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Pirate Hunter [NQ/Solo]

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Pirate Hunter [NQ/Solo] Empty Mon May 31, 2021 8:30 am


WORDS: 350 | Shiver Me Timbers!

So… This is their little hideaway huh? The rolling tide carrying a nice clean ship along its surface with a particular soul exploiting the momentum she had achieved and her mastery of water magic to draw herself toward the beach, as she did so Sofia Serena looked around the little uncharted landmass that she had found in the middle of the southern seas and spied something in the distance which caught her attention, and prompted the young pegusi to activate the little gift that her green gaze had been given by the strange wandering merchant who she had been fortunate to meet the second time in her life.
Looks almost… Civilized? That enhancement to her right eye practically acting like a telescope as she lowered the lid on her left and looked toward the shape of what looked like a shed in the distance, the siren could see from her survey that rather than being just one shack in the distance she could spy the sign of several shoddily constructed options which seemed to add up to a shanty-town, as far as she could tell, half of which seemed to have been built from the broken remains of old boats and ships like the one she stood on now. If this didn't reek of 'Pirate Island', nowhere did.

“You know… I'm kind of surprised you knew about this place?” Encouraged by the sight and steering her craft just around a bend so that they wouldn't be too concerned with a foreign vessel mooring at whatever they called a dock, once she had done so the devious delight hopped into the surf and began to strap her little fishing craft to the security of a palm tree that seemed to hang over the waves quite conveniently, and as she did so smirked and spoke up to the 'guide' she had on her journey.
“You're quite the well-travelled Gentleman, aren't you?” Amused by him in fact and glad to know that his information had been up to snuff, the brow of the brunette arched as she looked toward the new acquaintance she had made recently, who was already proving himself to be worth the haul of fresh fish he seemed to demand for his assistance. Now, if only she could do something about the chip on his shoulder, huh?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pirate Hunter [NQ/Solo] Empty Mon May 31, 2021 8:30 am


WORDS: 750 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“You think in nine lives Salem hasn't seen the world?
He retired from adventure because he thought he'd seen all there was to see?”

Fur still looking a little scruffy but perhaps a little shinier and better kept than it had been during their first meeting, the guest of honour popped his head up over the bulwark and then hopped atop it as he rebuked the girl for her jokes, and did so in a manner which seemed rather in line with how they first seemed to have been introduced. Perhaps the fact that this fine feline could talk being enough of a reason for him to have such a high opinion of himself, despite his size and station the spirit of Salem remained indominable, and once more he was lecturing the lass he travelled with about how impressive a specimen he was. Though, one would suspect that would be rather obvious, given his inclination to verbosity.

“Only nine? Sometimes you sounds like you've lived a lot more lives than that, my cool kitty cat~” Naturally the haughtiness something which only made Miss Serena more inclined toward teasing him, she couldn't help but cock her head and smirk at the description he gave to her, and reflect on how the grandeur of his tales seemed to imply he was endowed in ways beyond the ordinary cat in ways beyond simple communication, and all while adding a silly nickname that she was sure would annoy him.

“Maybe when you learn to show Salem the proper respect, he might give you the true number, but for now nine is enough, no?”

Earning an eyeroll for her efforts with that, once the ship was secure the fluffy friend of the femme was happy to lurch onto the palm she had secured and run along it, and seemed all too intent on avoiding the seawater, as one might expect of someone of his ilk.
“And here I thought the fish I catch and deftness of my digits were enough to win you over?” Sofia unable to resist the urge to leave his efforts for naught all the same, with a smile across her lips she could help but flick a handful of water his way and then grin at him cheekily, happy to know that she could do so safe in the knowledge that she was his only reasonable method of escape from this land. Plus, on some level she knew he liked her jokes as well, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pirate Hunter [NQ/Solo] Empty Mon May 31, 2021 8:31 am


WORDS: 1100 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Silly girl, Salem thought that you were here with purpose, not just for jokes and island sun?”

Earning another eyeroll from the violet vision of her companion and yet another rebuke with it, the handsome but haughty cat shook the salty water off his head and then continued along his path with what almost seemed to be a sigh, and then trotted along the beach to lead the lass he was with toward the sight she had seen before.

