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Spirits of the Storm [Epic]

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#1Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:14 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: Spirits of the Storm

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Kazimir

Story: Kazimir has defeated the wind clan, leaving him the last of the original members. Kazimir must return to the village now and take up his right as the leader and ensure its future. The clan of water has been decimated and no one remains to guard the border against spirits of the fallen hour. The spirits of the fallen hour have been unleashed once more. Kaz will do battle with the clan's ancient enemy and uncover the secret behind their return. All of this a precursor to the tournament of wind to decided the true leader of the clan. But a mystery even darker awaits as Kaz must confront his greatest foe and the one manipulating the strife within the spirits of the wind. The seraphim that turned him into a Nephilim to become a vehicle of wrath.

Objective: Defeat the arbiters of wind to send the wind clan on the right path and finally finish the long battle between himself and the Seraphim that uprooted his life.

Name: The Fallen Call

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary: Kazimir returns to the ghost town of his own clan. There he discovers that some non-clansmen have been in hiding there. Trying to keep things together after their village was destroyed. Kazimir investigates and discovers the Spirits of the Fallen Hour have returned.

Others: Alexander the defacto caretaker of the clan.

Enemies: Spirits of the fallen hour.

Fallen Spirit: A ghostly and hellish appearance torment this being as it seeks to bring wrath to the land it once called home.


  • Discover the remains of the village and the refugees hiding within.
  • Find the lost orphans of the wind clan
  • Defeat the Fallen Spirit and prevent it from ravaging the remaining lands and villages.
  • Get information from the survivors about the attacks.

Last edited by Kazimir Seiryu on Thu May 06, 2021 6:23 pm; edited 3 times in total

#2Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:37 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: The wind twists the path of water.

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary: After the battle with the fallen spirits Kazimir invites the villagers to stay for safety and goes to track down the rest and seal them away. Kaz discovers the Guardian seal broken with no way to fix it and a loud cataclysm draws his attention. He discovers the ancient foe of the past alive and attacking what remains of the water clan. He fights the beast and saves the water clan, then learns that the seal was broken from the outside.

Others: Hino and Jaya the future of the water clan.

Enemies: The Fallen Hour

Final Fallen: The leader of the Fallen Hour. A beast defeated by the celestial arbiters in the past. It seeks revenge on the clans that tore its mortal life away. Can cast Darkness magic.

  • Rally the remaining clan members
  • Investigate the broken temple
  • Rescue the last members of the Seiryu clan
  • Defeat the final Fallen spirit

Last edited by Kazimir Seiryu on Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

#3Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:48 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: The tournament of the wind is howling

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary: Kaz ensures that Hino and Jaya are safe and then learn that they are the last surviving members of the water clan. Bringing them together with the refugees of the wind clan he pieces together the whole story. A strange presence has been looming in the forest after a night of terrible storms.

Kaz finds out the stone was broken by wind magic and that an eternal storm has sprung to life around the celestial spirits mountain. He travels there and one of the refugees sneaks along with him. Having a vision from the magical beast, Kaz breaks his way through the storm and climbs to the summit.

Once at the top he is confronted with his choice to abandon his grace and then must battle the Earhtland embodiment of Byakko.

Once done he provers himself as the rightful heir to the wind and is told that all this is happening for the battle of the four winds. A tournament of the heavens between the gods of wind and their avatars and arbiters. Kaz most venture forth and fight on behalf of Byakko.

Others: Hino and Jaya the future of the water clan. Mikarael of the wind clan.

Enemies: Byakko's Embodiement.

Byakko: The incarnation of the celestial spirit descending to test Kazimir. Can use both destructive and defensive wind magic.

  • Reseal the temple.
  • Get information from the clansman and refugees about the attack.
  • Learn about the mysterious figure and the mountain pass.
  • Learn about the tournament of wind
  • Get through the wind barrier and face the embodiment of Byakko for the right to participate in the tournament of Wind.

