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Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group]

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Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Wed Feb 02, 2022 12:02 pm


Continuing from part 1...

WORDS: 510 | TAG: @sofia | BATTLE  

The battle seemed to be over... Once the pirates stopped coming at them from all directions, Alisa felt at ease at long last... Not entirely dropping her guard by any stretch of the word, but she still lowered her sword regardless, the tip of the black blade hanging mere inches from the ground, she brushed her hair behind her shoulder and took a long look around, only for her eyes to fall right on the last enemy before them. Just as Alisa spotted the pirate's approach, the man boisterously announced his presence, firing his gun off into the air:


"Wha' are ye bilge suckers doin' t'me ship?!", with a bellowing shout accompanying his gunshot, the captain stepped onto the deck, his head adorned by a tricone hat, a trail of smoke blazing from the tip of his freshly fired gun...

Yet what ultimately caught Alisa's attention wasn't the dreadfully ordinary firearm... But rather what he held in his other hand. A glowing blue orb, shimmering with powerful magic. Alisa's eyes narrowed: She didn't like that one bit. Without even a single word to her companions, her body sprung to action on instinct, precieving a threat she couldn't quite place, yet one she still had the chance to stifle. And stifle it she did, or at least she intended to, tapping her heel against the deck, raising her sword, running her foe through without the slightest hesitation:

"I don't know what it is you're up to but... Guess we'll never find out...!!"

Alisa clicked her tongue... Not quite dead yet huh? With this much distance between them, the Captain had just enough time to shift out of the way, at least enough for the sword not to completely impale him, but instead leave a messy, bloody gash across the side of his chest... And giving him more than enough time to toss the orb overboard, brimming with magic power as it sank into the depths:

"Gahhh... Y-Ya wish....!"

The Captain crumpled down to the floor, clutching at his wound. At this point, Alisa didn't care enough to try and finish him off. What had he done!? She clicked her tongue once more, but the answer came within moments as the wooden frame creaked all around them, every inch of the derelict vessel trembling from keel to sails... Something was underneath them. Alisa darted towards the rails, leaving the captain to his own devices as he gripped at his wound, crawling away from the lithomancer, putting enough distance between the two to raise his gun once more.

And then the answer presented itself at long last. With a loud, unmistakable splash, a titanic tentacle erupted down from the depths, raising high into the sky before swooping down across the ship, threatening to slam down into the deck.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Wed Feb 02, 2022 1:18 pm


At first, he thought everything was done with, but with the appearance of what looked like the captain, everything changed. Yuurei covered his ears with the gunshot as it was too loud, and it bothered him a bit. He could see the blue orb, but the reasoning of showing it off meant something and he knew as much. The half-elf needed to make sure that he got it out of the man’s hands. His hands opened up once again as the stars had come out of the magical circles floating in the air and entered his body. His guild master had lunged at the man with such speed, and he would follow behind her with less speed than she had pulled. He was surprised the man was able to nearly dodge the attack, but with him gripping his chest, he hoped that he could get the orb.

Yuurei’s hand stretched out as he did his best to get to it, but the captain had seen this coming and tossed it overboard before he could get to it. The light mage would roll on the floor as he stopped his momentum and look over to the orb disappear from his sight. What’s going to happen now? He thought to himself as he prepared himself. It wouldn’t take long, but the ship would start to make noise and it would soon start rattling back and forth. Renji would hold onto Yuurei as he felt something bad was coming.

“Well, it was nice knowing you Yuu. I think we are in for trouble I can’t help with.” The Exceed told him.

Yuurei would keep his balance as he wasn’t trying to fall, but soon enough a huge tentacle would appear in the sky from the water. His eyes widen as he saw the monstrosity in his view, and then what was coming next. The tentacle made its move as it was falling straight down onto the ship itself, which brought Yuurei to think a lot. If that hit the deck, then the ship might be destroyed completely. If they fell into the water, whatever owned that tentacle would get them for sure.

The half-elf had to try something and try he did. He started running towards the tentacle and he would leap into it as he would pull his arm back and punch it with everything that he had. After that, he would stretch his hand out in front of him and he would find himself creating a magical circle and shooting a beam of light straight at the tentacle. He wasn't sure what it would do, but he had to try.

69/1120 Mana used

#3Brone Heavyaxe 

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:56 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The gunshot caught Brone's attention, his hands tightened around the handle of his battleaxe as he faced the captain who walked upon deck. The dwarf eyed the firearm, keeping on his toes, knowing what the weapon was; he has heard of such weapons that use special powder and flint in order to simulate Iron Fire, such weapons are usually extremely dangerous.

For the moment, Brone remained quiet, trying to think of a way to attack the pirate captain before he can fire the flintlock at him, but before he could even begin to formulate a plan, the dark haired maiden had made her move and within a blink of an eye, she closed the gap and struck at the enemy, though the captain had managed to dodge the majority of the attack.

"Chance!" Brone saw his moment to strike at the pirate before the man had time to gather himself, but as he had taken a single step, the boat shook and the wood began to creak loudly, though no wave had struck the boat. The dwarf halted for the moment as did everyone else to try and recognize what was happening. Then suddenly a giant tentacle burst from the water, towering over them all, trying to reach the heavens, "What the-!?" Brone cried out.

He wasn't sure what happened or what he was looking at, but seeing Yuurei run forward to strike at the thing, Brone reacted by following his lead. Whatever this monster was, the dwarf knew this was the immediate threat and lost sight of the pirate captain. "On your right, Yuurei!" Brone called to his friend as he was following him on his right side. His battleaxe was gripped solely in his left hand while with his right, he drew his second battleaxe, "Yer not getting first blood!" Brone yelled as he rushed towards the tentacle's base while the top of the thing was trying to drop down upon the deck. Yuurei struck the tentacle, then with a light blast, something the dwarf had never seen before, either way, it didn't slow him down, as he got closer, the shadow of the tentacle stretched across the deck, darkening as it came closer. Once the gap was closed, Brone yelled at the top of his lungs as he swung both his axes at the base of the tentacle, at the same spot where Yuurei's beam of light hit.


