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No Stone Unturned - Miyamoto Akuma [Quest]

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#1Miyamoto Akuma † 

No Stone Unturned - Miyamoto Akuma [Quest] Empty Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:57 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
As Akuma opens his eyes for the first time today, he quickly remembers that he has an appointment with Mattoro, he needs Akuma for something but will tell the details when they meet each other. But this time, Akuma doesn’t have to go looking for Mattoro, he will send one of his men to reach Akuma and lead him to their hideout in the outskirts of Baska. So Akuma got up from his bed and got ready to go. So Akuma takes a shower and gets dressed, he then takes his sword to sharpen it before he goes with Mattoro’s man. He takes his time to sharpen his sword, to really take good care of it. He took around 1 hour to take care of his sword, and when he’s done with his treatment for his sword he gets out of that room to find out that Mattoro’s man is waiting for him for the last one hour. “Sorry, I was really focused on taking care of my sword, it takes time but it’s always worth it.” After saying sorry to that guy, Akuma asks that guy to lead him now to see Mattor in the hideouts of Cold Colliers, and he starts to lead Akuma.


#2Miyamoto Akuma † 

No Stone Unturned - Miyamoto Akuma [Quest] Empty Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:57 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
When they arrived at the hideouts of the Cold Colliers, that guy allowed him to get into that abandoned warehouse. This is the hideout of the Cold Colliers and Mattoro is the leader of them. When he is there, he finally meets Mattoro there. “Akuma, my favorite person I ever known, come here come here.” Says Mattoro to greet Akuma. “Mattoro, just get to the business will you? I don’t have much time to waste here.” Says Akuma. “This is why I like you, you always get to the point. Well, I need you to find out the details about three contractors named Kalaus, Giroud and Frankan. They will have a meeting in four days, where they will be gathering all in one place. But I can’t give you information about where that meeting will be held because we don’t have the information. In three days leading to that meeting, those contractors will arrive in Baska. You can do it however you like, all I need you to do is get as much information about the three of them. When you have the information we need, you need to come back here to give us that information and to claim your reward for doing this request from me.”


#3Miyamoto Akuma † 

No Stone Unturned - Miyamoto Akuma [Quest] Empty Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:58 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
“I’ll get back here soon, I won’t wait for that meeting to claim my rewards, that’s the only reason why I want to meet you anyway.” Says Akuma while he walks out of that base of Cold Collier. Akuma then went back to his place and took a rest for today. The next day, he woke up early and went directly to the Station. He stayed there and looked for the information about those three names he got. He did this for the whole three day, gathering every detailed information he could get about those three names he got. Akuma got their name, their full name, their fashion style, their detailed appearance, their place in Baska. Akuma gets all this information after following them for a few days in total. With this information, Akuma gets back to Cold Collier base and reports to Mattoro. When he arrives there, he tells all the information he gets and all the details to Mattoro and uses a magic item to perfectly recreate the face of those three contractors. Mattoro is satisfied with the detailed information that Akuma gives, so he gives Akuma the rewards he deserves. After taking his rewards, Akuma left that place and just disappeared from there.


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