Heading back up to the overhead structure and continuing onward, Shichiro had located two small bridges. The first one on his right is a wobbly bridge that will sway from side-to-side as he crosses it, there are a few of these in the upper parts of this blight of a desert town. A general rule of thumb for crossing weak bridges like these is to stand still when they started moving. The other bridge just after the first leads to the same area, however this bridge is stationary. If he continued to the left, on a platform he was currently on, he saw a corpse with an item on a lower platform across a gap; the item is a weapon of some sort and the jump provides a quick way to the destination he was heading in, but the risk at this point is too high. On his right, he noticed a swordsman with its back towards him standing near a ledge. Slowly creeping up on it, he delivered a swift kick to the humanoid figure as it fell over, emitting a high pitched scream. After he dealt with it, he would then proceed to cross the stationary bridge noted earlier and made his way down a ladder. To his right, he saw another corpse at the bottom of a short drop; dropping down caused him to fall through the floor to a lower level. Down that the lower level, Shichiro had discovered an enemy he hadn't encountered before. Tilting his head, Shichiro had outstretched his right hand and performed the 'come hither' technique. Suddenly a darkness had enveloped him, turning into a protective, full body shield. To his surprise he didn't expect it to work but now that it did, he was ready to face the foe in front of him. After a swift exchanges of blows, Shichiro had came out victorious, revealing an exit to the ruins he had entered.