#4Kailani Fleurn † 

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:15 pm

Kailani Fleurn †
The sound of gunfire resonated throughout the air causing the wind mage to shudder and wince at the ringing in her ears. Her lilac eyes glistened as they turned to lock onto the strange blue orb of shimmering magical energy. What was that? A shiver ran down the wind mage's spine, it couldn't be anything good seeing as it was held within the clutches of a man who had nefarious intentions. Her eyes pulled away from the light, to the weapon he held in his other hand, a gun pointed in the air, still smoking from having fired mere seconds ago.

Kailani shifted, unsure how to react, her abilities rather limited, however, the newest addition to their little party was already on the move, slicing the pirate and leaving him a crumpled bleeding mess with ease with a precise strike that left him alive but unable to retaliate as the orb was tossed overboard and into the depths of the ocean below. A sigh of relief came to the lavender-haired mage all too soon, as the whole ship lurched and rocked as something beneath them knocked into the ship on which they stood.

Her eyes widened as they spied the shape of a gigantic tentacle worming its way out of the sea below, gripping onto the ship as it twisted and twirled around, crushing the wooden railings as easily as one might snap a twig. Glancing behind her, another tentacle, raising itself high in the sky before coming crashing down towards the deck, a loud reverberating crack, not enough to break the ship just yet, but she doubted the vessel could take many more before it would completely give out.

Kailani's eyes moved towards her beloved exceed at her feet who had a look of sheer panic on his face. Out of instinct, she moved to kneel and cradle him in her arms as she tried to see how the others were planning to respond. Fight or flight, they'd all have to work together either way to survive this encounter. Panic set in as she saw Yuurei already preparing to fight his way out, the idiot always acting before thinking things through. Inhaling a deep breath, she'd try to settle her nerves to no avail her whole body now trembling. Before she could even build up her resolve, Brone was there beside him, fighting as well, it seemed the two had made the choice for the lot of them then. The creature had to die.

Summoning forth the magical energy reserved in her body she'd click as she had done previously, twice with one hand and once with the other as she summoned forth two magic circles, this time both on her best friend. Cursing that she didn't have a better way to protect him in a time like this. If even one of those tentacles managed to strike him down, she feared she would lose him forever. With this much speed, she prayed he would at least be able to avoid most threats.


Mana Used: 40/550

Spells Used:


Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Sat Feb 05, 2022 12:56 pm


WORDS: 550 | Shiver Me Timbers!

What's that…? The brow of the brunette furrowing as the keenness in her green gaze seemed to pick up the odd object that the new face on deck was cradling before the rest of her group, a moment of intrigue and mystery was all that Miss Serena was afforded before her beautiful bride rushed forward with little intent on letting the pirate posture with prose, and felled the fool with a fast and ferocious strike that even with the hawk-like vision she possessed was difficult to follow. However, those who were hoping that even this decisive and devastating blow would end the bout would be sadly disappointed at best, given what happened next.

“W-Woah!” The emerald eyes of the enchantress still locked upon the oddity even as their enemy keeled over and fell to the floor and this meaning that the minx was taken by surprise as all of a sudden their ship was rocked by a force which given the circumstance felt rather ungodly, even this deft delight found herself stumbling and losing sight of the sea-coloured sphere as the deck seemed to tilt and throw everyone aboard it from one side and to another, and soon she looked toward the lady she loved because of that fact. Then, as something rose from the water, she could only too quickly distracted even from the dark dish she loved.
Could he have really summoned… A Kraken? A chill shooting up the spine of the siren as she saw the limb of what looked like a cephalopod rise from the deep with such size and presumed strength that it would be able to crush any of them like mere bugs by comparison, Sophie squeezed the hilt of her blade tightly as the trio of her juniors worked together to try and subdue it, but the expertise of a girl who came from a land surrounded by ocean and steeped in stories of the sea made her stay her blade when it came to her own intervention.

“Something tells me this is going to get worse before it gets better…!” Instead simply stalling in place and waiting for what she feared would follow, the vision of the vixen settled on the fine form of the wonder of a woman she had married to nod at her as she confessed part of her worries, and then was given reason to act with the greatest urgency but a moment later as the disaster from the deep seemed to take rather unkindly to the effort of the boys to sever one of it's legs.
“Watch your backs guys, if this thing's what I think it is, it's only just getting started!” Another lurching from beneath the waves in annoyance and lurching toward where the pain was presumed to be coming from, fortunately for their group Miss Serena was more than happy to let loose the shackles she had put on her speed as she swept across the deck and moved to intercept the attack, and more than that, even. Swinging the humming blade in hand with all her might and looking to cleave the tendril like a woodsman in the forest, she knew that more and more of these would appear the longer the battle wore on, and warned her comrades to be wary. After all, things weren't going to be easy from here on out, were they…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:46 am


WORDS: 910 | TAG: @sofia | BATTLE  

"Look out...!!", Alisa cried out at her companions, out of reflex more than anything, for no way in hell anybody could have missed such a menacing appendage stretching high towards the sky, all but threatening to block out the sun and blow the ship to smithereens.

In the end, a hint of relief washed over her as she saw all of her companions springing to action ahead of her with magic and weapons alike. Her lips drew into a knowing smile, hoisting her sword and joining the fray. Seeing both Yuurei and Brone focusing their attacks on that, the Guildmaster coordinated with their efforts:

"Well said...!!", she clamoured as the dwarven warrior's words fell on her ears, determined to seize the initiative even against an enemy as menacing as the creature lurking in the deep. After the light blast and the axe cleavage away at the tentacle, the lithomancer followed suit, opening her mouth as a thundering battlecry left her lungs, a large, imposing magic circle appearing in front of her mouth from where a large, spriralling storm of diamond soon erupted, ripping through flesh and wood alike,  "HAAAAAAA!!!"

