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Tears [Alisa]

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Tears [Alisa] Empty Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:30 pm




Six Jewels.

A paltry sum in most eyes.

A pitiful total that may as well extend across the reaches of impossible achievement for Vyra, her eyes staring equally upon the half-loaf of bread before her with looks of envy, mournfulness, hope, and desperation. Laid upon the small stand within the baker’s establishment, the presentation no different than that of plenty of other confectionaries presented about on tables scattered about within on the showroom. But in it there existed something so intriguing about, a simple elegance to it that she yearned for.

“Hey,” a booming voice billowed out through the store, its tone aggressive, a hint of frustration mixing in with disdain. “No reaching ‘less you lookin’ to pay.” The no-nonsense of his tone cut through Vyra like a knife, a quick moment required to realize her hand midway through extending towards the bread, the simple fascination of it having drawn her in like a moth to flame. “What. The bread? Six Jewels,” his words were spoken matter-of-factly, nothing clear within his tone save for small levels of annoyance. Bread was bread, but this young girl seemed to think otherwise.

They cut through like a knife, whatever sort of gleam or anticipation that may have been within Vyra’s eyes snuffed out like a candle flame between two fingers. Her shoulders relieved of stress, defeat settling in. Six Jewels… The baker spoke with the dismissiveness like that of a traveler to a small rock in the road. It mattered like to him; most of the baked goods scattered about cost far more, what would he have to care towards a simple half-loaf of bread?

Her hand shuffled through the small little pouch that dangled from her waistband. Makeshift, like much about her, a patch of leather loosely tied together with twill, another small piece connecting it to her belt. Its pitiful form told enough the story; deflated like that of a balloon on its last gasp of air; its contents nonexistent as she plunged her fingers in, emptiness until she reached the bottom recesses. The crushing feeling of futility spread through her as she scooped all that remained, exposing the contents to eyes that still held within them a single sliver of hope.

“Would…” Her voice hollow, expecting only disappointment but hoping perhaps for some reprieve, “would you take four Jewels?”

Just take.

A moment of silence, even just a passing second, felt like an eternity. For a moment, maybe there was a chance? The scowl on the man’s face enough told the story, but if there were any doubt, his words eliminated what remained. “Is six! Cheap ‘nough that ya damn whatevs you is people comin’ through Her Beautiful Hargeon, now tryin’ to haggle for alreadys fair price.” Eyes that otherwise had been occupied elsewhere by those within the bakery now shifted and turned towards the baker and Vyra, the young girl appearing all the smaller compared to the large, flour-covered brute. “Gets ya self outs me bakery!”

Back turned to Vyra, that was the end of it. To the baker, she was a nobody, not worth entertaining. To the patrons of the bakery, she was perhaps no better than what his perception of her cast. Why would one come to deviate in thinking? For that matter, why pay her any more attention than what was already given?

We’re better than to deal with this.

She sighed with defeat, her eyes looking to the ground, a sense of shame running through her. Hargeon had hardly been kind to her; this was neither the first, nor would she suspect the last time. Even something as pitiful as a half-loaf of bread, in a bakery bristling with cakes and treats that Vyra only could hope to dream of, it just further illustrated what she was in this world. Nothing.

But we can be more. So much more…

A step forward was all that came about. The sounds echoed through; the same people whom gave nothing more than a cursory glance of disdain, the baker whose prejudice carries as much focus as his business, the bustle of the people whom meandered the streets of Hargeon – a hundred conversations echoing and meshing together into one cacophony of sounds.

Her eyes lifted, once to the half-loaf of bread; the prize denied her.

He'll never know...


It seemed to happen at once. Those who heard it, only then they did they turn to see it. The wooden table uprooted and knocked over; pastries and assorted fruit pies descending onto the ground, frosting smearing against the wooden planks, bits of fruit scattered about, the combination of their juices and sugar spreading about, slipping through the cracks of the floorboards. Just beyond the corner of one’s eye, the ragged clothing of the girl demeaned by the baker, making a hasty disappearance from eyesight.

The baker, taking in what just happened, his eyes showing only that of bewilderment and anger as his treasured desserts produced a small hint of fruit and sugar within the air, a welcome scent to the bakery’s patrons, albeit of less-than-ideal circumstances. Fuming, his vision darted only for the briefest of moments before he realized just what was out of place, beyond the table highlighting the fresh pies or the vagrant girl he had thrown out.

“That bitch!” he roared in anger as he rushed out of the store, following in the same route that Vyra had ventured only a moment before. As though standing a full head above the crowds, only a few glances provided him with the prowess like that of a tiger stalking its prey. “Stop!” He bellowed out, his words resonating throughout the street, but Vyra seeming to hear it clear as day. Whatever grace was with her before was washed away, stumbling over her feet, getting herself up from the ground with the elegance of a child learning how to walk, her face only briefly turning to match eyes with the baker, terror upon her face.

Moving as she could through the alleyway like a mouse stalked by a cat, Vyra struggled to maintain any sort of distance from that of the baker, who pushed through the crowds with the ease of maneuvering through a low tide. However far she felt that she had run, the space between them only further disappearing with each step taken. Vyra did not know where she was going, where she sought to go, or truthfully anything beyond just the base instinct to keep moving forward.

A rough force gripping her from the side and nearly throwing her into the nearby cobble wall, her feet being completely lifted from the ground, stopped her entirely. With a harsh thud, her back smashed against the wall, the wind rushing out of her as she slumped down in pain. A rough hand gripped upon the collar of her shirt, the force throwing back the flimsy hood she had been wearing, the red goat horns prominently on display in contrast to that of the light blue hair beneath, picking up dust and ash from the ground below.

“So, you’s not only a thief, but a freak now huh?” The baker hissed, standing at his full height, seemingly towering infinitely over Vyra, a look of terror upon her face, the beginning of tears forming within her eyes. “No good comin’ from people like you. Prolly’ one of them sorcerer types too. Bloody freaks threaten’ everythin’ of our way of life.”


“I didn’t take anything! I swear!” Vyra pleaded, her words drowned by the sobs that had begun to form. She didn’t know what to do. Didn’t know why this was happening. It made no sense, going from the dejection in the store to this. She didn’t know what she had done to deserve this, but just wanted to go. “Please, I swear…”

He lowered himself just enough to put himself somewhat within Vyra’s size, but still having a towering presence over her. “I was gone give ya a chance. Maybe just get back me bread and let ya go easy,” he rose his hand, bringing it down and delivering a vicious slap upon Vyra’s face, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoing in the immediacy, “But that ain’ts nothin’ deserved of ya kind…”

The stinging pain still radiated through her face, the tears down fully descending down upon her cheeks. Vyra shut her eyes, panicked of what stood to come next.

You’re dead.

Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Sat Sep 04, 2021 5:04 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | SPORT 

Ahh, Hargeon in the morning~...

The smell of the sea tickling her nostrils as she jogged along the seaside, the warm, sunny gleam bearing down overhead, that cool, soothing summer breeze brushing her cheeks, softer than a lover's caress... Indeed no matter how long Alisa spent here, she'd never quite get enough of this. No other place in Fiore felt quite as fulfilling to have her morning jog in.

Clad in a form fitting pair of purple shorts and a tight, sturdy sports bra sitting snugly around her full, generous bust, Alisa Vollan started that much like how she'd start any other day. Right at the break of dawn, before most shops would even dream of opening up, huffing, puffing and pacing herself as she ran like the wind, faster than the average runner could keep up. One could easily forget with the confidence she always carried herself with, but introverts like Alisa thrived in moments like these, with the streets all to herself, nobody to keep her company but the seabirds overhead, or the odd shopkeeper hoping to get an early start. The mist and clouds dissipated as the the hours went by, but that faint smile lingered on her face, no amount of exhaustion dulling her delight. And yet with nothing else to keep her company, times like these gave her the freedom to work through her thoughts in peace, and with the recent departure of severa guildmates to found their own guild, her thoughts inevitably wandered there:

"What... In the world did they see here...?", the way she saw it, Hargeon was a peaceful seaside city. Blue Pegasus had made it their home for generations, and no amount of cataclysmic events could ever dream of dissolving this perfect marriage. As the sculptress looked around the earliest of shopkeepers getting an early start, waving at her as they saw her jog by, Alisa merely smiled and waved back, running a hand along her sweaty forehead, keeping her eyes on the road ahead as her long black ponytail fluttered along behind her.

Blue Peagasus was Hargeon, and none but the most imaginative of minds could picture one without the other. Guild and City, living in perfect harmony, such was the legacy Alisa Vollan had inherited from her predecessors. Yet not everyone saw it that way... With the sun shining strong along the horizon, Alisa squinted with but a mere glance, and soon turned a corner, jogging further into the city and away from that dazzling gleam, her supple, sweat slicked body moving on autopilot as the woman's mind stood miles away, deep in pondering on the latest events.

Three of her most powerful guildmates had left to found their own guild, all of them non human in a myriad ways. Alisa for one had never paid any mind to a person's race when forming her opinion of them. People were who they were, whatever accidents of birth may shape the people they were, but none of it defined them. Whatever actions people took in their life defined them, not their race or the colour of their hair. Their will, their passion, their motivation... She'd always looked far beyond matters of race and ethnicity, and in her innocence, assumed most of the guild shared those views. Was there... Something she missed? Something, anything she hadn't seen, a hatred that could have forced her guildmates away without her even noticing? The more she mulled on this matter, the more she lost sight of anything and everbody around her, missing even the passerbyes who awed and waved at her, oblivious to all but her own thoughts. That was, until a furious cry reached her ears, jolting her from her daze:


Her breath hitched as that cry echoed across the streets, the outrage of a salesman just finding his wares swept out from under his nose. At this point, crime rarely sullied the streets of Hargeon anymore, but even a wealthy, well intentioned guild like Blue Peagasus couldn't quite eradicate it completely. However rarely, less fortunate souls could find their backs against the wall, and faced with the choice of starvation or thievery, Alisa would never judge another for choosing the latter.

"What the...?!"

Following the sound, Alisa turned away once more, her jog picking up speed into a brisk run, closing the distance between the furious baker and his helpless offender, enough to spot the pair just as they dove into an abandoned alleyway.

"freak... No good comin’ from people like you."

Close enough to overhear it, every single word made her brow twitch furiously, picking up speed as the man turned the man's fury raged wilder, for no reason other than her being different from himself. She winced at the sound and charged in, coming in right after that resounding slap, enough to wrench the baker's grip away from the girl, shoving the two apart, putting most of the force on the aggressive male. Never one to turn her strength upon her fellow citizens, Alisa nonetheless forced the man away hard enough to knock him back into the opposite wall with a rumbling thud, separating the quarreling duo before any further damage could be done. Unlike the strength he bore upon his offender, the Master of Blue Pegasus retaliated many times over, knocking him back hard enough he couldn't even keep his footing, forcing him to fall down on his ass in a daze as the lithomancer turned to the blue haired young woman:

"Are you alright...?", spoke the sculptress, flashing a soft, yet undeniably warm smile at the shaken girl, her hand coming to rest on the her shoulder. Not to detract from the gravity of the situation, but at the same time...

...She needed nothing but an acknowledgement, no matter how small, that Vyra was still there with her, still conscious, however shaken, just a show of reassurance. Enough that she could turn her attention to the baker, her left eye turning white in a clear sign of hostility, tracking every moment around her in stark contrast to that cool, collected poise, all the more so when the man began speaking:

"Ghh... Dont... Dontcha dare play the hero, this little bitch stol-... Wha...?!", and yet, whatever aggresion he had crumbled in a matter of moments as he turned his gaze up, his eyes falling on the striking, raven haired visage of the Wizard Saint, like an unyielding wall of diamond between himself and the target of his anger, his face livid with the notion of who exactly stood before him, "M-Miss Vollan...! What're ya doin here?!"

"I shouldn't be doing anything here. But I heard something quite infuriating... And I had to see who it came from."

Perhaps she was projecting... No, she was defenitely projecting. Her disdain for whatever prejudice her own guildmates had suffered that drove them away, right under her nose. And yet despite that seething fury, Alisa didn't attack. As the master of Blue Pegasus, she was a protector of these people, from the righteous heroes, to the most obnoxious idiots, no matter how infuriating:

"S-she got nobody else to blame. Nobody made 'er steal from me, that was her own damn choice.", he fumbled, pointing his finger at the blue haired young woman

"Well, how much does she owe you?", straight to the point, Alisa's hand came down on the flare of her full hip as she cocked it to the side, her poise cool but impatient. She had better things to do with her time then something so petty, merely waiting for the man to name his price.

"S-S-six Jewels miss Vollan", he stammered his way through it, as though saying it out loud allowed his circumstances to catch up to him at long last

"Six Jewels? You did all this for Six jewels?", she turned back, motioning towards the shaken young woman beside her, a hint of incredulity crossing her face. Was it just about the jewels, or was it because of the horns on her head...? Alisa knew the answer to this question all too well, and the mere thought made her brow twitch once more, her fist clenching hard enough for her nails to dig into her palm. She took a long, deep breath, her chest rising and falling as one hand rose up, pinching the bridge of her nose as she sighed, "Very well."

Looking at the man with scorn in her eyes, she could still sympathize with the anger at anybody who stole from them. But she'd never respect anybody who reacted so hatefully towards another, for no reason other than the circumstances of their birth. And so, she channeled her mana through the wedding ring on her finger, producing a small pouch of jewels and tossing, hard enough to make it grunt at the impact:

"Keep the change.", with a swift motion, she tossed the man a handful of jewels, enough to cover for the loaf of bread and many times over, barely hiding her scorn at this point. Leaving the guy to scurry and grumble away, Alisa instead turned to the girl. After having already ran a couple kilometers since early in the morning, she defenitely smelled of sweat, her hair clining to her skin at every opportunity. She looked anything but presentable, and yet she still reached out for the girl, the warmth of her expression contrasting with the looks she shot the outraged baker, "He's not worth your time, and that loaf your bread won't fill your stomach. Would you... Like to have a proper meal for a change?"

The hospitality she should have recieved in Hargeon to begin with...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Sun Sep 05, 2021 7:08 am




The burning upon her cheek faded slightly, the briefest of reprieves before what was to follow. Her mind raced, fearful of what was to come next. A knee to the face? A punch against her jaw? A kick to her rib? She had already come to know of the cruelties of what the people of Fiore could afford her. To think this would be much a different scenario, foolhardy.

Let me in.

Blackness. For the shortest of moments, there stood nothing. No sound, no feeling, nothing at all. What seemed only a moment sooner, she was fearful of, or perhaps more expectant of what could have only been considered another act of cruelty. Then, blank? Her mind racing, she knew not what to expect, so to feel the soft touch of what she could imagine a hand upon her shoulder. It was unfamiliar, not unwelcome, but even something as benign as that, Vyra’s eyes shot open, her head darting up towards the woman who now appear beside her.

