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Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest]

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#1Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:10 pm

Kenzo Valens
”O-out you go” A trembling figure shyly spoke as the locks of an iron jail cell echoed in the stone walls of the Era Dungeon. Kenzo lift his head as he rose an eyebrow intrigued by the sudden visit. ”Oh, Page-chan? I didn’t quite expect you so early today… What is it? Missed me already?” Kenzo teased the Rune Knight standing just outside the cell, standing up with a swift motion and approaching the young inexperienced guy in front of him.

”T-The warden wants t-to speak to you… I-It seems like you’re finally getting out of here.” The poor guy stuttered. If anything, Kenzo found cute his efforts on sounding so responsible. It was obvious by Page-Chan’s demeanor and physique that he wasn’t quite cut for the life as a Rune Knight. Yet, he couldn’t help but admire the determination he possessed. While his half baked attention stance was a bit crooked and unaligned, one could easily notice how much effort his was putting into it.

”The warden huh?” The male simply muttered in a soft voice, wondering what it all was about. Was he getting released then? It was a little weird that the warden took care of that.


Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#2Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:35 pm

Kenzo Valens
Either way, Kenzo was definitely bored of spending his days confined within his cell, so every chance he had to stretch his legs even a little was more than welcome. Showing his hands towards Page-Chan, Kenzo complied as the Rune Knight apprentice put his usual cuffs on him. Everyone in the room knew that those cuffs were more of a decoration than anything. Almost as if a tacit agreement of their understanding that Kenzo was not a criminal and that he was going to cooperate with whatever protocolary stuff bureaucrats had to deal with to release him. After all, it was but a matter of time before Kenzo was finally cleared off from the lists of wanted men and fugitives, Blue Pegasus Robert Shapiro was making sure of it.

The two males walked through the stone labyrinth that Era Dungeon was. Line after line of cells littered the walls, making Kenzo wonder if the entire building had been enchanted to look smaller from the outside. In all of the times he’d seen the country’s grand prison from outside, he never imagined it to be big enough to even house half of all the cells they passed by as they walked.


Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#3Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:36 pm

Kenzo Valens
After what seemed like an eternity, Kenzo and Page-Chan finally arrived at the warden’s office. A pair of buff, muscular men wearing a black uniform stood guard next to the door. Compared to the apprentice tasked with delivering Kenzo, these two men’s stance told the warrior they meant business. Their expression was faultless, just as a dignified Rune Knight should carry itself. Only upon closer inspection of a parchment Page-Chan delivered them did they open the fine wooden door leading to the office.

”This way.” One of them said as he motioned with his hand for the two men to enter. It was a well-lit room, and somehow managed to escape the stifling stale air that filled every inch of Kenzo’s cell. A middle aged man sat at the end of a finely carved wooden desk, lighting a cigar. He had a jovial look in his face, and a large scar crossed from one side of his cheek, through the bridge of his nose and into the other cheek. Yet, it didn’t appear to have been made by a weapon. Rather, it was the kind of wild and sloppy scar that only a magical beast could give to someone. Badass.


Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#4Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:36 pm

Kenzo Valens
It hadn’t taken but a glance of the warden for Kenzo to know that he was going to like the man. ”Aaah! Kenzo Valens… Just the man I was looking for. Come on, please take a seat.” A charismatic voice came out of the warden as he invited the now prisoner to sit right in front of him. Kenzo smirked with a shrug of his shoulders. ”If Mr. warden insists I’ll be taking your offer. As comfortable as my cell’s floor is, I won’t say no to a sitting on a cushion.” Kenzo’s eyes were sharp, like those of a predator observing his pray. In response, he met with the gaze of another predator.

”Bwaha! I’m sorry about the precarious luxury of your quarters. I’ll make sure to send you a pillow or something.” Kenzo chuckled at the witty remark, easing into the deliciousness that a the leather provided to his bottoms. His expression a bit less hostile now. ”Fair enough.” Kenzo smiled at the man before continuing. ”To what do I owe the honor of the esteemed warden of the Era Dungeon asking directly for me?” While it wasn’t a surprise they knew his name, he was still intrigued.


Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#5Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:36 pm

Kenzo Valens
”Well, I couldn’t help but want to meet with such an infamous figure such as yourself while you were my guest after all. That wouldn’t be appropriate of my post as Captain of the Rune Knights.” The old man said as he motioned at Page-Chan to bring closer a tray from the room next door. The apprentice Knight hurriedly returned with a silver platter carrying a medium sized pot and a pair of cups. ”Tea?” Kenzo rose a brow in amusement as he nodded in acceptance at Page-Chan. ”No sugar for me.” The blue haired warrior took a breath before answering. ”Well, there shall be none that will speak ill of such attentive hosts like yourself Mr..?”

”Captain Gallent. But you can just call me Cap.” The older man answered in place. His voice full of authority. The fact even his request of being casually called Cap spoke of the experience the sly fox had. ”Anyways. I’m sure you’ve figured I didn’t bring you out of your cell just to exchange pleasantries and drink tea.” The captain crossed both arms as he reclined in his chair. ”The truth is that I’m in need of a man like you, Kenzo Valens”


Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#6Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:37 pm

Kenzo Valens
Kenzo stood motionless as he tried to analyze the captain’s facial expressions. ”Well, I’m flattered… There’d be nothing more I’d like but to be of assistance, but as you can see… I’m serving a sentence at the Era Dungeon so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until I’m free once again.” The warrior crossed his leg as he took a sip of his teacup. Captain Gallent burst into laughter as he grabbed a couple of papers, passing them to Kenzo. ”Well, that shouldn’t be much of a problem. You’ll be out of this place in a couple of days.” The Bellan male took the files with his cuffed hands and started looking through them while the captain continued speaking.

”The truth is… I’ve seen you fight kid, and you’re not half bad if I might say so.” The captain finally broke his crossed arms pose as he got closer to the table, slowly bringing his left index towards the scar crossing his face. ”You see… I saw with my two eyes the day you cut that damned wyvern into two at the top of the tower. The bastard lizard left me a little parting gift just before you had arrived”


Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#7Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:37 pm

Kenzo Valens
Kenzo remembered exactly what the warden was talking about. It had been one of his most interesting missions in the country so far, but Era had definitely taken damage from the Wyvern’s attack. ”Glad I could be of service” Kenzo said as he threw his head back. ”As you may know I’m a mercenary, so it was all part of another payday.” As much as Kenzo was enjoying his little outing, he was wondering if the male would finally go to the point.

”And that is exactly why you are here now….” Captain Gallent signaled at one of the guards in the door to approach the table. He was carrying a large pouch, full to the brim with Jewels. If his experience was of any worth, Kenzo estimated there were at least half a million jewels inside. It wasn’t everyday that such a juicy pay was offered to the merc. But that too meant that the request he was just about to receive wouldn’t be your run of the mill job either. Now that he saw the juicy reward, Kenzo’s interest was definitely piqued. ”Color me interested.”

Captain Gallent’s expression shifted into a more somber one. He meant business. ”Good”


Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#8Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:43 pm

Kenzo Valens
”As you may now, the Rune Knight organization is not what it once was. Just recently we’ve come from the brink of extinction thanks to the efforts of King Arthurias, but that means that our hands are now full with problems bred from the years without strong leadership.” Kenzo was all too familiar with what the captain was describing. After all, he’d just arrived to the country shortly before the Rune Knights collapsed and disappeared. The following years had been particularly trying for the population that was left to fend for itself.

”Specifically, Era was no exception. One might have imagined that being the center of military authority of Fiore criminal organizations would be wearier of settling in the city. And yet… here we are.” The captain lit his cigarette once again before continuing his story. Kenzo listened attentively. ”An organization known as the spiders has expanded their base of operations all over Fiore in the past year. They deal in everything you can imagine. From drug and human traffic, to racketeering, smuggling and extortion. I know you’re familiar with the yakuza from Hosenka, but those guys look like child’s play compared to what the spiders are capable of doing”


Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#9Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:50 pm

Kenzo Valens
As much as Kenzo was impressed about Captain Gallent knowing about Kenzo’s adventures in Hosenka, he was honestly much more impressed by the seemingly impressive track record of this so called spiders. After all, it was as the captain said. He knew what the yakuza of Hosenka were like. And they were no joke. ”What exactly are you requesting of me?” The blue haired male asked in a serious tone, his usual joking and light demeanor vanishing.

