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Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support]

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#26Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:35 pm

Fala †
She lost count of the time as she was not sure what day it was today. Many people in the village count the days other than the times when the festivals happen. People are starting to create the houses on the water as she too helped to show exactly where they should go as they needed to be evenly separated. Her mind was filled with math as in normal cases this would not be allowed as she used to just not be able to think at all. The ability to think of math, these emotions, and the frustrations of feeling things in general.

She wondered if this was going to be her last time doing Quest and general with cassia as she knew her time was coming soon but still do not know exactly when. So far it has been about a month? She wasn't sure but she just continued helping me to blow out to her days were over. As she was showing people exactly where they need to go her eyes corner to gaze at her partner who was helping some other guys with things. Torches are setting up around the area including the docks that trail to the other houses on the water.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#27Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:36 pm

Fala †
Her eyes were lit up by the Torches as they reflected into the water. She is at the entrance of the dock before being able to enter the trail to the other houses. Other houses were finally finished after a few weeks as the time already went by with a fluid timeframe. Within the month she and her partner started to talk more and even eat together when the gatherings were happening. She was in a house putting decorations up as everything was all set for the new residents to appear. Today was going to be a festival it was a celebration to show the people that this place was a perfect area to start a life at.

She cannot wait to show the people that the hard work everyone did is for giving them a new life. There was enough room to have a farm, there was room to have animals as they had their own little area. Everyone was setting up to celebrate all of this as she was setting up her own thing that she was going to do here. She was hoping that the thing that she was going to do was going to be a good thing and made everyone happy in the end.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#28Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:36 pm

Fala †
She gathered three other girls to do this thing for the people here. She sent letters throughout the area and even gave letters to people Bosco to invite them to help Stella. Thankfully she got a few interesting people who wanted to start a life here. After gathering enough people she then helped with the setup as there were tables around, torches to light up the place and a lot of food and drinks for everybody. Everyone started to get dressed for the occasion as they put on some sundresses as the guy's got on their swimming trunks. She didn't pack any swimsuits so the villagers helped make her one.

She got on her bikini and then covered herself with a summer dress that was colored of purple and a light pink rim of the bottom. She came out and saw that people were already Gathering as they started to eat food and have drinks while chatting with others. She likes to this type of thing, a community. She gathered the three girls who were going to go up on the stage with her as the music started with the instruments. People are gazing at the stage and confinement and then we're ready to watch.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#29Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:36 pm

Fala †
The music started playing and she's coming out, starting to sing. Her song started off slow and it was beautiful and peaceful. People started to light up their torches and started to swing it around slowly to left and right. Her eyes gazed around to see if she could find someone certain. Soon enough she saw him as he gazed back and surprise. His eyes of grey and shiny as his hair was halfway in his face. She smiled as she looked at all the people who are happy communicating with each other. She has never had a happy life that lasted long or at all. She remembered the only happiness she ever had was with the people who took her in after they found her in the mountain but that didn't last long. Ended up trying to sell her body.

She ended up killing them. After the song was over it was finally time to put the mic down as the people who are playing the instruments kept ongoing. She went down with the three girls who were getting attention from the males. Was she not good enough? It was obviously not that but she did not know this.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#30Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:36 pm

Fala †
She went down the stairs by herself as her lips around her head as she was halfway down already she gave that a hand that was in front of her. She looked up to see that it was her partner as he was offering her his hand. He looked up at her in his cold expression as always. " just grab my hand and I'll help you down. Maybe we can go get some food and drinks and talk among the deck." He spoke in his expressionless tone as she then took his hand.

He started to lead her to the food as she let go of her hand for a moment. Next, he grabbed a plate and give her one as well as they went through the buffet to grab food for each other. At the last part of the table, she grabbed a glass of this unique drink that she has yet to know what it is. All she could tell was that it was made of fruit and it was pure. Together they walked side-by-side as they went towards the deck. Without them knowing the people were watching him and her as they suspected this was going to happen.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#31Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:01 pm

Fala †
She was unsure what was going to happen as all she could feel was a heart-pounding constant. The fact that he invited her to come with her made her worried that maybe he was going to go back to Bosco. The sky was a deep blue as the night was coming and was still here. The moon was beautiful and full as the stars were sparkling all around.

