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Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange)

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#1Rinni Faithe 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:44 pm

Rinni Faithe
There came a time when everyone reached their breaking point. It didn't matter how strong or smart you were. No amount of patients or kindness or strong will could prevent it. And when you're a young Werewolf full of pain and anger, it boils down to one simple thing. Just how far are you willing to go?

How much are you willing to take before you just can't deal with it anymore? She had tried to keep the peace, despite her inner desires to be rid of the child murderer named Kratos. And the be honest, after what happened to Winter, Rinni was sure even Lucian would prefer her to get revenge rather than to sit there and take the abuse.

The Dardian had mocked her, taunted her, bullied her, and even attacked her. Grant it, it was within reason as she had attacked him first. But in Rinni's mind, it was his fault for intentionally provoking her. It was as if the creature wanted a fight. And if that was what he wanted, so be it.

She now stood in the woods, facing toward the Dardian. Everyone else was safe with the caravan taking a breather as they headed to the Outskirts. It was then that Rinni decided enough was enough. If she allowed Kratos to travel with them, how long before he kills Candy? Or tries to eat that little girl they have with them?

The teen looked toward her Moogle and placed her hand upward, gently pushing the creature behind her. She didn't want Candy involved, as the Moogle was not a combat-ready companion. She also didn't intend on Risky Candy's life just for her own end goals. "Candy, stay back, okay? No matter what happens, do not get in our way."

"Okay, but why? What's going on?" Candy questioned curiously. Rinni didn't answer. She would prefer to Moogle fly a few feet away or so, as this fight didn't involve her not could she defend herself.

With Candy out of harm's way, Rinni glared at Kratos as soon as he joined her in the woods and activated her Pocket Dimension Ring. She readied herself for combat, her amber eyes focused on Kratos. "We don't have to do this, Kratos. Think of what you're doing. There's still time to stop this."

All Equipment Equipped


Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song
#2Günter Von Wolf 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Thu Apr 29, 2021 1:13 am

Günter Von Wolf

As Kratos stood there in the woods, waiting for Rinni. He was preparing for battle, he had killed a deer earlier, he was painting runic symbols on his skin and face. These symbols where for protection, and power in battle. It was the only coustom that Kratos still practiced since his time in his tribe. He knew that eather death would come too his enemy by his own strength, or he would die in glorious combat. 

Thats when he heard it, the sound of a branch snapping. His eyes darted to the location of the sound to see Rinni step out into sight. The location Kratos selected for battle was deep in the wood's, they where surrounded by a cluster of tree's. Kratos chose this location too give him cover from Rinni's arrow's. As he watched Rinni's approch he smiled, thinking to himself I wonder what sounds your bones will make when i break them. He watched as Rinni told her companion to stay back, Kratos listened too Rinni as she began to speek, though he interrupted her by saying "oh shut up, you know you want this, you heard the boss your a monster. So just give into the rage, because if you dont, ill force you watch, as I eat your pet." Even as he spoke he was on guard, ready to react at a moment's notice, she was 7 meters away with her companion being 7.5 meters from Kratos.

Kratos Stats:


#3Rinni Faithe 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:15 am

Rinni Faithe
"I never said I didn't. I told you the day you murdered my best friend that I would kill you. You retreated like the coward you are." Rinni readied her bow, drawing the string as an arrow materialized. "Your mind games won't work on me anymore, Kratos. I know what I am. I know who I am. I've accepted it, I embrace it. Now die!"

She then launched an Arrow Shot directly toward Kratos. After releasing the arrow, she scanned the area. The shot should distract him just long enough for her to get a feel for the location. All the trees meant it'd be difficult to use her bow. Even with Pyonim's Chase, if the Dardian timed things correctly he can cause her shots to hit the treelines. That made her almost useless with a bow. Was that his plan, then? Forcing her to transform so that he could kill a monster and claim himself a hero?

Not happening.

She lunged to the left, her amber eyes training on Kratos. Candy stayed put, hovering from side to side not sure what to do or where to go. But she was safe. Rinni would make sure of them. If Kratos even made one move toward the Moogle, Rinni would be there in seconds to stop him. She was faster and stronger and she knew this. "And now you wish to fight me? Now that I'm fully into my capabilities as a Werewolf? Now that your boss has raised me to be who I am? Now that I've accepted I'm a monster?!"

