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Underground Assoicates [Quest: Lee]

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#1Lee Nakamura 

Underground Assoicates [Quest: Lee] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 1:33 pm

Lee Nakamura
The news had spread about many crime lords overtaking parts of the city. At least Karisa kept those within her walls safe from harm. Lee did not feel safe with her daughter outside of that. Hikari never dared step outside those walls unless she or someone from the guild is with her. The loss of her family and best friend overtook her mental health. She became a different person completely. The thirst for blood really consumed her. LeeAnn had gotten informed by a client needing a mage to wipe out a crimelord causing issues for everyone. He was known as 'the Spiritaker'. She accepted the job immediately. Nothing would make more happier than making someone shake in their boots.

"Ragtime, I need you to change my appearance. Overtake my body as you wish" she asked. Ragtime cackled, feeling her rage. Without hesitation, he took full control. He dyed her hair and tails blonde, her ears were no different. Usually, her eyes were a slightly darker shade of frost blue. This time Ragtime forced them to turn red. "That's better. I never knew I could do this. Alright, time to get to work" he spoke. Lee would make her way into the affirmed location, where 'the Spiritaker' would be hiding. He was terrorizing civilians and went as far as to kidnap young woman. Her informant told her that her alias would be "The Vulpin". Her cover was she was a top member of a crimelord's group. She had information about a 'drug trade' going on that would so call 'benefit him'. Lee played the part very well, or so Ragtime did. There were a few things she did pick up from the Blue Pegasus guild. Luckily, the guild mark was hidden at the base of her neck, which her outfit hid. Two men stood in front of a gate with Liam, hidden as her own personal guard. He apperance was completely changed as well.


Last edited by Lee Nakamura on Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

Underground Assoicates [Quest: Lee] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#2Lee Nakamura 

Underground Assoicates [Quest: Lee] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:21 pm

Lee Nakamura
The guards stared down at her with a scowl. A sweet smile appeared on her face with a innocent look in her eyes. Both guards looked at each other then back her. "You may not enter" One of the guards spoke down onto her. Though, she only giggled like a innocent girl who didn't know the word no. Pushing up herself against his chest with her showing cleavage. Tracing his jawlline, she bit her bottom lip. The guards obviiously fell for it like most men. This made her internally laugh. Ragtime made her nimble fingers poke his nose and look into his eyes.

"Do you have any clue who I am?" Her whispers tickled his ears, making him shiver. She could feel it under her fingers. A simple turn of her face became dark. LeeAnn grabbed his shirt collar and singed the fabric. The smell of burnt cotton filled the slayer's nostrils. The guard gulped while the other sheathed his sword at Lee. With one hand she grabbed Sting off her back and pointed at the guard. "Why don't we play nice, hm? I am here to see your boss. I am Vulpin. Now if you don't want to burn alive I suggest you take me to him. NOW" The tone in her voice made them comply with her orders. Now, they were in.

It was all too easy for both of them. Ragtime was the brains behind the operation. Lee was the performer. There was a dark, thrilling expression in her eyes that Liam began to fear. Even if he was with Lee for a short time, this was a look that he knew wasn't normal for her. The demi-human grew even more scarier as they neared the room with the crime lord inside. Ragtime seethed with anger that fed into Lee's emotions. Though, the expression of calmness hid their real intentions. Inside the large room, she stared to see there was decor of expensive artifacts of richess expressing how selfish the crime lord was. There were young girls, about ages of seventeen to her own age. This made her heart ache as they looked beaten spiritually and physically. Half-starved and covered in rags and chains. She knew exactly how that felt. It only confirmed her anger even more and justified her thoughts. The guy before her was disgusting. He was the typical crime lord with expensive clothing to resemble his status. There was not hiding anything for him. This was going to be easy.

He was sorting through a large pile of cash. This made her extremely angry that he was ignoring her. It wasn't until she cleared her throat that he then noticed her. "Oh, sorry. You're so small that I can barely see you beyond this large amount of cash" he laughed. Lee already as sick of this guy. He even bragged about how much money he had on his desk. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Let's cut to the chase, I have the information about the drug trade. Do you care to listen or play with you money?"

"Fine. Fine. Let's hear it" he smiled. He put his feet on the desk to show how relaxed he was. She raised her eyebrow. Lee sighed. "I want something in return, though. My boss does not like freebies" she spoke. He grinned a little and leaned forward. He got up and towered over Lee by almost a half of a foot. Lee, herself, was tall, but he was a tower. She didn't expect it, but she only remained serious. He leaned into her face and blew smoke that made her cough. In response, she flared her nostrils and embers emerged from her body not liking being dismissed. "Alright, what does your boss want?