We were fine. She wasn’t needed.

Through teary eyes, Vyra mustered the faintest of nods. She hurt. Not just the physical pain that had subsided, nor even her back which still ached from the force that the man had pushed her, but from the hard days onto weeks onto months onto years that she had had to endure. What felt like a prolonged period of suffering; her plight was not for this woman to know. She feigned a weak smile, just enough to perhaps hide the agony she felt, one that wiped from her face at the sight of the man who had assaulted her, the shaken nature of his something which she could only to the woman before her.

“I didn’t…” The words trailed off as she realized the futility of saying anything more. This man had become convinced that she were at fault, per why she just did not understand. She did nothing wrong. She paced her breathing, a small rush of pain coming with each breath taken. Vyra simply watched what remained of the exchange between this woman and the man, the tears having stopped falling, her appreciation turning to that of admiration. Nobody had come to view her to this point as someone worth protecting.

A small exchange. A parcel that simply appeared being offered to the man, Vyra didn’t understand. This man had attacked her, blamed her for something that she didn’t do, and he was being paid for it? She had no way to know just how much was there, but her imagination could only race as to what amount was within the bag. Quite a bit, if the satisfied grunts of the man were to be any indicator.

That should be mine.

Blackness overcame again and as quickly as it came, receded. As though looking through a haze, she turned towards the woman, a warm smile upon her face; a striking, but welcome contrast than that of the tone this woman had spit towards the man. Vyra sought to feel safe now, but something about the whole sequence that had just occurred, it left her still a bit reserved.

Perhaps it was this woman herself. Everything about her struck as a contrast to that of Vyra; where she was poor and insignificant, this woman clearly was held to a much greater standard, not only in respect, but wealth too. And compared to Vyra, afraid, dirt and grime evident on everything about her, this woman resonated with confidence and beauty. The two were nothing alike, and yet she was willing to help her.

As the woman spoke towards her, to hear the contrast between her tone towards the baker and how she was spoken to, the beginnings of a smile dawned upon her lips. It stopped at the mention of the bread, the one element that even now she could not understand, but before she found the courage to muster any protest to the claim, the offer of what the woman described as a ‘proper meal’ floored her. Her stomach growled with anticipation, how scarce of an event this was that she found herself struggling to even remember such an invitation. Had she ever been offered one? Perhaps once or twice following ‘that’ incident, but none since, nor perhaps any before either.

“Really!?” the words were faint, a disbelief still apparent within her voice. A slight sting ran through her back as she started for her feet, the certainty that she was going to be hurting for days to come sitting in the back of her mind. Leaning slightly against the wall, the contrast between the two became even more apparent. The woman towered over her, an embodiment of nobility to Vyra’s peasantry. “Thank you! Thank you so-“

Her words cut off as she caught a quick glance to the ground where she had been laying only a moment earlier, instant horror flashing before her.

On the ground lay a crushed, partial-loaf of bread, less than that of what she supposedly had stolen, small bits scattered across the pieces of pavement, a damp coloring indicating where runoff water had been soaked up within it.

Vyra didn’t understand. She didn’t steal that! How it came to be there, it made no sense. It just wasn’t possible! She turned and latched onto the woman, looking up to her eyes a mixture of hopelessness, pity, and something more, perhaps heartbreak. “I swear, I didn’t take that! Please,” she pleaded. In a matter of seconds, she felt her world collapse, to be arisen from the constant lows to something close to that of a person worth a damn, only for it to seemingly collapse right before her eyes. “I swear, I didn’t take it! Please, you have to believe me!”

She desperately hoped that this woman would believe her, but no matter her tears, how truthfully she believed to be telling the truth, not even Vyra knew for certain. All she knew was suddenly she was being chased by the man and then all of this. A growing despair began to build within her; why would Vyra possibly believe that this woman was going to have believed her?

Her grip loosened and she sank down onto the ground, landing on her knees, her vision adrift but lacking focus as whatever tears produced fell to the tiniest of puddles beside her. "But nobody ever does..." her words were weak, defeat all too evident in her voice.

You see? This world has no place for you. But it does for me...

Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Sun Sep 05, 2021 11:39 am


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | SPORT 

Safe... Tougher than she looked, the girl had been shaken, but not injured by the angry baker's aggression. Alisa sighed, a good ounce of tension easing from her body. To think she could let anybody in Hargeon treat another like trash just for being born to a different race... That would be the day.

Some people can be really cruel huh... They see someone starving and make a fuss over six measly jewels. Alisa understood following the rules, respecting them, but she'd never abide by following them blindly, much less for using them as a moral excuse to dismiss someone in need. She'd worked hard all her life until money wasn't a problem, worked every last ounce of energy in her body to at the very least, create a city where nobody would need to starve.

"That made his day fast enough huh...?", a hint of scorn crossed her face as she noticed how all of that anger and outraged disappeared from the bitter baker's face the moment he took a look inside the coin purse.

In the end, Alisa would rather not sully her thoughts with the most detestable among her citizens, idly adjusting the band of her shorts before turning around to face someone who unquestionably needed her attention far more than he ever did. Wine red hues fell on Vyra, unerring as she scanned the girl's shape head to toe, without anybody to interrupt her... She really looked like she'd seen better days huh? Those horns on her head marked her as a Demi Human, and Alisa couldn't even begin to fathom just how much trouble she'd suffered just for being born different, and even then she could only giggle at the excitement she showed:

"Ufufu~... It's no trouble really. If anything i wish you'd have been offered such the moment you set foot in Hargeon.", she reassured, waving her hand dismissively, admired that glimmering look in her eyes. No matter what she'd been through, the girl had still held on to her beauty, and no amount of dirt and grime could detract from it...

But then... Even that momentary bliss was short lived when the girl's eyes fell on the loaf of bread beside her. Alisa imagined she'd merely stolen a loaf of bread to quell the hunger within but. A she clung to her, desperately clawing at her arm, Alisa's eyes widened once more. Doubt, incredulity... Worry... Alisa had raised no question towards the loaf of bread, and yet the girl's answer was as passionate as though she'd just been accused of the crime.

"Wha-...?", startled for a moment, her eyes widened as she looked and listened to the girl's pleas, merely resting that hand back on her arm again, only to watch her crumble back down onto her knees

As a woman who trusted her instincts, Alisa never shied away from a gut feeling. No matter how long she could have stared at the teary eyed young girl, tried to tell her her tears apart from those of a crocodile wishing to prey on gullible souls... No matter how hard she stared, Alisa saw only someone who believed every word from her lips. She was telling the truth... Even the most skilled actress could scarcely mount a performance like that no matter how hard she practiced. But the fact remained that the loaf of bread remained beside her, and a very angry baker had just chased her down through several blocks. But in the end, once Alisa's plush, pale pink lips parted, only three words echoed across the air, regardless of all the evidence dotted around her:

"It's alright... I believe you."

After having dealt with several mages with different beings inside of them, the idea wasn't impossible by any stretch, however outlandish. Alisa didn't know why she believed her, despite catching her redhanded... Even now her brow arched with every word from her lips, looking at the blue haired girl with a hint of curiosity more so than wariness or suspicion, concern first and foremost. Filled with sweat, dirt and grime, she looked even less presentable than Alisa herself, making her wonder how long had it been since this girl had at least had a proper roof over her head:

"I don't really know what it is that happened here but...", she scratched her temple, looking around, but in the end her eyes fell on the blue haired woman, "I do know that every problem feels worse on a empty stomach."

Alisa took one step closer, that warm, welcoming smile not abating for even an instant. Whatever issues that baker might have with a misplaced loaf of bread, she knew with a single glance that this girl needed her attention far more so than him. Sliding her hands behind her back, Alisa reached for the knot holding her long, sweat slicked hair in place, turning her head as she pulled the hairband down, whipping her hair loose with a subtle, simple shake of her head. Her training cut short, she slid the rubber band into her wrist, idly adjusting the strap of her sports bra as she devoted every ounce of her attention to Vyra:

"So come on, get up...", encouraged the sculptress, offering that sweaty palm to the kneeling girl with a smile on her face, patient, not forcing her along on anything, but leaving her as long as she needed to hesitate and think about it. Alisa bore her no ill will but... She didn't know how long the girl had been on the run like this, eating only what she could find. She couldn't blame her for not trusting the words of a stranger, "Let's take care of one problem at a time, shall we?"

As tempting as it was to bring her to a proper restaurant, that audible grumble reaching her ears made it quite clear. The girl just needed to eat something, even if nothing else but sweets off the nearest Café. After years in Hargeon as the Master of Blue Pegasus and far more than that as a rank and file member of the same guild, Alisa knew every single shop worth committing to memory, and if Vyra accepted her offer, that is exactly where she'd lead her.

"What's your name...? I'm Alisa.", she'd inquire regardless, not hiding her concern and curiosity towards the girl. No matter how she looked at her, Vyra felt like someone who'd been though far more than anybody should ever have to...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:12 pm




The world often made little sense to Vyra.

Why had she been born with horns? What could she have done that was so terrible as to warrant this kind of existence? Was this why the world seemed so cruel to Vyra? Was it something that she had done that deemed her less than deserving of life? It often left her wondering, albeit with disappointment, as she drifted to sleep night upon night.

And in the same right, how is it that in a world that had done her no favors, that this woman whom Vyra had never come to either see or know of prior, had come forth like a guardian angel in the face of all of this. How ironic, if not discerning, that it would seemingly be a woman of prominence that shows Vyra any sort of humility before that of a society as a whole. Anyone whom in this woman’s situation, there would be little incentive to believe Vyra, nor even stick around so long as to even be faced with such a decision. They had saved her, protected her from harm. To most, that would have been sufficient enough.

“I believe you.” Her eyes widened as she felt a sensation rip through her, something that she had been without for so long that it felt alien to her. Safe? Belonging? Whatever it may have been, what seemed like a weight of the world was being lifted from her. However, fleeting it may have been, in that immediate moment Vyra felt accepted. She coughed; her words stuck in her throat, her mind split between asking to hear validation from this woman, the words still foreign to Vyra, or whether to thank her. She simply remained there, a feeling of wetness as run-off water trickled against the haggard leggings covering her legs.

She lies. Nobody believes you.

The outreached hand snapped Vyra back into reality, seeing the woman still towering over her, a warm smile upon her face. Still a bit apprehensive, she reached out and took the woman’s hand, her legs feeling week as blood rushed back into them. Leaning her other hand against the cobblestone wall once again, Vyra maintained her balance. She dreaded what this woman must have been thinking, for someone like her to be seen with someone as disheveled and a mess as Vyra was.

Alisa. She mouthed her savior’s name, a sort of comfort that came with being able to put a name to a face, especially a face that one would not wish to forget. She had been caught up in her own mind trying to ensure that she wouldn’t forget that it took a moment to realize she had yet to even provide this woman with her own name. “I’m Vyra,” her words were hoarse, something about being in the company of this woman as the streets began to fill with people still a bit unsettling to her. Though she would not say it, there was some level of awkwardness to providing someone with her name; seldom times was she ever referred to anything other than a derogatory term that she had just come to expect that nobody actually cared what her name was.

In the few minutes that time passed that the two traversed through Hargeon, the streets had become all the more busy. The last of the shops having finally opened for the public and the warm sun that shined upon the city, painting one of the last truly pleasant days of the season, it all contributed to an even busier day than that of what Vyra had herself even been used to whilst in Fiore. Unease settling in, she found herself grasping and holding tightly onto Alisa’s arm as they walked, similar to that of a child walking with a parent. Vyra had once already been victimized by these people; the last thing she sought was it happening again.

Pathetic. Groveling before this woman. Nothing special.

Beyond that, this was territory wholly new to Vyra. Most of the time that Vyra had spent within cities, either fatigue or hunger had limited her to such a degree that finding someplace to rest her head, or hopefully maybe find something to eat would have been the most that was afforded to her. And even then, if she were fortunate enough to perhaps find even that, it would often mean that much of whatever given city she was in would be overlooked or even just ignored. Walking with Alisa, she recognized that much of what she was seeing, she likely never would have encountered on her own. Though with or without Alisa's accompaniment in discovering them, the reality was that Vyra likely would never be able to indulge in such delights if she were so inclined regardless.

They walked on for a bit of time before the taller woman finally led them somewhere, a confident look upon her face, as though basking in the satisfaction of a successful venture. Vyra, as much overwhelmed by everything going on as she was leery of others, found herself at a loss for words when she saw just where the woman had chosen. It was not a negative reflection upon the place, but rather that of herself. “Are, are you sure?” She glanced as well as she could inside the establishment, the place was practically full from the limited view that she could tell of it. Vyra frowned, “I don’t think I’m… their kind of people…” She wasn’t sure if it were her horns or just how she looked otherwise, but Vyra hardly felt like this would be a place that would allow, let alone welcome, someone like her in their establishment. That feeling only made Vyra feel more guilty for Alisa, forcing her to have to further be in her company, however poorly tarnishing what standing she may have in this city.

What you’re thinking is right. You are worthless. She should leave you. She will leave you. But not me. I’ll still be here. I’lll protect you. Just like always.

Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Mon Sep 06, 2021 12:17 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | SPORT 

The moment she heard those words, the girl's looked on in utter shock, as though she'd just a ghost. Something alien, impossible to understand, something that she didn't know could even exist. Alisa's brow arched, a palpable, unmistakable sense of unease clenching in her midriff at the mere thought of what could this girl had gone through, to end up the famished, broken, dishevelled mess now kneeling in front of her. She knew nothing about how could she have not stolen a piece of bread for it to end up right next to her like this, but the two answers could very well be related...

As soon as Vyra took her hand however, Alisa pushed those thoughts aside. Surely all the answers would reveal themselves in time, and true to her words, she remembered that which mattered most. This girl needed help - A hearty meal, a warm shower, and fresh clothes at the very least. As for how much of that list Alisa could give her, well... That just depended on whether she could earn her trust:

"Pleasure to meet you, Vyra~", she replied, her tone soft and soothing, her poise cool and collected, her smile warm and welcoming. This openness came naturally to Alisa, and yet as she reached a hand for her arm as Vyra wobbled, the sculptress could tell Vyra wasn't used to recieving help, as though she only knew the sting of rejection, shunned by most of not all people she came across, "I haven't see you around here before. How long have you been in Hargeon?"

Far be it from her to presume she knew each and every last person in this city, but not for lack of trying. After being here for so long, Alisa at least recognized the faces she saw every morning on her daily jogs like this. As she escorted the mysterious young Demi human across town, could pick up on the her anxiety as they walked through the increasingly crowded streets. She held the girl close with a firm, gentle touch, reminding her that she wasn't alone anymore. Even the eyes of onlookers would have seemed different to her now, as the curious people noticed the Guildmaster in the company of a dishevelled girl they'd never met.

