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Distant Cooperation [Quest: Lee]

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#1Lee Nakamura 

Distant Cooperation [Quest: Lee] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 11:30 am

Lee Nakamura
After the other night with the crimelord getting his ass handed to him, she took another job immediately since she needed more time outside of the same four walls. It was a good stress reliever for her. Her eyes grew dark with stress and loss of what to do next. It was simple, she had to get a contract or letter delivered to pay the debt of a fellow seamstress. Simple right? Lee thought so too. A woman named Neru had to get this letter delivered. Ragtime cackled a little in her head like a hyena. "What the hell is so funny?" She wondered what the chaotic spirit found to be so amusing. He was again...random. Ragtime sighed and calmed down before explain that to her.

"Just thoughts about how Hikari literally has you wrapped around her finger. If there's anything your bad at is saying no to that girl" he laughed. Ragtime was not wrong since she could not disappoint her. There was a lot of guilt she felt for her daughter. Having a mother that was suffering and not able to provide the best and happiest life for her. She didn't have any father figure other than Ragtime. It was added to the fact she felt that she, as a figurative leader of her clan, lead her family to their deaths. Nothing would prevent her from denying that, no matter what they had said. It was hard for her to accept that she could of not prevented the deaths of her grandfather and Judina. They helped her, saw potential of life with her.

"Let's just deliver this letter and get this contract signed, okay? I don't want to keep Hikari waiting any longer" she spoke. They arrived on site where the client had spoken. This was the place Neru was located. She stared at the white envelope addressed to Neru. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door. It was a beautiful woman who was sewing some old dress someone had left in her care. Her eyes looked upon  hearing the bells chime. "Why hello, there. How many I help you today?" Her greeting smile quickly took a frown when Lee showed her the letter.

Without a word, she open the envelope. Her eyes scanned the letter with her face slowly distorting into a expression of irritation. She slammed the letter onto the counter once she was finished. A sharp stare at LeeAnn and demanded she wouldn't sign it. "Well, you're required to. Just sign it and we'll both be on our way" she spoke, calmly. It took a lot of restraining herself to not claw her eyes out. "I will eliminate you and all of the prop team before I sign this contract" she spouted. Instantly, she casted a spell that binded Lee with her thread magic. Quickly, her eyes turned red with Ragtime taking over. She was tired of playing nice, tired of being pushed around being other's plaything. She was alpha, she was the boss now. Instantly, she hissed.

"I must hand it to you, at least you're decently attractive for a demi-human" she laughed. This set of Ragtime to cast a spell. She was binded, but not fully as she was able to point her finger underneath where Neru was standing. with her right hand. She sustained it until the time was right. The good thing about having fire magic is you can burn things. Easily, Lee could burn through cloth and fabric without a problem, if she wasn't fully binding. LeeAnn thought about Hikari which refrained Ragtime going full blast on her like the crime lord from the other night. THough, this was the only spell that she knew that would free her and get this lady to listen.

"Fire Dragon: Mine" she whispered. A huge blast set her flying against the wall and causing A-rank damage to both her and LeeAnn. Lee in the long run could handle the burns. She was used to it, but still hurt though. She groaned.

"We have to stop doing that" she spoke as she got up. Neru was on the ground, Without a word, Lee grabbed Sting, her sword, and grabbed her hair. "Now are we going to listen? Or shall I give you a nice shave?" She pressed the tip of Sting onto her scalp. She slowly cut her hair. Neru refused to complie and casted her hand in a swift motion to the left. Her hair slipped out of Lee's grasp as a fist of threads aimed as Lee. Though, it only was a punch to the head. Lee stomped onto the woman's chest. She used Sting to stab her in the arm and twisted Sting ever so slight. The screams made her smile. "Treating people and using them is something I hate. Now will you comply?"

Lee waited until she gave in. "Okay...Okay...I will sign it. she plead. There was a scoff in her reaction. There was nothing more she wanted to do to the woman than just simply let her rot. It was people in this world than made her believe that there was not good left in humans. The only thing from stopping that was her own family. Her loving parents, her uncle, her cousins. They all cared for her and were there for her. The very thought of loosing all of that drove her to maddness. It had opened a path to lead her into a dark and dangerous path if she were not careful. The amulet glowed red with the eyes simply turning from a dark ruby to a bright crimson glow. It made her eyes turn even a brighter red.

"Hurry up, I don't have all day, you know? People like you make me sick. Why do I even bother my time with you" she scoffed. Turning away, she waited for the woman to sign the contract. Lee studied her burns were kinda severe. She could tell it hurt to move for her. This only made her laugh a little. Hestinatly, the other part of Lee felt bad for what she was doing. Internally, she felt she was fighting with herself on drawing the silver lining. Was Karisa safe with her around? No. She had to get out for the safety of her. Liam stood outside waiting for her, but came inside seeing her covered in blood like from last night, but not nearly as much.

His blue eyes grew even more of a concern for her. He was alwasy a silent man. Never said much. "My lady, will you be alright" he whispered to the slayer. Ragtime allowed Lee to answer before resuming control. "Liam, I am not. We'll talk about this when we get this job done and I will talk with you outside of the guild" she spoke. Liam nodded, not questioning her authority. NEru signed the papers and shakingly handed it to her. She gave a glare at Lee, as Ragtime resumed control. "There, get out of my sight! Never come back, all their debt is paid. If I ever have to see you again, I will not hesitate to eliminate you and your friend" she hissed. LeeAnn walked up and grabbed her by the shirt collar, now eye to eye with the demi-human.

Ever threaten my friends or family or me, I will not hestiate to burn you alive. Not kill you, but make your suffer so much you'd wish that you'll be dead" she whispered. It was the real LeeAnn speaking and not Ragtime. She grew to be even more ruthless with her words and actions as she had grown since the death of her Aunt Pasiley. The nice and happy person she once was became a ghost of who she watned to be. Now, she strives to keep that for her own daughter. Hikari needs to be that girl that Lee never became. Always positive and happy with a nice outlook on life. She threw Neru on the ground and walked away with Liam not too far behind. Liam had only known Lee for a few weeks, but he had already seen a change that he knew to be too quick. Too quick for it be natural. His mind geared as she quietly lead back to the client then guild, The prop manager seemed very relieved that thsi was done so quickly. The client paid her well and sent her on her way. The large gates of the guild opened to a five year-old dashing out. She wrapped her arms around her waist and demanded to hear about the mission. Lee gave a small smile and tiredly shook her head. She ruffled her daughters hair and nudged her away. Liam watched the five year old go back into the guild's safe walls. "I am going back home. Soon. I cannot endanger this guild any longer with these...thoughts of mine. I have to see my family. Astrid has left me in the dark for far too long. I need to know the answers of their condition" she spoke to him. It would help her a lot to see her cousins and ask them for guidance. She was never once to accept death too well.



Distant Cooperation [Quest: Lee] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

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