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Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith]

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#1Kazimir Seiryu 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:47 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Kaz waited at the entrance to the crimson quarter He carried a small bag with him that had a white cloth flopped out of one corner. As before, he sent word to Judith about meeting him in the quarter for an assignment. One of his first since being back in the country and retackling his guild master responsibility. Even if it seemed the previous master didn't do much groundwork herself.

He leaned against an archway and kept glancing back at a building. It was a large restaurant with dozens of people moving in and out of. Small groups of well-dressed people moved down an alley next to the building and into a side door, that was guarded by a bouncer. It building was three stories high and windows lined each floor, but most of them had satin curtains pulled shut, to block any unwanted sight.

A wagon rolled up to the back entrance and stocky workers dropped out of the back to unload the boxes and metal cookware. One by one that brought loads of it into the back entrance.

Kazimir scanned what he could of the building. A fire escape climbed up one side and a chimney puffed smoke from the top.

WC 200

Last edited by Kazimir Seiryu on Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:02 am; edited 1 time in total

#2Judith Karlinius 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:11 pm

Judith Karlinius
Was it entirely the brightest idea to bring Judith to a guild mission? Maybe not, She was many things, a highly skill mage meant for the normal typical ground of the busy working mage life and excitement and danger she was not. But nonetheless Judith agreed only because it got out her out of the house, not like there was much at Fairy Tail going on anyway.

At least Judith was ever late, or well she was never late when she was never given an allotted time, So kind of hard to be late when that is the case at least in her mind.

But she was quiet on her feet and moving around, Since some how she figured out how to get around here. Taking her time to make sure not to attract attention to herself, It was good this way even if Judith had a way around it acting clueless or lost. Even if she was not anymore.

Eventually Judith would reach the point being close enough to Kazimir for the sake of the task at hand, Which having a feeling Kazimir might have a solid plan of how to go about whatever they needed to do here.


#3Kazimir Seiryu 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:06 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
"Ah Judith," Kazimir replied with a smile at seeing his guildmate arrive. "Glad that you were able to make. Are you ready for the plan?" He asked and extended the bag to her and pointed toward the back of a clothing store next to them that had a changing room. The bag had a piece of white cloth sticking out of the bag. Kazimir opened it and rose the cloth out, holding it in front of Judith, revealing that it was a chef's apron.

"This is an undercover operation," he then pulled out the chef's hat and some small odds and ends to add to the outfit. There was even a rolling pin, but he wasn't sure why it came with one, but better safe than sorry.

"You can sneak in with the people that are unloading stuff as a chef that is late to the event. I've already detained the other chef whose spot you are taking," Kaz pointed to behind a dumpster that had a man tied up but was sitting on a bundle of blankets for comfort and a rune knight page sitting beside him. "I called in a small favor."

The men had a good amount of time before they would finish. Giving Judith plenty of time to change and sneak in with them.

#4Judith Karlinius 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Wed Aug 18, 2021 6:40 am

Judith Karlinius
It seemed, like everything was already planned for Judith, Pondering to herself did she really was that good of an actor. Undercover missions and arrests was this exactly what Judith was a master at? Then again rather having her continually wondering these things with in her always shattering thoughts to herself.

Then again it just showed, Everyone had their tricks and ways to get situations done and open for things they needed to do. Then again at least with Judith the best part of willing to work with other is how she could figure out how you can figure out how to work with it.

She had to ponder for a moment."Will...this attire fit me? Either way give me a few minutes."Which was a good question to ponder, But she took the things needed for her ruse and went to quietly find a spot to figure out and fit the clothing. Considering Judith it was most likely not going to be much time.

Even not questioning about the rolling pin either, Since it was maybe a motivational rolling pin, Which could be a good thing to work with, Since it would help with plan, At least so far in thought.

With everything she had going on, Maybe this plan would show more she could do, That she just never had too. Putting the hat on and having herself a moment to see if it would stay and had figure out how to make all of this fit. The most upset and angry Kazimir could have ever heard Judith speak Kazimir heard."What is going on here?! I Needed these supplies almost two hours a go!"everything was in motion.



Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Thu Aug 26, 2021 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

#5Kazimir Seiryu 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Wed Aug 25, 2021 6:35 am

Kazimir Seiryu
"Take your time. See you on the inside," Kazimir left as his final words before Judith left to change and infiltrate the building. He was excited to see what kind of actions the healer mage would take. She didn't often do operations like this but the guild master wanted to expand the horizons of Judith and see what all she was capable of doing.

He perched behind the wall and waited as Judith reappeared in full uniform. She came out swinging in an almost unexpected way. Her tiny fury cocked Kazimir's eyebrow in a bit of surprise. "Well," he whispered to himself. As the healer berated the staff, they scrambled and apologized. With more pep in their step now, they rushed the rest of the gear to the inside. This was a perfect position for Judith as she had to go I, doing what she was great at already. Cook.

