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Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ]

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#1Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:11 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
Akuma finally arrives in Orchidia after traveling from one city to another all the way to Era, except Crocus. Akuma was really upset that he had to get back to Orchidia before he could get to Crocus to explore and experience it. But Akuma chose to put that aside instead of forcing it and exploring it only in a short time. So here he is in Orchidia being a little bit tired after the trip he took. He should be going back home straight away and taking a rest to recharge his energy for tomorrow to do the job, the reason why he has to get back here in an instance. But instead of doing that, he chose to walk around Orchidia city. He kinda misses this city, it’s normal remembering that he has been away for a pretty long time, but he is grateful for this feeling and for his journey, because if he just stays in this city the whole time, he won't be able to experience and explore the other town and the other area. He won't be able to meet some new people, or that water dragon slayer named Zexion who fights alongside him against the lightning dragon slayer.


#2Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:11 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
Maybe he won't be able to see and slay a wyvern, or to meet and see a dragon like creature, finding out later that his name is Daragast and he is pretty famous in Era. The point is Akuma won’t be able to learn more about this world if he only stays in Orchidia this whole time. His journey is what makes him who he is now, with good and bad experiences, Akuma learns how to get stronger, he learns how to face other people, he learns a lot of things. That whole journey that he took all this time makes him miss this town so bad, he doesn’t notice that feeling while he is away from Orchidia. But he feels that way when he arrives back here, how much he misses the vibe of this town. He misses even the smallest details about this town. He misses the vibe of the station where he first arrived here from Joya, and starts living here, as that station is also the last area he saw from Orchidia before he explored the world and started his journey. The crowd, the noise, the people in this station is something that is irreplaceable for Akuma.


#3Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:12 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
He also misses the streat of Orchidia, this old and overgrown city. The street with ears, where there are always people listening to your private conversation. The street with dark alleys full of shady people offering shady stuff, or the street with a lot of dangerous thugs and pickpockets happen so many times. With a lot of memories to be remembered by Akuma, the street of this old Orchidia is holding a big part of Akuma’s life. The market of Orchidia is another different stories and memories for Akuma, especially with his journey in culinary and sword making art. The area of Orchidia market is safer than the streets in this town because guards tend to patrol around this market area. There are a lot of stalls here, which means a lot of things you can buy from something essential for your life or even something with no purpose of use at all, a lot of useless stuff. Not just merchants that sell food, there are a lot of other things like snacks, furniture, decorations, fashion stuff, magic items, weapons and armory, you can find literally anything in this market. There are also some good blacksmiths that sell some equipment or they can also make something based on your request.


#4Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:12 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
Akuma takes his time to walk around Orchidia before he gets back to his apartment and takes a rest. He walked on the main street of Orchidia, observing the surroundings looking for some change that might happen while he was away from town. Looking at the building around the streets and noticing that this town is still the same as how he left it before he started his journey. He also went to Orchidia market to explore it at least once. He visited some of the old merchants that he used to visit, testing the food and feeling nostalgic about it. He walked around the market looking at some other merchants that weren't here before he left, also tried to gain some details about what they’re selling as he might be interested in buying some of their items. After taking his time exploring the Orchidia market and feeling nostalgic about it, Akuma finally decided to get back home and take a rest that he really needed. When arrives at his apartment, he can remember all the memories in that place. “Long time no see Akuma, where have you been? I heard that you’ve been strolling around Fiore from one town to another, is that true?” Ask someone coming out from another room next to Akuma’s.


Last edited by Miyamoto Akuma on Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:13 am; edited 1 time in total

#5Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:12 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
“Ah yea hi, I’ve been traveling around, exploring some towns of Fiore but not every single one of them, and here I am back at Orchidia because of something urgent that needs to be dealt with. How are you doing?” says Akuma to that guy from the next room. That guy answered Akuma, “I am doing fine, I was just hearing news about you from the other people living in this apartment. When did you arrive?” “I arrived this morning, and I was just strolling around Orchidia and visited some places that I miss the most. Do you mind if I head in and take a rest? We can talk some other day.” says Akuma. “Oh sure thing, sorry that I stopped you from taking your rest, go on have a nice sleep” answer that guy. Akuma then walks into his room and says bye to that guy from the room next door. As he gets inside his apartment, he puts down his stuff in their places, he also takes a hot shower to relax his body before he gets to bed. When he finishes cleaning himself, he is finally ready to go to bed and take the rest he needs tonight.


#6Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:14 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
The night finally passed and the sun started to rise up and Akuma woke up from his slumber full of energy and ready to start his day. Akuma gets up from his bed and walks towards the window in his room, and he opens the window and takes a look at the view outside his window. At that moment he notices how much he misses the view from his window, looking at the morning situation on the street full with people walking around starting their day and doing their business for the day. This morning view is something that he used to see every single day, every time he wakes up the first thing he always does is to open up his window and see outside. Now that he gets to see this view again, he remembers the enjoyment from seeing the people of this town being active and making a crowd all over the town. He also says hi to some people he knows from the window, some of them are shocked because Akuma is already back at the town, and some others heard the news about it already. It might be weird to see some people are nice to Akuma since he is basically a criminal or known for his bad history, but to some other people he is basically their hero.


#7Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:14 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
After enjoying the view from his window, Akuma decided to prepare himself to start his day, he started taking a shower and getting dressed, and after he got dressed he took his sword and walked out of his room and out of his apartment. Now Akuma is outside and he sees the street and the people passing through it. This is his first morning in Orchidia after a long time not being here in this town, and he likes to feel these feelings again. And this is finally the time for him to take care of dome business, the reason why he has to get back to Orchidia in an instance. He has to start walking to one restaurant near the area to meet with someone, and that someone is the one that will pay him to do his request, so Akuma starts heading towards that restaurant and observing the area while enjoying the view at the same time. As he walks on the way to the meeting point, he looks around the area, looking at the old buildings on the side of the street. Those big old buildings do bring back memories for Akuma remembering all the stories he made back then.