She and her partner were walking together till they are finally at the end of the docks to where their feet could dip into the water itself once they sat down. She did not really care about what her surroundings were as the only thing on her mind was the guy next to her. They both finally sat down she started to swirl her drink nervously as she's put his hand against the duck as he gazed up at the sky. A lot must be on his mind if he was acting like this but what exactly what was on his mind? Could it be the fact that something was really wrong? Did she do something wrong? His eyes were cornering to gaze at her, she noticed this much. What exactly was she going to think and do?

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#32Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:02 pm

Fala †
After a little silence, he finally started to speak. He started to gaze forward back into the ocean as she herself started to drink. He is making grunting noises in a soft tone as he was second-guessing everything most likely on what he was going to say. Her finger is Gaston to the stem of the glass tighter as she was getting more nervous with in the second. Suddenly she just put down her glass and spoke up first. Turning the upper part of her body she gave straight at him with a worried face as her eyes gazed into his as much as she could with how he was positioned. " just tell me what you're thinking! If it's something that will hurt my feelings then just tell me anyways. I can't handle not knowing what you're thinking.", Fala We're saying to him as her eyes were watering up. He turned to gaze at her and realized what he was doing to her and then give 1/2 smile. " It's not that... It's far from that. It's just I've been feeling really close lately,", that is what he wanted to say but in the end she said something else. He wanted to express how he felt but instead he just ended up telling her that he was just wondering how long this was going to take.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#33Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:02 pm

Fala †
The way he was saying that made it sound like you already wanted to go home. He wanted to go away from here, away from her. That's how she was thinking. She just grabbed her drinks and chugged the alcohol to go into your system faster. She didn't seem like you wanted to stay here long ago with her and with that she treated this as if it was some Josh that he did not I feel the same as she did. She got up and grabbed her stuff and left. She just left him there sitting as she went back to the Village to get ready to go to sleep.

The words hurt, they were hurting her inside, and she just did not know how to take it as this was her first time. Sure she was liking Shabana when they have their first kiss but just thinking about it made her head hurt more. She gazed up at the sky as it was turning darker, more than normal. The clouds were swirling as they were suddenly being summoned. But what is being summoned? All the villagers started a crowd over by the fire which was depleted by the rain.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#34Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:02 pm

Fala †
She was unhappy about all this happening as the people were frightened. They were unsure what exactly was happening to them or what was going to happen to them. The only thing that was not dark was a small hole within the swirling. It looks like it was a large light that was piercing through the sky. In religions, it would be a sign that God was coming. She didn't make sense of any of that nonsense as she went to go make sure everyone was going to be okay and then got them to move to the house safe house.

The safe house was created by her and a few others who knew how to do Earth magic as well as someone who knew how to do electronics. The safe house was made to go underneath the Earth and a few inches away from the Earth itself in case of an earthquake. She kept going in and out of the safe house as she escorted everyone to their own section and see. The safe house itself had about a few rooms and a huge main room where there was a kitchen and seatings to eat. Swiftly, she left once again to make sure she could find her partner who she last saw at the deck.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#35Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:02 pm

Fala †
Shoot out towards the deck to see if he was still there. The rain was pouring out like it was flooding in. The lightning was striking and random areas as it was scaring the children inside the shelter as she could hear their screams. She didn't want to lock the shelter until she could find her partner. Even though his words were like a knife she still cared about him. She had to make sure that he was alive he was well and he was going to be in the shelter. Since it just started a few moments ago it wasn't too dangerous to be out but as time went by she realized that the water was getting up to the housing area as it started to destroy the water houses.