And well, that defenitely stopped the attack at least, but even the Alisa clicked her tongue... Even with all three of their attacks, with Sofia and Kailani watching their back... They couldn't even cleave through a single tentacle? She gripped tightly to the hilt of her sword, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down her face:

"Tch... To think a mere pirate could conjure something so troublesome.", sneered the sculptress, looking around at the downed pirates nearby who by this point seemed like little more than food for the beast. The odd screams here pierced the air as the tentacles scooped up any downed, crumpled bodies it came across, pulling them down into the deep.

Moving in unison with her beloved bride, Alisa swung her sword around, cleaving through the encroaching tentacles as she spotted them, but even with her back into it, the strong, powerful leviathan posed more than enough resistance to her efforts. For a moment, Alisa too lost sight of the wounded pirate captain...

"Wha' do ye think ye're doin' t' me boy?!", roared the captain, another loud bang reverberating through the air as he aimed his flintlock at the Pegasus mages, taking aim at the light mage, who happened to be the closest target he could find.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:23 am; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:58 pm


Yuurei chuckled when he saw that his effort was naught. The damage done to the ship that they were on was happening. It wasn’t just that, but the pirates that they had taken out were now being tossed into the water and disappearing. This was stupid in every way and it seemed like the thing that owned these tentacles wasn’t happy with any of the attacks. Still, the two beautiful women with the group would be able to cut down a few tentacles around them. That was good and he was even happier that he had someone like Brone who seemed to have his back.

Renji was holding on to dear life as he wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. He heard Sofia’s warning, and he would nod listening to her well. Still, he did forget about one thing, and it was the captain of the ship. The new threat had him worried that he would soon hear the man’s voice, which surprised him. A gunshot would be the next thing Yuurei would hear, and his head-turning to the man. The bullet was aimed at him, and Yuurei’s eyes widen as he saw the filthy ammo heading towards his heart.

He was upset about this, as he was falling from the air, how the hell was he supposed to dodge that? Of course, his best friend would give him what he needed, and he would feel her magic surrounding him. In an instant, he would lunge through with the wind blowing on him and onto the ground. He dodged the bullet as he would feel his body trembling from the near-death experience. His eyes changed to that with even more anger than before.

Yuurei cracked his knuckles as he felt his body shaking, but he wasn’t sure if it was excitement or fear of what had happened. He knew one thing was for sure and the captain had to go. He was wounded already, and he knew that the guild master and Sofia would be able to handle the water monster.

“You shot at me! If that is how we’re going to play then take this.” He said this to the pirate as he was getting ready to shoot again.

Yuurei would rush once again, this time even faster than he had ever moved thanks to Kailani. He quickly got to max speed as another bullet was shot off to the light mage. He would step to the side to dodge the second shot before lunging straight towards him with a punch. The captain would dodge the attack with a smile on his face. Yuurei would press against his left leg on the ground as he forced himself to rotate in the direction of the man before using his left hand as a second attempt to hit the captain.

The pirate would groan from the pain he felt earlier as it was hindering his movement and Yuurei would catch a lucky punch straight onto the man’s face and sent him stumbling back a bit while Yuurei looked at him standing tall. He wasn’t sure if it was enough to take him out, but if not, Brone was there to deal another blow hopefully.

115/1120 Mana used

#8Brone Heavyaxe 

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 8:36 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone gained distance after he landed his attack upon the tentacle. The combined attack from the Blue Pegasus members managed to cause some hesitation in the monster, but it's durability was tougher than a ship. A separate tentacle grabbed a nearby defeated pirate and as it was dragging the body across the deck, Brone brough the axes down upon the creature, but it simply jerk right before it went over the railing and into the water. "I suppose the pirates are a well enough snack for the beasty" he tried to make a joke to help the tension, but his tone was too serious, hinting his concerned expression.

A gunshot rang and Brone to see the pirate captain had his gun pointed at Yuurei, to which the half-elf then reacted by closing the distance and throwing some hits. The dwarf rushed forward towards the pirate, and when he managed to engage him, Brone jumped up enough to swing both his axes, acting on impulse, the dwarf didn't see if Yuurei's hit was enough to knock him out, even after receiving the wound from the recent rush-stab, but he figured he would take a shot just in case, then they can turn their attention back upon the monster of the sea.


#9Kailani Fleurn † 

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Tue Feb 08, 2022 12:12 am

Kailani Fleurn †
With the rest of the party doing their best to take down a single tentacle to seemingly no avail. It was clearly much sturdier than any creature she had set her eyes upon before. Her heart racing as panic set in, Sofia was most likely correct, and Kailani severely doubted the capabilities of herself in dealing with such a foe. Her lilac eyes scanned the surroundings keeping an eye out as requested as the words of the black-haired beauty rung in her ears. 'Yes... How did a measly pirate possess the ability to summon such a creature?' A thought that made her scowl momentarily as she contemplated the chances of someone backing the pirates. Someone with either enough power or wealth to obtain some sort of powerful magic.

Her wandering thoughts were cut short however as the growling voice of the captain caught her attention, his sights set upon Yuurei as he fired a shot towards him, her eyes growing wide in panic, her magic thankfully allowing him to leap from death's grasp. A small sigh of relief that she had managed to aid him so. The light mage launched his own counterattack, followed quickly with Brone's own. Seeing as they were in dire need of help, lest he be kept standing she'd summon forth her own mana once more, this time siphoning the air current towards her open palm as she reached into the sky, a shimmering white circle of magic appearing before condensing the air into a dagger of wind. With a quick toss, she'd aim the dagger towards the pirate praying her strike hit its mark in order to knock him back and cause him to stumble if nothing else. Giving the others time to take him down before turning their sights back to the definitely bigger threat.