If she's in the Guildmater's company, surely she must be trustworthy

As Alisa caught the curious glances shot their way, the people smiled much as they otherwise would if they saw her alone... But as she looked between them and Vyra, she could only imagined the kind of glances she'd gotten that forced her so far down her own shell. People could be much too cruel when faced with something or somebody they didn't understand. And a lone, wandering girl they'd never seen before defenitely fit the bill. Her looking different from them only added to this unease, but in the end, whatever mistrust they'd have vanished into thin air, just from the sight of the tall woman at her side. As they stood before the café and the wide variety of freshly made food proudly on display, Vyra spoke up once more, earning an arched brow as Alisa's hand fell on her hip:

"Not everyone is like that baker... And fortunately so, you couldn't quite have a city where everyone has that kind of behavior.", she spoke, frowning at the mention of the baker, her displeasure at his rudeness all too palpable as she shook her head. Her wine red gaze fell on Vyra's once more. The mere sight of the people inside filled the girl with dread but in return, Alisa once again offered her hand, "It's alright, I know the owners of this place~... If they saw you they'd have probably offered you a meal for free"

As the smell of fresh food and coffee wafting from inside tempted their sense of smell, the sculptress hoped her offer would sway Vyra, winning over her hesitation before she'd lead the girl inside. Despite the many people sitting at their respective tables, the counter looked relatively free, letting the two find their way to the nearest employee - Unlike the bitter, hateful baker from earlier, a jovial, portly man greeted the two as they stepped inside the café:

"Good morning! I see you're early today Alisa. Made a new friend huh?", with a cheerful, toothy smile at the sight of a regular customer, the man walked over to the counter, resting his elbows there. Whatever curious looks he may have given Vyra, they never really detracted from that welcoming look "So what can I get ya both?"

Alisa turned her gaze down... This café had some of the best croissants, which was why Alisa came here so often. But they had no shortage of variety either: With everything from small snacks to light lunches displayed under the counter, Vyra needed only choose what she wanted.

"Well, see anything you like? You can pick anything you want, my treat~", encouraged the sculptress, hand resting soothingly on the girl's arm as she rested her full hip against the counter ever so slightly, all of her focus falling on Vyra.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:25 pm




The euphoric blending blossomed through and through, nothing more a simple preview, a teasing finger with no purpose than to otherwise lead patrons towards the delicacies littered throughout the café. It was striking how such a scent, an amalgamation of flavors blended together could contrast so significantly against the scents soaked within the Hargeon streets. Stale sea water, grime, and the hint of wet stone clashed against the immovable object that was warm-brewed coffee, freshly-kneaded bread, and the unmistakable smell of the highest quality cheeses, slowly melting upon dishes to leave mouths watering.

It was almost too much.

Vyra accompanied Alisa into the café, patrons seated at tables all along the edges of the establishment turning their heads slightly, faint nods indicate of respect and admiration coming from most whom happen to achieve eye contact with the tall beauty. If any acknowledgement they gave Vyra, it was either brief enough or innocuous enough that she did not notice it. Her gaze were locked in onto Alisa, each passing moment impressing Vyra further and further. Whatever she had first thought of Alisa, it was becoming clear that not enough credit was being given.

As they reached the counter, Vyra’s eyes bounced around, for the first time truly digesting what the café had to offer. Croissants, steam still stemming from it, indicative of its freshness. Small jars lined the sides of the counter, candied sticks soaking in sugary fruit molasses sitting within them. Behind the counter on the wall, dried meats, salted and tenderized, hung like trophies for the most adventurous consumers. For the girl who seldom had a chance to dine on anything like this, it was admittedly overwhelming.

“Well, wouldn’t I be lying I didn’t recognize that look,” an inviting, yet jolly hollering came from the larger man who approached the two of them. A smile beamed, as he took a quick glance at Vyra, then towards the couple items that she had glanced at only moments earlier. “I know, I know, sometimes things all look so good, it’s hard to make up your mind.” Without missing a beat, he had pulled out a small basket from beneath the counter and had begun to place a couple croissants, a handful of the candied sticks, and cut off a hearty piece of the dried meats all within the basket. “Which is why I feel you should be able to try everything at least once.” Putting the basket before Vyra, he shined her another full smile, his head nodding slightly as his eyes briefly shifted to Alisa.

Vyra’s eyes widen with surprise, if not disbelief. In that moment, she found herself struggling to hold back tears; she couldn’t remember the last time she had received something like this before. Probably never. “You love to see it,” the man remarked. “Let me go ahead and prepare you something nice. I know Alisa would only expect the very best. I can’t imagine how she’d feel if I didn’t extend that to a new friend as well,” he gestured towards a pair of seats just at the counter. “Make yourselves comfortable. I’ll be back shortly.” The man turned towards the back, but not before calling out once more to the pair, “Alisa, care for the usual?”

Vyra glanced briefly down the counter, watching as the café owner disappeared into the back. Looking back to Alisa for just a moment, Vyra moved towards one of the seats that she had been gestured towards, taking the one closest to Alisa. She exhaled. It felt like for the first time that she could breath. There just something indescribable about what had transpired up to this point that left her drained. Perhaps it was the incident with the baker. Maybe her encountering Alisa and the windfall of that encounter left her overwhelmed. Whatever the reason, taking a seat finally allowed her a freedom that she wasn’t permitted earlier.

A bit leery about the whole thing, she reached into the basket and took a bite of some of the dried meat, the taste overwhelming. She savored every moment of the bite, her eyes closed with delight, but as she opened them and looked upon the piece of meat, plenty of bites left to be taken, she paused. “You know the owner. The guy in the alley,” she shuddered, “He knew you. Everyone in the street, all the people here, everyone knows you. I saw it. They all revere you.”

Finally. You’re starting to get it.

Vyra turned towards Alisa, not tears in her eyes, but rather just that of hurt. Of feelings long suppressed and only now starting to come to the surface, perhaps now in the company of someone to whom makes her feel safe. “You’re someone special. You matter.” She choked a bit on her words, a pain evident on her face with what she was saying, “I just don't get it. Why me? I’m not like you. I don’t matter.”

She sighed, “I’ve never mattered to anyone...”

That’s right. You don’t. But I do. And the sooner we accept that, the better it will be for us.

Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Tue Sep 07, 2021 12:30 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | SPORT 

"Ufufu~... Ever the good samaritan, Lorenzo. Whatever would I do without you, hmmm~?", she chimed, her smile brightening as she watched him pick a little bit of everything, the kind of attention Alisa silently wished Vyra could have recieved more often, without going through all the trouble and hardship she did, "Dig in, as much as you want... They're the best croissants you'll ever taste~"

She had to admit... As unsettling as it was to imagine what the girl might have gone through... At that moment, all of of her worry and concern faded away. That look of unbridled joy. Alisa found herself sharing a complicit look with the man, silently thanking him for his support as a hint of her playfulness peered through:

"If you ask me, you might have just found yourself a new regular~", motioning towards the seats, Alisa ran her hands down the side of her hips, smoothing out the kinks and creases in her shorts before sitting down and encouraging Vira to join her, nodding at the man as he turned his attention to her, confirming his assumption with a smile, "Indeed I would, thank you very much~"

For a moment, she simply stood there, crossing her long, elegant legs in a flowing motion, her elbow coming to rest atop the counter as she cradled her chin with one hand, her eyes on Vyra, her look a mix of curiosity and delight, as though every bite she took could heal some of the damage she suffered thus far. Perhaps even a budding hint of affection, for someone she'd like to care for as much as the girl allowed her. A reminder that no matter what she'd been through, Alisa could help her. Maybe wouldn't have had the ability, or even the awareness to do so... But right now things had changed.

At that point, the girl's words struck her from her daze, slapping her back to reality.

Her memories flashed before her eyes as the tall woman sighed... Before she joined Blue Pegasus, she was, well... Different. Consumed by an unyielding hunger for revenge, she lost sight of everything else around her. Back then, she made no effort to look presentable like she did now, nor did she have any underlying wish to treat people kindly. Whoever she met back then eyed her warily, as though she was someone who'd only come to look for trouble and would start without hesitation at the slightest provocation:

"I wasn't always like this you know...?", Alisa shook her head, hand raising up to her temple, glancing off towards the ceiling as she reminisced like someone far older than herself. Mostly unpleasant memories if that fading smile was anything to go by... She folded her arms under her full figured bust as both elbows came to rest on the counter, tucking a loose black lock away from her eyes as the drifted back to the blue haired beauty beside her, "A few years ago, I could have walked down the streets and nobody would have noticed my presence. You wouldn't even have seen me at all."

Yet as Vyra fell further and further down that spiral of self loathing and negatity, with every world from her lips the more Alisa glimpsed the trauma she must have been put through. So she did the only sensible thing she could: Reach out. Her hand reached gently across the table, coming down on Vyra's with a gentle, earnest tone as she spoke:

"You matter to me. Why else would I be here with you right now?", Alisa replied, arching her brow as though she was simply stating the most obvious truth in the world, tilting her head ever so slightly. Another sigh, doubt flashing on her face as she scratched her temple, brow furrowed. This... Probably wouldn't make sense to her huh? After all, they'd only just met... And Vyra sounded like she'd never had anybody lending her a hand. Explaining something most took for granted defenitely posed a challenge, but Alisa did the best she could, "Most people will see someone struggling and want to help... Sure, some twisted few may try to harm you, some won't even care. But most will want to. Sometimes that's not enough... Maybe they don't think they can or don't know how, or perhaps worry some harm will come to them for trying. But sometimes. You'll just happen to find someone who both wants to and has all the means to."

Utterly appalled at the idea of this beautiful girl being left to suffer and waste away all by herself, Alisa squeezed softly on her hand, as though she could hold onto her for dear life, willing to let her plummet down in thse abyss. She peeled away only when Lorenzo returned, his friendly, approachable voice drawing Alisa's gaze up with a smile:

"Here you go Alisa. Heated croissant, fresh orange juice, and your favorite latte.", he spoke, setting down the plate and both glasses, bringing over a small basket of napkins for the two of them, winking at the two women before leaving them to their food, "You girls let me know if you need anything else, hmm? Enjoy your meal!"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Tue Sep 07, 2021 4:06 pm




Vyra had not been a stranger to the unknown. So often things happened, offering her multiple doors to venture through, what lies beyond any given route being something that could as much as much lead her further toward self-destruction as it stood the chance to simply prolong what was to come. It seldom made things better, and unfortunately it seldom made it less frightening.

Here, with Alisa, was one of the few times that she was comfortable with that uncertainty.

Her heart had been drowning in the sorrowful reality that she had been living with, her existence as fleeting as a leaf upon the hard ground. It could as much remain there or disappear forever, and the world would simply go on. A second thought wouldn’t be given by most if something were to have happen to her; evident enough by the countless days of her surviving, if it could be described as much.

But this, this was new. Like a hand outstretched pulling her out from descending further below.

Alisa’s words, the story she told just seemed too hard to believe based on what Vyra had seen. In her, Vyra saw a woman that commanded respect, who was beloved. Sure, she could recall the plentiful stories that she heard, tales of people having discovered their fortunes, the outlook of their lives having completely shifted to that of prosperity. But how many were just those of people drunkenly expressing their dreams, remembering of times long gone, or perhaps just Vyra wanting to hear what she thought she heard? But had Alisa been like her once? Was she, or rather, had she been just like her?

“Really?” Vyra said little more than that, simply focusing on Alisa as she digested each word spoken. How Alisa explained it, was that really how people were? Had Vyra just been unlucky?  As intently and earnestly as she wished to believe Alisa, to believe that there was good in people, everything up until this encounter between the two had led convinced her otherwise.


Feeling the woman’s hand delicate yet strong grip upon her hand, Vyra felt a rush, a sense of worth flying into her. Her eyes lingered for a moment upon the woman’s hand then rose up to meet Alisa’s, a timid smile that complimented the emotionally charged eyes of Vyra.

Then from her eyes the color drained. Her grip waned.

Enough! You’ve had too long with this!

The color returned to Vyra’s eyes; their gaze fixated upon Alisa. As if upon hot coals, Vyra jerked her hand away, a hint of disgust in every motion made. “Disgusting…” Her tone was nothing like before. The timidness was gone. Replaced with a confidence that from Vyra had yet to be heard. “So what, you every so often come off from whatever throne you sit on to help the poor down trotted? Make you feel better about yourself? Nice way to give yourself a little pat on the back?”

Her eyes examined the café, taking in seemingly every detail, but her eyes never shifting from Alisa when given the chance. “You can talk as much as you want about being like me, but I see through you.” She scoffed, “she may not, but it won’t matter.”

“Cause you’re just gonna reaffirm everything I’ve lived with. What, you going to protect her? I was fine. That oaf with the temper, there wouldn’t been any problem if she had just... if she had just let me take the lead a few seconds more.” Frustration was fully evident upon Vyra’s face, it blending in with general contempt. “Well, she paid for that mistake. But it’s OK. I’m stronger than to let something like that stop me.”

During this dialogue, the jolly fellow whom had provided the bag of treats for Vyra returned with a tray containing all sorts of delicacies. Although not one to typically make their presence invisible, under the circumstances, of what he could deduce from the very short interaction with Vyra, best to allow her and Alisa a more than typical level of privacy. Placing the large tray before them, he said but a few words before tending to some of the other patrons in the café.

“And I don’t need you. Whatever you think of her, she doesn’t need you. She’s alive because of me. But you think you can do better? You think that you can just buy her? Buy me!? That you can just get rid of me by buying her breakfast!?” Grabbing ahold of one of the croissants from the tray, she dismissingly threw it against Alisa, it bouncing off of her and landing onto the floor nearby. Vyra leaned in slightly closer now, her eyes once again fixated on Alisa, “You think I’m going to give this up, you’re wasting your time. She’s lost. And the sooner she accepts that, the sooner I can save her.”

She leaned back, resting one elbow upon the table as she licked her finger, the faint beginnings of a coy smile developing as she admired the tastes of the croissant. With a quick glance at her finger, then back to Alisa, she spoke softly, venom in her words. “So how about you stop prolonging this little show of yours?”

Vyra’s eyes dilated and then returned, the harsh iris that held just hate moments earlier having dispersed into the same eyes that looked upon Alisa with trust. She sat in the chair for a moment, everything about her slow to respond for a moment. A couple of quick blinks seemed to bring everything back to focus and from the corner of her eye she could see the tray that was left for them, minus one croissant that still remain at their feet.