Kazimir shrouded himself in darkness and slipped by the men that finished unloading the truck. His movements were soundless and he was invisible. He passed by Judith with a faint whisper, "I'll be near." And he slipped himself into the kitchen where the staff was running around confused and needing direction. Through a small window, the dining room was filled with people and a few men sat on a balcony overlooking it all.

WC 230

#6Judith Karlinius 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Fri Aug 27, 2021 6:59 am

Judith Karlinius
It was just stage one so to say, Since Judith was just gaining ground upon the understanding she could do this and well, She could also be much more serious and in some manner, horrifying to witness. Judith was just getting her role going and weather this would benefit her or not, There was no going back now. She would expand upon it in a more, bossy manner.

Maybe in some manner of her life she could have been like this before, but it had been many years. At least from what she remembered. So Judith continued just as she thought it would work, They where rushing, But just not as how she wanted them too.

So."Hurry up! everything is going to be late soon!"Keeping in mind she needed to act like everything was late. So Judith would act like she came to the reality that everything was now in fact late.

Now even more to the dismay of everyone working, Judith sounded even more upset and angry."How Slow are you people, It is already late!"Judith was now starting to fit into that requested roll"If we don't get this done faster, I will make sure all of you will regret it!"Judith sounding more commanding, angry and upset. was now trying to make this progress as planned.


Total: 705.

#7Kazimir Seiryu 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:06 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Kazimir leaned against a wall and smiled as the healing mage let out a furry of scolds to the workers. She had really leaned into the role that she was here to play. It seemed more effortless than Kaz had thought it would have been. The wind mage sucked in his gut and pressed against the wall as a man rushed by hi, with a silver platter in his hands. He was running out orders before Judith could yell at him again.

The men in the balcony slowly worked their way to the main floor and began to mingle with people. One table had well-dressed patrons at it and they slid some envelopes between each other. One man pushed open the doors of the kitchen and dodged a man that was running out. He fixed the lining of his suit and looked around till he found Judith.

"Who are you? Are you the Chef we requested," he asked confused and a little on edge. kazimir took the chance to slid through the door way and put himself closer to one of the tables.

The mafia man in the suit waited for Judith's reply and if she pulled off the disguise he would shrug, "Well we need that table served first," he pointed to the well-dressed table. "And we'll need the freezer," he snapped his fingers at some henchmen to head that way.

Wc 240
total 870

#8Judith Karlinius 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:41 am

Judith Karlinius
A freezer? no one mentioned a freezer, Well none the less Judith still had some what of a plan and idea of how she went about it. It was not that horrible she just needed to adjust quickly, Which would entirely be easy to play off, So that exactly what she would do. Since well sometimes is the trick is the one who was never expected to be able to do it.

So now almost like Judith had been long prepared for this situation. Did she needed to act just as serious. Since well in this situation she did not know if whom she was speaking too new the persons name ahead of time, So Judith would just lie."I am that in which you requested."Hoping that they did not call a name that in which she took the clothing of, She did not seen check for a name tag.

Judith would now have to hope when the men went for the freeze, something was planned because Judith did not have anything she could come up with. Just going along walking forward to the table she was requested for, To wait to see what would be asked of her to do. If any ruse was perfect having Judith as a high end chef was just rather fitting for the moment.


total: 926

#9Kazimir Seiryu 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Sat Sep 04, 2021 2:21 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
The man nodded at Judith, "Good," he replied and walked into the freezer with the men behind him. Kaz snuck by and followed the men into the freezer where another man was waiting. The group cuffed the man to a fridge and circled around him. The leader fixed his coat and pulled the collar of his jacket up around his neck.

Outside, when Judith arrived at the table she would overhear them speaking. A woman spoke first, "It's a shame the bribe wasn't cheaper. paying off a judge is hard work."

"Yes, and we still have the other to worry about. We're gonna just call a hit on him right?" The group exchanged looks and shrugged. They didn't seem to care that Judith was there, assuming she was the same person that was supposed to be their chef.

"Thank you," the woman said to Judith. "And we would also like to order a hit on Judge Evanston." The woman slid Judith the menus back and waited for her reply. It seemed that the chef of this place was in charge of processing and ordering hits between wealthy people and assassins and now Judith had to deal with the interaction.

Wc 215
Total 1080

#10Judith Karlinius 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:06 am

Judith Karlinius
If anything Judith was now curious how much longer this ruse needed to be active for. Because just how much longer did she have to consider, So if anything this was a long shot of a guess to say next and she was starting to assume this might be a horrible line to say.

When exactly was the right time to speak here? since she was entirely clueless about that, she was an actual cook, not a hit woman or processing anything of the sorts like this normally.

Continually just keeping quiet for a moment. Listening as contently as she normally thought he would. With the question brought to her she only assumed to agree with what was spoken."I do believe it might be best."Internally praying that it was the correct answer, If not well hopefully Kazimir was ready  because Judith was unsure how well this situation will continue going.

And well now, seemingly she had to now process hits when she had no idea how to, to start with. It is almost something even more nerve racking. Since she had to figure that out now, Trying to keep to up the ruse and just say."Very well, It will be done."With that Judith would quietly walk away to figure out where she would go to start this process.