“Jeez, you sure are grumpy for someone who was purring on my belly an hour or so ago?” Unfortunately that attitude something that she simply couldn't resist, Miss Serena had learned long ago that those with a high opinion of themselves were a prime target for her mischief, and Salem didn't seem any different really. Talking with such an inflated opinion of himself and yet still prone to more than a number of pet-like habits, the contradiction amused the emerald eyed enchantress and was something she was only too happy to point out as he bore his pride so blatantly, but ultimately she also knew that he wasn't entirely incorrect with his latter point.

“But I suppose you aren't wrong…” Sighing and shrugging as she reminded herself that they weren't here to enjoy the sun and surf and the jokes she could make about her new feline friend, Sofia shook her head and began to follow after her 'guide' once she had collected up her gear, and with her long stride she made the task of catching those tiny paws rather a an easy one.
“An island of Pirates, we may need to wear our game faces, huh?” Rounding the bend she had used for cover and using that well endowed right eye of hers to look toward her target once more, with every step the scene was becoming clearer and clearer to the young mage, being able to make out the shapes of people who seemed to be gathered around beach fires with bottles in hand and even smiles on their faces, looking rather happy. But whether they stayed that way would depend on how 'negotiations' would proceed…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pirate Hunter [NQ/Solo] Empty Mon May 31, 2021 8:31 am


WORDS: 1450 | Shiver Me Timbers!

Looks like they're celebrating something? Drawing closer and closer with every footstep in the sand and the picture before her becoming clearer and clear thanks to that fact, in the distance she could see a sense of revelry that was as lively as it was lacking for restraint, and while most parties beyond seemed to be having a good time she could not exactly approve of the state everyone was in.
Or maybe they're always like this…? Meaty mitts seeming to be placed around the waists of women who looked skinny and far less happy to indulge the party experience, for a moment the usually mischievous minx wondered if they were the token women of the team here, but the presence of metallic collars and cuffs on their wrists convinced her otherwise, and also seemed to add a little more urgency to her approach as well.

“Showtime I suppose, Salem~?” A little tenser as she recognised the ominous aspect of what was going on here, the face of the femme seemed to harden as she neared the edge of the shacks and sent her partner dashing onto the top of one with a nod to survey the scene, whilst she drew their attention away and treated with the 'tribe' directly.

“Good afternoon everyone…!” Trying to put forward a strong and yet polite front to these thugs as she approached them with only the backup of the beautiful black beast who was scrambling across roof timbers, Miss Serena spoke up as she spotted Salem disappearing from sight and seemed to interrupt the singing atmosphere as she did so, but given the performance that was perhaps a good thing.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I think we have something to talk about? Who's in charge here?” Lifting a hand to the group as peacefully as she could manage but unable to avoid the temptation to look at the people in chains and the shyness they were showing, confusion and a sense of suspicion seemed to abound with the crowd she confronted regardless of whether they were free men or otherwise as people lowered their voices and their bottles, all seeming to wonder where this woman had come from and even more importantly what she wanted as well. Well, almost all…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pirate Hunter [NQ/Solo] Empty Mon May 31, 2021 8:32 am


WORDS: 1800 | Shiver Me Timbers!

Who's this, a guest? You here to keep me and my boys company, girlie?
We're not exactly desperate for it, but… Suppose we could add a body like that to the heap if you insist, right lads?!"

A large and lumbering ox of a man seeming more relaxed than the company he seemed to keep and parting the crowd as he trudged forwards with a drink in one hand and a wrist in the other, the emerald eyes of Miss Serena narrowed as the 'big dick' of the gathering seemed to raise his ugly mug toward her, though apparently not in the spirit of cooperation it would seem. Instead all the more eager to make jokes and prompt his force of flunkies to laugh at his refined and remarkable wit, neither this nor the way in which he seemed to leer at the lass or the manner in which he seemed to fling his feminine 'friend' to the side seemed terribly impressive to the mind of the minx, and so she simply stood there with a hand on her hip as she let the chuckles die down before she answered.

“Oh I'm sure you'd enjoy that, but sadly I'm spoken for, and here on business as well…” Smirking once she was afforded the opportunity for a little peace and quiet in order to express herself, Sofia demonstrated little intimidation in the face of such a brute since she was used to his type by now given all the adventures she had with her wonderful wife, and simply stated her reason for being here to boot. She wasn't here to trade banter, but rather for information, but that didn't seem good enough in this situation.

“Business eh? If that's your game…
I'm sure we'd be happy to pay ya for the time, girl!"

