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Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest]

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#1Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:48 pm

Kenzo Valens
”Heh” it was a simple expression that came out of the blue haired man as he stood at the aftermath of a fierce battle. Kenzo stretched both arms above him as he twisted his torso, cracking the bones on his back. ”Nothing like a bit of butt kicking to get the blood flowing.” The mercenary eerily said as he looked at the terrified man locked up in the jail cell at the end of the hallway. Blood was splattered all across the room, staining the walls and iron bars of the cells of the Era Dungeon. A gust of wind blew past Kenzo from the outside. The mercenary approached the spot where a wall once stood, now littered with the motionless bodies of two hooded men.

When he got within a couple of meters from the speechless prisoner, Kenzo simply chuckled. His tongue came out of his mouth before running along the sharp fangs lining up the right side of his cheek. A stain of blood covered the lower end of the jaw, almost as if it has taken a bite out one of the intruders. The male swiped a drip of blood with his tongue slowly. ”Well, well well…”

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#2Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:40 am

Kenzo Valens
An ominous aura came out from the evil looking jawbone. An oppressive feeling came out of it, one the mercenary was quite aware of. It was always the same after he took a taste for blood. The fangs on his cheek grew sharper, almost as if they wanted to keep drinking. As Kenzo took a glance at the comrade the invaders had wanted to bust free, Kenzo saw fear reflected out of his eyes. Fear that materialized at the look of the devil in front of him. His jaw gave off a terrifying bloodlust that was able to completely paralyze the man.

”Hoh?” Kenzo playfully muttered as he rose a brow theatrically, as if he had just noticed something important. ”Seems like it’s still thirsty for blood.” The bellan warrior said as he menacingly approached the steel bars of the cell, placing his two hands at his sides, pressing his face closer to the man inside. ”You better make yourself useful. I’m pretty sure the warden will have no trouble allowing it to satiate it’s thirst if you turn out to be useless for the investigation.” Kenzo spoke with a smile on his face, opening his mouth to the side.

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#3Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:40 am

Kenzo Valens
Just as the male gave off his final threat at the would-be escapee, the Rune Knights of the building arrived to save the day. A troop of over a dozen people entered the floor from the bottom stairs. The door at the end of the hallway had been barricaded and sealed by one of the invading mages, so it was of no surprise they needed to take a detour. Yet, they had arrived too late to save anyone. Or be of any use for the matter. Maybe Kenzo ought to use them as an example for the criminal he was going to later investigate.

”Everything clear sir! It seems like the have failed their prison break mission. The number of escaped invaders is-” the senior Rune Knight spoke to his lacrima communication device hastily, as peace keepers usually did. It didn’t take long for the young knight to stop in his tracks though, just as the images from the attack were processed in his mind. Kenzo simply crossed his arms, laying his back against the cell and making a circle with his left hand, while keeping his right arm crossed.

”It seems the amount of escaped invaders is ze- zero…”


Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#4Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:40 am

Kenzo Valens
”Well... I can see how a person such as yourself exists. You sure you’re a member of Blue Pegasus?” Captain Gallent asked with a serious tone as he poured yet another cup of tea for himself back at his office. Kenzo chuckled as he sat at the opposite end of the desk, waiting for a second before taking a sip from the Oolong he was having. ”Ah captain… I must remember you just hired me for a very generous sum if I may add. This is simply the way I show my thanks for the Rune Knights patronage. I hope you’re pleased with the results~” Kenzo’s voice came out with his usual, carefree tone. Nearly bordering what could be interpreted as a mock.

”Humph! I think you enjoyed yourself far too much to simply call it a job well done. I’m going to have trouble explaining the higher-ups the reason behind the redecoration you gave the floor by painting it red.” Gallent’s words came out cautiously, as they should be from a person his stature. After all, Kenzo knew he had a point. While he pretended it was nothing, Kenzo was very well aware that his actions crossed a line.