“Woah... Those look incredible,” she spoke with enthrallment, the look of everything all being so much more than what she had imagined it being. She took hold of one of the remaining croissants and smiled as the aroma of the fresh bread filled her nostrils. “Wait, did this just get here? How’d I not-?” Her words cut off. She knew she’d have noticed the tray being left. How couldn’t she? And wasn’t Alisa holding her hand just a moment ago? Unnerved, she lifted her eyes to meet Alisa’s, the fear plainly evident within them, “Alisa?”

Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Wed Sep 08, 2021 2:36 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | SPORT 

Endearing as it was to finally watch the girl relax as she enjoyed her meal, finally letting down her guard after months, if not years of wandering alone, Alisa knew she was still missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. Watching that delighted look on her face made her forget about it. but the question still lingered, gnawing at the back of her mind, impossible to ignore: How could Vyra have not stolen a piece of bread that was right there beside her?

As if offended by the show of empathy, the answer revealed itself without hesitation: Alisa's lips parted as she heard that tone, eyes flaring open at that unbelievable sight of someone else now sitting in her place. Anybody could recognize another from their voice, their posture and expressions. Even though they had exactly the same body, this woman was not the Vyra she knew:

"What... How did you?", started by the transformation, not only did she merely gawk at the stranger in Vyra's body, but her left eye reflexively turned white

The stark difference reminded her of people like Odin and Esperia years ago, the Take Over users who could channel the entity that gave them power, their very personality warping in the blink of an eye. Only this time... Even with her white eye, she saw only a shocking realization: There was absolutely no magic at play here. Vyra was telling the truth, just as her gut told her. However, that truth now looked far more complex than she could have guessed, worrisome even:

"My, my... So you're the one who got her in trouble hmm?", she sneered, eyes narrowing as she heard nothing but an endless flow of insults one after another, not only to Alisa herself but the girl who shared her body.

More so than mere annoyance at words, however, the seething scorn the other woman showed made her eyes narrow, brow twitching as the she went on and on about things she knew nothing about, and even confessed how she'd been the one in charge right until the baker caught her. At a loss for words, Alisa mostly but allowed the woman to go off on her venomous tirade, that was, until something jolted her back to reality. A piece of bead, striking her face, one of the croissants the kind owner had offered Vyra. With the power of the white eye, Alisa could clearly see her grabbing and lobbing the food at her face, but in her daze, couldn't even respond until after it struck. At that moment, her hand moved of its own accord, an automated reflex that caught the savoury piece of bread before it could hit the ground, placing it right back on the table where it came from:

"You really shouldn't waste food. Not after you caused all that ruckus for a loaf of bread.", the sculptress shook her head, the annoyance clear on her face. So the other Vyra would only allow herself anything she'd taken? The mere thought contorted her gaze into a furious scowl, "And more importantly... This isn't yours to throw away."

In the end, Alisa took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling. Only a few words in and she knew she was talking to a brick wall. Letting go of the anger on her fist, her hand unclenched as she merely tapped her fingertips over the counter, rubbing her thumb along her cheek where that croissant hit her face:

"Are you done...? Absolutely not.", shooting a frigid glare in response, Alisa shook her head in staunch refusal, her resolve unwavering, "I won't let her suffer because of you. You might think you're helping her... But you're the reason she can't help herself."

Alisa didn't know how she'd become like this... Perhaps she just broke under whatever trauma she'd been through, and as she put herself together, something remained fractured deep within. She wasn't a psychologist, by any stretch of the word. She had not the slightest clue of what lead up to this, but she did know how it would end. The tension seeped from her body with a sigh only when she saw her her dilating, the same shift in stance that let her know Vyra was back. She took a few moments to gather her bearings, to make sense of what just happened, observing the blue haired girl with a hint of shock and concern, only truly snapping back when Vyra called out her name:

"It's alright, I'm still here~", Instead, she flashed her that same soothing smile as before, offering her hand once more, "Seems like we both spaced out a bit there, hmmm? Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere~"

That person inside her... So hateful and desperate to lash out at the world, ready to rear her ugly head at any moment. She'd make an enemy out of everybody - no matter how helpful they may seem - leaving Vyra to wonder why people treated her miserably, to stress and suffer more and creating more opportunities for the other Vyra to do her thing. That vicious cycle could only end one way... Who's to say she couldn't end up having an episode so long it lasted for the rest of her life? Vyra would be gone wouldn't she...? Alisa had to stop it. She didn't know how, but she had to stop this. She couldn't let that woman break this innocent girl:

"By the way Vyra... Do you... Remember anything from when that baker was chasing you?", she spoke, tilting her head, yielding to her curiosity. How much did she know about the other one?

One by one the pieces were slowly falling into place, but if Alisa was to help her, she had to learn as much as she could.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Wed Sep 08, 2021 6:29 pm




It felt awful, to be fearful at a time when she have felt the most secure and safe. In Alisa, someone who had demonstrated what people would likely consider to be the standard of kindness, she had provided Vyra with a sense of value, a glimpse, even if just a fleeting moment, of what a normal life could be like. But just then, however much time passed, she could feel that moment slip away, lost to the same nothingness that she herself had seemingly slipped to.

And while feeling Alisa’s hand upon her own again did bring her some level of reassurance, that feeling of being safe, Vyra could not take close to as much confidence in it now as before. But her breathing steadied, panic having previously thrown her body’s rhythmed off, calmed by the combination of Alisa’s words and the enticing smells of the large meal before them. Vyra had to admit, for as unsettled as she may have been, it was hard not to be excited for what the café owner had put before them. Especially for someone as hungry as Vyra had been.

She looked down at the croissant still in her hand, the smell dancing just beneath her nostrils, her mind racing as she tried to imagine the taste of something like it. Her eyes darted back and forth between it and Alisa, a part of her wondering if she had permission to eat. Even though the man had presented the food for both of them, Vyra still felt uncomfortable simply eating right away. After a couple more glances, paying particular note to the kind smile upon Alisa’s face, Vyra closed her eyes and took a bite.

It was hard to tell whether it were the texture or the taste that first struck her, but with just a single bite Vyra had pulled the croissant away and found herself marveling at the pastry whilst she chewed. “Woah… I never had one of these before, it’s like, soft bread but tastes like a cookie. A weird-shaped bread cookie.” She glowed, after the first bite having lost the timidness that she had earlier. Bite upon bite, the croissant more and more disappeared, her hands becoming faintly layered in flakes and crumbs, but the smile didn’t wane from her face.

Although she were tempted, Vyra resisted the urge to take another. Alisa had made a point of saying that they were good before they walked in. It would be wrong to take another before she even had one. Besides, there were enough things still in the small basket that the man had given to her. Reaching in, her eyes shined when she gazed upon one of the candied treats, a small wooden straw that had been soaked in a sugary coating, allowed to harden and then again dipped, the process having been repeated a few times over to give it a surprisingly thick casing of candy.

When Alisa asked about Vyra’s encounter with the baker, she couldn’t help but frown at having to recall what happened. She would have preferred to not speak of it, but under the circumstances, she owed Alisa at least that much for what she had done. Placing the candied treat onto the large plate before them, Vyra turned her head just slightly towards Alisa.

“I still don’t get it. I mean I wanted to buy it. I hadn’t had bread for a while and I don’t know, I thought it would have been nice. Half a loaf? If I could have gotten something, I don’t know what, but something to with it, probably the nicest thing I’d have in a while,” she felt shameful admitting that. It was easy to get lost in the meal before her, to forget that in spite of the company she was with, under nearly every other circumstance she’d be viewed as one of the lowest within the city.

“I wanted to buy it, but… I couldn’t afford it. I thought he would be willing to sell it for 4 Jewels, I hoped,” She pulled out the small little pouch that she had carried with her, a rough piece of leather that had been loosely tied together with a string into a makeshift pouch. She emptied it onto the counter, three Jewels emptying out and falling onto the ground, each one still having bits of dirt and grime from wherever Vyra had scooped them from the ground. She sighed, seeing the jewels, “I didn’t even have enough for that…”

Her eyes lingered on the jewels for a moment. Everything around her, from the croissants to the candies, to the dried meats, to whatever it was that Alisa was drinking, there was little doubt in her mind that Vyra would never be able to afford any of it. If there were anything that more grossly signified the contrast in standings between Vyra and Alisa, it were the three coins that now sat upon the counter. After a few seconds, she composed herself, putting the coins back into the pouch and stowing it back away. “But uh, yeah I asked if he would accept 4 Jewels, and he told me to leave. The next thing I know, he’s yelling and chasing me in the streets.”

Reaching for the candied treat, she frowned slightly at the toy being stuck to the plate. It took a moment for her to pull it off the plate, but once it was free, she gave it a few licks, the sweetness of it helping to calm her down slightly, if nothing else than to distract her from having to dwell more on what happened earlier. “But I don’t know why. I don’t remember doing anything.” She sighed, “Feels like that happens a lot now, I just lose time. And I don’t know why…”

Another lick from the treat. But this time no relief came from it.

“It scares me.”

Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:12 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | SPORT 

"Fufufu~... Take your time and enjoy them~ You're free to take whatever you don't feel like eating right now.", she replied, whatever lingering tension yet remained fading away as she enjoyed her meal. Despite the troubling thoughts of what transpired, she could easily relax as she watched the girl indulging in the savoury pastry, encouraging Alisa to do the same as she took the glass of juice that yet remained in front of her and touch a big, long gulp, and another, letting out a low, delighted hum before finally putting the now empty glass back down, "Haaa~... If you want something to drink, let me know too"

Taking the nearest napkin, Alisa patted her lips gracefully, wiping the loose droplet of orange dripping down the corner of her mouth, wiping it away before it could trickle down her chin and onto her chest, then took a bite of her own croissant:

"Mmmmn~... Delicious as always", she all but purred in audible bliss, hand over her lips for her mouth was full.

Alisa had been postponing it so far, but after that long, stenuous morning workout, she'd gotten pretty hungry herself, until the mere taste of that first bite made her stomach growl, aching for more. With food on their plate to entertain themselves with, even the following topic seemed a little less daunting, but for the young demi human that was understandably not the case. The girl's blissful delight faded and Alisa felt a pang of regret for bringing it up, but she knew that in order to help her, she needed to know a lot more than this:

"Some people can be far too stingy for their own good...", she sighed, almost a grumble as she thought back to that baker, a disapproving shake of her head as she took a sip from her coffee. Watching her pour the contents of that nearly empty coin purse, Alisa made a mental note to give her some more money later on, but for the most part stood silent as she ate, listening to the girl's story, making sense of what she heard... As she expected... Vyra had no idea what her other self had been up to in her body, which always left her to pick up the pieces.

Yet something yet lingered in her head that Alisa couldn't quite get rid of. Something the other Vyra said... She didn't think much of it at first, indeed when that woman showed up she could think of nothing except for the danger Vyra was in... But now, with a few moments to catch her breath and think about it again... Something stuck. An odd comment about about how she'd be the one to save her. Could that be a clue? She defenitely believed the other one would show up mostly Vyra was under duress. So if she no longer needed saving...

"That is... Certainly troubling but... Don't worry, we'll figure something out together~", despite that ever present smile, Alisa knew the girl would need a lot more than words to soothe that shivering sense of dread. She gulped... Alisa couldn't tell her... Not now at least. She knew she'd have to eventually but... In the current state she was in, she doubted Vyra could even process this kind of information, let alone do anything about it, "If you've been missing so much time from your life well... I'd say you need to compensate for what you lost, and make the most of the time you have right now."

...If Alisa's assumption proved correct. She'd intended to protect this poor girl the moment she laid eyes on her, and that much would never change. Though nothing she said could probably ease her fear at whatever was going on inside, Alisa could defenitely help her with anything the outside world could throw at her. Hopefully that could help her. It had to, right? Whatever mental damage she may have been left with, Vyra was still an innocent, troubled young woman who'd been through far more than anybody should have to go through, at that age even more so:

"If you'd like, you could join me for a for a walk after we get out of here, and I can show you around Hargeon.", something to get her mind off the anguish plaguing her, if only a little bit. Alisa rolled the bench she sat on, turning her torso to face her companion, still sipping her coffee, delighting in that fragrant aroma teasing her nostrils as she spoke. She'd already noticed her understandable wariness towards all the people around her, looking her way, unsure of what on earth they might be thinking or even want from her... And knew just the right offer to sweeten the pot, winking knowingly at her as she flashed her that soft, captivating smile, "I know all the best places to avoid the big crowds~"

Even now, Alisa still remember how she'd grown from that aloof, anti social late teen into the open and approachable woman she was now. To find a place where she belonged, where she could let down her guard and feel her ease. Open up to everything the world had to offer. Would it save Vyra? Maybe not... But the girl before her deserved it, and who knows. Maybe it could even help her.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Thu Sep 09, 2021 5:50 pm




There were no shortage of things to leave Vyra amazed. “Really?” Her words cracked, it as much seeming that her words were as much processing what was heard as she was, “We can take it? Like with us?” It was something that was so standard and yet, so foreign to her. Rarely ever did Vyra find herself within environments with people with as much access to food as what was presented before her and Alisa right now – and never her being such the recipient to it – and none of those times did the prospect of taking food with them ever come about. “I didn’t know you could do that…”

Vyra, for as innocent and naïve as she may have been, she was not completely the fool. The ignorance she displayed to the world, enough times had she come to experience backlash from it in one manner or another, often times simply in the form of ridicule or otherwise demeaning responses, though sometimes in the physical form. But in Alisa’s company, it marked one of the only times that she felt safe enough to lower that guard. She knew seldom of the world, and today had opened her eyes to more things than she had ever realized.

Her eyes trained onto the glass of orange liquid, soft waves splashing against the clear container. “May… May I try some of that?” The food left before them was one thing, and there were plenty enough of it that there was little reason to think they would have to compete for any of it. The drinks were much less fruitful, and as such, presented an interesting conundrum.

“Oh ho, a thousand pardons. Foolish me forgetting to bring a glass for ya! Just a moment!” The bellowing of the kind café owner boomed as he appeared both in audible and visible focus, a smile upon his face as he presented out a glass for Vyra, going as far as to pour her a glass of the same orange juice that Alisa had been enjoying, nearly filling the glass to the rim in the process. He gave the plate a quick glance over, surveying what was eaten and what remained, “Ho ho, seems I underestimated how much a girl like you could eat. I do you a disservice only leaving out what I did.”

He maintained a kind smile towards Vyra, his eyes darting every so often to Alisa as though to recognize – or at the least, from a very superficial point of view – the plight that Vyra had faced. “If you’d would like, Alisa, I can have one of my boys pack this and some other stuff from the back and have it sent. Too nice of a day to be lugging around all this,” he remarked, holding his hand over his eyes to shield himself from the sunlight that managed to pierce into the café, illuminating it fully.

