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Modification - Brunestud's Blood

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Modification - Brunestud's Blood Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:59 pm



Name: Brunestud's Blood

Slot: Modification

Type: Race

Class: -

Quantity: Limited

Element: -


Description: Brunestud's Blood bestows Supernatural powers to Fairies and Vampires, turning them into True Ancestors

Lore: While most fairies are created from pure mana and upon being bestowed a purpose by the planet become a part of Fairy society by being divided into one of the four courts based on the season they are born in, there are very rare exceptions to that rule. Sometimes the planet feels so endangered that it requires a greater champion, and as a result, personally intervenes in the creation of one. This being is akin to a Fairy, but one born with predatory impulses. Unlike Vampires, they do not need blood to survive, but they gain power from it regardless, and some sources credit them as capable of turning mortals into Vampires: They are born with the purpose of preying upon the dominant species of the planet. Legend has it that True Ancestors are either born in a sanctum known as the Millennium Castle of Gaia, a place close to the heart of the planet. Unlike most fairies who instinctively feel their purpose, the fairies born in the Millennium Castle are capable of actually communicating with Gaia itself, lending to the Fairies to believe these few are the true champions of Earthland, blessed by the planet and given a purpose directly by her. They are what Fairy society calls: True Ancestors.


  • The user must purchase this item from the Mysterious Merchant
  • The user must be a Fairy or a vampire.


  • Nightfall: True Ancestors trive at night or in the darkness. When it is considered night or they are concealed by shadows, the user is half invisible and loses any vital points on their body. This effect can be bypassed if the user is hit by a Light Element attack.

  • Essence Consumption: Frequently mistaken for vampires due to their ability to drain the essence of another person, the remarkable difference is that, unlike a vampire who drains the victim's blood, the True Ancestor needs only the life essence in the blood. This allows the user to inflict a Mana Burn and Life-steal effect that is equivalent to one rank lower than the rank of damage they inflicted.

Effects (High Vampire)

  • Gaia's Embrace: The vampire loses their weakness to Light-element, instead gaining a Minor resistance to it which can't be reduced below base.

Effects (Fairy)

  • Nemesis of Steel: Created to combat threats to nature, meaning primarily humanity the True Ancestor has overcome their weakness to steel, instead becoming even resistant to it. They have a Minor physical resistance that can't be lowered beyond base.


  • Name: Reality Marble: Millenium Castle of Gaia
    Rank: S-rank
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Type: Supplementary - Territory Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Topic-wide
    Cooldown: Once a topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user envisions the sanctuary of Gaia and wills it instantaneously into existence. Due to being considered the highest authority of the planet, True Ancestors who use this spell will actively override and existing territory transformations in existence upon using this spell. Once active the reality marble actively empowers any True Ancestors in this topic, their minor resistance to physical/light damage becomes Moderate and cannot be reduced below Minor, while at the same time, the reach of passive effects of magic or racial effects that apply to others is doubled in range. For the sake of time, it will be considered night-time in the reality marble.

  • Name: Full-Transformation: True Ancestor
    Rank: S-rank
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 100 RP posts as a True Ancestor after this has been purchased
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: By tapping into the latent power of their existence as a True Ancestor, the user can temporarily alter the laws of existence upon themselves. This grants the user the ability to regenerate up to S-rank damage once per post, while their mana burn becomes a Mana Drain that drains equivalent mana to the amount of damage inflicted. Meanwhile, their Life-Steal becomes equal to that of damage dealt. The healing from their transformation is instantaneous, allowing them to get back up after being rendered unconscious if they heal while back to a positive constitution stat. This effect can only be ended by inflicting a vital hit to the heart.

#2Fei Yu 

Modification - Brunestud's Blood Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 5:36 pm

Fei Yu
using my S-rank modification to become a True Ancestor, please.



Modification - Brunestud's Blood Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:38 pm


Fei Yu has claimed the Brunestud's Blood for their S-Rank Modification as a part of Ascending and Reaching S-Rank, purchasing the modification for 4,000,000 Jewels.

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