"How do we even deal with such a beast?" Kailani muttered aloud to herself, frowning as she tried to come up with a solution to their colossal problem. Racking her brain she tried to think of anything that could be considered a weakness for creatures of the sea. Alas, her studies and knowledge mostly pertained to those of the forest variety and she had learnt little on anything other than fish since arriving at Hargeon. The ship lurched suddenly once more as the strike the beast beneath them rocked the vessel. With the grace of her race, Kailani easily managed to quickly find her footing, but at the cost of releasing Nimbus from her arms, who went rolling towards the railings. Scrambling with mad panic, she raced towards her exceed, paying no mind to anything else around her, her focus set on protecting the feline.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" The black and white exceed screeched as he dug his claws into the wooden deck with all his might, managing to cling on before finding himself flung completely overboard. "WHY ARE WE HERE AGAIN!?! THIS WAS A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE IDEA!" He cried, continuing to stay put lest removing his claws place him in a worse predicament.


Mana Used: 80/550

Spells Used:


Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Thu Feb 10, 2022 12:01 pm


WORDS: 600 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“All you can eat calamari, perhaps~?” Attempting to keep the mood light as the younger lady and her pet seemed to linger on the edge of despair at the problem that they now found themselves up against, the brow of the brunette bobbed up and down as she teased the way in which she and Alisa seemed to be hacking through tendrils and providing more than enough 'meat' for rather a sizeable cook off when they got back, though after a moment Miss Serena offered something a little more genuine to comfort the frantic feline and show the immovable sense of confidence which she had learned from a certain Empress she had the good fortune of running into so long ago now.
“Uffuffuffu, this is probably par for the course if you plan on sticking with Blue Pegasus, right love~?” Lifting a hand into the air and showing a little creativity in how she used her magic by once again relying upon her ability to conjure the handy helper which was a seemingly bottomless abyss in order to cut off the chance of the innumerable tendril which sought to sweep down on top of them or at least everything which fell within a none too insubstantial five meter width, while the drain upon her mana would be costly to keep the move up in the long term and also seemed to root her in place as well, it would at least provide their plucky party with a chance to regroup as the overwhelming power of gravity dragged those feelers in like hair down a drain.

“Well, if memory serves, there are two ways to deal with a summon like this?” The paw of the princess hanging in the air because of this to provide the gang with what amounted to an interdimensional umbrella while they figured out what to do next, Sofia tapped a finger of her free hand on her chin as she remembered her lessons in magic and the tips she had picked up in what was now a none too inconsiderable spell as an 'ace' of a prominent guild, and trusted her wonderful wife to keep her safe from harm as she did so.
“Kill the beast… Or cut the link~?” Glad to have the portals on her side for once for that matter and narrowing her gaze as she pointed out the easier of their options as she saw them, the vision of the vixen scanned the space around her as she searched for the strange sphere she had spied only a matter of moments before, and guessed that destroying such an item would quickly bring an end to the 'bridge' which was bringing the beast below into their world. Or at least, that was the theory.

“Looks like the boys have gone for the latter, no~?” Offered perhaps a chance to test it all too quickly as in doing so she noticed that the man she had seen cradling the item was now dancing with death in the form of the dynamic duo known as Yuurei and Brone, in all honesty she was surprised to see the belligerent brigand still walking around the deck after the blow that her beloved black beauty had levied against him, but she had to guess even if he had managed to get lucky and avoid the killing stroke what he had done next was simple suicide. After all, it was likely that he wasn't going to move all that well after a hit like that, and even if he did, it seemed he was discounting one very simple fact; Alisa was rarely the sort to leave a job half done once she had put her mind to it. The fool, he should have just slipped away while they were busy, shouldn't he~?

Spells Used;

Name: Black Hole
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Heavenly Body Magic
Type: Defensive
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user places their hand in front of them and creates a Black Hole with a diameter of 5 meters. This Black Hole absorbs incoming spells after which it closes. Either the user can close it instantly after absorbing spells in the same post, or the spell is forcefully shut down after it has absorbed its maximum defensive power. Because it is a Light-type spell, Nature-type spells will of course cause it to shutdown quicker due to their overpowering nature.

200/7470 Mana Used

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Thu Feb 10, 2022 3:01 pm


WORDS: 1460 | TAG: @sofia | BATTLE  

That gunfired pierced through the air, shooting a shiver down her spine as she imagined the foe she left for dead suddenly mustering the courage to get back in the fight. Even with the creaking, crumbling woodframe and the sound of magic fired left and right, that unmistakable gunshot alerted them to an enemy yet to fall, and still very much ready to step into the fight even as everything crumbled down around him:

"Tch... Rather Impressive how he's still alive...", Alisa all but sneered as she clicked her tongue, yet despite her words her voice dripped not with admiration for a foe with the tenacity of a cockroach, but disappointed at her own ability to kill him.

In the end, she let out a soft sigh of relief as she felt her teammate defending himself perfectly, and that soft, knowing faint smile returned to her lips, followed by an audible chuckle as her luscious lover made light of their enemies' misfortune:

"The sea giveth, and the sea taketh away.", she added, replying to both her guildmates, blaming none other than the pirates themselves for their misfortunes.

Boastful spirits like them probably knew fully well what their captain could do, even if they might not have expected for him to turn such power on his own ship, backed against the corner, in one last futile attempt to take his foes down to Davy Jones' locker with him. With another mighty swing of her sword, Alisa circled around her beloved and cleaved a tentacle that shot her way, not about to let her become a piece of Joyan erotic art so long as she had a say in the matter:

"Mmmm, doesn't look like our half dead summoner has much sway over his pet.", nodded the sculptress, sharing a knowing look with her beloved, smile curling wider as she realized that killing the captain would serve no purpose. She wasn't even sure the man could possibly undo his summon now that he'd lost the orb into the depths, but... There's only one way to find out right~? In the end, Alisa hoisted her sword, turning her attention to to the healer and her companion, "So I suppose it's down to us to keep our boys safe hmm~?"