Vyra admittedly not been paying much attention during this, nor gave any heed to how Alisa may have responded, if at all. This marked her first-time having orange juice in this manner. She had oranges before; as an import it was one of the things often brought forth via the ports of Fiore and mishandling of shipped goods often meant that a piece of fruit or two could be made available to those fortunate enough. And so the taste was not wholly new, but having the full experience rather than a robust sample was still rewarding in itself.

She probably would have gone on to miss Alisa’s offer as well, had it not been for one of the café workers beginning to place some of the items on the large tray into a container similar to that of the basket that Vyra had been given, albeit one that was larger and already full of some other items that had not been on the tray initially. Cheeses, some other dried meats, a few various other goods. It did admittedly intrigue her, just what else there may have been to try. Not even from the broader spectrum that was the rest of the world that she had yet to explore and the innumerable points of intrigue and wonder that awaited, but simply just from the narrowed perspective that existed within this café. “A walk? OK! Sure!”

Admittedly, Vyra was a bit more interested in eating still; it had been far too long since she could remember that she last had a real meal, but this went beyond what she wanted at this point. Alisa had gone out of her way to be kind to Vyra, and it was only fair that she try as well to possibly return the favor. And though she could not say for certain, the way Alisa proposed such an idea, this seemed like something she wanted. Following Alisa’s lead, Vyra began her way out of the café, although she made a point before stepping away to reach into her small pouch, pull out the three Jewels that she had lamented over earlier, and place them within the small jar atop the counter, the word “Tips” written onto the side of it. “Thank you! They were really good!” she said with joy as she flashed a smile towards the café owner, Vyra’s actions leaving him unable to do anything more than simply return a large smile of his own.

If there were one thing that sold Vyra more than anything as to Alisa’s suggestion for a walk, it was the last remark that she made. Best places to avoid the big crowds, for someone like Vyra, there were few things more enticing than that. The crowds, or rather just the people, had hardly shown her any sort of civility or respect up to this point, and while Vyra saw a modicum of respect while in the company of Alisa, it was impossible not to wonder how much of that was only attributed to the woman’s presence. Perhaps as well, how much different would it be without others around, judgmental eyes that had long since viewed her as less than human, would it stand to allow her to be more open? Alisa perhaps? Had whatever expectations people had of her forcing her to hide her true self from Vyra? She shuddered at the idea that the woman before her had been deceiving her, ridiculous as it was.

She was excited though. Vyra did not know much of what Hargeon had to offer, neither from a point of experience or otherwise being in a position to do so. But Alisa clearly had an understanding of Hargeon; she had been spot-on with her assessment of the café and while she may have had reservations at first upon entering there, those had been quickly dispelled. There was no reason to think that after that that Alisa would lead her astray. After all, people wouldn’t do that. Some may be cruel, but they aren’t monsters.

Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Fri Sep 10, 2021 3:25 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | SPORT 

"Sure, you can have the rest~", without hesitation, Alisa offered the remaining half of her juice with a smile on her face, only to chuckle as the owner soon came to offer her one full glass. She'd still let the girl have the rest of her own, after all, she still had a cup of coffee left to finish. Alisa found herself looking at the girl as she tried all those new tastes, sighing with a smile on her face, thinking to herself...

Much like how Vyra had suddenly showed up in Hargeon, she'd undoubtedly leave sooner or later. Before then, Alisa hoped to at the very least show the girl she always had a place to come home to in the south. No matter the hardships awaiting her on her travels, she'd always have a warm meal and a bed made waiting for her.

"Fufu~... You're five steps ahead of me already, hmm Lorenzo~...?", she replied, impressed by his thoughtfulness with such a suggestion even before she herself had thought of it, eyes widening as she merely nodded, "Very well, if you could deliver it to Blue Pegasus, that would be perfect. And thank you~"

Somwhere along their trip, she'd make sure show Vyra where she lived and to make sure she had enough food to go around next time she felt peckish. Hopefully she'd remain in Hargeon for at least a few more days... The girl did look quite hasty after all, even when Alisa suggested something for them to do afterwards, she not for a second expected Vyra to take initiative so quickly and put aside her meal. As thrilled as she felt to watch her so enthused by the idea, a hint of guilt crossed her face at the idea of forcing her to part with a much needed meal. She took it all in stride nonetheless, sharing a complicit smile with Vyra as she placed the rest of the food into its baskets along with her, packing it away inside her pocket dimension for a light picnic later on. Then, and only then did she finally make way outside:

"I'm glad you enjoyed them! Come back soon, okay?!", replied the man, brimming with joy at the delight on her face, perhaps even a hint of pride at the satisfied look on the girl's face.

Just as Vyra left her tips, Alisa did the same. Though Lorenzo hadn't charged her for any of the food he gave her and the sculptress never insisted either, at the same time she left a fittingly sizeable sum on the box of tips before stepping out of the door, the bell chiming on the way out as the door swung open:

"Here, this way~", leading the way, the sculptress looked over her shoulder with a smile, hooking a finger at the blue haired girl, motioning for the girl to follow her, offering her hand if Vyra wanted it.

The streets defenitely looked a bit too busy for her tastes, but Alisa wasn't always this comfortable with people... A loner for the better part of her life and still and introvert deep down, Alisa had spent years using her intimate knowledge of Hargeon to avoid them, and though she scarcely felt the need to these days, with Vyra at her side she pulled from that well of knowledge once more, almost immediately turning towards an alleyway:

"By the way, I've been wondering... What brought you to Hargeon?", she spoke, humouring her curiosity as they strolled leisurly across the alleyways. Even if she were running away from something, with so many towns, cities and villages, something had to have drawn her here? She arched an eyebrow, pausing for a few paces, hand sliding down to her hip as she let Vyra catch up, walking side by side with her as she added, "Have you come here to meet anybody?"

Especially for a girl who loathed the leering gazes of the masses, no doubt there must have been something about this city drawing her in, and as the tall woman gave in to her curiosity, she partly wondered if the girl's answer might give her some hints about the best places to take her towards. The less than scenic choice of route she took still had plenty of sights to see, and most importantly, few people actually knew about all these shortcuts, so they effectively had the alleyway all to themselves, without any unwanted gazes for the girl to worry about...

Alisa had not a single doubt in her mind that a man like Lorenzo would have still helped her even had the Guild Master not been there with her. She meant every single word she told her earlier, but at the same time... If her other self happened to come out and show such foul hostility to the man, or anybody else who reached out with a helping hand... She doubted him or most other people would have still tried regardless. Many would have feared for their lives, what could such a hateful stranger do the moment they turned their backs to her. Their resentment would inevitably fall on Vyra herself, even from those who could have noticed deep down they'd been interacting with two different people...

She sighed, taking a turn at the next intersection... As they walked, the distinctive scent of brine and dried seaweed would soon grow noticeable, leaving little doubt towards where Alisa was headed, with the squaking seagulls overhead to guide their way. The pier was one of the most popular places in Hargeon around this time of year. But Alisa still knew a thing or two about finding the most beautiful secluded spots:

"I have to wonder... When's the last time you've been to the beach~?", she mused, those wine red hues falling on the demi human girl once more as a sly, quizzical smile drew on her lips.

Instead of leading Vyra towards the bustling seaside avenue, Alisa stuck to the discreet alleyways, following along the shoreline, past the lighthouse where they could enjoy the could enjoy the ocean in all its splendour, that vast, breathtaking expanse of blue stretching as far as the eye could see, just waiting for the two to stride down the stairs and dip their feet into the warm, welcoming sands.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:11 pm




With a hand extended to her, Vyra wasted no time in taking hold of it, following along with Alisa as they traversed through the alleyways and other backroads that extended throughout Hargeon. Each one largely resembled the previous one and the next one that followed, someone unfamiliar with the city like Vyra almost certain to be lost within it. That Alisa was capable of maneuvering her way through it as much spoke to not just her familiarity with the city, but also to what she said earlier, of people seldom taking these routes themselves. With each corner turned, the amount of people that the two of them came across dwindled more and more, perhaps the only exception being when the route brought them briefly back within the main streets.

Vyra kept herself loosely invested in where it was that they were going, but there was a clear futility in that endeavor. Having no awareness or familiarity with Hargeon in the first place, it was a lofty, if not unreasonable thing to assume that under any circumstances that she would recall the route that they were taking. If even just asked to retrace their steps to the café from where they were standing, no doubt Vyra would find herself hopelessly lost. After a certain point, she abandoned the effort to recall the slightly variances in the walls and instead put her attention towards something else, the question that Alisa had prompted, a question that Vyra as much wondered to. Why had she come here?

“I mean, nothing really brought me here I suppose,” it felt like a non-answer, but it was the only thing she could honestly say. The nomadic-like lifestyle had routinely see her going from one area to another, not only from within Fiore, but also within Minstrel. With each locale, there came with it the brief sense of wonder, the hope and expectation of fortunes changing, and the disappointment of nothing coming to realization as she hoped. Hargeon had simply been the latest stop upon her fruitless venture. “I guess, I don’t know, you come to wish that you end up somewhere that you can call home. Stupid, I guess.” She bit the inside of her lip; despite the answer she gave, home was not something that she had knew. “And no, nobody here to meet.”

A moment of silence passed as they continue through when she spoke softly, a continuation of her previous thought, the shame of what she was saying evident, “I don’t have any friends.”

The air filled with an all-too familiar scent, one that anyone whom had spent any reasonable amount of time in Hargeon would be aware of. It was one that Vyra also was all too used to, and in a rare instance was actually pleased to pick up on. Sea water, salt, fish, all the trimmings that one would typically come to find upon the docks. As Alisa led her through the port, it marked perhaps the first time since they had met that Vyra had asserted any sort of dominance, keeping hold of Alisa’s hand as she made her way towards a fenced ledge, providing all those who may be walking by with a full vantage of the Hargeon docks, the ships, dockworkers, and all the moving parts that defined the pseudo-economy fully on display.

For a moment, Vyra said nothing, simply just watching everything below. She wasn’t sure just how long it had been that she was in Hargeon, but that this was the first time since she had arrived that she had stumbled upon this area, her mind could not help but wonder how much more bearable things stood to have been. But that train of thought led her to wonder what would have happened if things were different. She had found a friend; as terrible as the circumstances leading up to it had been, she still came out of it alive and not quite as alone.

A slight pull on her arm brought Vyra back into focus as her head turned towards Alisa, a look of patience upon her face. Smiling, she returned back to accompanying the tall woman, happy that she allowed Vyra even that brief of a moment to look at the docks before them. She couldn’t quite describe it, but to some degree, it helped her feel whole. It could have just been escapism, an opportunity for her mind to wander, but whyever it was, Vyra was still appreciative nonetheless. Having allowed her that, she was all the more inclined to trust where Alisa might have further taken her.

“The beach? Hmm,” her mind struggled to remember when it had been since she had gone to a beach. At some point she certainly had; the concept of it, the image was in her head of what they were, but the memory itself of her having been there seemed blank. Doubtful that she had been to any beaches while in Fiore, she struggled to remember her life back in Minstrel, if there had been any time that she had gone to the beach after having left home. “I don’t think I have,” she resigned, a bit confused. Had she never gone to the beach or simply imagined it from stories that she had heard before?

Alisa continued to lead her along, the route having the same sort of mystique that came with their route from the café, the lack of people giving it the feeling like that of an adventure; the two of them going through unearthed lands towards treasures that were known only to them. But unlike before, the sites that the two ventured past, a brief first-glimpse at the beautiful Hargeon beach, the sun reflecting off of the clear water, the imposing lighthouse which overlooked everything, like a great protector that oversaw the seas before them, the collection of sites presented a beauty that Vyra didn’t know could exist so close to the uglier parts of the city that she had been resigned to for so long.

As Alisa’s tour came towards its close, Vyra gazed out onto the scene before her. Not a soul upon the sands, nobody in the area at all save for Vyra, Alisa, and whatever few instances of wildlife there may have been nearby; a passing seagull, the occasional crustacean that came upon shore with the tides, otherwise vacant. She looked out, speechless of the beauty before her. Perhaps it was her being caught in the moment or perhaps reveling in what was essentially her first time gazing upon this, but regardless of why, she looked on, marveling at it all.

Vyra took several steps forward, her footing thrown off as the sand beneath her conformed to her every step. Taken by surprise initially, she quickly gathered her bearings and ventured out further and further onto the beach, her progress only slowed by the change from soft to wet sand. A couple more steps and she was stopped fully by the approaching tide, the suddenness of the cold sea water rushing atop her feet, drenching her feet and worn-down boots alike. “Ooh that’s cold,” she exclaimed with a slight laugh as the sequence of events was drawn to a conclusion with Vyra losing her balance entirely, landing on her behind as the tide receded, the cold wetness running down her lower backside.

Though cold, Vyra didn’t immediately get up. For a moment she lay there, a smile on her face while she sat there in the sand, simply watching the world before her, the sky without a cloud in eyesight, the sun taking full advantage and shining down upon the clear sea below, the sounds of the waves rippling back and forth, never in her wildest dreams could she have believed that something so beautiful was so close in a world that had only shown her ugliness.

She remain there for a short bit, the tide eventually returning again, the cold water only further drenching clothing already stained wet by the sea. In that moment, it didn’t seem to much phase Vyra as she remained there, simply looking on before she attempted to get back to Alisa. But a wave heavier than what had come onto shore was able to sweep her off feet forward, drenching her front and leaving only part of her head and hair dry.

As if rocked by a forceful strike, Vyra did not immediately stand, instead getting to her knees, brushing off some of the sand that now stained her clothes. After a few pats, she looked out again towards the sea, the image painted being one of absolute beauty. Even under these circumstances, her body drenched by the sea, it captivated her. She looked out in silence.

Then she cried out hysterically.


Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Sat Sep 11, 2021 12:05 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | BIKINI 

Yup... Vyra looked a lot more comfortable like this, all the more reason why Alisa opted to avoid the busy streets as much as she could. No sooner than she'd stepped off the alleyway, she soon found her way to the next, leaving her companion to recover, away from the peering eyes that shook her so. Understandably so, the girl seemed a lot more at ease when they only had each other for company, and Alisa was content to keep it that way, keeping her eyes on her as she heard what the girl had to say:

"Home huh...? No, that's not stupid at all. Absolutely not stupid in any sense of the word.", she shook her head, her gaze drifting off into the distance, whenever the odd space between houses would leave her free to gaze at the deep blue past the pier, "You're welcome to stay in Hargeon as long as you'd like. I can show you around my home later on~"

Feeling that firm, assertive hold on her hand, she indulged Vyra's curiosity with a smile on her face, brushing her hair behind her ear as she followed along after her, taking her place beside the girl on that ledge overlooking the docks. She had to admit... That was quite the view~... Her eyes fluttered shut as the she felt that soothing caress of the sea breeze as it brushed against her cheeks, taking a good, deep breath of that saline air. The smell of her home~... Though born and raised in a small town near Orchidia, Alisa Vollan had long since made Blue Pegasus' home her own, and would readily share it at a moment's notice:

"Ufufu~... What are you talking about?", she chimed, brow arching as she shared a complicit look with the young woman, luscious lips curling into her smile, thumb gliding along the back of her hand as if to draw her attention to herself, "You have one now, don't you?"

