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Poropo Pretending to Associate [Quest]

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#1Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pretending to Associate [Quest] Empty Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:08 pm

Poropo Poproporp
"So I am to dress like a criminal and sneak inside a criminal building in order to obtain criminal information?" Poropo did not like the idea of pretending to be impure, but for the sake of a well-paying job and the chance to do good within the city of Hosenka - the monk could not pass the dangerous opportunity. The monk clasped his hands in prayer, "Oh Iron Deity, please to not be wrathful for I may sin for the greater good...bless my disguise, too, please."

Having prayed as best he could, the worried monk is taken to another room and dressed like a specific criminal - an equally rotund criminal of low standing was arrested and leaked information vital for Poropo to get into the crimson district and gather even more information.

One could argue the Iron Deity has indeed blessed Poropo's disguise because the monk could not even recognize himself by the end of the aesthetic transformation. Poropo looked at himself in a small mirror in order to get a feel for his "character". Not much special aside from a stripped bandana, torn clothing, and open-toe shoes - the shoes were not as bad as Poropo had expected. Poropo felt confident he could do something to earn his reward from the Hosenka authorities using a disguise so blessed.

#2Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pretending to Associate [Quest] Empty Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:44 pm

Poropo Poproporp
After becoming disguised as a rotund, oddly pirate-like criminal, Poropo set off for the crimson district in search of a specific building. Inside this building Poropo would have to remember a secret phrase in order to traverse freely. Once inside and free to roam, the disguised monk would need to sneakily gather intelligence on upcoming plans. Simply enough if Poropo could remember the passphrase, "Two birds converged in a yellow wood - I eat the fat bird...a gruesome passphrase." The monk shivered thinking about the type of criminals who used such a strange phrase.

Poropo got some stares as he walked through the crimson district - stares from all walks of life including thugs, punks, and normal people. Criminals seemed to come in all shapes and sizes, but Poropo would not judge them based on their appearance alone - actions speak louder than stares. However, the shivering monk could not help but be nervous as he walked ever closer to his destination, "What if they expect me to come...what if I am ambushed...what if...I am tortured..." Poropo felt beads of sweat pearl down his face, dripping through his dirty, used, criminal clothing. The monk could feel his life slip away from his the more the building came into view.

#3Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pretending to Associate [Quest] Empty Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:52 pm

Poropo Poproporp
The criminal building Poropo was to infiltrate was only five meters away - the monk was quivering in his open-toed shoes, "If I am caught...I will be...tortured...or worse...oh Iron Deity, bless me a little bit more...please." With nobody around to notice, Poropo clasped his hands in prayer to his metallic god made of condensed light. With a deep breath, Poropo took a few waddles to the door and knocked three times.

A slide on the door opened with blood-shot eyes peeking through, "uh!? What do you want?" Poropo attempted to say the passphrase, but the only thing which came out was huffing and puffing from nerves. The person behind the door looked Poropo up and down, "you've got the wrong door, drug addict - next door is the one." The monk looked over and saw a beaded curtain - a detail which the monk had completely forgotten until reminded. The slide on the door slammed shut and Poropo was alone again.

Having been seen by someone meant Poropo was all in now - even if the person who saw him thought the monk was just a drug addict. Nonetheless, Poropo steeled his nerves like any good worshiper of the Iron Deity and waddled to and through the beaded curtain.

#4Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pretending to Associate [Quest] Empty Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:59 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Stepping through the beaded curtain with quivering legs, Poropo was first greeted by a puff of smoke and red wallpaper. There was a front desk with an elderly woman smoking a long pipe - she looked at the disguised monk, "welcome, little bird. Where might you be headed?"

Poropo could tell this was supposed to be the building to infiltrate - the blood-red wallpaper was a clear sign of criminal activity, but the more obvious signature of criminal activity was the strangely worded welcome from the old, smoking woman. The monk looked meekly at the old woman, somehow older than Poropo, and said, "Two birds converged in a yellow wood...I eat the fat bird..." This felt like a nonsense answer to the smoking woman's query, but she seemed to flip a switch to unlock a door down the corridor. Poropo shakily nodded as the woman stared daggers - she might work for criminals but she might not be one herself, to some degree.

The disguised monk entered through the unlocked door and was again greeted by red wallpaper everywhere, but this time more people were walking around and doing all sorts of activities. The air felt dense with impurity which the monk could feel dripping off his smooth, oiled skin.

#5Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Pretending to Associate [Quest] Empty Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:09 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Poropo did not feel like staying here much long so he attempted to look around for paperwork to steal and run off with. Looking all around the building he felt isolated within, the monk waddled with determination. Some people within the building seemed to look at Poropo with looks of disgust, but the monk had to ignore the stares, as usual - the disguised monk's job was to gain intelligence on this building's goings-on without being captured. The nervous monk was a running faucet of sweat, leaving behind stains in the blood-red carpets dotting certain corridors.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Poropo spotted a meeting taking place. People were heading in an out of the room where the meeting was taking place so the monk slipping inside and catching a whiff of the conversation could be safe. However, Poropo decided to stay just outside the room and lean against the wall, eavesdropping instead of joining - the monk did not know criminal-slang which meant talking was not an option.

Poropo listened in and started gaining knowledge of a planned burglary. With what felt like a job well-done, the monk ducked away from the wall and through the maze of corridors. His goal now was to leave in one piece! With quicker speed, Poropo stumbled out into the familiar old woman's corridor again. Poropo looked as though he stood underneath a waterfall of oily sweat - the old woman did not seem to care anymore. She simply said, "have a nice day, little bird," and let Poropo leave.

Poropo was able to tell the Hosenka authorities about the planned burglary - a job well-done...barely.

1,000/1,000 words

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