The monk had never truly entertained someone before - accidentally looking funny is the same as genuine comedy, at least to Poropo. Within the context of a professional show, Poropo felt as though he had nothing to elevate the mood of the audience aside from teachings of the Iron Deity, but even Poporo knew he would likely bore the audience with talking.
"I have an idea! I will visualize my journey-" Before Poropo could finish his pitch, he was hired.
"Great! People love journeys. You have a day to rehearse your schtick." Poropo's employer walked off to attend to another matter, leaving the befuddled monk questioning his decision.
Poropo was left to make a simpler decision - visualize his journey or visualize his journey to discovering the Iron Deity. Thankfully the choice was not real - both options were exactly the same. Poropo lived for the Iron Deity so now he just needed to "rehearse his schtick".
Pondering, the monk whispered, "I only have five minutes between performances to do my own performance. There are eight total performances so I have thirty minutes to tell my story."
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Last edited by Poropo Poproporp on Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:26 pm; edited 1 time in total