to sleep. Well, it seems like this thing has been domesticated once before so that was a good thing. Shichiro had hoped he didn't steal anybody's pet.


Deadliest Designer[Solo/Request] Empty Wed May 05, 2021 10:57 pm

Making his way to Fernando's boutique store, Shichiro had kept his eyes out for any notification that might indicate his next bout in the tournament. He said he was going to go out of his way to take a job today but since the job came to him, he had no choice but to accept and get it over with. It turns out if he had to fight soon and this errand had gotten in his way, he'd have to postpone this errand and run straight back to the arena. With that being said, Shichiro made it to the Boutique store in hopes of finding Fernando quickly and getting on with the task at hand. Locating Fernando in his shop, he seemed to be working hard, getting ready for whatever event he had planned to set up or attend. Shichiro never bothered to ask as it wasn't very important to him anyway. He was just the hired muscle and that's what he was here to do, in a sense. So far, nothing required him to use his expertise on just beating something up. Fernando had then spotted Shichiro and in a jovial mood, wrapped his large arms around Shichiro's frame into a tight hug. Once again, Shichiro couldn't believe a man this strong was here in this shop instead of out there using his massive strength to fell wyverns and monsters or something. After being released, shichiro dusted himself off and asked Fernando what the job had entitled. Inquiring about the job, shichiro asked if he had to find some magic thimble to create dresses or more beautiful models, all to which Fernando shook his head no. A sad smile had appeared on his face as he informed Shichiro of the events around his life in recent days. Accidents had been conveniently happening from left and right.


Deadliest Designer[Solo/Request] Empty Wed May 05, 2021 10:57 pm

Not only targeted at him but the models Shichiro was sent out to fetch for him as well. Well, Shichiro had to admit, he was kind of excited to hear this kind of thing as it might lead up to him having to apprehend a culprit of the sort. Shichiro wasn't hiding his intentions as Fernando stared at him as he assured Shichiro it was nothing of that sort which dampened Shichiro's mood a bit. Well, if he wasn't going to apprehend a criminal then, what exactly did he need to do? Fernando said he suspected it to be a rival designer of his that goes by the name of 'Jaune Chameur'. He was apparently known throughout the designer world of using underhanded tactics and ploys in order to get his way and he figured that's who would be behind these incidents. What Fernando needed Shichiro to do was investigate the situation long enough to figure out if he was the culprit or not. No fighting, no confrontations. Just some kind of proof. Well, this wasn't exactly his thing but he figured he could at least give it a try in hopes this would clear up the problem Fernando was having with his rival or whatever. It was better than arbitrary fetch quests anyway. With the objective in mind, Shichiro had set out to find this 'Jaune Chameur' person. Apparently, he also has a boutique here in Baska so that was the first place he decided to check out. Scouting around the area of the shop, Shichiro couldn't find the guy in question as his shop was closed. So, he decided to find another lead to follow. As he roamed around the streets of Baska, he spotted one of the models in question he had recruited previously before on their way home. She looks quite paranoid but he couldn't blame her after the story he was just told by Fernando.


Deadliest Designer[Solo/Request] Empty Wed May 05, 2021 10:57 pm

Since all of this was happening, he figured his best bet at the moment was to tail her in hopes something who happen in his vicinity and maybe he could prevent it. Tailing the model instead, nothing out of the ordinary seems to have happened right until she had went to her abode. He decided he'd hang around for another hour or so before leaving and trying his luck with another model when suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Jaune Chameur, the rival designer out of the corner of his eye. he was brandishing what seems to have been a dagger and was approaching the model's home from behind. Bingo, that's what he needed the proof that he so craved. Shichiro had began to approach Jaune before calling out to him with a loud, "HEY" causing Jaune to turn his to attention to Shichiro. To his horror and shock, Jaune had spotted a Rune Knight, a high ranking one at that before he whipped out a magic scroll and used it to disappear immediately, escaping his confrontation with Shichiro. Giving a faint smile, he had no choice but to let him go, even if he could easily follow him just by his scent alone. Peeking through the window of the model, he saw she had no idea how close she was with death before deciding it was time for him to make his own exit. Heading back to Fernando's boutique, Shichiro arrived in a timely fashion in order to inform him of what had transpired through out his stake out. Confirming Fernando's suspicious, he let out a small, disappointed sigh before thanking Shichiro and giving him his payment for a job well done. Shichiro had asked if he wanted him to take care of the problem for him permanently seeing as he was one of the captain of the Rune Knights, he could have easily had his rival thrown in prison for attempted murder.


Deadliest Designer[Solo/Request] Empty Wed May 05, 2021 10:58 pm

Shaking his head once more, Fernando said, 'No' before telling Shichiro he was free to go as his end of bargain was done but not to worry because Fernando had a plan in mind that would solve everything without completely ruining his rival's life. Shichiro couldn't fathom why he would want spare the career of his rival even after telling him had attempted to murder of the models he had worked hard to bring back. overall, it was his decision so he couldn't exactly interfere with it. Still, he would like to have this issue solved BEFORE somebody was murdered. For now, he'd just leave the boutique as instructed and decided he'd hang around Baska a bit longer instead of leaving immediately after the tournament was over in order to try and resolve this situation. Regardless of whether it was with or without his consent, he couldn't stand by and just wait for a tragedy that he could have prevented. Shichiro decided to go back to the model's house in order to double check to see if she was alive and breathing, making sure nothing else may or may not befall her. After hanging around for fifteen minute, Shichiro decided this was enough for the time being and he would head to the other places where the models currently stayed. it wasn't heard to recall the information given when recruiting them the first time around. Eventually, he spent a grand total two hours just safeguarding the homes of the models. He figured since he wouldn't be able to do this every day, he'd get some pages in order to patrol the area in order to deter any would-be assailant from rearing their ugly heads. Now that the matter would be handled accordingly, Shichiro went off to see if he could find out some kind of details about the next round of the tournament.



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