Shooting the purple haired girl a knowing wink and soft smile, she returned her attention back to the battlefield at hand. With only one hand gripping a blade larger than herself, Alisa had one hand free to swing around, sweeping that right hand around at nearby offending tentacles, flinching when a tentacle finally collided with the deck, albeit weakly:

"My my... Awfully cocky for an overgrown squid...!!", growled the sculptress, twisting her left foot across, shifting those wide, full figured hips to the other side, propelling herself onto a wide, whirling motion that cut across the hefty tentacle without a moment's pause, combining the destructive power of her own raw strength with the flowing finesse of her crystalline blade on the other hand, all perfectly coordinated with the help of her left eye.

As tempting as it was to finish the job with the captain, Alisa turned her full attention to the beast lurking beneath them, to the writhing tentacles it shot all across the ship, now threatening to rip through what remained of main mast.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:24 am; edited 2 times in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Thu Feb 10, 2022 5:49 pm


Yuurei would watch as Brone’s attack would come from the other side, and it would seem like the captain of this ship was a tough cookie. He wasn’t impressed by it, but he was indeed annoyed. Still, this guy was someone that needed to get out of the picture, and he figured that with Kailani’s support, all three of them could take him out. If it weren’t for their guild master hurting him like she did things would be even worse than they should be. Renji needed them to finish this guy quickly so they could help the girls. The Exceed was pretty sure that they didn’t need their help, but the more the merrier, right?

“Yuu, you’re playing too much with your food. We got to get rid of him and move to the next thing that’s in our way.” He said to the man who gave him a home.

Yuurei would hear this and he would crack his knuckles as he was going to put this guy away with Brone’s help of course. The captain looked annoyed, but he was sweating so much. The light mage could tell that he was doing everything he could to make sure he didn’t lose consciousness.

“All that blood you lost, and you refuse to take a nap.” He said this as he ran right at the captain.

The captain shook his head as this guy was straightforward and to the point. He found himself dodging the punches that were launched by Yuurei, but with each movement, he made more blood would come out of him. The berserker noticed this a while back and figured he would take him out with him losing every ounce of blood in his body. Still, he wanted to get on good hit, so Brone can finish it all. That was when the captain would try to point a gun a Yuurei, but the half-elf was nowhere to be found. The light mage had ducked under the man’s sight and launched an uppercut into the man’s chin.

He would feel the force of the blow as it was starting to lift him up from the floor he was on. Both now in the air Yuurei would use this moment to rotate himself and swing his leg around to kick the man in the area where Alisa had cut him previously. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen after this, but it seemed like those tentacles were truly becoming a problem. The ship was becoming unstable and if they stood here too long, they would be done for.

His eyes looked over to Kailani for a few as he wasn’t sure if she was fine. He was so upset about the man shooting him, he had tunneled towards the captain. His eyes widen when he saw Nimbus flying off of the ship and he started running towards the edge of the ship as Renji gripped onto Yuurei’s shoulder.

“You can’t let Nimbus fall into the water!” He shouted.

Yuurei would hope Kailani would make it time as he saw her running towards the Exceed and he would help her out if she needed him to save them both.

161/1120 Mana Used

#13Brone Heavyaxe 

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Sat Feb 12, 2022 10:39 am

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone's axes cut through the pirate captain's trench coat, though he felt one of his blades hit it's mark, albeit not entirely. Blood dripped onto the deck. The dwarf sucked his teeth as the captain backed away from him while readying his flintlock. This pirate was a tough one and if the situation was different, Brone would enjoy taking his time fighting him, but as the clock ticked, the sea creature continued to thrash about.

Yuurei moved in on the captain and Brone was going to double up on the offensive, but one of the tentacles slammed onto the deck, separating the dwarf from the captain, "Damn it! I hate calamari!" he was now more annoyed than fearful now. His axe was about to be swung onto the tentacle that had laid before him, but something interrupted his attack and train-of-thought; several tentacles around the ship had jerked forward towards one spot; the black hole that was levitated above Sofia, this had caught Brone's attention enough for him to catch what the brunette woman had said concerning the two ways of winning this altercation with the beast, "Cut the link!?" he called out has he dug his axe into one of the tentacles that were being stretched and held into position, albeit the thick meat barely gave way to the blade, "What link ye talkin' about, lass!?" his beard flapped in the wind as it was being pulled by the gravitational force of the black hole, though due to the dwarf's heavy form, he didn't worry about his body following the direction of the tentacles.

Before he could ask further of what Sofia meant, he spotted the black and white exceed by the railing, claws rooting him onto the wooden deck and with the black hole active, the dwarf was worried the cat might either go over board from being thrown above the jerking of the ship or be pulled into the emptiness, so he rushed towards the feline, "Don't ye fret! I will-" before the dwarf could finish his sentence, a barrel slammed into him, but he held his ground, "Not easy tossing a dwarf!" he laughed, but too soon. Next thing, one of the tentacles that was struggling with the gravitational force had swept part of the deck and slammed into the dwarf, sending him flying over towards the edge of the ship.

In a split second, just before he soared over the railing, Brone looked down, catching eyes with the black and white exceed he was trying to save, and all he could do was shrug his shoulders with a stupid embarrassed grin on his face. His body then hit the water right after he took a deep breath.

"Damn it!" he thought as he opened his eyes to peer into water.

Silent Hell. Before him was the black abyss of the ocean, his body hesitated as fear shook his core. He locked eyes with the faceless depths and time seem to stand still, all the noises of battle above him started to vanish, all he could hear was his racing heartbeat.

Darkness was about to take the dwarf entirely until his attention was drawn by something massive below the ship; the kraken in it's full glory, dwarfing the dwarf in size and even rivaling even ship, but this was enough for the dwarf to draw him from the idea of the sea's abyss, he began swimming towards the beast. So long as he can keep his eyesight from the empty abyss, he could keep his fear at least somewhat in check, then he spotted it...

