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Interrupted Training Session (Support:Hildegard the Beastmaster)[Solo]

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#1Miyamoto Akuma † 

Interrupted Training Session  (Support:Hildegard the Beastmaster)[Solo] Empty Wed Jul 21, 2021 10:11 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
Akuma has been supporting Hildegard for the throne for a while now. Base on his belief, Akuma agrees to support Hildegard for the throne. He believes that under Hildegard’s rulership Boscosi will be more friendly and understanding and that would be a benefit to Fiore. Aku has been helping Hildegard to find some town of wood elves and make them believe in Hildegard and give their support for Hildegard to get the throne. But lately, Akuma has been focusing himself on his meditating and sword training. Akuma is aiming to get stronger everyday and to be able to do this he have to train himself and do more jobs or quests for experience. Since he become a dragon slayer, Akuma is still looking for the perfect way to combine the dragon slayer magic with his strength and sword art technique. His fighting style also different from most of other dragon slayer, and meditating help him to think better and clearer. In this focus state, Akuma can think for more possibilities and more options for everything he's thinking about. In his meditation state Akuma often think from different perspectives, and sometimes counter his own thinking with another thinking from the different point of view.


#2Miyamoto Akuma † 

Interrupted Training Session  (Support:Hildegard the Beastmaster)[Solo] Empty Wed Jul 21, 2021 10:11 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
Akuma has report to Hildegard and tell her that he will take a break for a few days, he told her that he want to focus training for a while now. Akuma also tell his little group of five that they will be of from sabotaging other heirs for a while. But life never be on his side, when Akuma is in the middle of his training, a beast suddenly appear and roaring really loud near Akuma’s training place. That beast is just randomly rampaging out of nowhere, breaking trees around it and trembling the ground every time that beast’s feet hit the ground. This situation annoyed Akuma and interrupting Akuma’s training. Hildegard was really specific about her request, “Find towns in Bosco and Stella that are made up out of Demis or Wood Elves. Share information with them that I need of their support for the throne and how my rulership will affect them positively and fight alongside them, protect them from Stellan rebels. Find beasts roaming the woods and mountains of Bosco or Stella. But do not harm them. I will approach them to see if I can convince them to assist us and save the flora and fauna in Bosco and Stella.”


#3Miyamoto Akuma † 

Interrupted Training Session  (Support:Hildegard the Beastmaster)[Solo] Empty Wed Jul 21, 2021 10:12 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
Akuma suddenly remembered that detail request from Hildegard, and Akuma trying hard to control himself for the sake of his future friendship with the candidates for Boscosi ruler. Akuma take a deep breath and hold it for a while, he then breath out and contacting Hildegard straight away telling her to come there and tame that beast. Akuma then try hold that beast there so it won't do anymore damage to the forest while waiting for Hildegard. "Thought you were taking a break from all of this stuff" says Hildegard when she arrives at Akuma’s training place. "Guest the universe have a unique way to drag me back to supporting you for the throne." Says Akuma to Hildegard with an annoyed face. While she laugh, she walks approaching that beast who interrupted Akuma’s training session. Like how it always been, when Hildegard try to tamed that beast, the atmosphere around her turn into a calming and soothing atmosphere that effecting Akuma as well. That beast lower itself infront of Hildegard showing how that beast respect Hildegard and willing to assist her with everything it got. When that beast is tamed, Akuma says "Finally, just bring that beast out of here please your highness Hildegard the beastmaster" and Hildegard just laugh while walking away with that beast.


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