Clearly the cock of the walk too preoccupied by her pretty face and her fine figure to really consider why a woman would stroll into his remote, island settlement without even thinking she would need someone big and strong to protect her, as he lunged for her arm because of this fact Miss Serena would be only too happy to show him the error of his assumption, and only too able as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pirate Hunter [NQ/Solo] Empty Mon May 31, 2021 11:28 am


WORDS: 2150 | Shiver Me Timbers!

Slow. Swerving her way around a heft hand like it was practically motionless before her, the emerald eyes of the enchantress showed that they were good for more than just spying on folk from a distance as she read the path of the attempt to grab her in much the same manner that one might have done a children's book, and reacted to it with swift decisiveness. Wasting the minimum movement and effort as she had been taught by Alisa and knowing just how to inflict maximum impact as she did so thanks to that same tutelage, the smile of Miss Serena faded for a moment as she skirted around his hand and swept it up in her wake as she did so, and then exploited that piece of leverage to make a proper impression upon him.

“Now, is that any way to treat a lady? I was trying to do this the easy way, but if you prefer the hard way…” No doubt a man with this much size and the obvious habit of throwing his weight around confused as someone who seemed like a little slip of a girl overpowered him like he was no more than an itsy bitsy baby, Sofia would have been lying if she said that she didn't enjoy twisting the limb around in her firm grasp and pinning it behind his back with speed and style, and a cool line to boot, and relished the groaning it seemed to inspire all the more, for that matter.

“W-What? You fuckin'
The hell are you idiots doing, GET HER?!"

The thug however seeming to be less impressed by what was happening and even more eager to escape his circumstance, Miss Serena held fast as he seemed to twist and thrash like a wild animal but couldn't overcome her hold, and so demanded some support from her allies. That something which she greeting by a sharp crack as she broke that limb and then slammed his skull into the ground beneath her to keep him 'on ice', metaphorically speaking, and in the moment afterward was pulling something from her belt and igniting it with a crisp hum that right now was like music to her ears…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pirate Hunter [NQ/Solo] Empty Mon May 31, 2021 11:28 am


WORDS: 2500 | Shiver Me Timbers!

Who would have thought this would end in a fight, huh? The mana blade of the minx howling as it exploded from the hilt she had pulled into her hand from her belt, though Miss Serena was usually the sort who tended to seek out peaceful solutions to situations the shock and surprise of the pirates around her were something which felt remarkably satisfying, and so were the groans and wails she seemed to raise as she cast herself into action.
Pirates are usually so well known for their good manners and hospitality of strangers, right? That humming beam of energy making short work of men who were armed with little more than their fists and the drinks within them, the brunette blazed as she burst through the men who tried to mob her with high pace and ease of efficiency, and all of this guided by the eagle-eye on her right side which made their efforts and attacks so very easy to read.

“You might want to get out of here… ” Carving the people around her like a cake and as she did so seeming to leave the chained people they had been toting confused and perhaps a little terrified, the deft movements of a woman trained by the White Empress allowed her disarm and destroy the half-dozen souls that were gathered around her, and leave her with ample opportunity to retrieve a rusty set of keys from the belt of one of the brigands which looked like it would fit the shackles of the slaves.
“This is gonna get worse before it gets better! There's a boat on the shore, we'll get you out of here…” Shouting to the nearest figure once she had done so and then hurling the ring toward them shortly afterward, Sofia let loose as breath of respite for a moment and then set about cutting apart the chains of a couple more for good measure with the blade she had in her hand, but knew she could not set them all free herself as she spied a fresh wave of fools head her way. But then, lucky for her she wasn't alone, eh?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pirate Hunter [NQ/Solo] Empty Mon May 31, 2021 11:29 am


WORDS: 2900 | Shiver Me Timbers!


This time facing down a little more than a gang of drunk thugs and thankful for her feline friend as she caught sight of steel weaponry coming toward her at a hurried pace, Miss Serena squeezed her blade into both hands as she readied herself for round two of her fight, but was given a few more seconds of peace thanks to the action of her ally. A lion-like roar erupting from above and Salem arriving in his typically stylish and devastating fashion as he let loose a shockwave of dark energy toward her would-be attackers, his partner in crime could only smirk as she watched the bandits being thrown backward like toys, and enjoyed the reminiscence that this inspired of her first encounter with the coolest cat in the land.