Rinni immediately returned all her equipment into her Pocket Dimension Ring. She even went so far as to strip naked, by transferring her outfit into her Pocket Dimension, right before transforming into her werewolf form, so as to avoid destroying yet another outfit. She let out a loud howl that echoed throughout the forest, towering now to her full height and fully aware and in control of the wolf this time. "You're a damn fool, Kratos!"


Strength:  55 (+20%[Perk]=66)
Speed: 55 (+30 [Ranger Cloak] +40 [Moon]+20% [Perk] = 136)
Constitution: 30 (+20%[Perk]=36)
Endurance: 56 (+20%[Perk]=67.2)
Intelligence: 1
Damage:  A-Rank
Run Speed: 30 m/s
Pain Tolerance: A-Rank
Lunge Distance: 15 m/s
Lunge Cooldown: Once per Post
Run Duration: 5 Posts
HP: S-Rank

Name: Arrow Shot
Rank: C (Novice Bow Mastery)
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Arcing Bow
Type: Offensive
Element: Lightning
Range: 25 Meters (Sharpshooter, Ranger's Headband)
Cooldown: Instant (Sharpshooter)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pulls the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30 centimeter arrow of mana begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.


Strength:  55 (+100%[Transformation]=110)
Speed: 55 (+40 [Moon]+100% [Transformation] =150)
Constitution: 30 (+100%[Transformation]=60)
Endurance: 56 (+100%[Transformation]=112)
Intelligence: 1
Damage:  A-Rank
Run Speed: 30 m/s
Pain Tolerance: S-Rank
Lunge Distance: 15 m/s
Lunge Cooldown: Twice Per Post
Run Duration: 6 Posts
HP: 2X S-Rank
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Black_female_werewolf_by_fiszike-d5u3o05

Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
Requirements: 100 RP Posts as Werewolf
Type: Transformation
Range: Self
Cooldown: Instant (Composed Transformation)
Duration: Sustain
Effect: When using the Full Transformation, the user grows a meter in height while becoming more muscular. Their entire appearance shifts into that of a wolf making them appear as a muscular bipedal wolf. The user no longer appears humanoid. This transformation increases the base Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution of the user by 100% as long as it is sustained. The user also receives Minor Magical Resistance and Minor Physical Resistance while using this transformation. Though, the user cannot use magic while using this transformation. This is not a spell but a biological capability. Therefore it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

2,090 Mana remaining

Last edited by Rinni Faithe on Sat May 01, 2021 9:01 am; edited 2 times in total

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song
#4Günter Von Wolf 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:36 am

Günter Von Wolf

Kratos watched and waited for Rinni too act, once she fired the arrow, Kratos immediately ducked down low, lunging under the arrow toward Candy. Kratos knew the arrow would fly faster then he could move, this was do too his experience before. As Kratos reached Candy, he would grab her, knowing that she wouldn't expect it, do to Rinni telling her too stay out of the fight. Useing her as a sheld, Kratos would continue to hold onto Candy as a shield, as this happened Rinni was dodging to the left. By the time she got to her location, the arrow would hit Candy. 

Regardless of Rinni's reaction, Kratos would immediately punch his fist into the ground, Lauching a bolder at Rinni, by useing Dardian Earth Punch. Kratos would quickly say too Rinni "You cant protect anyone, your fucking useless." If Rinni charges Kratos he would block her attack with Candy, while countering with a punch too the face. If she dosen't, then he would flip her off, just to taunt the teen werewolf.

Kratos Stats:


#5Rinni Faithe 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Sat May 01, 2021 1:49 pm

Rinni Faithe
Damn it! Rinni wasn't expecting the Dardian to stoop to such low tactics! It shouldn't have come as a surprise, but it did. When Kratos grabbed Candy and used the poor creature as a shield to block her arrow, Rinni let out a low feral growl as she turned toward her opponent. Candy squealed and struggled in Kratos grasp. "Let go of me, you big meanie!"

You can't protect anyone, you're fucking useless.

