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Pest Control-Obasi [NQ]

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 Pest Control-Obasi [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:10 am

Obasi awoke with a yawn, his body warm from the newly risen sun. Reality returned to Obasi in hazy snapshots stirring him from his slumber. A hint of irritation on his face as he sat up. Another yawn left his lips as the youth struggled to stay conscious. The green grass surrounding him made a good bed, but his arms didn’t make a great pillow. Not that it mattered he’d thought because he’d find a hotel for his stay in Orchidia. Unlike Baska the traveler hadn’t planned to live there. He only wanted to do some traveling and see what else Fiore had to offer. Orchidia seemed as good a place to start as any. So, with his mighty beast at his side, the boy took to the skies. He had to admit he hadn’t thought things out before taking his “tour” of the country. And that’s why he found himself sleeping out in the wilderness alongside his wyvern. Obasi never was the type of guy to plan things in advance and it often bit him in the ass. That was no more apparent than in his sleeping arrangements and the fact that he hadn’t much money left. Of course, the times he did plan things out they never went quite as planned either.



 Pest Control-Obasi [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:11 am

Sitting atop the left claw of his still slumbering pet, Obasi devoured a sandwich he packed for the trip. It wasn’t anything too elaborate or hard to prepare, just eggs and cheese slathered on a slab of meat. As he wasn’t the best cook in the world it was filling but left much to be desired. A burp of satisfaction left him as he finished devouring the simple meal. After eating he took a bath in a nearby river before getting dressed. He would have preferred to shower in the city, but low funds and newness left him without a place to stay. So, he resolved to treat the nearby forest as his home until he could find a proper place to stay. At least the stinging cold river water kept him wide awake. He let loose one final yawn before stepping out of the river. Thankfully, he was obscured by trees, so he didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing him naked. With a soft yell he awakened his slumbering white wyvern. Upon the beast’s back he’d laid out his spare clothes, which he of course needed. After calling for his beast, the Wyvern walked over letting its body rest before Obasi.



 Pest Control-Obasi [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:12 am

After a quick change Obasi was finally ready to start the day. Dressed and fed Obasi dismissed his wyvern while he headed into town. The closer he got to the city the more he could make out its features. Obasi was greeted with a moss-covered ruin of dilapidated buildings entrenched in vines and roots. He even had to step over some broken asphalt to keep from losing his balance. After reaching the city’s innards, it began to look more like a proper metropolitan. Gone was the debris and decaying architecture, in their place was stout buildings and clean roads. He couldn’t help, but marvel at the stark difference betwixt the two scenes. Indeed, the new lands were an amazing sight to behold. The rumbling of a stomach tore him away from marveling at the scenery. He had been without a proper meal for a few days and the sandwiches weren’t cutting it. The boy wizard placed a hand on his troubled abdomen and pondered his next move. Before he could eat Obasi knew he needed to find work. Orchidia was a new land, but surely, there would be plenty of jobs. After all, Baska was rife with work so it shouldn’t have been too hard to find some.



 Pest Control-Obasi [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:12 am

Just as Obasi was on his way to the local smithy to look for work he was accosted by a robed man. Irate at being manhandled the mage contemplated retaliating with a spell but opted not too when the stranger asked him for help. The man had apparently been scouting around for people to assist him all day until he ran across Obasi. None of the other prospects seemed capable enough to help the mysterious figure. They were either too weak or too old, but Obasi seemed fit for the job. Still suspicious of the man’s intentions he readied a spell just in case. For the time being, however; he would hear out the stranger’s request. After introducing himself as the servant a wealthy businessman, he offered to take Obasi to his master. He only agreed with the promise of a free meal and place to sleep. Upon hearing this he gladly followed the servant to his master’s manor. The trip was silent and took place in a carriage with not a word exchanged between them. Obasi’s eyes widened when they reached the home of the strange servant’s master. All the wizard could do was daydream about all of the food he could buy. Hell, he could even afford to buy a nice apartment and take an actual lacrima shower.
225 WC


 Pest Control-Obasi [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:14 am

When they arrived, a man dressed as a butler answered the door. Unlike the robed man he looked more the part of a servant. After a brief conversation between both retainers the robed man departed leaving Obasi with the butler.  Once the two were alone the valet gestured for the wizard to follow him upstairs. He marveled at the trappings of expensive furniture and architecture that made up the large estate.  Eventually they reached a large parlor where the boss himself awaited. He was a portly guy but commanded an air of respect that Obasi couldn’t ignore. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, he told Obasi about his desires to convert a derelict building into a drug den. He wasn’t surprised that an old rich guy was into such a shady business, and he was glad. It meant the money was probably going to be great. He was rich after all so he no doubt would pay well.  The only catch is that the building is infested by giant rats, and it was his job to drive them out. From what he was told the rats were an infestation from the sewars. Chances are they had a leader of some kind, so it was his job to kill the leader and then block the sewar entrance.  



 Pest Control-Obasi [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:15 am

When they finished up the negotiations Obasi was given a room for the night and something to eat. It was wonderful to finally get a shower and a full belly. The best part about it was being able to sleep in a bed. He woke up to a brightly shining sun and another grand meal. The mage knew had a job to do, but he wanted to savor the moment before Obasi had to be off. An hour later he was off to fulfill his employer’s wishes, which he’d do no questions asked. The guy might have been a shady businessman, but he knew how to treat a guest. And his instructions were clear enough that Obasi knew what he needed to do. When the wizard finally arrived at the derelict structure, he could tell it hadn’t seen use in years, possibly decades. Nevertheless, he resolved to exterminate the monstrous rodents that lurked within its rotted innards. It didn’t take Obasi long before he was attacked by three giant rats, fangs on display they attempted to bite Obasi. He blocked with a shield of blackness and retaliated with a swarm of insects born from darkness that quickly devoured the beasts.



 Pest Control-Obasi [NQ] Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:15 am

They were more aggressive than he imagined not to mention quick. To ensure that he didn’t become lunch for the fiends Obasi endeavored to be careful. After all, they knew the building better than he did and could use the darkness to their advantage. Before he could plan another course of attack, an even larger pack of rats showed themselves. Starved and rabid the beastly creatures lunged at the wizard. Thankfully, they hadn’t surrounded him allowing the boy to bombard them with a spray of darkness. The corrosive substance ate away at their ragged fur like acid, leaving them as nothing more than stinking meat. Further on he walked, only stopping to slap himself in the head for forgetting to bring a light. He might have used dark magic, but he couldn’t see in the dark. In fact, he found the actual dark to be somewhat ominous. Not wanting to explore those thoughts more he moved onward until he reached another group. This time Obasi had the drop on them and unleashed a horde of exploding insects at the monsters. Without time to react their numbers were effortlessly devastated. After an hour of walking, he uncovered a nest of the beasts guarded by a gigantic rat that could have only been their leader. Before Obasi could attack, however; it knocked him down with its mighty tail. Dozens of smaller rats seized upon him , but were deflected by his shields. Desperate and out of option he yelled “A Cruel Dragon’s Thesis” and unleashed a massive wave of darkness, killing all of the rats. Afterwards, he blocked the hole, but not before finding some stolen loot, which he kept.


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