The first few houses he had visited had either thought it was sweet and had given him candy, or had shooed him away, clearly fed up with all the pavlova that occurred around this time. It had all been so innocent until he arrived at the fifth house, the one at the end of the street that seemed to be just like the others. A strange, unkempt and quite possibly drunk man answered the door, speaking in a very peculiar accent as he asked what Aly wanted. After saying the phrase he knew was correct at this time, the man simply laughed at the elf, but he didn't shoo him away. Instead, he beckoned him to come inside and take his pick of the sweets they had in store...
Long story short this was how, for the next twenty four hours, Alyssandra Davenport became the thrall, and house cleaner, for a group of three lazy vampires and their terrifying fourth flatmate who lived in the basement and would like eat the elf given the chance.