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#5Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:41 am

Kenzo Valens
It had been a long time since it had last happened. Almost around the same time Kenzo had arrived at Fiore a couple of years ago. While it was way more common during his days working for the company, he’d simply attributed it to the crudeness of war. However, there was no excuse for what he’d just gone through. It was like a whisper, deep from within the confines of his mind. One that pushed his mind to the edge, to deliver itself. A whisper that urged him to let go of his inhibitions and revel in the midst of battle. A whisper that came from a voice mirroring his own. A whisper that resonated with the teeth lining his cheek.

”Regardless… Whatever the methods you’ve chosen the fact remains that you’ve delivered well above what I honestly expected.” Gallant’s words brought Kenzo back from the mental trip he was having. The male shook his head and took another sip of tea, convincing himself to leave the talk about whispers and jawbones for another time. ”I also don’t know what the hell you told the poor bastard the group was trying to free, but it appears he’s spilled the beans.”

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#6Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:47 am

Kenzo Valens
”Nothing much. Just a little of idle small talk” Kenzo winked at the warden as he downed the rest of his Oolong with a sip. Gallent chuckled at the man as he shook his head from side to side in disbelief. ”My investigators tell me it is the fastest interrogation the Era Dungeon has ever seen, so I hope you will be able to share the secret with me sometime.”

The two men burst into light laughter before Gallent intervened again. ”As such, we now have the information we were looking for.” The atmosphere between the two shifted into a more serious one as the two men prepared to speak about business once again. ”According to the report I just received, it appears the invading party were indeed members of the Spiders. The person they tried to break free is someone known in the underground as Dr. C.” Kenzo rose an eyebrow intrigued by the name. The codename was vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t quite remember where he’d heard it before. Shrugging away the thought, he nodded at the captain to continue. ”He’s one of the most infamous chemists in Fiore. And it seems he has developed a new drug.”


Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#7Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:48 am

Kenzo Valens
The story started to make sense by the second. It was weird for a criminal syndicate to go openly at war against the law. Even if criminals were idiots in a sense, most of them were still clever. You wouldn’t be able to last a second in that atmosphere if it was not the case. However, whenever money was involved, people tended to become apes; and there was no bigger source of income than a drug on demand. ”We captured the doctor in a raid a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, he was manufacturing drugs for one of the spiders. The attack was supposed to be payback for the matter. They weren’t too keen on their loss of income after all.”

Kenzo huffed at the thought. If those spiders were half as terrifying as captain Gallent made them out to be, the half assed attack they made just prior wouldn’t have ever taken place. There was definitely more to it than it met the eye. ”So, what’s the plan now?” Kenzo asked, burrowing himself deeper within the comfortable seat, crossing both arms.

”Dr. C. has been more cooperative than what we’d ever expected. Thanks to his intel, now we attack.”


Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#8Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:48 am

Kenzo Valens
Now. That was definitely more like it. Kenzo wouldn’t admit it, but he definitely was left thirsting for more action. The jawbone on his cheek started to ache at the thought. The warrior simply stood up, grabbed the adjudicated sword he fought before with and shot a look back at the captain. ”Shall we then?”

The preparations took a short while. Apparently Gallent was already prepared for a mission like this one. They’d been tracking the spider that was posted in Era, but they still needed to confirm his location before attempting any attacks. Now that the doctor had completely sold out his comrade, there was no time to waste. Gallent couldn’t afford letting too much time pass between the failed jail break attempt and their own raid on the villain’s hideout. For that reason, it wasn’t a strange thing that Kenzo and Gallent now stood atop a building a couple of hours later, crouching with their chest against the floor as the Rune Knight’s captain scouted the area with a magic spell. A set of blue magic circles materialized as he placed both hands together mimicking grabbing a pair of visors. His magic spell allowed him to see perfectly.


Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#9Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:48 am

Kenzo Valens
A couple of Rune Knight teams positioned themselves around the building, effectively surrounding every exit available. Kenzo quickly activated his white eye, trying to detect any underground passages going below the trap. Nothing came in sight. Nodding at captain Gallent, Kenzo extended his right arm just before directing magical energy through his hand. A glowing light enveloped the mercenary’s hand, materializing in a long, golden sword. It took a while, but Kenzo managed to convince the warden to let him use Masamune. Luckily, he agreed. Otherwise, the following fight would have turned to be something quite tricky.

