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Rodents in Your Food II (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo]

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#1Miyamoto Akuma † 

Rodents in Your Food II (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Wed Jul 21, 2021 10:32 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
Akuma has a team of 5 members, and all of them are Hildegard’s supporters. They make this little group secretly sabotaging the other heir that mostly sabotaging Hildegard as well. They seek revenge and want those people to get what they did to Hildegard and her supporter. Last time, they release a bunch of rodents on one of the food storage that belongs to Cassia. They released them on the corner of the room, on top of the food stock stacks, in the small space between those as well, they even release them somewhere hidden with the hope that they might grow their number and might be new trouble in the future. The rodents that were released on top of that stack of stocks food start eating those stocks of food. They start making holes on the packaging and start getting in those packs. That food that gets infected by those rodents can't be supplied and can't be distributed to anyone since it's contaminated. After that, Akuma and the other four members of that group start to run out from that place. They made it out from that town and then they spread out in case anyone chasing them in silence.


#2Miyamoto Akuma † 

Rodents in Your Food II (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Wed Jul 21, 2021 10:33 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
The next morning, Akuma get to that town and check the situation of that building. The conditions in that town and around that building are surprisingly calm and normal. This means that no one notices the main part of the attack last night was to destroy their food supplies secretly from the inside. But Akuma’s plan doesn’t stop there, He sends his member one at a time every 3 days to observe the situation in that town but they bring their own food supplies for 3 days since they know what actually happened to the food in that town. But they didn’t come there to only observe the town, Akuma told them that on their last day before they leave the town, they have to make a scene where they have to act sick after eating something in that town, and blame it on the food says they found something in there like a rat shit or something. If that kind of thing happens once every 3 days with different people in a different area, the people of this town will start questioning about the food in that town. This condition will then naturally show them the condition of the food storage.


#3Miyamoto Akuma † 

Rodents in Your Food II (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Wed Jul 21, 2021 10:33 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
Akuma makes this plan to bring up the food problem and make people worry so the people of that town will make a demand to check on the food storage in their town to see how is the food condition and quality in that storage. As Akuma plan, in about two weeks from that night, after all the members get in that town and act sick, the people of that town push Cassia supporters to let them see the condition in that food storage where they keep the food for everyone. Right when they see the condition inside of that food storage full of rodents, Akuma and his member who are all there start to provoke them by saying that this happened in some other town that supporting Cassia as well, this is not the first time. They make the fake news bigger by saying that some people even died in other towns about this similar problem cause by Cassia and her people. Hearing that while panicking after see the food storage condition, the people of that town are easily provoked by what they say and start attacking some of Cassia’s people madly. In the middle of that chaos, Akuma and his member get out from the crowd and leave the town knowing that this town will never support Cassia ever again.


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