"Let go of her, you fucking coward!" She shouted as PTSD of Winter's last moments flashed through her mind. She lunged toward Kratos only to crash into the boulder Kratos had created. It didn't hurt her, but it was an annoying diversion. Still, it may have prevented her from hitting Candy in her rage.

Rinni charged toward him again, faking a lunge and stopping short, growling with all her teeth bared, her brows furrowed, her tongue lashing out to lick her sharp canines. She passed back and forth trying to figure out a way to attack Kratos without harming Candy. There had to be something she could do. "Are you that weak that you're afraid to face me head-on? You're the one that's useless, you pussy! Hiding behind defenseless creatures that are smaller than you because you're scared!" Rinni taunted, using some of Kratos' own choice words against it. It felt so out of character, as Rinni never talks this way. But, she thought it would be more effective than having a panic attack.

She tried to negotiate every option in her head. How many ways were there to free Candy? To hurt Kratos without hurting Candy? Rinni scanned the scenario before her, growling. She shut her eyes. 'Illumin, help me.' She prayed silently. Apparently, Tempris was rubbing off on her. Either way, a prayer couldn't hurt the situation... what did she have to lose? Her eyes shot open and Rinni lunged at Kratos. If successful, she would bite into his throat and proceed to tear his throat out.


Strength:  55 (+100%[Transformation]=110)
Speed: 55 (+40 [Moon]+100% [Transformation] =150)
Constitution: 30 (+100%[Transformation]=60)
Endurance: 56 (+100%[Transformation]=112)
Intelligence: 1
Damage:  A-Rank
Run Speed: 30 m/s
Pain Tolerance: S-Rank
Lunge Distance: 15 m/s
Lunge Cooldown: Twice Per Post
Run Duration: 6 Posts
HP: 2X S-Rank

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Black_female_werewolf_by_fiszike-d5u3o05

Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
Requirements: 100 RP Posts as Werewolf
Type: Transformation
Range: Self
Cooldown: Instant (Composed Transformation)
Duration: Sustain
Effect: When using the Full Transformation, the user grows a meter in height while becoming more muscular. Their entire appearance shifts into that of a wolf making them appear as a muscular bipedal wolf. The user no longer appears humanoid. This transformation increases the base Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution of the user by 100% as long as it is sustained. The user also receives Minor Magical Resistance and Minor Physical Resistance while using this transformation. Though, the user cannot use magic while using this transformation. This is not a spell but a biological capability. Therefore it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

1,840 Mana remaining

C Rank Damage taken due to Magic Resistance x2

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song
#6Günter Von Wolf 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Fri May 07, 2021 4:42 am

Günter Von Wolf

As Rinni lunged toward Kratos only to crash into the boulder Kratos had created He would Flip her off. The attack seemed to be ineffective, but it was more to piss off the teen wolf and keep her on her toes. Kratos knew that as long as he had Rinnis companion he had the advantage.

As Rinni charged toward him again, Kratos would guard with Candy as a shield. As Rinni stopped short Kratos would smile at the girl and say "Whats wrong Bitch why not just cut through your companion, are you too weak that you cant make the tough calls." By this point Rinni would be passing back and forth trying to figure out a way to attack Kratos without harming Candy. Kratos watched her she would say "Are you that weak that you're afraid to face me head-on? You're the one that's useless, you pussy! Hiding behind defenseless creatures that are smaller than you because you're scared!"

Kratos ignored Rinnis taunts he needed to stay on guard. He watched her every move ready to act at a moment's notice. Suddenly Rinnis eyes shot open and Rinni lunged at Kratos.

Kratos countered by blocking the incoming attack with Candy as a shield, Followed by punching her in the face with the other hand.

Kratos Stats:


#7Rinni Faithe 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Fri May 07, 2021 7:05 am

Rinni Faithe

When Rinni's lunge hit Candy instead, the poor Moogle squealed in pain, the following punch not bothering the Werewolf too much, but the yelp of her companion being what ultimately forced her to immediately back off. One more hit like that could finish off Candy, and Rinni didn't want that. She backed off and her ears lowered at the fact she caused her own best friend so much pain. But if Candy were knocked out, rendered useless, Kratos wouldn't have a shield anymore. But, could she really bring herself to do that?

