Purple cloth, with black belts, and a dark black with purple accented coat donned Li's figure as she exited the boat she rented a room from and stepped out into the docks of Port Astera once again, breathing in the sea air. She lit her pipe, and took a long drag before passing it off to the sailor on her left, whom did the same and passed it to the dock worker on his left. Lii denied another hit, and made her way through the streets with what had now become recognized repetition. The motions were mostly the same. Every day, with few exceptions, the ships arrived, the shipments were unloaded, then transported. The routes were easy to learn, she committed the schedule to heart, and wrote it in her journal already. By the end of the month, she knew the layout of Port Astera quite well, though some if its finer hidden nooks and crannies were still quite foreign to her. She blended in well her, she was certainly not the only dark-skinned person around.
She mottled with a Desertio crew for a while, finding some work on the docks and on ships and enjoying the sunlight and the warmth of both the days and nights. After a few weeks, she revealed to some of her coworkers, the closer associates, that her real name was Ikanbi and that she was a Hunter. They discussed her situation in great length, and eventually Ikanbi took their suggestion of seeking out the Infinity Wolves Guild Hall for Guidance. Ikanbi smiled, she had heard good things about the Infinity Wolves from her family, and she remembered fondly a very ornate looking gun she had seen with sixteen wolves worked into its masterful craftsmanship, then recalled a horn of legendary power.
Still, her journey was long, and the Guild Hall was to be quite a walk away. In the mean time, she stopped in a local vendor stall for some street food, drawn by the presence of other's from her work that had mentioned the place. The food was smoked, seared, and spicy. Red chiles adorned the food in a rub, almost paste-like, giving it a wonderful zest to its smoky and spicy flavor. She nibbled at it, her beef on flour with peppers and made small talk with the crew before she set back in the direction the supposed guild hall.