Even for the most aloof of people, unusual things happen once you let down your guard and open up to another.
Their joys become your own, and their woes in turn. They could call her a monster or a saint, but at the end of the day, Alisa Vollan was still just one woman. She couldn't save everybody, but if she saw someone in front of her, just desperately seeking for a hand to hold onto... She'd give it. She wasn't always like this, but at the end of the day, she felt nothing but gratitude that Vyra happened to meet this version of herself:

"Well, first time for everything~", she chimed, letting the girl take in the vast, expansive beauty unfolding right before her eyes as they moved past the lighthouse, onto that remote stretch of beach few people even know existed. Like their own slice of paradise, just for the two of them.

No sooner did she sink her feet into those soft sands, Alisa once again radiated her magic power through the wedding ring on her finger, a dim glow of magic power enshrouding her entire body, instantly replacing her sweaty sportswear with a clean black swimsuit, sitting snugly around her full figured form as she strode along the shifting sand, casually following after her friend. Raising a hand over her mouth, Alisa giggled as she watched the girl frolic on the water's edge, she too sashaying over with a subtle sway to her hips, humming as she felt those waves licking at the bottom of her feet as she reached closer to the edge:

"Why don't you join me for a swim~...?", she invited, moving past Vyra as she pivoted on one foot and turned back around, striding backwards along the water's edge, facing her, delighting in that ebb and flow against her feet as she waves crashed into the pure white sands along the shoreline. With a small school of fish swimming curiously around her feet, the sculptress fixed her eyes on Vyra as the taller waves merely brushed against her thighs, leaving that soft skin shimmering with saltwater. That odd chill as the winds brushed against her wet skin all but beckoned her further into the ocean, taking one step backwards as she hooked her finger at her companion, like a siren tempting her into the crashing waves, "Come on, It'll feel much better once you dive in~"

Another audible giggle filled the air as she watched the girl merely taking in the clear blue skies above, the sun shining high as that sweltering gleam beamed down upon the two of them. Alisa lost herself all too easily, holding her ground as her hand rested on her hip, at times shooting a cursory glance behind her just to make sure she wouldn't get knocked over by a rogue wave. Utterly transfixed by the sight before her, the lithomancer only snapped out of her daze when she heard her companion crying out into the heavens:

"What's wrong, Vyra...?", spoke the sculptress, reaching over to the girl, hand coming down on her arm once again, stroking it gently as she gazed into her eyes, "It's alright~... I'll be right here with you the whole time."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:48 pm




Her tears vanished as they descended down her cheek, either absorbed by the sand beneath her or otherwise washed away with the comings and goings of the tide. All that were left were the remains upon her cheeks and the redness surrounding her eyes. That is, ignoring the new tears that with consistency replaced those previously cried out. And at no point did the cycle appear that it would stop.

Her tears were that of a lifetime’s worth of pain.

A pain Vyra had kept private, only growing with each passing day.

Another rough tide swept forth, the cold water briefly rushing across her chest as it extended outwards, at this point the cold water little more than a nonfactor than that of the unexpected entity that it had been earlier, during drastically more enjoyable times. However the water may have felt, it paled to that of what bellowed out of Vyra. Even the hand that gently gripped her arm was barely registered, Vyra only acknowledging any presence through the combination of Alisa’s touch and her words, turning to face the taller woman. Yet even within the kind words that Alisa offered, it did little to quell her pain.

She recoiled back, as if having touched a lit flame.

“Until when!? You’ll go, you’ll live your life! Just like everyone else! You all will keep going and what am I going to do!?” In a moment of anger, she slammed at the water, feeling more of the stinging sensation upon her skin than that of water, save for the bit that splashed upon her otherwise dry face, tears aside. “I go back to that…” She cast out a blank gaze in a direction that she could only assume to be towards Hargeon; a benign comfort of where they were, being far enough away to feel like one were no longer there, to the delight of some like Vyra. “Back to being alone, to being treated like garbage, to men taking-“ she cut herself off. A feeling of disgust overwhelming her as she shut her eyes and shook her head, trying to dispel her thoughts.

When she next open her eyes, a part of her hoped that something would have that things were different. Somehow, how did not matter, only that it would. But as she opened them, it did not lessen her heart just further sinking. She looked at Alisa, despair in her eyes and the sound of great pain intertwining with defeat within her voice, “I did nothing to deserve this life! They shun me, insult me, beat me, worse,” she pointed in the direction of Hargeon, before quickly motioning instead towards the beach around them, “and they get to enjoy this!?”

“But what about me!? What do I get!? Tell me… Please….”

She agonized internally. Alisa had done nothing to warrant this; she were the last person that ever deserved Vyra’s condemnation if anything. And yet here she was, the only person present for the floodgates of Vyra’s pain; a lifetime’s worth of suffering to the cruelty and bigotry of society being released for what felt like the first time. It left her so terribly conflicted, on one hand cathartic, on the other, hurt.

Her tears waned as what strength Vyra had released from her. She was drained, exhausted as emotion had overtaken the drive to survive. She steadied herself and stepped forward, but another rough tide proved more than what her body was ready for. Whether by her own will or perhaps by Alisa’s doing, Vyra managed to find herself against Alisa, holding her with a weak hug, whether more reliant on her for support due to a lack of strength or a need for some level of affection, of human worth, were unclear.

For a moment, she said nothing, simply crying what tears she had left. Then silence set in for a moment as her breathing calmed. When she did speak, her voice was rasp, hoarse. “I don't understand. Why does everyone hate me? Why? What did I do wrong?”

Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe she was exactly what I needed. Just a little bit more.

Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Sat Sep 11, 2021 5:00 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | BIKINI 

Indeed, Alisa had not but the slightest clue what happened in the girl's past. She wished she had, though sadly there wasn't any miraculous solution here, was there? No panacea that could heal all ailments, absolutely nothing she ever did could repair what happened in her past. Even if some magic to erase memories actually existed, they'd never erase the scars those memories had left. As another wave crashed over the two of them, Alisa's hand lingered on her arm, her footing steady enough to whitstand whatever the ocean threw at her. She barely even registered that biting chill as the water cascaded down her form, leaving that cool breeze to cool her down mercilessly with every gust:

"Vyra, you... I...", she all but fumbled with her words, not for a moment bringing herself to interrupt the blue haired beauty as she poured her heart out before her, her face reflecting that same look of sorrow as the girl's emotions resonated with her so.

Her disdain for those who mistreated her... Alisa could no longer separate the genuine racism from the hatred brought about by Vyra's other self, but... At this point it didn't really matter did it? The girl had no memory of what happened when her other self took over. At best, that woman was little more than just another offender. Yet another wave crashed over the two of them, powerful enough to make her eyes flare open. Alisa held her footing, but as the wave reeled back into the ocean, Vyra lost her footing. As she fell into the tall woman's arms, Alisa caught her without hesitation, pulling the girl into her arms, holding her close, that smooth, husky voice reaching her ears when the crystal woman parted her lips once more:

"It's not your fault...", she replied, her nails digging into the girl's back as she held her close, tightly, her chest squeezed so tightly into Vyra's she'd feel her heartbeat the whole way through, racing out of sympathy, at the mere thought of all the pain her new friend had gone through all this time. She'd never let go. Indeed, Alisa couldn't change the past... But she could still give her a better future, "I can't change the past but... No matter what goes on in your life, wherever it takes you... You'll always have a place here: I won't leave. This is my home... And it's yours too, as long as you want it."

At this point, Alisa couldn't even hold it against the other Vyra for making the whole world into her enemy. The girl hadn't been born like this, had she? Something horrible must have happened in her past for that hateful self to even appear... The other Vyra may have cemented this part with her constant hostility at every chance she got but... If the circumstances hadn't been ripe for her creation, would Vyra have turned out better? Would she still have believed the very world despised her just for existing? Nobody could know that, not Vyra herself, not Alisa... Nobody... Holding on tightly to her, even as another powerful wave washed over the two, the tall woman's footing never budged for even a moment. When she first became the Master of Blue Pegasus, she'd dedicated herself to being their rock, an indestructible diamond they could lean into and rely on as the going got rough. And even though Vyra wasn't Blue Pegasus, their master showed her that exact same resolve. No matter how fiercely the waves battered the two women... Alisa Vollan didn't budge: Her feet steady, absorbing every ounce of impact... Strong arms wrapped tightly around Vyra, not letting to for even a second her words reached her ears once more:

"Whatever horrible things happened to you, the people who mistreated you... There's so many good experiences for you to have, so much left for you to do; everything you were denied until now...", that soft, breathy voice in the girl's ear, earnest and soothing... There was nothing she could do to change what happened. But as she squeezed tightly to the lonely young woman, as her heard ached at her own powerlessness, tears flowed down her own eyes in turn, a telltale warmth running down her cheeks, trickling down Vyra's back as she spoke, "I'm sorry... I only wish I had found you sooner..."

With a slow, gentle motion, her hand gently caressed the back of the demi human's head, gently stroking her soft blue hair... Alisa wasn't a psychologist or anything of the sort... She couldn't heal all the damage Vyra had been through. She didn't know if anybody could... She'd do everything she could to protect her, to beware of the other Vyra's attempts to make her life miserable, and most of all, to make sure she had a home here. But she couldn't change the past...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Sun Sep 12, 2021 12:42 am




The wind blew across her back without intensity, yet the feeling seemed more like that of ice than a cool breeze. The contrast of what she was feeling compared against the scenery before them, the clear skies, bright sun, and the clear water beneath them now having begun to warm with their prolonged exposure to it, it only made the wind’s occasional arrivals all the more striking.

And yet, she barely felt a second of the cold.

Pressed against Alisa, the taller woman holding her tightly within embrace, Vyra struggled to process anything other than the combination of the words which resonated from the woman’s mouth and the sureness to which Alisa held her, nullifying the impact of the heavy waves which pounded upon the two of them, capable on their own to throw Vyra completely off her feet. She had cried her eyes outs earlier, every injustice that she could remember, all the pain inflicted upon her, physically, emotionally, sexually, years’ worth of it just rushing out at once.

And all it took were four simple words to leave her wanting to cry again.

She said nothing; she couldn’t. As long as she could remember, before Hargeon, before Fiore, before even being on her own in Minstrel, she had grown up told that she had been at fault. If not through those direct words, then by the scorn and resentment shown. The feeling that her existence, her presence, everything about her were nothing more than a burden. To hear someone, for once, express otherwise, it floored her. If she had felt weak a moment ago, there were even less strength now, undoubtedly Alisa’s hold on the girl being the only reason for still standing upright.

With what strength she had, she gripped hold of Alisa, trying hard to reciprocate the same closeness that the taller woman had provided her. Beyond this, there was a sense of safeness to being close to her. To reveal her pain in the manner that she did, most would have conveyed something like that to those they trusted, those that they believed could understand. Vyra was never afforded that opportunity, never able to build any level of trust great enough to reveal how she felt, how she was and is feeling. Until now. With Alisa, there came the first time that that vulnerability, that willingness to open up actually seemed possible.

It still crushed her on the inside though to have to plague Alisa with that burden. The woman had done so much for her already, more than anyone ever had for Vyra in the past. When Alisa said that Hargeon was her home, even though she did not know entirely what she meant, Vyra could not help but become overwhelmed, her grip around Alisa tightening to what degree her remaining strength allowed her to, the tears that she had felt wanting to cry again finally came forth, trailing down her cheek, disappearing below.

“My… my mother…” Her words were weak, perhaps simply overwrought with emotion or just fatigue, it not quite clear which. “The last thing she ever said to me,” she swallowed, bringing forth an obviously painful memory that she had kept with her, “was that I would die without a home, without anyone. I started to believe it…” She lifted her head up towards Alisa, a pathetic look of admiration on her face as she flashed a weak smile, “I’m glad she was wrong…”

She winced as a large wave came up unexpectedly, Vyra enduring most of it. But she held on nonetheless, her eyes starting to feel heavy, and odd feeling running through her. She ignored the discomfort, focusing on Alisa and her words, feeling her tears running down her backside, but paying no heed towards them. Her words, for Vyra to hear them, it meant more than perhaps what anyone could have imagined them being. She mustered what strength she had and pushed upwards, bringing her face closer to Alisa’s, her lips closer to Alisa’s ears.

“Thank you for finding me. Thank you.”

She lowered herself back to her original height, leaning more of her weight against Alisa’s body, her ability to stand on her own all but gone with her exhaustion. She simply stood there for a time in Alisa’s embrace, holding her in what she could of her own. Nothing was said, the only sound really being that of the waves coming in and out, the larger waves that had once pounded against them seeming to dissipate.

After a short while, a voice broke the silence.

“Do you get it now? All she’s known, is suffering,” a tone perhaps familiar to Alisa, or at least, the contrast to that softness of how Vyra spoke being immediately noticeable. “You think an afternoon of kindness is suddenly going to save her? What’s saved her is me, before and after, because you will fail her. And when that happens, you’ll destroy her. So spare her that pain. We both know I’m the best thing for her, not you.” Venom spewed through the cold demeanor of the other Vyra, her words an odd mixture of cruel and nurturing with the slightest hint of weakness thrown in as well.

And then it was gone. The sound of quiet again occupying their vicinity.

“Alisa?” Vyra muttered, her words were faint, a shell of what there were before. Her grip around Alisa waned, whatever strength that had been within her fading away as her body slumped and began to descend down into the water. “I don’t, don’t feel…” Her words trailed much like how and as her body went limp, her eyes straining upwards and stealing a final glimpse of Alisa before what consciousness remaining slipped away.

Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:45 am


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | BIKINI 

Alisa all but winced... The girl's mother had said something so horrible to her own daughter? Even through the sorrow in her mind, the sculptress gritted her teeth, a hint of fury at there thought of somebody treating their own child like this. She never deserved to be a parent, or to have a daughter like Vyra:

"I won't let you get lost again.", earnest, caring, loving... Alisa never had a sibling or a child of her own, so she didn't quite know what that felt like. But as she held Vyra close, her instinctive thoughts wandered to one single word... Family.

