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Grab A Corpse {Quest | Gunter}

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#1Destin E 

Grab A Corpse {Quest | Gunter} Empty Sun May 09, 2021 10:15 pm

Destin E
Destin plopped himself down into Gunter's lap, a single sheet of paper waved in front of the guild master's nose. The hunter had a nefarious grin on his face. It was a look of pure, uncontrollable chaos about to explode.

"I have a plan, but I need your help."

The page stopped fluttering long enough for Gunter to know it was a request, but not the details. Destin wrapped one arm around Gunter's shoulders and tilted his head, allowing the lighting of the room to reflect as a menacing glint in the hunter's eyes.

"This man needs a fresh body. I know exactly who to bring him. There's this building just outside the main part of town, hard to get to, harder to get in, y'know? It's an illegal gambling den. If it were just the gambling, it wouldn't bother me, but sometimes people disappear. And by people, I mean cute, sweet girls, who walk in thinking they're applying to be a waitress and show up half way across the continent in the slave trade. I say I sneak in, undercover, we kill the man in charge, the creepy skull man gets his corpse, and we sneak off into the night for some quality time together. Whatcha say, boss?"

Destin hoped Gunter would agree. It would be difficult to handle this plan alone, and Gunter was likely the only one in the guild that trusted him not to betray them. Gunter was also the only one Destin trusted to follow the plan well enough to not get caught. It would be a complete and total disaster if someone like Tempris got involved, especially in a den of sin like that.

@Günter Von Wolf

#2Günter Von Wolf 

Grab A Corpse {Quest | Gunter} Empty Fri May 21, 2021 2:40 am

Günter Von Wolf

Gunter was waiting on a park bench smoking a cigar, suddenly out of nowhere Destin plopped himself down into Gunter's lap, a single sheet of paper waved in front of the guild master's nose. Gunter would say "what is this, a job?"

As Destin spoke about the job gunter would listen, "This man needs a fresh body. I know exactly who to bring him. There's this building just outside the main part of town, hard to get to, harder to get in, y'know? It's an illegal gambling den. If it were just the gambling, it wouldn't bother me, but sometimes people disappear. And by people, I mean cute, sweet girls, who walk in thinking they're applying to be a waitress and show up half way across the continent in the slave trade. I say I sneak in, undercover, we kill the man in charge, the creepy skull man gets his corpse, and we sneak off into the night for some quality time together. Whatcha say, boss?" After he spoke Gunter would say "alright, im in."

Gunter would stand up holding destin in his arms, lowering him to the ground. Before destin walks away, Gunter would rest his hand under Destin's chin, with his thumb on the tip of his chin. He would kiss destin embraceing lips then follow his lead.

#3Destin E 

Grab A Corpse {Quest | Gunter} Empty Fri May 21, 2021 3:39 pm

Destin E
Destin slid to his feet from Gunter's arms much like a cat, leaning into the kiss but keeping it chaste. There was things to be done, after all. Canoodling in public could happen later. The hunter lead his vampire out of the park, disappearing down a side street and leading Gunter through a series of increasingly shady alleys. It was a path Destin seemed familiar with, although he did have to pause and pace in front of an intersection a few times to remember where he was going.

Destin came to a stop in front of a heavy wooden door, knocked twice and didn't bother waiting for the occupant to answer before walking in and placing the paper on a table with a heavy thud when his hand hit the table. The man working further inside looked back at him, and though the skull showed no emotion, Cain still seemed to look annoyed.

"Nice to see you agian, friend, I know you're not much for words so I'll do the talking."

Destin's grin was eerie and chaotic as he spoke.

"I heard you had an errand you needed run, I'm here to do that for you. I'm sure you've heard of my companion, but that's not important. I assume you don't need a specific corpse, I have one in mind, we'll deliver it tonight, no questions asked as long as you don't ask where we got it."

The hunter paused and turned to Gunter.

"Any questions, before we get started?"

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