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Something Smells Fishy [Quest]

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#1Azure Fenic 

Something Smells Fishy [Quest] Empty Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:47 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure had been contacted by one of old Sentinel S. buddies about a job that would be right up his ally and given that his funds were running rather low at the moment he couldn't be too picky about jobs when they appeared. All that he was told was that he just had to kill a certain monster that had popped up in Astrea and he would be set for the next couple of months. It wasn't as though he had anything else to do while he waited for Odin to give him some type of official orders other than his game of telephone. His book collection had all but dried up over the months and his notes on the more adventurous side of things had been lost within his own mess of forged documents, Letters, and maps that he needed to organize once he had the chance to settle into the Nightmare base. While he got ready for the day he noticed that his blue streak had started to spread out a bit Weird, he had it for as long as he could remember and it never spread out all until today. As he left his room, he noticed a small box next to his door with a small note asking if he remembered a year ago it wasn't the first time that he had revised something like this. The informant placed the box inside the room and went about his day as he was almost late.

He made his way to the location that was written on the latter for the rest of his information on the matter, the sky was clear with no dark clouds in sight for miles but that could change at any given time. Even though it would have been much faster to call Griffion he decided that he would give her the day off given that she got all wet from the last time the two were out doing a job. The meeting location was the pier which told him about what the job could possibly be, though the way that events have been playing out he knew that it had to be one of the more aquatic-type jobs. Azure had made it to the location and much to his own dismay, he found hunting gear neatly placed on a table along with a photo of what was his supposed target.  The informant wasn't all too happy that he had to deal with the KMC again given that it had only been a week that he took it out far enough that it should have taken no more than five weeks to get back to the pier if someone else didn't kill it before then. Quickly pulling out his note pad he wrote down some notes and then quickly placed it back into his bag. No words could express just how enraged he was at this current moment no matter how hard he tried to look for one that could. Almost as if the world was slowly turning his life into a huge joke or something.

{Sheet / Magic}
Something Smells Fishy [Quest] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#2Azure Fenic 

Something Smells Fishy [Quest] Empty Tue Sep 14, 2021 7:17 pm

Azure Fenic

Given that he left his means of calling upon Extortion he had to find some other means to go out to sea and deal with this mess himself. Azure took the equipment that was left for him and tossed it into the water as he saw it as an insult to his skills to get the objective done which now meant that he would have to deal with them at a later date. At the current moment, the informant needed to procure a sea vessel of some kind regardless of who it belonged to. The docks weren't empty nor was it full of boats, it was a mix of fishermen wanting to at least try and fish while the others just wanted to have fun on the water until something happened.

Azure slipped a medium dose of sleep medicine into the fishermen's drinks as he talked to them about the current problem that had come back to them. One of the men was rather passionate about being the one to take down the monster while the other just wanted to enjoy being on the water. The amount of medicine was should have been just enough to knock them out for a few hours at best and lucky for him it was quick to kick in, as the two men began to pass out his child-like side couldn't help but laugh at them. "Thanks for the boat!" He shouted as the old men fell into a deep sleep, the boat had just enough room for him to call up a max of two summonses if needed which at this point he really wanted to use just to ensure that this monster would never see the light of day again. Letting it go the first time was a mistake but with nearly every mistake comes a chance to correct it and this was his chance to do just that.

The boat was powered by a small lighting lacrimas' so he didn't really have to worry about needing to actually excuse himself out with a paddle All right now all I have to do is find the sad sack and murder it like nobodies business. As he made it farther out to sea he tossed the fishermen's bait over to see if the blood would attract the monster Now to wait, and get ready for men it comes aboard, using what he knows about the monster he created a simply death trap for it that didn't require him to interact with it at all. Roughly two hours had passed and nothing had come near the ship unless it did and he just missed it. Azure looked over the side that had the bait thrown over and still saw some chunks left floating above when he noticed something swimming around the ship. His child-like side was so excited to actually have some action finally happen, so much so that he stuck his hand out to see what would happen. "Come on bite me you stupid fish!" He shouted leaning over the boat to really try and get its attention.

{Sheet / Magic}
Something Smells Fishy [Quest] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#3Azure Fenic 

Something Smells Fishy [Quest] Empty Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:39 am

Azure Fenic

The monster had started to swim around the boat much faster than before almost as if it was gearing up to do something as to what he had no clue, the more adult part of him wanted to save them the possible injury and pull their hand back to safety. Even though he could have been in a rather dangerous situation, this was the most fun that he had in almost years. It was one of his many moments when he wished that he had more close so-workers like Etaoin but he would just have to settle with the current state of things. His current focus was now on killing this monster and then tracking down his main target for real this time. He turned his back to the ledge and tried to think of a new plan to deal with this sea monster. While his hand wasn't out anymore, he felt something tugging on his arm normally it would be one of his summonses that he subconsciously summoned asking for something to do but something was off it was wet and cold, when Azure turned around he saw that something was trying to eat his arm. Like anyone in his situation, he let out a scream and realized that this was not the same monster from before.

Not wanting to find out what the monster was the informant tried to free his hand by slamming it agents the boat but much to his own surprise the monster weighed more than he could lift. "Get off me you-you freak!" At this point, neither part of his mind knew what to do to get their hand back as the monster started to move up his arm so he looked around for anything he could use to forcefully open its mouth to no avail. The sun was still up but so that meant he was still able to see the monster albeit not very clearly given that his mind was more focused on his arm than anything else. As the monster tried to eat his hand along with the rest of him an idea popped into his head Oh ya I could do that, with a flick of his wrist Azure summoned Ignis inside of the monster ripping it from the inside out. While the plan was perfect at the moment it was one of the rare moments when he didn't take everything into account. Blood and guts now covered a good portion of his clothes but none of that mattered as he was just happy that the monster hadn't digested his hand it was just covered in saliva, blood, and organs, or maybe it was Greymatter. After reconfirming that his hand was still functioning he then realized that Ignis would need a deep clean once they got back to land and so would he. It may not have been the KMC but he was glad that it was now dead with no way of coming back to attack him.

Azure brought the boat back to fishermen who were still asleep Smaller amounts next time he thought to himself making his way back to the inn to clean himself and Ignis.


{Sheet / Magic}
Something Smells Fishy [Quest] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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