"Protecting your friends isn't a weakness! Hiding behind a weaker creature? That's weakness! You have so much to learn, Kratos. If only you weren't such a fucking idiot. I tried so hard to avoid this. To spare you. But you had to fucking keep pushing me, didn't you?! Do you want to die that badly?!"

Rinni let out a loud sorrowful howl; for Winter, for Candy, for Kratos. She didn't want to take a life. She didn't want to hurt a friend. But she knew backing down would only escalate things further. If she quit now, the taunts would persist until she truly reached a breaking point of no return. Her amber wolf eyes looked toward the injured Moogle that was whimpering in Kratos arms. She had to do something. If she couldn't get Candy free, if she couldn't get an opening to hit Kratos, what else could she do?

Maybe a non-lethal attack that would damage but not kill? She had to at least try, right?

She was shaking inside, she didn't like the position she was in. But it was where she was now. Rinni lunged toward Kratos, tackling him with her full body. The impact would knock out Candy as well as knock her out of his arms. Once Candy was no longer an issue, Rinni would use her second lunge to go for Kratos' throat again. If successful, she would attempt to rip his throat out. Otherwise, she would bite whatever part of him she could get and savagely shake it like a vicious wild dog in an attempt to turn the Dardian into a ragdoll or chew toy.

What would Masado think of her right now? Would he be proud? Would Lucian? Would Gunter?

Gunter... probably would. Masado and Lucian? They'd be disappointed if they saw what she became... maybe even hate her for it. But... it was what it was and Rinni was not the sweet innocent child they once knew. Not anymore. She was a monster. And monsters showed no mercy.


Strength:  55 (+100%[Transformation]=110)
Speed: 55 (+40 [Moon]+100% [Transformation] =150)
Constitution: 30 (+100%[Transformation]=60)
Endurance: 56 (+100%[Transformation]=112)
Intelligence: 1
Damage:  A-Rank
Run Speed: 30 m/s
Pain Tolerance: S-Rank
Lunge Distance: 15 m/s
Lunge Cooldown: Twice Per Post
Run Duration: 6 Posts
HP: 2X S-Rank

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Black_female_werewolf_by_fiszike-d5u3o05

Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
Requirements: 100 RP Posts as Werewolf
Type: Transformation
Range: Self
Cooldown: Instant (Composed Transformation)
Duration: Sustain
Effect: When using the Full Transformation, the user grows a meter in height while becoming more muscular. Their entire appearance shifts into that of a wolf making them appear as a muscular bipedal wolf. The user no longer appears humanoid. This transformation increases the base Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution of the user by 100% as long as it is sustained. The user also receives Minor Magical Resistance and Minor Physical Resistance while using this transformation. Though, the user cannot use magic while using this transformation. This is not a spell but a biological capability. Therefore it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.







Knocked Out

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song
#8Günter Von Wolf 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Sat May 08, 2021 12:56 am

Günter Von Wolf

When Rinni's lunge hit Candy instead of Kratos, the poor Moogle squealed in pain, the counter attack that Kratos used on Rinni didnt seem to Bother the Werewolf too much, but the yelp of her companion being what ultimately forced her to immediately back off. Kratos knew that his shield wouldn't last long, One more hit like that could finish off the little shit. Rinni backed off, Kratos could see that she was conflicted by the pain she caused her companion.

Kratos watched the teen wolfes every move for any opportunity to attack. As Rinni was about to howl Kratos acted.
As Rinni let out a loud sorrowful howl Kratos would dash forward and kick her in the chest being that she was open for an attack. This would cause her to be winded and probably stagger. Allowing Kratos to follow up up with a uppercut to the jaw.

If she countered he would block with the moogle and punch her in the face. After the small barrage of attacks Kratos would do one of two things, he would continue to stay in a defense position ready to act if she attacks. However if she dashes away then Kratos would lunge after her and fallow up with an additional punch to the face.

Kratos Stats:


#9Rinni Faithe 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Sun May 09, 2021 9:17 pm

Rinni Faithe

Rinni made multiple mistakes coming into this fight, and she wasn't afraid to admit it. Her first was allowing Candy to accompany her and not expect something like this to happen. She should have left Candy with Gunter, or Tempris, or hell, even Destin would be a suitable sitter for the Moogle. Her second mistake was underestimating this fucking Dardian. He was stronger than she expected for a companion. Then again, she hadn't met very many companions. Her third and worst mistake was challenging Kratos at all, instead of being the bigger man... person... um... monster... whatever... and letting it go. But Rinni was stupid, naive, and stubborn. It was why Masado and her parents were so protective of her.

