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Support: Brunhild the Divine [Tempris/Seika] 4

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Support: Brunhild the Divine [Tempris/Seika] 4 Empty Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:54 pm

He scoffed at the girls world view. They were polar opposites yet walked down the same path like they were best friends. It was intriguing in a way that they found their differences in how they should approach the problem. Seika understood nuance. Of course he didn't embody it, but he did understand and accept nuance when it was necessary. But they were in the business of burning out heretics. There was no nuance. Either they were heretics, harboring heretics or they were a devout worshiper. There was no nuance there. And the Divine wasn't going to make the process go faster or smoother. Having people in power only worked when those people actually used the power. Seika could barely count on his hand how many times people in power actually just used their power for their own benefit rather than the greater good. The 'Divine' was more likely to lock up any potential enemies and label them heretics than actually purge the filth from her lands. But the youngster didn't see that. What she saw was an idol, a role model. Someone who embodied every false assumption she had ever made. She was the ideal for someone like her. So how do you fix that. How do you help someone pull the wool back from over their eyes.

Seika contemplated all of this in silence. While normally he would have shot back verbally, he had realized that discussing this with such a focused youth would get him no where. Any words he could shoot back would just be responded with more cookie cutter responses and excuses. It saddened him in a way. He saw a lot of himself in the poor girl. Once he too placed his faith in those with a higher power in life. It was saddening to see ones flames be diminished by such foolishness and falsehoods. He would truly have to work in earnest to free the girl from her shackles. If only to see her burn as brightly as she could.


Support: Brunhild the Divine [Tempris/Seika] 4 Empty Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:06 pm


The man didn't respond. So the rest of the walk to the building was quiet. Only the sound of their footsteps clapping on the stone path dare speak up around the two human infernos. Tempris was not sure what to think of the man. Did he agree with her words, or did he just want her to stop talking? It was a terrible feeling. She wanted to yell at him to talk. Maybe she should have faith in the plan herself. Remembering the bar event however, gave her second thoughts. For now, she would keep a close eye on him.

"So, are you all tired out from those outburst..." Tempris said but without her usual taunting nature. There was no high pitch cutie accent or superior gloating tendencies in her words. All there was was a dull young girl's voice who was exhausted with her own fire. Mentally she was wore down giving this guys antics. However, she hoped that by taking him more of these less important places, he would calm down enough to maintain some level of self control. "We been standing here for a minute and the building is not on fire." A little bit of her cheekiness returned in the form of sarcasm but it was weak and tired. She did not even bother to look up at the man. All this time has proven that he was not one to be instigated into acting. It could be a good thing but for now. It was boring.

Support: Brunhild the Divine [Tempris/Seika] 4 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Support: Brunhild the Divine [Tempris/Seika] 4 Empty Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:18 pm

His tumultous thoughts were interrupted as they stopped before the building in question that Tempris had brought up. The rebels standing out front stared oddly at the two as Seika's expression continued to be deep in thought about the conundrum that laid before him. His brow furrowed, and his hand went up to his chin in thought, the young girl beside him clearly put off by his silence just a tad but still had enough in her to be snippy about it. He could hear the childish taunting just barely over his own thoughts, the girl likely thinking she said something clever in the process. He'd regard her smaller form with a bit of inquisitiveness before shaking his head and returning to his own thoughts.

Stepping away from his problems for just a second however, he realized that now would be a prime oppourtunity to see how the small girl operated. He could tell the men in front of them were no threat to her safety, and as such there was no reason for he himself to get involved. Instead he could simply sit back and watch. Observing the girls flames manifest in earnest respect to her god. Smiling at this, he'd return his attention back to her, "You know what. You can take this one. Maybe you can show me how it is done here in Bosco this time. I'll be sure to take notes." His voice was sincere as he spoke, earnestly waiting for the girl to take a move as he stepped back from the door to give her center stage.


Support: Brunhild the Divine [Tempris/Seika] 4 Empty Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:57 pm


The girl huffed when the man declined to take the bait. Instead he seemed to want to actually take a break. Tempris did not bother to look at him. Instead she looked forward at the men. They noticed them so the option of sneaking in unnoticed was out of the question, unless the man wanted to create a distraction. Still, the insides would be on alert and she doubt they all would line up like last time. On her mind was the reason for this behavior.