”My informants have been telling me that they are planning to bust out one of the criminals we’ve got locked here at the dungeon soon. We don’t know what their connection to him is, but we cannot allow that to happen…” Kenzo furrowed a brow at the words of the man, gesture that was aptly picked by the veteran. ”As you can guess, I’m short of capable manpower over here. The Rune Knights have definitely seen better days… I need you to help us stop the breakout. It would be a disaster if criminals were to escape the Era Dungeon in the mayhem.” Kenzo chuckled at the thought. Wasn’t he one of those criminals they were locking up? Institutions really were sometimes hypocritical.


Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#10Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:55 pm

Kenzo Valens
”We’re prepared to clear all of your bounty along with the money you see here at the table. I know the reason you’re here is not the same as many others, so consider this a gesture of good faith for the future between the Rune Knights, the Kingdom and yourself. We expect great things of Blue Pegasus’ Espada after all.” Captain Gallent said with a smirk as he stood up from his chair, extending his hand for Kenzo to shake. ”What do you say? Do we have a deal”

Kenzo sighed with a chuckle as he erased the myriad of witty remarks he’d thought in his head. He stood up following suit and shook the captain’s hand firmly. ”You’ve got a deal.”

BOOOOOOOM A thunderous roar echoed through the building as a tremor shook the office, throwing shelves and people around with a loud explosion. It was almost as if orchestrated for a movie scene or a mange panel. The timing couldn’t have been any more perfect.

”It’s an attack! To your positions!!!” Captain Gallent screamed as he tried to regain his composure. ”Seems like the rest of the details will need to be discussed after the job is done.”


Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#11Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:02 pm

Kenzo Valens

Kenzo smirked with a nod. The alarms of the garrison blew off, and Kenzo blasted out from the chair. Clenching both fists, the male twisted his wrists and snapped the iron cuffs chaining his hands. Making sure to grab Page-Chan’s sword, who at the moment was still fumbling in the ground disoriented and trying to overcome the trauma from the explosion, the warrior ran towards the location of the explosion. Channeling his focus towards his right eye, a bluish-white light filled it before activating his activity. It was something he’d been training with for a while now, and he was now completely able to dominate his ability to see everything around it.

In a second, he got a quick look at the complete layout of the ambush while he counted 9 infiltrated people in the level below his. 4 of them were standing guard at the end of the hallway, just outside of the stairs. 3 of them wrestled with the iron bars of one of the cell’s and the other two rode winged Dhuilin and secured ropes to the bars in an attempt of blasting the door off. There was no mistaking that they were trying to free someone.


Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#12Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] Empty Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:12 pm

Kenzo Valens
The male made his way the fastest he could down the stairs. It would become a real pain in the ass if they managed to tear down the iron bars before he arrived. The 4 men standing guard readied their magic spells and swords as they heard the Bellan mercenary making his way down them. However, he was able to see their every move. Jumping just before he came into their line of vision, the male slashed mid jump as he surprised them from a direction they didn’t expect. The sword tore through the first of mage as the two holding swords tried to understand what was going on.

One of them slashed at Kenzo from the side, only for the warrior to take a step back, avoiding the arc of attack and grabbing his arm with his left hand. Crushing it with all his might, he felt the bones splintering and turning into dust in an instant. The surviving mage summoned a red magical circle all around them, alerting Kenzo of an incoming fire spell.

The male planted his feet without letting go of the arm in his hand and lunged towards the mage before he finished bringing up the incantation. Closing the gap between them in an instant, he impaled the mage through the elbow with the sword in his other hand, pinning him against the wall before throwing the still captive swordsman in his hand against him.

The men trying to break free the iron cell understood they’d need to take care of Kenzo before attempting to continue their jailbreak job. However, the blue haired man’s menacing look signaled it wouldn’t be an easy job. In the end, it was a massacre.

Only two of the invaders had survived, the scene left in the hallway sent a chill down Kenzo’s spine. Lifeless bodies littered the stone floor that was now stained in blood. It had been a while since he felt such a rush.


[2528/2500] Done!

Gang Warfare - Gang Warfare I - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS

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