#11Kazimir Seiryu 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:35 am

Kazimir Seiryu
The men began to interrogate the cuffed man. One of them reared back a fist and slammed it into the man's face. "Tell us where our stolen goods are right now," the leader barked and that was all Kaz needed to hear. The man pulled back his fist once more and Kaz darted forward and a giant gust of wind whirled around them and dropped them to their knees. The cuffed man opened his eyes only to see the freezer door open and shut as Kaz snuck back out.

The wind mage walked toward Judith who was returning from the table in the front. "Did you hear anything," he whispered and walked beside her. The wind mage's eyes were still on the table of people that had asked Judith to order the hit. Once Judith told Kaz about the interaction, he would respond, "That's all we needed. There is a man in the freezer that needs your help and some unconscious mobsters that need to be tied up."

Kaz stepped into the main room, still invisible and conjured wind that burst through the window and scattered the food. In the chaos, he swooped in on the table and battered them with more wind, and snatched up the leader that had ordered the assassination.

In the back, the staff were getting nervous and dropped what they were doing. The door guard rushed in from the outside.

WC 240
Total 1320

#12Judith Karlinius 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Wed Sep 08, 2021 10:09 am

Judith Karlinius
Was this the change in the tide that Judith was hoping for? Yes, It seemed these things could be settled now. They had a fair amount to go off of in terms of what was going on here, So it was a matter of how everything was done.

Since blending in and walking was working well, she would just act that normal until finding Kazimir and well they would talk from there. So now it was just asked of her if she heard anything."I heard a few things that are fairly deadly."She was putting it lightly as normal of her.

But she would not waste time."It appears they are planning a murders, One being noted of Judge Evanston."Judith did not sound worry about it, After all it seemed if anything with this information she would be more then ready and prepared to foil these plans.

So they were pretty much changing up places."I will go deal with that right away, I assume you have a plan for the unruly."There were better words but Judith was just far too polite as always.

So now she would head off to what else needed to be done, No doubt Kazimir was about to cause a storm anyway, So it was best to get out of his way.

What else would Judith do then well start tying up the ones who were out, in mental order of things to do. It would take a bit longer then most people because Judith was making sure these knots were done right, Then she would move on to the man in the freezer."Greetings I am Judith of Fairy Tail, I will start working healing you up, Then we will see about leaving."Judith still acting so casual like the chaos behind her was not happening at all when it most likely was.


Total: 1463

#13Kazimir Seiryu 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:05 am

Kazimir Seiryu
"Planning murders?" he nodded and looked out the small window that looked into the dining room. "Nice work Judith. I know you were perfect for the job." He stepped closer to the door and let Judith go to take care of her next part. "Yeah I have something in mind," Kaz smiled back at her, them both knowing what he was about to do.

The wind mage stormed out and dealt with the group. The patrons scattered and Kaz held the leader in his hands. She hovered by an invisible force until the darkness swept away around Kazimir. The wind obscured anyone else from seeing him become visible. "I'm Kazimir of Fairy Tail and you have some things to answer for," he said.

The woman reached for Kaz's face. Her hand lit on fire. The wind mage quickly dashed upward. The woman panicked and her hands dropped to her side. The mage launched her upward and sent blades of wind that knocked her out cold. Kaz landed and then caught her unconscious body. The rest of the table laid out from the first attack and Kaz set her down beside them and tied them up.

"That's done. Now to check on Judith," he pulled the group of murderers to the kitchen and set them next to the ones that Judith had already tied up. Kaz looked back as the dining room erupted with more noise. "You're under arrest," a rune knight yelled into the dining room. As planned, they had arrived to take care of the rest.

The hurt man huddled closer to Judith and held her hands with tears in his eyes, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," He let her go so she could heal him.

Kazimir walked into the freezer with Judith, "Alright. Looks like we can make our way out of here when you're ready," Kaz said.

The two of them could now leave and collect their reward from helping the rune knights take out the gang.

"Let's celebrate somewhere," Kaz said with a smile

WC 320
Total 1640


#14Judith Karlinius 

Underground Associates [Quest-B rank] [Judith] Empty Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:55 am

Judith Karlinius
It seemed it all worked out in the end to well exactly as planned, who would have guessed a small cook in Fairy tail and her guild master might have just foiled this plan, Well Judith would not have assumed at all in general.

It was just be Judith and Kazimir show some how just heard of this and kind of went and ruined all of this. Trying not to judge it in the end because Judith felt better about helping some one live and ruin some horrible plotting to start with.

Judith just easily not really paid much attention to whatever she heard in the background, Which to anyone else was most likely unnerving. But Judith had people to help, Jobs to get done and a life to live.

So to make sure this person was okay and able to live on Judith would cast a spell for him, just so it would be a good fore sure that this person was okay.

"Yes, just one moment."So with Kazimir ready to go Judith would just cast that simple spell. Nature's Tender Touch. Which was one of the ones Kazimir had been yet to see, Then they would leave quietly for their rewards,after healing this made and leaving the area.




Spells Used::

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