Welcome to Fairy Tail RPG, where your visions come true through your words. You control the destiny of your character. Do you have what it takes to bring the world to order or chaos?

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Hello.~ Empty Thu Feb 10, 2022 5:39 pm

Completely new to this site. Still working on making my character, but hoping to have fun with you guys here.

#2Hitomi Minamoto † 

Hello.~ Empty Thu Feb 10, 2022 5:45 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
Hello and Welcome. We are glad to have you. If you have any questions feel free to ask and to join the discord where questions can be answered even quicker!

Hello.~ AV4nNet
old sheet
#3Amir † 

Hello.~ Empty Thu Feb 10, 2022 5:48 pm

Amir †
Salutations! It is a joy to meet you. As said above most questions would be answered on the discord. Discord is also the best place to chat with people, see who is on, and make plans if needed. It is recommended to join it if able.


Hello.~ Empty Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:36 pm


Welcome, Welcome as people have already mentioned feel free to join the discord, we won't bite haha.

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