The Blue Orb he had only seen the captain holding just once. Sofia's words echoed into his head, "The link!" The blue orb was  embedded into the side of the creature's 'head?' he wasn't sure, but it was big and squishy looking. The dwarf swam as fast as he could towards the beast that was embracing the bottom of the ship, if the thing knew the dwarf was there, it wasn't able to do anything now that all the tentacles were being held in place thanks to the black hole.

Brone Heavyaxe, turning his back towards the fear inducing abyss, tunnel visioned at the orb, focusing on smashing it. His grip on both his axes tightened as he closed the distance. The creature, as big as it was, was nothing more than a clan's worth of calamari, in which he hated, he swung both his axes overhead and brought them down upon the orb as hard as he could despite the impeding water slowing his swing, hoping this will turn the tables.


#14Kailani Fleurn † 

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:46 pm

Kailani Fleurn †
Gripping her beloved exceed tightly within her arms, afraid of letting him go, Kailani sighed. Her lilac eyes blinked a couple of times in the brunette's direction with a stoic, unimpressed look plastered on her face. Was she truly trying to lighten the mood considering the dire circumstances? Perhaps that meant she had a plan at least that would ensure all of the group's safety. If nothing else the green-eyed beauty had shown she was far stronger than the three rookies combined, the woman had a far greater chance at dealing with the beasty than any of them. As ridiculous as her words were, she had at least distracted Kailani enough for her to focus as well as she eyed once more over the battlefield towards each comrade, trying to discern the best choice of action to take.

Sofia's words rung true, usually taking out the summoner would remove the summon from play, however, their black-haired companion seemed to have the right of it as well, he didn't seem to be controlling it. Still, she found her lilac eyes searching for the two males who had been attempting to deal with the pirate captain, only to spy Brone flying overhead, her eyes widened, unable to think of a way to stop him as he fell with a splash into the depths below.

"Better him than me." Nimbus noted, clinging onto Kailani, his sharp claws unintentionally digging into the wind mage's forearm causing her to cry out in pain.

"Careful." she spat, narrowing her eyes momentarily downward towards her exceed before giving her full attention back towards where their stout friend had gone overboard.

"Sorry, sorry..." the exceed apologised quickly withdrawing his claws as he too followed the trail of her eyes. Would the man be okay down there? He was rather heavily clad in armor, which would definitely make it all the more difficult to swim. Could he even swim? A question she hadn't even thought to ask before. As she found herself holding her breath, listening for any sounds of his resurfacing.

If there were any, the sounds of the tentacles flailing about and the ocean wind drowned it out. Sweat began to form as panic set in. No, no, no. They couldn't lose him here. Kailani had only just gotten to know him and was quickly becoming someone she was comfortable around. Placing her furball carefully onto the deck with a determined look she'd peer over the railings down towards the sea below.

"Watch Nimbus for me, I'm going to make sure he's okay!" She cried out channeling her magic and snapping her fingers as she moved her mana away from her best friend and onto herself. One long deep breath she'd thank her lucky stars she was a master of air, and able to hold her breath for reasonably long periods of time as she drove straight into the depths below.

Her body instantly felt cold as her skin met the ocean, the freezing water enveloping her entirety. Snapping her eyes open, she struggled to see anything but the shadows of the tentacled beast. Another wave of panic. She had not thought this through. This was the worst place to be, but she fought back her fears, as she attempted to focus on the task at hand, finding Brone.

It took her far longer than she anticipated as she found herself fighting just to swim down against the pull of the tentacles caught in the gravitational pull of the spell above. Thankfully, she managed to spy the shadow of her companion contrast against a shining light. He was swimming downwards? Confused for but a second as it dawned on her that he was attempting to destroy the light that had allowed her to spy him in the first place. He was attempting to destroy what had summoned the creature? Would that even work now that it was already here? She had no clue, but at least she knew he was safe-ish for now.

Following him downwards she'd notice he was swinging as recklessly as one could underwater, attempting to destroy it. Unable to be of much assistance, Kailani did the only thing she could think of to be of aid. Releasing some of the air in her lungs she'd capture the air bubble with her magic and move it towards the Dwarf. Whilst not all of it would be oxygen, at least some of it would be and that way the wind mage could at least ensure he didn't drown in his stubborn attempt.


Mana Used: 100/550

Spells Used:


Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Mon Feb 14, 2022 1:34 pm


WORDS: 500 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“The blue orb? Does the captain still have it~?” The brow of the brunette raising as their resident dwarf questioned the link, Sofia offered a verbal prod to the situation in the hope of enlightening the parties as to the connection to which she alluded, and hoped that one of their sets of eyes would be able to settle things the easy way. However, it seemed that their luck was making nothing easy today, given what happened next.
That's going to complicate matters…! Shaking her head and sighing as it seemed to be pointed out that the token of their 'link' had become lodged in the body of the beast in the blue below, the water witch winced as she noted the fact that one way or another they were going to need to get real friendly with the cruel kraken that was oh so happily attacken, and as such paused as she tried to think of the best way that they could tangle with a tentacular terror without having the wounds and spoiled purity to show for it!

“Quite right you are, my love~” Reassured at least by the words of the radiant raven with whom she fought alongside and holding a strong sense of belief that their team could do anything so long as the two of them were together, the lids and lashes of the leggy lass fluttered as she looked toward Alisa, and she smirked and shook her head as she did so with her confidence renewed both by the presence of her beautiful bride and the boldness of her teammates to boot.
“In fact, I'd say it's about time we gave this cuttlefish something else to worry about, isn't it~?” Nodding because of that and deciding that as good a warden of the deck as she was that she was wasted above the water rather than within it, though Miss Serena knew that moving and focusing on something else would cancel out the shielding spell which she had crafted as an interstellar umbrella she was confident that the luscious lady she loved would protect those on deck, and so she moved to back up those with the courage to take to the brine in this so dangerous a bay.