Everything in her life had gone horribly wrong, the worst anybody could ever have to experience. Many would have undoubtedly chosen death over what she went through. But Vyra survived the ordeal, and now found a home to call her own. Alisa held on to her, almost oblivious to the waves breaking around them as her long dark hair clung to both their bodies, holding on for dear life as though this one embrace could make up for everything her friend had been through... Only one person could break this quietude, and the mere sound of her voice made Alisa's brow twitch. She was back:

"...And yet here you are once more. Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?", She pointed out, a snarl leaving her lips at that venomous voice, yet simultaneously reminding how despite her message of hopelessness, the other Vyra still went out of her way to gloat, to taunt Alisa into giving up. If she needed the lithomancer to give up, well... She'd die of old age before that happened, "She'll never be alone again. Especially not with you."

After this brief little exchange, silence fell between them once more, with nothing but the crashing waves to keep them company as the they rolled in and out across the wet sand. Alisa made no motion to peel away, still supporting the girl... Yet when she heard that familiar voice, her chest heaved with a sigh of relief as her arms slid just a bit tighter, the tall woman's warmth welcoming her as Vyra's consciousness finally returned:

"I'm here...", her voice but a whisper as she heard Vyra's call, her smile widened as she finally felt her friend in her arms once more. But while Alisa's grip grew stronger as the girl returned, she felt hers growing weaker in turn, until it finally gave way entirely, all but crumpling in the Guild Master's arms, "W-wha...?! Vyra!!"

A started exclamation pierced the quite once more. After she'd only just returned, Vyra immediately lost consciousness, and the crystal woman's worry shone through. Even as she held on tightly to her, Alisa wobbled as the next wave splashed against her back, yet she still mustered more than enough strength to hold her unconscious companion close:

"Poor girl... That must have been grueling.", catching her breath, Alisa could only imagine why her consciouness faded right there, but after the emotional outburst she'd just experienced, she could hazard a guess or two. Then surely, if she got a moment to rest, she'd probably recover? or at least that's what she hoped, "Come on, let's find you a place to rest."

Keeping one arm around Vyra's back, the other slid under the under the crook of her knees as she scooped the unconscious girl into her arms and strode back to shore, away from the surf and onto solid ground once more. Feeling the solid wet sand beneath her feet slowly giving way to a dry, shifting heat, Alisa walked along the sunbaked sands until she found a cozy, secluded shade where the two could lay down and rest without fear of a painful sunburn.

"Heeere you go~...", once again, Alisa channeled the power from her ring, pulling out a pair of large, comfy beach towels that immediately appeared at her feet, upon which she calmly laid Vyra down to rest.

Alisa took the other one for herself, sitting down atop the towel, running her hands down her long, elegant legs to swat away any excess sand, running a hand down her long, dripping wet hair as she gathered it in a single long bundle, guiding it towards her front as it draped over her chest, away from her back as she laid down beside her companion:

"Take your time and rest up okay...?", she spoke, her hand gently stroking her soft, beautiful blue hair, slowly leaning in, brushing those wet strands of black hair behind her shoulder and away from Vyra's face as she pressed her plush pink lips to her forehead in a tender show of affection, "I'll be here with you the whole time."

Alisa wouldn't leave her side for even a second. This time, Vyra wasn't alone... Out here, she'd always have somebody to keep her company, and when she finally came to, she'd see Alisa's face before anything else. The warmth of her touch as one hand lingered on her hair, stroking it gently. The sound of her voice as a lulling, melodious hum left Alisa's lips, with nothing but her voice and the soothing sound of the sea to keep her company, the waves lapping and rolling against the shoreline over and over and over again...

Laid down next to her in her own towel, propping her head up on her elbow as one hand cradled her cheek, Alisa calmly basked under the sun's shaded heat, patiently waiting for her friend to come to.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Sun Sep 12, 2021 5:11 pm




She did not know what happened.

From the time they had reached the beach, Vyra could feel the strength fading away from her, like that of a candle burning itself out. Her emotional tirade lent no assistance to that, if anything only making things worse. Years-worth of pain, anguish, abuse, and loneliness came bellowing out of Vyra in what was ironically one of the safest points she could have found herself. Accompanied by the heavy waves that brutally pounded upon her and Alisa whilst seeking safety within the taller woman’s arms, with each second the weakness became more and more pronounced.

And then, blackness.

But not natural blackness, as she at this point would perhaps have preferred. No, it were like the other times before. She was just “gone”. No thoughts, no memories, no Vyra.

And then she was back, Alisa still holding onto her. She was gone, but this woman, who had shown Vyra more kindness and warmth than anyone ever before, was still there. She just didn’t know what to say at this point. Alisa had pulled her out from the seemingly infinite darkness that she had lived in. A simple thank you or anything of the like would never stand to be sufficient enough.

Whatever she had hoped to say to Alisa, she never got the opportunity. As she returned from the nothingness, the weakness in her body rushed through her. She was exhausted before, her body as much willing itself still upright than by its own capabilities. Just then though, the fatigue and weakness overwhelmed her. Even to stand was too much, even the idea of consciousness too much for her to endure.

The last thing she remembered was trying to reach out to Alisa, or at least, within her mind, the thought of her extending out her arm to reach Alisa. But as she drifted out of consciousness, it became less clear if that had happened. ‘Don’t leave’ she tried to call out, but no sound came out.

The image barely faded into existence, her vision blurry, her head throbbing as life slowly made its way back through her body. A few seconds more, the distortion erode and an image stained upon her memory, of Alisa and the nurturing, affectionate smile that Vyra had already come to find solace within. “Alisa?” She spoke, her voice rough, her vision still struggling to fully appreciate the most minor details, an element not made any easier by the slightly darker area that she now found herself in. It was perhaps the most noticeable thing that Vyra recognized outside of the woman overlooking her; no longer were they within the clear, yet brutal waters, but instead rather upon dry land, albeit some ways away from where she last recalled.

“Where… what happened?” Her head felt as though it were split open, a short moment of throbbing pain responded with the rush of blood coming to her head as she made an attempt to get up, instead settling on simply leveraging her torso upright as she pushed slightly off the dirt. Her eyes settled on Alisa for a moment before her focus shifted a bit to else around her, the towels laid about, including the one that Vyra lay on presently. All of her ached, but with consciousness restored, her mind calmer than prior, there were a part of her that felt better than before.

As things began to clear and more of what happened returned to her, her heart sank slightly. “I’m sorry. I guess, I don’t know, I don’t know what happened to me. Just started feeling weak...” she glanced over to Alisa, a disappointed look on her face, shame in her heart for being so weak. She tried to manage a weak smile to mask her failings.“Thank you for saving me.”

“Sorry to put that on you.” She turned from Alisa, her eyes simply watching the sea, a view similar to that of when they had first arrived at the beach, there being still the same beauty within eyesight, though it was impossible to ignore her experience only a little bit ago, nor could she separate it from the beautiful sight before her. “I feel like that is all I’ve been doing to you. Forcing my problems on you…”

Time passed as the two of them sat there, an almost eerie sense of tranquility in the area. Not a soul appeared to disturb them, the natural sounds of the tide coming and waves crashing upon the shore served together to be a beautiful compliment to the company Alisa and Vyra provided one another. While Vyra was content with such a situation, there was something that lingered on within her mind, something that she could not completely wrap her head around.

“Alisa?” She worried how the woman may have responded to a question like this, but Vyra knew so little of the woman still. Their time together had provided Vyra with small insights into Alisa, hints to her person, but they barely told a story to whom she really was. To say that it intrigued Vyra would be an underselling; more, it fascinated her. She fascinated her. “Everyone I’ve known, nobody has treated me like I matter except you. But you’re not like them. You’re important, rich, you’re beautiful, the people love you.”

“You’re perfect. You’re everything that I’m not, which is what I don’t get. What do you see in me? I just can’t figure it out.”

Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:01 pm


WORDS: 940 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | BIKINI 

"Welcome back, Vyra~...", Alisa greeted at last, relief washing over her body like just another wave lapping along the beach. As she thought, the girl was just exhausted huh...? Between the battering waves and her own outburst, probably some residual hunger, whatever energy she had left just wasn't enough, "You passed out at sea back there, so I brought you here to rest."

She shook her head as the girl apologized, raising her hand in staunch refusal. Even now she still felt a pang of guilt for pulling her away from her meal:

"Don't mention it... I really shouldn't have kept you from your lunch a while ago.", she replied, accepting her share of the blame, echoing her earlier concern as they left the restaurant, back when Vyra welcomed her suggestion to the point of forgetting to finish her meal. In the end, her concern shone through as she looked into her eyes and offered to correct that, "If you feel peckish again, I brought some of the food with me."

Of course, the girl had other problems to worry about other than food, but the way Alisa saw it, a weak, famished body would make every single problem far worse than it already was. Poor girl... Vyra may see it as a chore, for the tall woman to tend to her at every step of the way, and yet Alisa didn't really mind it: Merely seeing that smile on the girl's face felt rewarding enough... For her though, the master of Blue Pegasus probably looked like the strangest person in the world:

"My, such a flatterer~...", despite her payful confidence, a hint of humility peered through Alisa's hand rose to her chest, right as Vyra professed her admiration. She never saw herself that way, even if she accepted others would think so.

She never saw herself as that same idol of perfection, yet she constantly strove for it, every single waking hour. After all, to be perfect means admitting there's nothing left for you to improve, no more to achieve. But as the girl spoke, she knew the girl a far more palpable answer. One that, regrettably, Alisa didn't exactly have off the top of her head:

"Why, you ask...? Is it not natural to try and help someone in need, someone who's right there in front of you?", Alisa crooked her brow, idle hand reaching up as she scratched her temple...

A whimsical woman through and through, she seldom stopped to question her instincts in times like these. For all that calm and collected demeanor, at times like these she always reacted on reflex. She could move quickly and without hesitation, but on the flipside, she clearly struggled when somebody questioned her motives directly... At that point, she had to take a few steps back, pausing as her words trailed off:

"There's plenty of reasons, I feel...", she sighed at last, rolling onto her back, propping herself up on her elbows as she glanced off towards the endless blue in the distance, "At first I just felt responsible for how that man treated you, lashing out at a famished young woman instead of lending a helping hand."

Though she realized, that didn't really answer her question now, did it? She'd spent all this time feeling hated and reviled, with nobody else to keep her company except for that venomous other self. Turning her head towards the girl once more, her smile brightened almost immediately. Even all this hardship hadn't dulled her beauty. Lifting her body upright, she reached closer to the girl and planted a soft kiss on her forehead, answering her question with action before resting back down in her towel as she spoke:

"Make no mistake Vyra, there's plenty about you to admire, a lot more than you realize... The kindness you showed when you left every last coin on that box of tips, even thought it meant you'd have nothing left... Or the way you look at new things with those wide, admiring eyes.", Alisa smiled as she thought about the girl back there in the café, looking at the basket full of croissants with a mix of hunger and pure, unbridled delight at the sight of something she'd never seen before... Alisa giggled as she thought back to it, her eyes glancing up into the clear blue skies as a gust of wind blew her bangs over her eyes, "I can't imagine what kind of life you've had to endure up until now... Which only makes it all the more incredible that you persevered this far."

With every heartfelt word, her smile widened ever so slightly, holding the troubled young girl's gaze as she betrayed that budding affection. It may have started as simple charity, but the more time she spent with her, the more she felt this girl needed more than just food and shelter. She needed a family:

"Like a precious, resilient flower to be cherished, nurtured at every step of the way. Don't ever lose that, Vyra. No matter what happens... Don't let anyone take away all the joy in life...", nothing that happened to her quite compared to what happened to Vyra, and yet... For a lot less than this, Alisa completely fell to the darkness in her heart, until she had someone to pull her out. As she reached out and rested her hand on the girl's arm, Alisa knew only one thing for sure: She wouldn't let her fall in just like she did, "Even I couldn't hold on to it when everything fell apart."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Mon Sep 13, 2021 6:05 pm




A gentle gust managed its way unto Vyra and Alisa, the sensation having almost a foreign feel, if not at least, a tempered presence, particularly compared against when the two were out in the water. To feel the wind then, a rough claw scraping upon the wet skin, leaving no direct pain, but rather a sharp, almost piercing cold, it stood as a complete yet welcome contrast to feeling it now. As Vyra lay across from Alisa, she could not help but slightly chuckle at clumps of her own light blue hair being blown across the entirety of her face. From between what of her that didn’t distort her vision, she simply watched as it hardly seemed to phase Alisa.

A low rumble emerged from within Vyra; the meal that they had, despite only being a short bit ago, feeling as though it had been had hours, if not days ago. Although there were certainly more food that could have been had at the time by her, it may not have been the worst thing that Alisa pulled her aside. Left to her own accord, Vyra almost certainly would have eaten to the point of becoming grossly full. But after what had proven to be a rather dramatic, if not draining, time at the beach thus far, food may not have been a bad idea. It was hard to say as to just how much time had passed from between when she lost and subsequently regained consciousness.

Vyra giggled as she heard another faint growling coming from her stomach, “Heh, food sounds pretty good.” She watched on with rapture and intrigue as Alisa materialized the food that they had been eating earlier, much like how she had before been able to manipulate things, from the small bag when they first met, to the very same basket that appeared before them again, Vyra didn’t know how, but she still marveled at nonetheless. Even more, as she reached in and felt one of the delicious croissants from earlier, it had the very same texture, it felt just as fresh in her hands as it did before. Without a second thought, she took a hearty bite out of the baked good, a smile widening across her face as she tasted it once again.

She looked towards Alisa, grabbing hold of one of the basket’s sides and tilted it towards her, inviting her to join Vyra. Just as before, the meal laid out before them was intended for both of them. The venue may have changed, but the meal nor its intended recipients did not. But a meal did not tear Vyra from what she had been curious of; Why. Why Vyra? She wasn’t special, hardly deserving of the shown affection that someone like Alisa had given her. And when the woman initially responded with the remark about people helping one another, Vyra couldn’t help but find it a bit hard to believe herself. If it were natural, then surely Vyra would have seen such acts before today, right?

A small bite, more like a nibble, but it felt like all Vyra could really do to respond to what Alisa was saying. She thought back to their initial encounter, the first thing that Alisa had seen of Vyra was her being attacked by the baker for something that she had not done. Likely anyone who had taken witness to that, however much Vyra wanted to doubt the willingness of people to help another, would have found themselves at least somewhat invested. But even then, certainly not as much as Alisa had cared towards Vyra. That feeling of guilt that every so often had been plaguing her began to creep in once again hearing this. She took another bite of the croissant, hoping the taste would sufficiently mask the unwanted feeling.