Fala went out deeper as she went towards the end of the deck to see that he was not there. The water was roaring as the waves were getting heavy and large. Slowly was creating a wave that was going to Tunnel into the duck that she was standing on. Quickly she turned around to run but she was not fast enough as the wave crashed into the deck to destroy everything in her path and behind.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#36Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:02 pm

Fala †
As the dock was being destroyed she then was suddenly and packed into the water. It's swirled her body as if it was a lifeless doll. She could not control the waves as she was no water mage. She wanted to keep on trying to get out because she had someone to help or to save depending on how her partner was doing. Even if that was true she couldn't think of much anything else other than the fact that she could not breathe. The water was devouring her soul as she started to wince in pain. There's not much she could do at the moment because of the fact that the waves were too strong. But what she was going to do she did not know as she tried to swim towards the surface of the water but every time she got closer the water with spit her back into the sea so there was no Escape.

It was painful as her body kept hitting the bottom against some rocks and even some urchins. All of a sudden she felt a pair of hands that grabbed onto her body and held close to them. Her eyes were blurry eyes she could not see what the person looked like.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#37Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:03 pm

Fala †
She was not sure what was going on as all she could feel was the Warmness against somebody's body. She heard muscles of a sound from someone's lips as the voice was darker. It sounded like a male's even as she then fainted. After a few moments, she woke up and realize that everyone was just sitting in the safe house as Lightning was still being struck outside. She realized someone was sleeping right next to her. Her eyes corner to see that her partner had their head against her side as he fell asleep with his knees against the floor.

She was confused about what was happening but listen to a woman who came by and explain everything. She started to say that once she left her partner came in and noticed that she was gone. He asked around about her whereabouts and someone told him that she was going to the docks to find him since she didn't want to lock the safe house without him here. A lot of people tried to stop him because the ways were getting closer as the houses were being destroyed. He then noticed your hand coming out of the water before it disappeared. He was angry and wondering why no one went out to help.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#38Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:03 pm

Fala †
He blamed himself apparently for how things turned out since she was not clear and what he was trying to tell her. I felt somewhat silly as now she felt like blaming herself as well because she should have poked him more and telling her exactly what he means. She couldn't believe that a human went out to save her when most people would like a demon died because of what they were. By now he should have known what she was because of her eyes. Her fingers combed through his short brown hair as it just felt soft.

She did not want to do anything else without asking him if it was okay so she slowly got out of bed to prepare dinner or whatever time it was. She let the people put him into the bed she was just in so he had somewhere comfortable to sleep. Slowly, she went to the fridge to grab some random Foods as she saw what was available. Thankfully there were some things that she could make that were enough for everybody. There are rice noodles, a bunch of poultry, vegetables and some fruit event are is a very good variety and thankfully they built this as one of the first few things they built.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#39Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:03 pm

Fala †
She was cutting some onions her eyes started to cry as she thought about how within this month how she fell in love with someone she barely even knew. They didn't even know each other's names as they somewhat hit their identity from each other. Did that make them shallow, or even were their love or emotions fake? It's not even him but just her as it was her who had these feelings. Softly and quietly she started to sing a sweet sorrowful tune.  Softly She sighed as she then started to put everything in a large cooking pot. After she was done with that she went to go take a shower in one of the areas that was made public for females.

If magic did not exist this area would be a total s*** hole as none of these ideas would work. They made a huge spa for the bath so I can fit up to a few females. She went in alone as the others felt like giving her her own space. Maybe they had something else in their mind but that's what she believed. Time is going slow as she sunk inside the water so she did not feel anything else other than the warmth from the water

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#40Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:03 pm

Fala †
She needed her mind to clear so she didn't say anything she will regret later on. Food looks like it was coming together.  The side of the story as she was talking to herself in her head. The storm kept going as she could hear it there stutter with the waves crashing against it. The Earth users were making sure that the safe house was in excellent condition.  As her mind was getting lost while she was cooking she didn't realize that there were footsteps coming up behind her.  Terraria did not matter as it was a point of that it was probably somebody making sure that she was okay.