Her fourth mistake was thinking she could afford to howl, only to receive a kick to her chest that caused her to stumble backward with a yelp of pain and surprise. Her heart was racing at this point. She had taken way too much damage from this monster. If she didn't distance herself soon and recover herself for another attack, she'd never win this. So far, she hadn't managed to lay a claw on him! And she had no idea what he'd do if he won. He'd surely gloat and punish her in some cruel way as a bragging right.

She shook her head, her body aching from the previous attack, winded by the blow. She barely noticed him moving as he came at her with an uppercut causing the Werewolf to fly a few feet, landing about 3 meters or so away from him. She wiped the blood from her muzzle and looked up at Kratos, fangs bared growling. She was breathing heavily, feeling exhausted. She wanted to quit and go home. To pretend this never happened.

But she had a feeling retreating or forfeiting wouldn't end well for her.

She knew Kratos. He was cruel and heartless. She looked at her poor Moogle, weak and defenseless in his grasp. In desperation, she lunged at him again. Probably not her best move as he blocked with her Moogle, tossing poor Candy aside before punching her yet again causing her to yelp and go to all fours. She wasn't sure what to do, but maybe he was more open now that Candy was out of the way. She backed up 3 meters, keeping her eyes on Kratos. She stood on the defense, prepared to react to his next move.

Strength:  55 (-50%[Cripple]+100%[Transformation]=83)
Speed: 55 +40 [Moon]+100% [Transformation] =164)
Constitution: 30 (+100%[Transformation]=60)
Endurance: 56 (+100%[Transformation]=112)
Intelligence: 1
Damage:  B-Rank
Run Speed: 30 m/s
Pain Tolerance: S-Rank
Lunge Distance: 15 m/s
Lunge Cooldown: Twice Per Post
Run Duration: 6 Posts
HP: 2X S-Rank

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Black_female_werewolf_by_fiszike-d5u3o05

Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
Requirements: 100 RP Posts as Werewolf
Type: Transformation
Range: Self
Cooldown: Instant (Composed Transformation)
Duration: Sustain
Effect: When using the Full Transformation, the user grows a meter in height while becoming more muscular. Their entire appearance shifts into that of a wolf making them appear as a muscular bipedal wolf. The user no longer appears humanoid. This transformation increases the base Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Constitution of the user by 100% as long as it is sustained. The user also receives Minor Magical Resistance and Minor Physical Resistance while using this transformation. Though, the user cannot use magic while using this transformation. This is not a spell but a biological capability. Therefore it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.



Candy Damage Taken:


Rinni damage taken:

S, B, C

Head Crippled

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Sun May 09, 2021 11:03 pm


Baska City. One of many cities in the country of Fiore. Raza didn't mind it here. He spent most of his life in one of the coldest countries in the world so the warmer climate of Fiore was a relief. He hated the cold, he hated winter, and he definitely hated the snow. The Savannan dragon slaying viking wood-elf walked quickly towards his next destination alongside the little sword wielding Paladin known as Tempris. Tempris was one of the first people he met in this city not too long ago and the two were well acquainted by now. It may or may not have been too soon to say they were friends, but she was the most....interesting person- to say the least- that he had met so far. Right now the two were walking through the woods to find one of her friends who had been fighting a monster or something. Apparently Tempris was worried about her. The little blonde headed wizard dragged Raza along to ensure her friends safety. The blue haired mage ran his fingers through his hair as his eyes scanned the area. Suddenly, the Savannan began to pick up the scent of blood and it was coming from up ahead. A lot of blood.