As she planned to take another bite, what Alisa said next left her stunned. Alisa spoke positively of her, praised her even, finding value and worth within Vyra from things that she thought did not amount to anything. But perhaps what she said about Vyra having managed to persevere up to this point, it left Vyra unsure how to respond. Was it strength that had allowed her to make it to this point? So often she had found herself ready to just give up, to simply allow cruel act the world was to force upon her next to just do it. She never viewed her surviving as something of strength. She never thought of herself as someone strong. Could she have been so wrong this whole time?

What else had she been wrong about?

Alisa reached out, her hand resting softly against Vyra’s arm, the half-eaten croissant in her hand falling onto the towel in which she laid on, and Vyra reached out, wrapping her arms around Alisa, her head nestled into the tall woman’s shoulder, and she cried. She had already cried her heart out once, but out of pain, of a need to release agony all too long withheld. And she had cried again, her heart warmed by Alisa’s words, of confidence in a world to be had, of things Vyra felt she may never come to know.

Her tears were that of a spirit being restored. Coming from the bottom of one’s own soul, finding nothing there but the remains of dreams and hopes that were snuffed apart before every being given a chance only to find a small ember still burning, life and hope resonating within. She had wondered what Alisa saw in her and the answer left Vyra at a loss for words.

Alisa had seen hope, goodness in her. A life worth living.

She wished that she had a better way to respond to what she was hearing, but she just couldn’t. As she cried, moments throughout the day played out within her mind. In her wildest dreams, Vyra could not have imagined anything having played out like this. Life had been cruel to her, and for the first time, she had reason to be hopeful, and it was all thanks to this woman. “I won’t! I swear!” She cried through tears, her grip around Alisa tightening as though to convey some sort of reassurance, just something.

But to hear what Alisa had to say next, it was as though life rushing back into Vyra, her body unsure how to respond, her mind not sure what to make of it, her heart racing, her eyes opening wide as she gripped hold of both of Alisa’s shoulders and pulled back slightly, a look of grave concern and panic upon her face as she stared into her eyes. To believe that something could have happened to bring a woman as strong as she had shown to be, horrid thoughts ran through as to what could have happened.

A single line of thinking sprung into her mind, causing Vyra to simply gaze at her, petrified at the possibility that once upon a time that she had been sexually assaulted, just as Vyra had. Her grip disappeared from Alisa’s shoulder, as though all strength were instantly lost. Her hand and eyes trailed down Alisa’s chest, going lower until abruptly stopping at her navel, at which point she recoiled her hand as though having been bitten by some sort of invisible creature. She jerked her head back up, looking eye to eye with Alisa, the pain that came with reliving a truly harrowing memory all too evident within Vyra’s eyes. “Not you too…” Her words were weak, the idea that Alisa may have also been a victim left Vyra utterly mortified.

Vyra threw herself at Alisa again, holding on as tightly as she could, her own nails clawing into her arms while she held onto the woman who up to this point had never allowed any vulnerabilities be exposed. She did not know how else to respond. Vyra had gone through hell throughout her life, no mistake, but she was thrown to a world that was unforgiving, one that she was unprepared for. She was weak, if one wished to look at it from that perspective. Alisa did not seem at all like that. She was strong. She had only shown strength up to this point, for her to have suffered like she had, Vyra didn’t know what to say. The only thing that came to mind were the same words that Alisa had spoken to her, she prayed that it could do something for her like it did for her, “It’s not your fault.”

There was no certainty that Vyra would ever fully know what happened to Alisa. Vyra had cried her heart out to her, but that did not mean that Alisa was ever to do the same, and that was fine. Vyra did not need Alisa to open up like she had; she only hoped that Alisa knew Vyra was here for her.

Who is Real


Tears [Alisa] Empty Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:20 pm


WORDS: 940 | TAG: @Vyra Emrakul | BIKINI 

Alisa smiled when Vyra heard the mention of food, all but giggling at her stomach growled. Yup, she defenitely shouldn't have taken her away from her meal, but at this point, that was one problem she could fix easily. Raising her arm behind the two towels, the wedding ring on her hand lit up once more as she produced the basket from her pocket dimension:

"There you go... Good thing I brought that along hmm~?", she chimed, winking playfully at the girl, once more resting her elbow on her towel, content to just watch her eat, or at least, she would have until the girl tilting the still full basket towards her. Arching her brow with a hint of surprise, Alisa chuckled and accepted the treat, "Why thank you~ Don't mind if I do."

She didn't really know how long had passed since their meal earlier, but she did feel an audible grumble from her stomach, more than encouraging her to reach in and take a dainty little bite of yet another croissant, delighting as that flavour melted in her mouth... Delicious as always~... Brushing a loose strand of hair away from her eyes, Alisa glanced skywards, and at that moment realized she'd defenitely skipped lunch. No wonder she felt this hungry...

But nothing really changed, did it?

One look at the troubled lost girl sitting behind her always reminded her that which mattered most. Alisa followed every look on her face, brow arched, half wondering how the girl would take her words. Even as her own, perpetual smile faded as Alisa recalled her own troubled past, her eyes remained fixed on the demi human's. In the end, her answer came not with words but with a sudden, heartfelt hug, making Alisa leg go of her own croissant as her arms slid around Vyra, pulling her close, stroking the back of her head as she whispered close to her ear:

"You're so much better than you know... I won't let you forget that."

Alisa relaxed in the girl's warmth, letting those darker memories fade away from where they came, that was, until Vyra peeled away once more with a look of utter shock. She knew that look all too well. She'd seen it many times before from many people in her past, and usually for this exact same reason: Sympathy. Her chest rose and fell with a breathy sigh, her smile fading once more as those unpleasant memories came rushing back. Not really the girl's fault by any stretch of the word. And by all accounts, Vyra had most likely suffered worse... But even if knew that... Alisa gritted her teeth as she recalled that day, when she got home and saw the worst of humanity with her own two eyes. The sight of what those animals had done to her mother... She'd simply been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

But no matter how hard she trained or how tirelessly she looked, Alisa could never exact vengeance on the ones who did it. When she couldn't find them, she took it out on others like them. Dark mages and demon worshippers, and the very creatures they conjured. Kill... Kill... Kill... She targeted the ones she could kill while growing stronger to eventually do the same against those she could not. Even now after having let go of that darkness, that endless drive to grow stronger still remained.

She had plenty of time to cope with her past, to grow stronger from it. People looked up to her as a beacon of strength without sparing a single thought as to why she'd reached this point. But Vyra thought differently. Alisa's lips parted, eyes widening as the horrified girl's hand slid down her curvaceous form, stopping near the spot where her tattoo now proudly sat, covering an ugly scar Vyra would undoubtly feel as her hand brushed over it. Sensing that hint of vulnerability as Alisa dwelled in her own personal history, she simply draped her arms around her without hesitation, and repeated those very same words that reverberated across every fiber of her being:

"Thank you, Vyra... Thank you...", she told herself she'd let go of that past. But she never could, could she? She'd never forget what happened, or change the person that past made her into. She squeezes tightly to the girl, head resting on her shoulders, nails digging into her back. Her chest pressed so tightly they'd feel each other's heartbeats as clearly as the waves crashing across the beach, tears trickling down her cheeks, "We... Can't really change the past can we...?"

Truly, Alisa had no clue what the girl had gone through. The way she traced her hands and eyes down her body with a appalled look in her eyes defenitely suggested her history of abuse... But even in her thoughts Alisa tried not to dwell too much on it. Vyra would have likely noticed that scar hidden underneath her guild mark, a near fatal wound that hinted at her unsavoury history. But in the end, neither asked for the answers, not about to force them to relieve their unpleasant past. No curiosity would every make up for such grueling price...

Instead, they just laid there... Bringing solace to one another, without a single clue as to why. Alisa didn't peel away, simply remained there, holding the girl tightly in her arms until Vyra herself wished to peel away... She spoke up only when the dulling colours of daylight drew her attention back to the world outside:

"My, it's already this late~...", she said at long last, yet misty eyed as she peeled away from the blue haired beauty, glancing up at the subtle shades of orange now colouring the skies as the sun steadily descended towards the horizon. Brushing a hand over her eyes, they soon fell on Vyra once more as she asked, "This reminds me, Vyra... Do you need a place to sleep tonight?"

She already knew the answer to this question, deep down... But she asked it nonetheless, having a distinctive feeling that the girl before had much of her free will stolen away from her, most of her life. Alisa would help her every step of the way, but only as long as she wished.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Tears [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Tears [Alisa] Empty Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:43 am




It felt as though time stood still between them. Vyra held Alisa close, having felt something that for so long seemed like a wishful dream that she may never actually see or experience for herself; it had crept near her throughout her travels, among the children whom ran to their mothers to rid them of their woes, their pains, their fears, to celebrate with them of their feats, and to give them the strength to stand tall like giant slayers. Motherly love. It was something that she never felt for herself from her mother, and while Alisa were not that, together she felt more like that of those children that she looked upon with jealousy than she had ever felt with anyone before, her mother or otherwise.

She didn’t know for how long that the two of them had been there. Her breathing had long since calmed, the tears that she had cried cease, first out of appreciation for the kind words that Alisa had spoken, then of pain for whatever hardships had befallen that same woman. She still found it hard to believe that someone like Alisa could have had as hard a life as her, but perhaps she should not have. From the streets in which she was barely even viewed as a person, it seemed as though everyone had the benefit of having a better state of living by simply having a life that were not hers.

For so long she had been convinced it were just the hand she had been dealt in being brought into this world. Her mother despised everything about her, from her horns to her very existence. Vyra’s last memory of her will forever be seeing her lunging at her with a knife, intent on taking her life. It was a cruel beginning to her life, but surely it could have only meant that things would get better. Until she had met Alisa earlier this morning, it seemed that the only thing certain was that her days were numbered. But perhaps that may still be true. Today had proven to be a change in fortunes, but despite how insistent Alisa was, there were no certainties that Vyra’s fate had changed for the better.

Perhaps. Perhaps that were true and whatever faith Vyra had had restored in this world was nothing more than a fleeting moment, as consequential or lasting as a simple mound of sand that was washed away by the tides. She had seen plenty who seemingly were in a situation that Vyra were in now, their fortunes changed, destined to have a better life than before; and so many of them would fall back to the same fate that they were bound to before. It was a constant trap, to come just close enough to glimpse at the light, only for the shadows to drag them even deeper than before.

But she was willing to take that risk. This glimpse of hope that Alisa had given her, it may have been nothing more than an illusion, that light peering down upon her. There were no shadows here though, not while she remained here in Alisa’s company.

She pulled her head, having rested it upon Alisa’s shoulder for so long, just enough to allow herself a glimpse of what Alisa had turned her focus towards. The sky, once a beautiful clear blue, scarcely a cloud in the sky, had changed harshly in color, the blues that gave it a singular color replaced with an assortment of reds, oranges, and purples, the sun having begun its daily ritual of retreating for the night, painting the sky full of color before surrendering it to the moon. It was both a beautiful yet discerning sight, as much a memorable end to what had been a fulfilling and emotionally-exhaustive day, but as well an invitation for the uncertainties that the night would hold.

It did not help that Vyra’s past few nights in Hargeon had not been particularly kind to her, and only seemed to get worse.

As the end of the season loomed closer and closer with each day, activity within the docks only picked up, with more ships coming in to port, more workers being tasked with handling the various affairs of said ships, and staying longer and longer into the nights. Add alcohol and a bigotry fueled by frustration and a sense of underappreciation, and it would take little to no provocation for them to view Vyra as an acceptable outlet. Fortunately, she had been able to largely avoid running into any such interactions, but not without an added level of vigilance on her part which only added to the stress and panic that she already carried into the night.

Her eyes had barely taken off of the sunset before them, the colors gradually shifting to dark shades of blue, the sun becoming less and less noticeable, when Alisa’s voice brought her back to focus. She found herself struggling to come up with the right words, her mind having begun to rush to figure out how best to survive a night with one of the darker sides of Hargeon without anywhere close to the amount of time that she would normally have to prepare for such survival. Yet, in an instance, Alisa had provided her with a way of avoiding it, not just the preparation, but the risk entirely.

“Really? You mean it?” She took a deep breath, a boulder of worries that had just been placed onto her shoulders being lifted up, allowing her a chance to breathe. It was difficult to express just how grateful she was towards Alisa; it had seemed that everything that Alisa had done, everything she had said up to this point, while to her they may have not seemed all that significant, to Vyra they had meant the world. And as someone who has nothing, to be provided with such a great gift, one upon another, gratitude can only go so far or at least one is left to feel.

Fighting back emotions, her face evidence enough of the desire to fight back tears that the body had already exhausted, Vyra smiled, trying to keep herself composed for what may have been the first time of late. “I… I don’t know how to thank you… Truly, how can I ever thank you?” She reached forward and gave Alisa a hug; not the lengthy embraces that she had provided the woman earlier, but one that was short, but laced in emotion and gratitude.

After a short moment, she released her grip upon the taller woman, turning her attention towards what was left of their little picnic the towels thrown about within the sand, the croissants that they had been eating as embedded within the sand like that of a seashell. Vyra put forward an effort to try to arrange things, to preferably provide a tidier departure, though with whatever the device was that Alisa had been utilizing, the efficiency and ease at which it seemed to resolve minor inconveniences like the removal of sandy towels, made her effort seem for naught. She didn’t mind; to have helped in a futile effort still left her more guilt-free than if she had done nothing.

As the two set to depart, Vyra took a final look upon the beach. It was still hard to believe that their little arrival here would have been as impactful, certainly to Vyra, who found herself a bit exhausted even just thinking of what happened. But also to Alisa, who in the time that the two of them had arrived upon that sand, had revealed far more of herself to Vyra than what the Demi-human could have imagined. It had brought both of them closer, perhaps more than what either of them had first expected that it would.

Following behind Alisa, Vyra made little effort to try to venture off or sightsee like she had earlier. Not only was this an area that she was unfamiliar with, but the danger that was the rougher side of the Hargeon night life was still a very real thing that she dreaded encountering. She took hold of Alisa’s hand, holding it close like a child holding the hand of their mother. All the while, she kept her head perked; though the sun was just now setting and there were still some time before the men retired from the docks for the night, to those with the wrong intentions, she certainly stuck out, and for all the wrong reasons.

Nevertheless, she followed Alisa towards wherever it were that the woman had planned for Vyra. And while she did not know where it was, that was perhaps the one thing of their venture through Hargeon that did not worry her. Today, for all that it had brought upon Vyra, the heartache, the pain, the revelations, despite it being the emotional rollercoaster that it was, it had also done something else. It had given her hope. Alisa had given her hope.

And in that hope came trust. Trust that wherever it was that they were going, Alisa was taking her someplace safe.

Someplace safe. It would be the first time that Vyra felt that.

Who is Real

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