So far it has been about five to six hours of her cooking this soup as soup usually takes that long to brew. She rubbed against her head as she was trying to get rid of this headache. She turned away and walked towards the door as she was wanting to open it to leave to get some fresh air but deep inside she knew that she could not. Our number 7 the soup was finally done as she told everyone to go ahead and get their serving. Her partner seemed to be still asleep as she continuously checked upon him.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#41Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:03 pm

Fala †
She decided to be nice and grab two bowls, one for her and the other for him. Next, she grabbed some toasted bread and some fruit. After that, she grabbed some water for him to drink as well as herself. Finally, she went to the room where she was sleeping and put the food down next to the nightstand that was by the bed. As she was pulling away suddenly her head was caught by him. Her heart was struck as she was surprised by such a notion. Her eyes started to water as she gazed at him and saw his eyes were gazing at her. A certain pull from him made her heart flutter.

Her body was now against his on the bed.  He held her close and put her head against his chest. She could feel his heartbeat as it was beating quite fast. She tried to get up but he held onto her tighter. "I don't want to think about 'that' ever again..." he whispered as she could not see his face. "I can't imagine the feeling if you did die...", he once again whispered to her quietly. As of right now, it was just the two of them.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#42Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:04 pm

Fala †
His words were making a heartbeat as she felt his face against the top of your head. His body was so warm and something within her wanted more. She wanted to embrace him, her heart wanted to devour his soul. Zigmund was his name, that is what he whispered after those few yet sensitive words. He explained that he came from a war family and unlike their history, he did not want the war to be a constant thing anymore. It was why he was helping cassia with everything he was doing.

He never figured that he would create feelings for someone like this while he was helping a Democrat. She was also Unsure how to really Express them because he never really had feelings for someone before. He was even afraid to stare at her eyes while expressing his feelings. His family seemed to be a full German family but she could tell that they had family also in Fiore. He said it to explain that he had this feeling that they were linked somehow as if they knew each other from some other lifetime even. Before she could even move once more he asked if she could at least stay with him, next to him.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#43Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:04 pm

Fala †
She nodded against his chest as she accepted this. This was better than the alternative in what she thought it would be. She thought he hated her, couldn't wait to get away from her back then. She took calm breaths as she sat up a little bit so she could at least eat with him. He gazed away with his slanted eyes as he grabbed his own food to eat silently. He must feel embarrassed after his confession as he then wondered what her actual name was. Aloysia was her actual name when it came to her Bosco heritage. She didn't really use that name at all if ever as not even her friend knew.
She told him while trying to stand up to get away from a little bit that she was not human. He grabbed your hand once again to make sure she did not get away inside a back down next to him. He started to explain that he didn't care what she was as long as she was a good person deep inside as what she was do not make her. Aloysia bit her lip in frustration as she then sat back down. She explains that she was raised by terrible people that she no longer wanted to remember.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#44Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:04 pm

Fala †
She felt like he probably did not want to know much about her in that sense since they weren't that attached yet. She explains that an easier way to just say her name is Alicia because usually people cannot pronounce her actual name. But the name she has been going by so far has been Fala. Ear is easier for people to pronounce and it was away from her name so people did not know her when she visited Stella or Bosco. She chuckled at this fact but she did not find it funny which she then just glared at him. Once they were done eating she then started to take the bowls and the other dishes to take them to the kitchen. Everyone was working together as everyone was cleaning their own things. Because of her service they were also cleaning up after her and her partner who is now Zigmond.

It was a cute name and it was different so she did not mind it at all. He told her before that he too had a simple name that he just wanted people to call him by, Levi. It was pretty simple and she understood so that's what she was going to call him from now on.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#45Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:06 pm

Fala †
Levi and  Alicia started to go together towards the kitchen.  Everyone seemed of relief that they were finally getting well and along with each other. Alicia told Levi that she was going to go see if the outside was clear and he came with her.  Slowly they started to open the door to see that  everything was destroyed but the weather was finally finished. They told everyone to stay back so they can go and check everything out. Her eyes gaze around to see that the houses were all destroyed. All that work for nothing because of some  Weather. It was sad to see but it happens.

At least he has started to go towards the dock where she was found by him. She did not notice this till he then turned around to look at her. She walked towards him as he walked towards her she didn't end up holding hands. They walk carefully back to tell them that it was all done but now the village will need to be repaired. At first, they looked like they were in despair but soon enough she listened to one of the villagers explain that this always happens to no matter where they go.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#46Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:06 pm

Fala †
The villagers started to pick up their stuff and use their magic to repair the village.  Because of the fact that they already knew what to do because of the last time they started building they built the whole village back up within the same day. Instead of using weak wood they decided to make it out of stone and made sure that it could not be destroyed by any weather condition. It was all thanks to the experiment with the safe house as the weather could not do anything to the safe house itself.