“Only a fool fights a water mage at sea~!” Holding little back as she did so to boot and launching herself into the air and beyond the railing which separated those upon the timber from the wrath that lay beneath the tide without much hesitation, once more Sofia summoned the effigy of a water dragon to the arena, but in this instance did something a little different with it.
I've always wanted to try something like this…! Not using the serpent as a means to mow down her enemies but rather a vehicle as she plunged into the water, the smiling siren had to hand adversity its due as it seemed to prompt the pinnacle of her creative side, and so she plunged underwater in an effort to take the fight to the beastly brute in the blue, and keep his attention upon her and the forces of the ocean she could command rather than those who sought the azure pearl which was keeping him here…

Spells Used;
Name: Seething Scylla
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Heavenly Body Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Water
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Swiping with her hand, Sofia creates a magic circle with births the head and neck of a 2 meter wide draconic sea monster effigy comprised of powerfully swirling water currents, which rushes forward in the direction she casts it, dealing A Rank Damage to anything in its path. Sofia can also ‘bend’ the trajectory of her ‘monster’ by guiding it with her hand, but doing so doubles her mana cost.


Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:13 pm


WORDS: 1460 | TAG: @sofia | BATTLE  

Between Yuurei and Brone, the two men made short work of the Captain, earning a satisfied smile from the guild master. And yet, once that threat was out of the way, the dwarven warrior too their words to heart and dove headfirst into the deep, rescuing the exceed while diving into the unknown:

"What the...?! My my... Awfully bold of you, Brone.", she had to admit, Alisa certainly admired that. She didn't know what kind of plan he had in mind, but she knew he had one. Yet that concern still nudged at the back of their mind... Despite their beauty, the seas around Hargeon could be treacherous once far out enough like their were, utterly deadly for the unprepared... And that's without a Kraken lurking in the waters... But much to her surprise, the frightened, shaken young healer dove right in after him, determined to keep him safe, "Don't worry, he's in good hands~!"

As an earth mage, Alisa had a certain apprehension regarding fighting an opponent like this on their own turf. But at that moment, she felt nothing but delight at the thought of these three having chosen Blue Pegasus as their guild. And thankfully, Sofia was more than willing to dive headfirst into the waters and help keep the two safe:

"Ufufu~... Can't resist a chance to get wet, hmmm, my love~...?", quipped the sculptress, whatever apprehension she felt all but vanished. Even with her guildmates facing the Kraken on its own turf, they know had the support of her daring, dazzling bride to keep them safe. Nobody else in Blue Pegasus quite made these waters her own like Sofia Serena. Exchanging a knowing look with her wife, Alisa shot her a knowing smile, nibbling her bottom lip as she added, "Well I'll be waiting for your glorious return~"

Now... Even though as an earth mage, she wouldn't face an enemy underwater if she could help it, that didn't mean she was powerless in any way shape or form. Narrowing her eyes as she took aim at the tentacles she had upstairs:

"Then... I suppose a brainless beast like you can only learn lessons one way hmm~...? Demon Slayer Secret Art...", clenching her fist, a massive magic circle appeared beneath her body as her magic power radiated outwards like a gale, a veritable torrent now unleashed as the guildmaster channeled her power into her idle right hand. With her guildmates now fighting underwater... She knew at least one way to keep the kraken's attention: To inflict the most brutal, grueling pain she possibly could. And the opportunity came once the beast now finally swung his tentacles down at full force. Whatever sway the captain might have had faded away like dust in the wind as Yuurei put him out of commission, leaving the Kraken free to destroy whatever crossed its path. But instead, Alisa intercepted the swing by thrusting her arm out, shooting forth that menacing blade of crystal, "VAJRAHASTA!!"

With an incantation spoken in words from a faraway land, the diamond spear shot forth like the very symbol of indestructibility from which it derived its name, the blade pierced into the cephalopod's tentacle, before erupting in a dazzling, explosive pulse of magic, crystallizing everything in it's path for a hefty distance of eight meters, unceremoniously crystallizing every single tentacle in the way, leaving them to shatter into dust.

Below the waters, as soon as Brone cut through the orb, something defenitely happened... The Kraken was onto them, those massive, cephalopod eyes locking onto the Pegasi for the briefest of moments. Yet before long, the beast shook, shuddered and shrieked in pain as something clearly gripped its attention above the water, giving the mages below all the freedom they could want to move around without getting swarmed by tentacles.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:14 pm


Yuurei had missed the opportunity to rescue Nimbus and that was because Kailani had done so, but it seemed like he wasn’t the only one that had tried to do the same thing. One moment Brone was on the deck and the next moment, Brone hit the water sinking into the abyss. Yuurei was getting ready to dive into the water, but he would hear a snap and look at Kailani who had done so before he could do anything. Instead, he was left with Nimbus, and the two eyes each other a bit. Renji knew this was going to happen, but he figured he would tell his friend to stop standing there and hop on.

”Hurry up Nimbus get on Yuu’s shoulder. We don’t know what can happen.” He said to his friend as he would nod as Nimbus was worried about Kailani.

He would get onto Yuurei’s shoulder without hesitating though as Yuurei shook his head as he wanted to help them. Instead, he got to help the guild master who was the only one besides him that stood above the water. It seemed like she was destroying the tentacles at her own leisure, and he figured he could put more swings into these things to pain the beast that was underwater with his friends.

Yuurei would activate another magical circle in front of him and he would release a light beam at the tentacle as it would bother the thing, but nothing more. The tentacle moved in the direction of Yuurei, which made Nimbus scared as hell. Renji figured Yuurei was about to attack, so he didn’t close his eyes. The light mage would run to the side before pressing his foot against the deck and lunging straight towards the tentacle using all his strength behind the punch.

The tentacle would fall on the deck losing the momentum it had for damage and it would continue to cause the Kraken agonizing pain.