Lee's finger point to the girls. He stared at her then at the enslaved girls then back at her. "Hm. Maybe, but..." he smiled. He circled her like a vulture with hungry eyes and staring at her figure. Most definitely, he liked what he saw. Spiritaker grabbed her face with one hand to force him to look into his eyes. He removed the sunglasses and grinned like a cat who ate the canary. "You I like. You're features are chiseled well. You are a healthy weight. That skin is fair and your chest are just...right. You would look good in my collection. We do specialize in your...kind as you can see. I could give you all you want, but you just become my slave for out clients, hm" he grinned. Lee's eyes started to glow red making Ragitme really angry.

"We get clients from all over Hosenka. Some who are here for vacation or just...need something. The girls are just locals who needed my help and in return they get a free place to stay. How nice of a guy am I? Drugs are great, but I really lured you here to get some information out of you. Ya know, I know who you are. If you tell me who ya working for, I will pay you handsomely.

"Liam!" Yelling her guard's name, Liam shoved his sword into Spiritaker's arm. This gave her the window of opportunity to attack. She grabbed Sting and shoved it through his torso and twisted it. The screams caused him to lurch back with the force of being pushed by LeeAnn. There was a sick expression into her eyes. A crazed love for making this guy scream. The girls looked away. "You think it's funny to treat women like that, huh? You have no idea who you're messing with ya milkdrinker" she scowled. Pulling her sword out of his stomach, he screamed. THe two guards whom were in the room, she pointed her fingers where she was below her feet with her right hand. A large magic circle appeared underneath her. In the right time, she casted the spell. While doing so, she opened both her hands with palms open at her sides. Two large fire dragon wings protected the girls and Liam right as she released the mine spell. LeeAnn took a part of the hit, making her burned in the process. Though a sick part of her was enjoying the pain. She stared at the girl with a nod to get out of there. Luckily, the girls gotten the message as she kicked the guard's sides. They were out cold. Then she turned to the crime lord. He held his stomach. LeeAnn grew a strange look in her eyes, Liam gulped.

"Who the hell are you?" He screamed at her. She grinned showing her fangs. LeeAnn pressed her two pointer figners on his treacha, causing him to choke. He used his free hand to grab her wrist. "Someone you don't want to cross" she whispered in a sweet voice. Her force became harder as she grinned. Lee let go and squatted next to him. She studied him seeing he was bleeding out from the stomach. Lee felt no mercy and simply stuck her sword into his stomach. She then placed Sting on her back.

Taking a strong stance, she formed both of her hands into a fists and put them in front of her face. The embers surrounded her body as her cloak flapped a little. Liam took a step back to avoid getting caught into the rage of his ladyship. "Burn in hell, you ass" she cried. She took a deep breath and casted a long stream of fire that was two meters in diameter. The fire scorched the Spirittaker's skin to third and first degree burns. His expesive outfits were burnt to a crisp. Everything in the room had taken some damage, but she didn't care. LeeAnn then took her boot and stomped on his wounds making him scream. It became music to her ears. Liam couldn't take his eyes off her. "You're a filthy piece of shit. I bet you do this to the girls don't ya? I thought you like pain? Aw. Well, a mashocist like me wouldn't allow that to happen" she smiled. Ragtime controlled her word and actions through all of this mission.

"Well, I will stop if you let me take the money that you have stolen to the authorties and tell me what you know about Solomon Nakamura?"

The Spiritaker begged her to stop and complied. "Take the money! Take the money! I have never heard tof that guy, but I do know one thing. He has a daughter. That's all I know" he cried. He cried for her to stop. Lee lifted her boot from his wounds and kicked him in the side. She felt herself again. Ragtime had really let loose this time. Though, she knew he grew angry if he saw people being treated like crap. In her opinion, they both went too far, but he did stael, cheat, kidnap, and hurt innocent people. A small laugh came from her then she grew into a long laugh. "Oh boy, you really are a card! You try to swoon me, or take control. People aren't property. No wonder you were so easy to tease and your goons were too well. A mage of my skill can read people like a book" she explained. LeeAnn grabbed the money and left with the authorties outside. The girls were covered with a blanket and being taken to a nearby inn for shelter. She pointed behind her as the Rune Knight dashed in there. LeeAnn saw the client outside. "Yo, over here. So they specialize in kidnapping and 'renting' out girls for a night if you get my drift. They stole a lot of money from people in teh surrounding area and made money through the girls. The girls were tricked to becoming his slaves saying he could help them. All of it is in here. He did try to tempt me. she explained. There was a severe painful look in her eyes of how much she could related to the girls being slaved for someone else's benefit, though not in the way they were utilized.




Underground Assoicates [Quest: Lee] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

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