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Rebels Never Learn[Supporting Cassia]

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Rebels Never Learn[Supporting Cassia] Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:26 am

Obasi was once again tasked with arresting rebels. He didn’t care for what to be honest either. Like usual the little runt just wanted to be paid. The guys around him predictably saw their cause as courageous and noble. A few were like him, just guys looking to get paid and find warm beds and booze. He kicked himself at the thought of how much money he could have been making had he volunteered earlier. The money he would have made, made him weep, but what’s done was done he supposed. At least he could have some fun this time. Instead of building homes for peasants he could battle some rebels. Obasi was far stronger than when he last went on a rebel hunt so this time things were going to be fun. Before he could simply sit back and support, but today Obasi was planning to get his hands dirty. His magic had gained an offensive edge to it since then and he was looking forward to fighting them. It was funny because his magical potency was starting to match his personality. Before he had always been an underachiever who preferred to fly under the radar. Since meeting Zexion, however; he felt himself becoming bolder. He wanted to be seen as someone more. He wanted his talents to be recognized.



Rebels Never Learn[Supporting Cassia] Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:27 am

It was really funny because before he would have thought Zexion a bit too much for him. The kid was brash and boisterous and a braggard, but at the same time, he was loyal and fun to be around. Obasi on the other hand, always thought himself rather lowkey and kind of boring. Sure he could be fun if given the right circumstances, but he never saw himself as the center of attention. He was a bit more reserved than most and preferred to not bring too much attention to himself. At least not when he wasn’t cracking jokes. In that moment he wondered what exactly his new “friend” Zexion was doing. Was he also taking part in Cassia’s war on the other heirs? He’d figured the kid had to be. If they had one thing in common, it was their shared love of money. This war for the throne was enough to make everybody rich so anyone with any shred of sense would have joined. In fact, if not for his love of money he never would have joined the war effort. The entire conflict was uninteresting to him. He couldn’t see him self here for any other reason, but for the love of money.



Rebels Never Learn[Supporting Cassia] Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:28 am

War was fun and he loved conflict, but conflict could be had anywhere on fiore. The land was rife with dastardly wizards, bandits, and monsters. No, it took more than a little coin to satiate him. After awhile they reached the old keep the bandits had been hiding at. The squad of knights loyal to Cassia raided the stronghold with Obasi in tow. He was excited because it meant he could finally test out his new powers. With unrelenting fury he unleashed a horde of inky black tendrils, eizing several rebels in one go. He the threw them over to the knights. The rest of his adventure consisted of the same practice. He would unleash his magic and give the bandits he captured to the guards. A few wizards were also there forcing Obasi to get creative. He had to protect his comrades from rogue spells before unleashing some on his own. The fire mage was especially tough as hse kept him suppressed with focus fire. Eventually a knight was abke to sneak up on her and knock her out. Her partner, an ice wizard tried to freeze them with a storm but Obasi was able to weaken her with a spell before immobilizing her. After the last rebel was beaten, Obasi left.


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