Like why did he all of a sudden decide not to go in. He claimed to want to see how things are done in Bosco... but didn't he know?
"What do you mean... Im not from Bosco... I think. I. Argh! I hate you." Tempris felt the cold hands creeping on her memories so she tried to focus more on getting mad. She did not want to show any signs of weakness to this man. He would be the type of person to take advantage of it.

With her mind still forcefully angry, she stomped her way over to the two guards. She did not look back. She had to focus on the two guys in front of her.

"Little girl... go back to your father now..." The man's hand was trembling. Tempris looked at the man with a smile.
"Okay, but he insist he meet you and all your friends first." Tempris would then pull out her sword and cleave the guy in half, watching his body get cremated by holy flames.

Support: Brunhild the Divine [Tempris/Seika] 4 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Support: Brunhild the Divine [Tempris/Seika] 4 Empty Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:04 am

A small smile graced his features at the flustered girl as she huffed at his words. While he actually didn't know if she was from Bosco, she did share quite a few physical features that would make her seem like she was from the nation itself. It was honestly quite interesting all things considered. Looking her over now, he could see how she could lay low for so long, even with her ridiculous mentality of blending in with the locals and keeping collateral damage to a minimum. The fact of the matter was, she looked almost like any other little girl in the city, even if someone did try to point her out of a crowd she could just put on normal clothes and essentially be one of the many. Of course, he would never have her do so in the future, it would just be a waste of time and effort to blend in with kindling like that. The masses weren't good for nothing more than fuel for the great fire after all.

Waiting patiently, he'd watch her approach and begin talking with the guards at the gate. Now that he could see her back, he noted the rather unwieldy and obscenely large weapon on her back that he could've sworn was several times too large for her dainty frame. Watching her grab hold of said weapon, he witnessed it ignite with flames with just a half interested lift of the eyebrows. Now that was what he would considered a useful weapon to have, even if it weren't something he would use personally. Watching her bifurcate a man with ease, his heart jumped with joy at seeing such passion be wielded against the enemies of Sol, the heathens burning to ash. Oh what a glorious day.


Support: Brunhild the Divine [Tempris/Seika] 4 Empty Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:21 pm


Tempris would turn to the remaining guard. The man was in complete shock and not moving, though his hand was hovering over his weapon. It was like he was read to attack but just the sheer obscureness of everything and losing what could be his friend, partner, maybe even husband, was just too much for his brain to handle. Tempris would not hesitate however. She had an mission to do and she would not slow down for anyone. So she quickly jammed her sword through the man's chest and watch as her fires ate at the man's sin. The man did not have time to react or feel anything but the freedom awarded by being free of sin. With that, Tempris would enter the building.

She would not look back to see if the man would follow. No, all she focused on was bring down her foes. At best he could catch anyone that escaped her but that did not seem like a possibility. Screams filled the air as people fled, fought back, and cried, but no one was spared. Soon everything would become quiet. The rest of the sinners were cleansed and free to meet Illumin on the stairs of a fiery baptism. Tempris would step out of the building which was not on fire. It was time to move on to the next spot. However it would take a bit to get there. She would turn to Seika if he was still around.
"So, was that a good enough demonstration for you?"


Support: Brunhild the Divine [Tempris/Seika] 4 Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Support: Brunhild the Divine [Tempris/Seika] 4 Empty Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:22 pm

The little girls fury reignited his spark in a way. The almost apathetic look across her face as she dispatched those who were not even remotely worthy to gaze upon such radiance. It brought a set of tears to his eyes to see such fervor, such candor be unleashed in a way that almost seemed to come natural, as if those she were killing weren't even worth the effort to kill in the first place. Such a sight was magnificent in a way. A sharp contrast to his berserker like fervor, hers was more likened to a professional killer. One who took the utmost pride and carefulness in handling her business. It was weird to see such dedication to perfection and precision come from one so small, but that only made the sight that much better in Seika's eyes. Oh the things that she could accomplish with the right teacher, the right mindset, the right God...

A lone tear threatened to come from his right eye as his smoldering orbs never left the sight before him. His zealous fervor driving him to watch every second, every moment of action. Even if to most people it was a typical slaughter of heathens, to him, it was a dance, a graceful act of removing Sol's, and he guessed by extension, Illumin's, enemies. It was the perfect way to dispatch such a large group quickly for someone of her size and skillset, no movement wasted, not unnecessary fanfare or gloating. Even when she finished and walked past him to head to the next location, it was as if the whole situation didn't even matter to her. It was perfect in every way. He just had to teach her, to show her the true light. He had to take that shine and make it glow with true radiance.


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