#8Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:15 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
Because he put his attention to the buildings around him and not the street, he arrives at the restaurant without even noticing. As he arrives at the restaurant, he can see the man he is supposed to meet there, so when Akuma sees him there, he walks into that restaurant straight away. As he walks in there, that man stands up from the chair and shouts really loud to Akuma “FINALLY YOU ARE HERE, COME HERE FAST I NEED YOUR HELP AGAIN!!!” and everyone turns their head and looks at that guy. Akuma shakes his head and starts walking towards that man. That man is the wealthy land owner of the building that was full of giant rats and their leader in the sewer under that building. “Stop shouting, people are looking this way because of your loud voice you stupid!” Says Akuma to that man. “What can they do about it anyways? Nothing, I own this place, and they all are only customers here, they can leave if they don’t like what I did!” answers that man to Akuma. “Alright, now what do you want from me anyway? I helped you already a long time ago.” Ask Akuma to that man.


#9Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:15 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
“It’s a good thing that you remember me and my request in the past because this request will also be related to that quest you did for me a long time ago. So after the rats and the leader under the sewer are killed by you, that building gets the renovation and replacement for the future usage of a drug store, but after a few months, the giant rats started to show up again. It started with one or two giant rats getting into that building from the underground attacking my worker while they were decorating and fixing that building.They also shows up out of nowhere and start taking some stuff and things from that building. It becomes more dangerous from time to time, and I need to make sure my workers are safe, that’s why I need you. I want you to take care of those giant rats one more time and hope that this team really puts this to an end.” That man explains all the details about the current situation that he’s facing right now. Akuma is pretty sure that this should not be possible since he made sure that he killed all the giant rats and even their leader.


#10Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:16 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
Unless, this is another group of giant rats that might come from the other end of the sewer, or maybe they found that place and take that sewer as their place to hide from the upper ground. “Alright, since it was me who cleaned that place before, I feel responsible for this situation and I’ll take care of it again. But it won't be free, I demand even more prizes as my rewards this time. Deal?” ask Akuma to that man. “Money is not a problem at all, as long as you can take care of those giant rats for me, I’ll pay you better than last time.” says that man to Akuma. Since both of them now reach an agreement, they both start walking to the building full of the giant rats. On their way to that building, they discuss what they need to do about those giant rats. “What will you do this time about those giant rats?” ask that man to Akuma. “Well I will do pretty much the same as what I did last time. But this time I will let you know when I’m done and make sure that you make something strong enough to block that way in and out so this problem should never happen again in the future.”


#11Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:16 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
“But if this one day happen again, don't be shy to contact me to clean it again.” Added Akuma again. “I’ll make sure to block that hole this time, so please do your part of the deal and we’re good” Says that man. They finally arrive at that building, it looks a little bit different from the last time Akume went here to deal with the same problem as now, guess it’s true that this building is in the renovation process. “Well you do you now, I’ll leave you here to take care of those giant rats and their boss. I’ll prepare my man to close that hole later when you are done with them.” Says the man to Akuma while he walks away from that building and Akuma. Akuma then walks closer to that building and stops in front of that building’s door, he opens that door and a giant rat suddenly runs towards him trying to attack him. With his quick reflexes, Akuma moves aside and slices that giant rat right on it’s neck area, killing it in an instance. It’s weird that only one giant rat is trying to attack Akuma and not followed by the other, and the other rats just keep walking normally in that building like nothing happened.


#12Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:17 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
Seeing this weird situation, Akuma takes his time to think this out, but when he was about to look at the previous rat that he just killed, that rat vanished into the air. This is weird, these giant rats might just be a spell or a magic. When Akuma is thinking, one other giant rat starts running towards him and tries to attack him like before, but Akuma can slice it easily and kill that rat, and the dead body of that rat starts vanishing into thin air again, and again, the other giant rats are just strolling around like nothing happened. Akuma then starts to walk towards the hole from last time, and the hole is still there wide open no wonder those rats are still around and able to get in this building again. Knowing where to find the leader of these giant rats, Akuma walks down that hole following the path all the way in until he finds the sewer. He then follows the path of that sewer and he ends up at the same place as the last time he went there. As he follows that path, he arrives in a big hall-like area, probably the middle area of the sewer.


#13Miyamoto Akuma † 

Pest Control II-Miyamoto Akuma [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:17 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
In the middle of that area, he can see a bigger rat than the others and that must be the leader of those giant rats. Akuma feels really familiar with this situation, but last time he was surrounded by a lot more giant rats instead of facing their leader one on one. Well this seems easier than before, and he can see that the leader of the giant rats is ready to fight him one on one. They both then start running towards each other, with Akuma’s speed, it looks like he approaches that giant rat. While running, Akuma snaps his finger summoning a magic seal on top of his head, from that seal he creates multiple shards of light, in the shape of a sword, and throws it towards the leader of that giant rat, and attacks it straight away. Akuma then slash the neck of that giant rat and kill it in an instance. The leader of the giant rats vanishes into the thin air just like the two he killed earlier. He saw the stuff that those giant rats stole the whole time, he looked at those stuff and kept some important looking item for himself before he walked back and arrived on the upper ground. At the upper ground, the owner of this building is already waiting for Akuma and ready to block the only way to the sewer, and when he sees Akuma walks out from that hole, he commands his man to quickly close that hole and make sure it will be super secure. As their deal, Akuma asks for his rewards and leaves that place.


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