Judith for now managed to keep the control the she had wanted too, Because well it should have been time to mention it, But she still was unsure how exactly she would consider the right time to mention it, If anything Judina death was barely spoken about because Judith avoided mentioning it right away. But most likely by then Judith would have a plan for it."You will be okay until I get back right?"Judith merely asked her husband, Which since it was most likely to guess how he was going to answer."You have done enough, I can stay off my work bench and recover."He was stubborn, But one thing he seemed never to test was his words against his own wife, Not that Judith would do anything to horrible to him.
For not it seems they would be leaving him behind, Mostly from Judith wanting to be sure he relaxed, After all he was as good at it as much as Judith was so needless to say he most likely had to tell Judith he would just try and rest because it was needed and well she might force him."Change a few things? What like I ponder."She more wanted to see what he would say here, Because it left her curious what he would say."Yes, She does change fairly often, Not that I have a massive track record of doing that...This was just an interesting rare case."At least that is how Judith would count it in her case, After all she was still fairly comfortable as a human.
As for the part of the other elves, it was also a good ponder."I would have to ask other elves, After all they are as much of a rarity as other races, Not too many werewolves or vampires roaming about now days."Which was true, Judith at least could not mention the last time she saw a werewolf at least one that openly admit they where one, Since most of them tend to be pretty quiet and she knew way, It was like a lingering shadow over some one to be one.
But this last question seemed to be a good one, One Judith did not know how to answer."So far if I am not that different, I could ponder that myself, I guess unless i truly could ask some one who might know, for sure."But that list of who she could ask was fairly sort at zero, But they could easily ponder aloud to one another, They had plenty of time since closing the door and heading on their way to continue solving a problem.Giving Judith more time.