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Friend ore Foe

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#1Fala † 

Friend ore Foe Empty Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:17 pm

Fala †
As it was the next day after the whole thing with Cain, she received a letter from the people that belonged in the Cold Collier's hideout. She walked through the hall that was only lit by a single light hanging from the ceiling. The room she is supposed to go in was at the end of the hall as it revealed a large room with a huge seat in the middle-back of the room. It was where the big boss is supposed to sit, but all she saw was Matteo. His arms spread out in a welcome as he stood up happy to see her. "Ah, you're here!", he cheerfully spoke as if he was a godfather and Fala was his favorite daughter or even hitman.

His hand slapped against the table with papers and told her how one of the three people she spied on last time is guilty. He apparently knew for sure like smelling a rat. Her job is to find out more about the other two, Giroud and Franken. She saluted humorously and left the building where Frosch was waiting for her. "Time to go?~," they asked. Fala spoke simply, "Yep!~", she let Frosch climb up and rest on her shoulder. They looked around for the address of Kalaus. She received a paper with all the details, but she still was unsure about every inch of this city.

After a while, she finally found his place and looked for an easy place to break in. Frosch looked confused at Fala and then looked at the door. "Let Frosch open the door," it insisted. Fala was unsure what they could do, but to find out that they knew how to pick locks with nothing but a bobby pin. After a few seconds, the door was able to open.

Friend ore Foe Wannap10

You wanna try me? Test me? Alright...let's go.
#2Fala † 

Friend ore Foe Empty Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:17 pm

Fala †

Both of them went in quietly to look around for any clues for the involvement of the other contractors that could have communicated with Calaus. So far she saw nothing so she felt more bored the later it became. Thankfully, after an hour she found a letter from some person. She dragged the letter with her as Fala needed to find a source of light. Once in the bathroom, she turned it on and read the letter to spot the name of one of the contractors. A[ppearantly, Giroud was helping Kalaus with information. They knew about the mine collapsing probably is no accident. They felt like they should have killed Mattoro and his gang. "How rude!", she spoke angrily as she hurried to turn the light off and leave the house locked.

The next place she will have to go and find Frankan the hard way due to the fact that he did not have any known residence. She quietly went through the paths of the city to see if she could even eye the man. "See anything, Frosch?", she questioned quietly. Frosch gazed towards Fala and then forward, "Frosch sees nothing but unimportance," they reported. Soon after that Frosch spoke again, "Frosch sees target!", they excitedly spoke. Now the only thing they had to make sure was that they were alone. Fala followed within the shadows as they went into a back alley. It was a little suspicious so she followed to turn out that he was alone.

"Hey!", she pointed at him. His eyes went wide, got scared, and fell on his butt. Fala explained to him the problem and he looked confused. He explained that he had nothing to do with what was and is going on. Fala at first did not want to believe him, but any news is news for her client so she went back to inform Mattoro that two of them are guilty. GUILTY

40% wc reduc: belt and Companion


Friend ore Foe Wannap10

You wanna try me? Test me? Alright...let's go.

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