”Hopefully, they get rid of this thing now before we don’t have a ship stand on anymore.” He would say to Alisa, wondering if they were okay.


#18Brone Heavyaxe 

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:07 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The axes, side by side, as if guiding one another, slammed onto the bluish orb, shattering it and causing the light it emitted to fade.  The dwarf caught the largest shard of the orb with his feet before the rest slowly fell. Almost instantly, the body of the kraken shifted and the next thing the dwarf knew, a giant eyeball was right in front of him, even though the water was dark, his dwarven eyes could make out the iris that was larger than his own body, but he cared not.

"What-yer-looking-at!?" Brone yelled, bubbles shooting from his mouth, through the water as he took another swing of one of his axes, however because the dwarf was much slower in the water, the kraken would be able to retrieve one of it's tentacles into the water and slammed the dwarf before the axe could connect, but to the dwarf's fortune, all of the tentacles had been shattered by a powerful spell, causing the kraken to jerk and hesitate, long enough for the axe to land and poke the kraken's eye. The beast jerked back away from the small figure.

Brone, believing his attack had caused major damaged, cheered, releasing the remaining air from his lungs, to which he realized was a bad idea and was beginning to suffocate, but once again, to the dwarf's luck, a bubble of a air had rescued him... though if the air bubble was suppose to only encircle Brone's head, the bubble entrapped his entire body, save for his arms which held both large battleaxes, "Ah! It's spitting out bubbles! I'm trapped!" he yelled within the pocket of air. Just as he was about to attempting to cut the bubble, he spotted Kailani in the water and remained still to think for a moment, "Ah... air magic... right" he felt very silly, especially now that he was floating back up to the surface, though the bubble didn't remain stationed and began turning. By the time Brone spotted Sofia within the water, the dwarf was upside-down, inside a bubble while trying to flap his axes to direct his vehicle... to no avail, all the while keeping his legs crossed so the shard of the blue orb wouldn't fall into the depths.


#19Kailani Fleurn † 

Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Wed Feb 16, 2022 5:57 pm

Kailani Fleurn †
Nimbus didn't hesitate to scramble up to join Renji on Yuurei's shoulders, it would be safer there than on his own. The exceed almost looked worried as he stared down towards the water. His ears flat, his eyes wide.

"She better not die down there." He muttered quietly before clinging on for dear life as Yuurei set about attacking the beast once more, causing the feline to pay more attention to the tentacle heading their way. Far more used to sitting in the backline with the wind mage over the reckless frontline assault that was Yuurei's manner of fighting. Nimbus clearly dreaded every moment, his eyes only growing larger the more fearful he became.

As the lavender-haired mage watched over her companion attacking the orb, she felt a shudder run down her spine, not caused by the freezing waters. The glimmer of the orb, illuminating a large orb attached to the beasty, its eye. Staring at the dwarf with malice, but only momentarily as its gaze shifted upwards. The others must have done something to divide its attention. Once more she found herself thankful to be surrounded by such skilled companions.

It was fortunate that her magic didn't require vocal components, it was already a struggle to click her fingers beneath the surface of the water. Kailani found herself having to try a couple of times before finding the right movement of her fingers to summon forth her mana, sending yet another wave of air towards her companion. This one, however, was definitely not for breathing, instead once more finding its way to the dwarf's feet, allowing him to propel himself through the water in the direction of his choice. If he needed to go to the surface he'd have no problems, if he wished to rush towards the orb once more, he was free to do so instead.


Mana Used: 140/550

Spells Used:


Scabby sea bass [NQ/Group] Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:48 am


WORDS: 500 | Shiver Me Timbers!

All you can eat, buddy~! The vision of the vixen tightening as she breached the surface of the water and rode the wake behind her snarling sea serpent, sofia had a front row seat to see her creation bear his fangs down upon the menace from the deep, and had to admit that she didn't entirely hate seeing the sight of her 'baby' biting down on the cruel and callous creature which had been brought here.
Mwha~! Lifting her fingers to her lips and laying a kiss upon them once her attack was done and the water began to become stained with blood because of it, all too soon a bubble of air seemed to erupt around the head of the young water mage to provide her with breath as she lingered beneath the waves, and watched what happened next as practically the whole guild thrust their way into the deep, with one noticeable exception of course.

Looks like we've got a pool party going on, eh~? The brow of the brunette arching as she looked around her and saw face after face joined her in her little excursion, though in her heart of hearts a part of her seemed to hope that her beautiful bride might join their number and get busy with them, and likely look ravishing doing so as well, ultimately she guessed that the woman had fatter fish to fry. Or squid, in this case.
My wonderful wife, amazing as always~ Even one so accustomed to the art of the amazion alisa as this emerald eyed enchantress still feeling a shiver as she caught sight of the woman seeming to obliterate the troublesome tendrils in one magical movement, miss serena bit into her bottom lip as she saw chunks of what once belonged to the body of the beast seem to fall into the ocean around her, and then refocused her gaze on the reason they were all down here.

Can't be caught slacking now, can I~? Shaking her head as she caught sight of that shimmering sapphire which seemed to be holding the kraken here and then nodding, the fingers she had just kissed moved to the forehead of the fox as she focused her mind and her mana, and then vanished with the same snapping pop that had brought her to the guild building earlier in the day. Well, almost. After all, the water did seem to muffle the sound a bit.
Time to find out how well this thing works underwater, eh~? Hardly having the full effect of her teleportation ability suspended by the simple sonic caveat however and managing to cut out the middle man because of that, with the blue pearl right in front of her Sofia smirked as she squeezed the hilt of shining sword that she carried across herself in one swift and decisive movement as she ignited her weapon once more, and hoped that its edge wouldn't be dulled too much by the water that surrounded them. Though, even if it was, she'd just need to put a bit more muscle behind it, eh~? And with that attitude, she watched as her sword shattered the stone into shards and put an end to the unwelcome intrusion before it got out of hand. Or at least, any more out of hand…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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