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Tempris D-Rank: Crimson Quarter - Escort the Employee

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Tempris D-Rank: Crimson Quarter - Escort the Employee Empty Wed Sep 08, 2021 7:28 pm


Tempris was standing at the edge of the city. She took a small job, wanting to relax a little bit after her last two big jobs. They were well paying ones but the girl just needed something easy. It was sort of like a vacation that paid you. It did not take long for the girl to notice a vehicle coming close to her. The girl gripped her weapon but would end of releasing it after the vehicle stopped and a pretty woman stepped out. She introduced herself as a new worker for Madam Suzumi and Tempris already knew the rest. It was her mission.

So Tempris gave her introduction and the woman laughed, seeing a child was to escort her and be her guard. She turned to her driver who immediately started making gestures for her to stop. Tempris eyes already burned with anger but this was suppose to be a vacation. So she would give the woman a chance to redeem herself from her own mistake. The woman quickly apologize and tried to change the topic. Tempris had no interest in conversating with some weak sinner who belittled her. All she had to do was make sure the woman made it to Madam Suzumi.

WC: 206/400

Tempris D-Rank: Crimson Quarter - Escort the Employee Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Tempris D-Rank: Crimson Quarter - Escort the Employee Empty Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:10 am


Tempris allowed the woman to walk first. Tempris herself would stand behind the woman slightly to her left. The woman was pretty quiet now that she already made a terrible first impression. Tempris was not to concern with it. She was not in a talking mood to begin with. In fact, she was hoping someone would actually come up and do something. That way, she could take action and bring salvation to some poor unfortunate soul. Sadly, there was a really low chance of that happening. She was already making a name for herself. It was written on everyone's face as they avoided even crossing the girl's path. A boring mission for easy money.

Only the girl finally broke her silence. She claimed she felt like someone was following them. Tempris also had this feeling. However Tempris was not too concern with this. Nobody would dare bother her right now. Plus they were almost there. The woman return to being quiet. They would arrive at the meeting spot with Madam Suzumi. The boss lady was happy that her new worker was safe. Tempris accepted the payment but was well, disappointed that whatever was following them decided to stay in hiding. Maybe next time they would appear and she could do something.

400/400 (20% WC Guild perk)

Tempris D-Rank: Crimson Quarter - Escort the Employee Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

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