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A rat in a maze. (Solo Quest)

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A rat in a maze. (Solo Quest) Empty Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:06 pm

Vex walking through the city hears a commotion, she heads that way seeing a thief run past and she walks up to the shop and the owner looks at her and tells her, he needs her to go and catch the thief for him, but he requests that Vex doesn't murder them but if need be she can injure them and then bring them back to the shop to the owner with the piece they stole in hand. She raises her arm and she sends out her cultists and she starts running her self in her heels clacking on the stone as he rushes to follow after where the thief went and she wonders is this really a plot or not, was it a set up. She had just had a report of a masked man that used frost and wind caused trouble in the far east for her followers.



A rat in a maze. (Solo Quest) Empty Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:07 pm

She seeks to end this fast and plan her next move at getting the masked Fairy in her clutches. But intel was slim, she shakes her head refocusing on the task she is on, her cultists point her in the right way to follow as she closes in she sensed her right hands closing in on her as well. The were summoned by others to try and trap the thief but this thief wasn't a fighter they were a runner and they ditched them in the back alleyways leaving them scrambling, Vex touches the pendant she wears in her dress and she can feel Tutrix leading her toward the thief and she doesn't waste her time standing around like some of the other lost cultists are doing she had a quest to do and answers to find and plans to make for how she will get the soul she is seeking.


A rat in a maze. (Solo Quest) Empty Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:07 pm

Her right hands take to the roof tops while she sticks to the ground leading them almost. The thief comes into sight, ducking into a beaten up shop and a cultist runs in first a head of Vex who follows close behind them, they place seems empty but a sound down in the basement sends them running down there and into a tunnel network under the house that was probably a way to another hide out that the thief used. Some of her cultists went topside to try and find where the tunnels might connect to to try and trap him in the tunnels so that Vex can capture the man. The tunnel in front of Vex collapses and she has to back track and go down another tunnel near by and she wonders if maybe they are messing with someone else and not just some petty thief stealing a weapon.


A rat in a maze. (Solo Quest) Empty Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:07 pm

The cultists lost the trail of the thief, but Vex doesn't give up in the maze of tunnels knowing there must be another way to find them if she keeps to the trail she had just lost, holding her pendant again she feels the guiding touch of her goddess again, she follows the guiding feeling in her heart and she finds a tunnel that leads to a off shoot tunnel that looks like a dead end from a far but getting closer the point of view changes and she sees a tunnel that leads off to the right and curves hard to a dark wooden door. She opens it and the thief is there breathing heavy from all the running and chasing they had just gone through. Her cultists arrive soon after and they restrain the thief and start dragging them out into the maze again as it was just a dead end room with no other way out.


A rat in a maze. (Solo Quest) Empty Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:07 pm

As they walk through the maze the thief stays struggling and cursing them and Vex looks at him and giggles at how lively this man seems to have gotten on them. The thief looks at Vex's face and he turns pale like he saw a ghost. Vex feels she knows this man from somewhere, but can not place his face and she carries on with her walk and they find the way out simply enough, then they walk the street carrying a still pale and unmoving thief who might have just gotten worn out or might have just given up on even trying to escape from them cause he knew he was dead to rights caught and it was by someone he looked like he was scared of, she wonders if her name is starting to spread or if this person had seen her from somewhere. She leads the small group of cultists that stayed to carry the thief while the rest returned to blending into the towns people and keeping watch for her and the group.


A rat in a maze. (Solo Quest) Empty Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:08 pm

Her heels clacked as she walked the cobble path to the shop and she wonders what this man is gonna do with the thief and if it is going to be a simple slap on the wrist or a full lecture, she doesn't expect anything big is gonna be much of anything to watch. They walk in and they hand over the thief to the owner who gains a nasty looking smirk on his face and they walk him over to a back room and they hear a scream rips through the quiet store as the owner slams his hammer on the thieves hands and adds a few nails as well to their hand then he pulls them out the man truly being tortured and the owner looks to Vex and the cultists who are just watching him do this to the thief without batting an eye, for vex this was common place for thieves to be dealt with in a manner that would dissuade them from stealing again or they might feel the same pain and torture again for not adhering to the law. They stand there as the owner walks over to them with a smile and he pays Vex glad she understood and didn't attempt to stop him from torturing the thief. Vex makes her way out to get on her way to plan and get it all in action.

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