"I smell blood...we're close." Raza whispered to Tempris as he turned his head to the left. He lifted his hand and pointed towards the direction of where the blood was coming from. Ra then turned and began walking towards the scent until finally he could see the back of a bulky brown creature that from behind, looked like dragon poop. There were no twigs in the path that Raza and Tempris would walk in. There was nothing beneath their feet that would cause the duo to make any extra noise. The wood-elf walked lighter than most people so he was sure the beast wouldn't hear him. Tempris on the other hand was a lot more enthusiastic and may have just went barging in if she chose. That sword of hers could probably do the trick if they needed to kill it. Beside the beast, seemed to be an animal of some sort. It was dying from the looks of it. Between the brown beasts leg Ra could see what appeared to be a brutally beaten girl. Raza stopped at about 15 meters behind the doofy bully. "And what the fucks going on here?" He said with an eyebrow raised in genuine curiosity. His voice was loud enough for the two in front of him to hear.


Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Mon May 10, 2021 12:08 am


Tempris walked next to the sinner Raza as the headed towards the forest. She knew this was where the dardian heathen was hiding and waiting for the werewolf. She could remember how violent and disrupted the creature was so she needed to get her gear. Peace keeping was the job of a Rune Knight but this was personal. She had invested interest in Rinni. When she was in her doggo mode, she was warm and warmth was Illumin's love. With her Sword resting on her shoulder Tempris marched forward. On her head was her white veil with a gold cloth over her forehead. She had on her battle dress, while with gold highlights and Illumin's symbol embodied one her back. Her tan boots stomped through the woodland purposefully cracking every fallen leave and stick she could without losing pacing with this sinner.

Raza suddenly stop and pointed after tracking something hinting a fight. "Tsk... So they did. She better not be dead. I still need to purify her sins." However, her mind was more focused on being able to pet her tail again. The arrived 15 meters behind the Dardian and Tempris was not impressed. Before them was the badly beaten wolf and Tempris shook her head. At least the wolf was alive and mostly in one piece. Her blood made her disgusting. Maybe it was time to purge her. Only the drunken memories of hugging her tail pushed out the idea. "Illumin does not will this treatment of my wolf heathen." Tempris had two hands on her weapon now with a wide grin.


Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#12Günter Von Wolf 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Tue May 11, 2021 5:10 pm

Günter Von Wolf

As Kratos watched Rinni cough up blood he would say loudly "You're fucking weak, a useless child that isn't capable of defending herself let alone others." Kratos would look over at Candy then say to Rinni, "your stupid fucking pet looks like roadkill, how dumb can you be? You would think that after you watched your last pet die, maybe you would learn, but No, you really must like watching your Friends die."

Kratos watched as Rinni got too her feet, only to hear a voice behind him. "And what the fucks going on here?" Kratos turns his head to see who said that. He would  noticed the small child from the bar, along with a man he had never met. Kratos would say to the two uninvited guests, "Why dont you fuck off, go be a cradle robber somewhere else."

Kratos who was 3m away from Rinni would dash toward her at 7.5 MPS. If she dashes away then he will stand there in a defenseive position ready to react to whatever. If she dosen't dash away and instead attacks with her Right claw, he would block the incoming attack by grabbing Rinnis wrist with his Left hand, as that is going on he would jab his right index finger into Rinnis Right eye. If she dosen't dash away and instead attacks with her Left claw, he would block the incoming attack by grabbing Rinnis wrist with his Right hand, as that is going on he would jab his Left index finger into Rinnis Right eye. If she goes for a Bite on kratos he would block her bite with his left arm, while using his right arm he would Jab Rinni in the throat crushing her windpipe.

Kratos Stats:


Last edited by Günter Von Wolf on Tue May 11, 2021 5:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

#13Rinni Faithe 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Tue May 11, 2021 5:42 pm

Rinni Faithe

The Werewolf was barely on her feet, breathing in heavy pants. Her ears were drawn back and her tail was partly between her legs. She was covered in cuts and bruises, mostly invisible behind her fur. Blood was on her muzzle, but it wasn't from Kratos. It was her own, as she failed as a Ranger. As a Werewolf. As a friend. She put Candy in danger, and thus far hadn't been able to touch Kratos once this entire fight.

A family scent mixed with a strange scent reached Rinni's nose and her ears perked up as two silhouettes appeared behind Kratos. One of them, a man, demanded to know what the hell was going on. The other, more familiar, was a young girl who referred to Rinni as "my wolf" - that had to be Tempris. The child lately had become quite obsessed with her, and Rinni in return tolerates her childish antics. "Tempris? What the hell are you doing here? Get out of here! I didn't ask you to follow me, damn it! I have things under control!"