All the decorations, flowers, and the interior of every house were finished.  It looks like they will have to finally leave this area as they finally made it a secure Village for people to live in. Her eyes are cornered to gaze at Levi who gazes back at her.  They started to leave the area before they were thanked since there were no thanks needed. They went into the woods  to seek out anything that may need helped. Together they walked side-by-side as they went to go probably check up on the village of tribal people up ahead. The Elder from the first Village that they ran into gave them a map of every tribal area.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#47Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:06 pm

Fala †
Suddenly they've heard sounds coming from not that far away. Alicia and Levi start to hide behind their own tree as the gays towards where the sounds are coming from. Soon enough they saw carts of cages that people were pulling through the forest. These cages were not just small though there were some that were pretty large, large enough to fit humans of any size. She was unsure what they were really for but if they were for humans then there was going to be an issue.

Not only that, animals were not any better as she did not accept cruelty to animals who cannot defend themselves. She realized that Levi was already going towards them without even saying anything and so she followed. There is no time to think as people will need their help. She started to slide against the Shadows that were being made by the trees. Levi was already on the other side as he jumped one of the people who were driving the cart and then Alicia also jumped out to get the other person who is on the other side. They use the rope that was on the cart to tie them up.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#48Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:07 pm

Fala †
Levi started to destroy the carts and the cages as he had the ability to do so. After they got rid of all that in the evidence they've even dragged the two people to the nearest tribe for them to do what they want with them. She did not notice which tribe she was running into but then noticed that it was Shabana. Her eyes glittered with happiness as she didn't look to see next to her that it was a guy. Her lips around a little bit but then smiled back as her new lover was right next to her. It was the rebel guy from the last mission that she was on.

They came together to say their hellos as it has been about two months or so before they saw each other. They started to talk about how they were going to have a wedding soon and everything seemed to be going well. She then looked at the two that Alicia bought in and asked who they were. She explained that they were the type of people that wanted to destroy the area of Stella as they brought cages to put people of Stella and as well as their animals.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#49Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:07 pm

Fala †
She understood and told her guards to take them away to their prison. With that, they were taken. People are happy to see her here and they all wondered what and who the person was that was with her. She told them all that he was her partner for the mission that she was doing to help the country. And so far he has been very helpful. They nodded and celebrated once more as the tribal people around Stella love to celebrate. Her father arrived to notice that she was here and shook her hand and thanks of having everything turned out the way it did. Was it finally over? Was it time to finally go back to Bosco?

She did not know since she has not heard anything from cassia since she left. She and Levi said their goodbyes and started to leave to go check the other tribals. Once they got to the next tribal after a few hours she saw something that made her eyes widen. The fields of grain and crops were dead as they shriveled into a tan color. The water was non-existent as the riverbed was dried. She slowly walks forward and wasn't sure what was exactly happening as always.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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#50Fala † 

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:07 pm

Fala †
She was really shocked as she did not expect to see all these dead plants and such a tribe that was known for carrying the best vegetables and fruits of all the land.  Together they walked across the field and over a bridge that had a small stream as the amount of water was just a few inches wide.  Her eyes were wandering as the buildings looked a little old to the point some came down as they were made of wood.  She sighed as she saw no living person around. She moved away from Levi to go towards the house nearby. She saw no one and she heard nothing at all besides the sound of the Wind. She wondered if something happened here and then she heard a little sound coming from the barn.

Slowly she approached the barn and went inside with Levi next to her. Ever since that incident leave I will not leave her side. His expression does not show it but he cared for her a lot apparently.  It made her heart flutter at the thought of it. Finally, she went deeper into the barn to see that some hay was motioning around. With that she went towards it.

Romance can be stupid, but so is everything else [Cassia Support] - Page 2 Wannap10

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