“You really do have the biggest soft spot for pretty girls, don't you?” Grinning as her monstrous moggy landed on the ground a few feet in front of her and then dashing to his side a second later, Sofia couldn't help but point out how he always seemed to find himself thrown into action when there was a girl in trouble, and had no problem teasing him over this fact either. However, for the moment the girl had bigger concerns than her sense of humour.
“Get them free and take them to the ship…” Gesturing to the stunned souls who were still seeming to linger in a state of bewildered confusion, while Miss Serena would have loved to have the support of her fantastic feline friend right now she knew that these beleaguered slaves would benefit from his aid a lot more than her right now, and as such jabbed a thumb as she asked him to take care of the innocents rather than her.

“It'll be cramped but we can't leave them here, can we?” Troubled from the very first moment that she had seen those cuffs of iron and the weary expressions of those who wore them, the emerald eyed enchantress would have liked to think that her intent was strictly noble as she sought to separate herself from the people she had found, but that wasn't true in the strictest sense. A part of her not wanting people who had suffered like she guessed they have to witness more horror, it would have broken her heart again to know they saw her at her most ferocious as she quelled the island of fools, and she would have a much easier time letting loose as well once she knew they were save, now wouldn't she?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pirate Hunter [NQ/Solo] Empty Mon May 31, 2021 11:29 am


WORDS: 3300 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“This way, Salem will see you safe!”

The mysterious moggy not even considering for a second that it might have been surprising for a stranger to see more accurately hear him speaking as he dashed back to the group of captives, despite that Miss Serena was glad for his assistance and direction as she glanced backward and saw him ushering the innocents away, and enabled her to let loose with a little less conscience in what she was doing.

I wonder what Uncle Nick would say if he saw me now? Looking like a warrior of the far east as she took a breath and then began to move forward with slow and purposeful steps in order to fend off her would be foes, she couldn't help but think of her childhood mentor as she began to whip her weapon around and cut through anyone who dared to approach her. There no better pirate hunter in her eyes than the man who taught her about the sea and the world, Sofia hoped to live up to the image of the Grand Admiral of the Valerican fleet as she sent body after body spilling to the side or back the way she had come, and honestly as she saw the remainder seeming to linger hesitantly thought that he was fighting right alongside her right now. Him or Alisa, at least.

“What's the matter boys, a minute ago you were all about getting in on the action?” Unable to resist the urge to cast a little fresh scorn upon the idiots either for their sudden display of cowardice in the fact of a lone little girl, Miss Serena arched her brow and sent a surge of mana into her mana to swell up as she mocked the mooks before her, and was fully intent on showing them that she had spent the last of her mercy today.
“Don't tell me I've made you feel shy~?” Because of that fact not even feeling an ounce of reluctance as she let loose a bomb of light into the middle of the pack to scatter them, the words of the siren were scathing as she watched them scatter either through the force of their own feet or the attack she unleashed, and then she launched into an attack she was unlikely to boast of even to her lady wife. This wasn't a contest, it was a slaughter…!

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Pirate Hunter [NQ/Solo] Empty Mon May 31, 2021 11:30 am


WORDS: 3650 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“You… Ain't there any…?"

The shanty of the pirates a ruin when the lead thug finally seemed to recover his senses and enough of his strength to drag himself along on his belly, around him were bodies and the ruins of the pirate 'paradise' that him and his friends had created, which was certainly to be distressing and disconcerting. The impact certainly seeming to break his confidence and any will he might have had to fight back with his one good arm as well, perhaps this nameless fool would have managed to escape to security if the feisty and uncharacteristically fiery femme who had arrived in his 'town' had come only for the right, but instead she was here for something else. Something she suspected one of the people here could give her.

“I'm sorry to say your friends are all partied out, it seems…” All too happy to stroll toward him when he stirred now that she had laid waste to his settlement and the people who lived here, along with the devilish cat who had come with her the lass known to some as 'Lorelai' followed after her prize like a predator, and yet spoke in a soft and sizeably sardonic manner as she reflected on what she had done. She wasn’t proud of what she had done, but still, it had needed doing ultimately, and now she needed the answers she had come here for.

“So how about we take this from the top… What do you know about the pirates that have been attacking Hargeon lately~?” Guessing that the demonstration of her prowess would be quite the compelling message to the floored fool but eager to add a little extra incentive to his cooperation as she flipped him onto his back with her foot, the fearsome fox jabbed her still humming blade right down next to the face of the fool and seared his cheek as she did so, then began her interrogation. Here to ensure that the town she had settled in found a little peace in future, Miss Serena wished to find out what was going on with the increasingly ferocity of the waters around her new home, and was soon to get her answer as well. The named of Dread…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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