She really didn't. But her stubborn willfullness to prove she can take care of herself was too strong for her to admit she needed help. Especially in front of Kratos, who called her weak and worthless more times than she could count. She felt like she was going to cry, but she managed to force back the tears. She'd have plenty of time for that when she was alone. She wouldn't allow herself the moment to show weakness. Not in front of Tempris, a stranger, and especially Kratos.

Still having her guard up, she dashed out of the way at 15 m/s in response to Kratos dashing toward her. She would then lunge toward him and try to bite his throat only for him to block with his arm and hit her in the throat causing her to cough and gasp for air as she let out a yelp and staggered backward. She shook her head and whimpered in pain, standing on all fours struggling to breathe.


Last edited by Rinni Faithe on Wed May 12, 2021 10:32 am; edited 1 time in total

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Wed May 12, 2021 12:40 am


Everyone had something to say apparently. Not only was the monster fat and ugly, but he had a voice. All Raza could only blink. It was hardly funny, but the beasts beastly nature was showing all too much. When Raza was younger and lived in Savannah with his mother, they basically lived among beasts far more intimidating than this one, and they couldn't even speak. The little girl beside him seemed upset and even referred to the beaten wolf-human as her pet. There were so many problematic people in one place, Raza almost couldn't believe it. Alas, he was used to it. No matter where he went this proved that all things were one in the same in the end. People were fucking crazy. The bloody girl yelled at Tempris for coming to help her even claiming that she had things under control when she so clearly did not. That was the only thing that made Raza smile; her warrior spirit. Even though she was damn near defeated, she still was forcing her way through this fight. A good warrior always knew when to stop though. Live today so you can whoop that ass tomorrow. Raza was a viking at heart, and vikings always honored a one on one. Still, the Dragon Slayer did not want this little warrior woman to die by the likes of this beast. So, right when the monster darted forward, Raza did the same. He would easily close the distance between them so that when the two of them stopped Raza would still be standing 3 meters behind the beast. Then as the wolf-woman lunged forward, Raza would dash forward 13 meters stopping 5 meters behind the beast in a defensive position. His goal was to get close enough to step in if he needed too, but since the girl was so set on continuing her fight he would allow her to do so. As he came to a halt, Rinni could be seen with her jaws on the beasts arm but the beasts hand would have also hit her throat. "That's enough." Raza said coldly.


Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Wed May 12, 2021 1:26 pm


Tempris lost her smile when the wolf rejected her help. For someone to refuse the assistance from someone blessed by Illumin. The girl was choking on her pride, injured, not thinking well. She was a sinner, no a heathen at this point. Worst, the wolf's words made her feel cold. A creature that once made Tempris feel loved by Illumin would rather get hurt and cause Illumin to forsaken her. Tempris gritted her teeth but it was pointless now. The dardian was already assaulting's the wolf, silencing her words. Thats right. She a sinner. This was Illumin's will. So Tempris lowered her head.

"I didn't want to help you anyway," Tempris said while clenching her fist. It was silly to care for such a creature. Still, she felt cold. To be not wanted by a source of love. Tempris turned around. "Salvation is wasted on you. But I'll be sure to burn your corpse... at least." Tempris walked away impaled her weapon into the ground. She wasn't going to partake in this event. She was only going to watch. Watch and wait for the sinners to purge themselves. After all, all souls go to Illumin and they all seemed ready.

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#16Günter Von Wolf 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Mon May 17, 2021 1:26 am

Günter Von Wolf

As Kratos connects with Rinnis throat he would notice the man behind him, Kratos would grab Rinnis arm by the wrist as she struggles to breath crushing her wrist with his strength. If raza dosnt attack then Kratos would cut off rinni's arm with his take  then dig. If raza attacks then would dig while holding onto rinni diging into the ground causing Rinni to hit the ground and fall unconscious as rinni's arm is in the tunnel of the ground he would pull on her arm ripping it off being drenched in the blood of his target.