The raid began with the signal given by the captain. The six squads of four Rune Knights each were at their posts waiting the signal. The target was an abandoned building at the industrial district. While it didn’t appear particularly special on the outside, it had been abandoned for ages. Or so the tale went.

A flash of water magic shot from the captain’s hand and into the sky. The water reached it’s maximum height before exploding in a wet Boom. Almost in sync, all teams charged at the building while a dozen of bright, red, magic circles lit the sky. Fire magic.


Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#10Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:49 am

Kenzo Valens
A barrage was instantly unleashed at all sides of the building. Thick concrete doors were shattered by the impact of almost a dozen explosions. The spells the Rune Knights used were quite impressive to be quite honest. Kenzo had fought countless mages in the past, so he knew these were not your typical run of the mill spells. However, the structure would not even bulge. Even as the concrete impressively crumbled and turned into dust from the impact of the spells, it simply revealed something far more impressive.

A glowing, purple miasma stood where the walls once did. It glowed with the night; twisting and turning as if it was almost alive. Sparks of dark and white surged from within the core and extended outwards in rhythm, almost like lightning, almost like a heart beating. Yet, the barrier would not bulge. As the walls fell, the purple magic was the only thing holding the roof in place. However, everything could be seen from the outside. Almost two dozen people lined up a couple of long tables. They were rolling a substance into paper cigarettes almost in a trance. None seemed to be bothered by the explosion, keeping at their work.


Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#11Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:49 am

Kenzo Valens
As Kenzo and Captain Gallent got closer, a lone figure stood up from a chair at the far end of the building. As soon as it started walking towards Kenzo and he captain, the workers acted in unison, as a colony of ants. Up close, Kenzo could notice their eyes glowing with the same purple hue of the wall. Whatever was going on, this was definitely the lone figure’s magic. The six squads of Rune Knights casted their spells once again, unleashing new barrage of fire magic at the wall.

The workers simply shrugged it off before continuing their task of rolling up cigars. The purple wall didn’t give up a single inch. As they started scratching their heads, the purple magic's caster got closer to the mercenary and the captain as she placed her hand on her mouth. Taking a couple of steps even closer, she suddenly burst into laughter as if she couldn’t hold back anymore. ”Bwaha… You knights really are stupid.” The woman had long purple nails, and she made sure to flaunt them by scratching the wall just at the other side with them. ”I can’t actually believe you fell for our trap you stupid stupid.”


Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS
#12Kenzo Valens 

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:49 am

Kenzo Valens
”There’s no way you’re crossing this barrier. And just about now the rest of the spiders should be breaking back at the Dungeon before coming here and wiping you out… But I guess that’s the most one could expect of the recently brought back from extinction Rune Knights.”

Captain Gallent scratched his head as he looked at Kenzo completely unaffected by the woman. ”You hear that? Seems like we’re on a time limit.” Kenzo chuckled, before pointing Masamune at the woman threateningly, while his voice remained relaxed. ”Does that mean that if we deal with you quickly we’ll be able to catch the others at the Dungeon”

The woman was definitely puzzled by both men’s reaction. ”Exactly… Which is the reason why you stupid stupid knights will be too late… No one can destroy this barrier. No one except me!” As the stupid woman triumphantly expressed her complete victory, she started shifting into the usual three point laughter that villains so commonly did. However, Kenzo didn’t have time for this. Touching the barrier with Masamune’s tip, he channeled some of his mana into it, before instantly breaking apart the seams of purple and black darkness.

”Wha-?” The woman was unable to finish her sentence as a face of fear crossed her face. ”Took you long enough… stupid.” Kenzo’s words were the last thing she’d ever hear.

The warrior had taken advantage of her sudden distraction by immediately lunging at her, piercing her heart with the golden blade in his hand. They didn’t have a lot of time to waste, so Kenzo would ask Captain Gallent for forgiveness at another time. For now, they had some spiders they needed to catch. After all, it would be rude of them not to greet them after going out of their way to knock at Era Dungeon’s door.

[2504/2500] Done!

Gang Warfare II - Solo [Quest] IgtZBYS

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