As kratos continues digging underground he would continue to dig 15 meaters away underground if raza was talking rinni Kratos would be able to hear it from the echo in the tunnel. Kratos would continue digging until he has no more mana and resurface. Once on the surface he would be 100 meters away from the last known location of rinni. From there he would leave the area and go look For Gunter, Kratos thought about Rinni when she told her allies to stay out of the fight. After the thought passed he smiled, then said to himself "Maybe she is a warrior after all."


Kratos Stats:


#17Rinni Faithe 

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Wed May 19, 2021 8:03 am

Rinni Faithe

Multiple things occurred that made Rinni regret most of her decisions today. Firstly, she shouldn't have challenged Kratos, to begin with... or in the very least she shouldn't have brought Candy along. To be fair, Candy would be perfectly safe if left with Gunter, Destin, or even Tempris. No wait, Tempris followed Rinni here too so scratch that idea. However, this fight may have gone completely different without Candy in the equation.

Still, as it stood, the Werewolf was now on all fours staggered and gasping for air. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't speak. She heard the annoyed Tempris telling her she'd burn her body after she died. She heard Raza order Kratos to stop attacking. And then she felt the pain of her wrist being broken, causing her to release a strangled howl. If Kratos would rip off her arm unhindered, she'd scream as blood splattered all over Kratos, Raza, and Tempris (if she's close enough to the action).

If Raza had attacked Kratos, then Rinni would instead be pulled behind Kratos as he used dig causing her to be knocked unconscious as blood covered Kratos and dripped into the hole he had dug. Regardless of the outcome, the result would be the same as an unconscious girl now lay naked on the ground, blood pooling around the area that used to be her arm.

Returning to human form, she would be laying facedown, her body covered in bruises and cuts and blood. Unable to move or activate her ring, her survival would be left in the hands of Raza and Tempris.



Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Sun May 23, 2021 2:56 pm


(48 hour Raza)

It was a disaster for the wolf. The large creature Kratos completely destroyed her, something Tempris expected by the looks of the fight. It was a shame the girl did not see the miracle that was presented before her. Still, the wolf should have learned her lesson. Lying on the ground unconscious with a missing arm. Blood was everywhere. It was truly disgusting, but Tempris could not just leave her there. She came to bring the woman back. Of course, if she did not make it out alive, there was nothing she could do but burn the body. However, if she was. Then she would be dragged back.

"Stupid wolf. Should of accepted my help. Illumin did not will this. Only your heresy did."
Tempris jumped down from her tree and ran up to the wolf's body. She was alive, barely but still alive. Tempris removed her own veil and wrapped it around the wolf's arm open wound. Then she took off her cloak and covered the wolf's chest. With that done, she grabbed Rinni and heaved her over her own shoulder. Then she walked out the forest as best she could with blood dripping out of the cloth.

(exit with Rinni)

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody (Gunter, Orange) Empty Tue May 25, 2021 10:34 am


You see, Raza could have stepped in and stopped all of this, or at least stopped the little wolf from being hurt anymore. However, perhaps she needed this lesson after all. So, Raza simply watched as Kratos grabbed her arm and jumped into the ground, ripping her arm off immediately before disappearing. The little wolf fell to the ground, arm completely gone and a pool of blood soaking the earth beneath the three. Raza shook his head and sighed. The Viking stepped closer towards the unconscious wolf who was now back in her human form, before kneeling. "You have much to learn, little wolf." He whispered to her. Though she couldn't consciously hear him, maybe his words would seep into the depths of her mind. "But as far as I'm concerned, you are amongst the bravest." He smiled warmly. If she believed in Odins and the other gods of Iceberg, there would be a place for her in Valhalla if she died. She was indeed a warrior spirit. "There aren't many like you." Suddenly Tempris jumped from a tree and made her way to the wolf, essentially blaming the little wolf for what had happened. Raza remained silent and raised an eyebrow. The sword-wielding girl obviously had some issues. The child threw the wolf over her shoulder after covering her up then began walking away from the scene. Raza shook his head and followed. "I got er." he would say before gently picking up the girl and carrying her in his arms. She was not a beast or a creature to be discarded so he would not throw her over his shoulder. "She's losing too much blood, we need a healer immediately" He'd say before taking the cloth from around the wound and lightly placing his hand onto it. Suddenly light would begin to coat it, searing the wound and closing it for a while to stop the bleeding.

- Exit -

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