Last edited by Kazimir Seiryu on Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

#4Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:39 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: The Tempest Rages

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary: After obtaining the right to challenge, Kazimir must travel to the tournament destination and defeat the arbiters of the four winds. Along the way he encounters barriers trying to prevent him from arriving to compete.

Others: Arbiters of the four winds.

Enemies: Arbiters

Northern Arbiter: The northern wind is a fierce opponent that focuses solely on debuff affects and quick strikes.    


  • Find the tournament grounds.
  • Bypass the barriers to gain entry and reach the summit.
  • Defeat the northern arbiter.
  • Learn about the Celestial Book of the Wind and the seven constellations.

Last edited by Kazimir Seiryu on Tue May 04, 2021 6:00 pm; edited 4 times in total

#5Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:57 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: The Southern Wind

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary: The battle of the southern wind is about to take place. Before the battle can start though, assailants sneak into the tournament grounds at night and the two rivals are forced to fight alongside one another. One of the thieves escapes. A break-in has never happened before and while nothing seemed to have been taken, the spirits have Kazimir and the southern arbiter track down the thief in the neighboring towns. What they uncover is a network of crime and a hidden church.

Others: Arbiters of the four winds.

Enemies: The rogues of the black wind.

Rogues: A group of elite thieves and assasins. Their training has put them on par with top mages. They serve a radical church order and are skilled in stealth.  


  • Engage the thieves
  • Track down the one that escapes
  • Fight alongside the Southern arbiter
  • Discover the church.  

Last edited by Kazimir Seiryu on Tue May 04, 2021 7:11 pm; edited 3 times in total

#6Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:50 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: Battle of Barrier and Speed

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary:The two discover old markings of illumin within the church but nothing else. Emptyhanded, the two venture back towards the mountain path to rejoin the celestial spirit tournament but find a new barrier in their way. Once they sneak back into the grounds, the tournament continues. But the Northern Wind has gone missing. Kazimir, having won the first bout must now face off with the southern wind. They battle and when Kaz decided not to kill them, The eastern arbiter attacks.

Others: Arbiters of the four winds.

Enemies: Southern Arbiter

Southern Arbiter: The southern wind focuses on barriers and defense, tiring out their opponent and finishing things with a final blow.     


  • Return to the tournament grounds
  • Bypass the barriers to gain reentry
  • Defeat the southern Arbiter
  • Find out why the Eastern Arbiter betrayed the celestials.  

Last edited by Kazimir Seiryu on Tue May 04, 2021 8:59 pm; edited 2 times in total

#7Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:08 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: The Fallen Return

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary: The Eastern Arbiter kills the Southern Arbiter. Kaz moves to defend and defeat the man. He reveals himself as an imposter and unleashes the fallen foes back onto the tournament grounds and flees. The dead body of the northern arbiter is found and it is discovered that they were only there to track down the whereabouts of the seven and an artifact. In the battle against the fallen, it is revealed that they were killed by the first wind clan. Kaz learns that his parents chose him to be brought to the wind clan because his father's ancestor was once a part of the clan and fought the first fallen.
Others: Arbiters


Captain of the Fallen: The captain is a fierce foe that can create gravitational pulls.  


  • Reveal the Eastern Arbiter is an intruder.
  • Find out the truth about Kaz's connection to the fallen
  • Defeat the dark captain

#8Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:09 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: Gathering the Seven Constellations

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary: Kaz must track down the location of the imprisoned seven star warriors. The group that will stand to rebuild the wind clan. They have been captured by the Eastern Arbiter who reveals himself as the Angel of Wrath. Gathering the seven will help Kaz defeat this threat and preserve the clan. He finds their location but most face the angel's warden.

Others: The Seven Constellations: Tokaki, Tatara, Ekie, Subaru, Amefuri, Toroki, Kagasuki. The new members of the wind clan.

Enemies: Dreadnaught Storm

Dreadnaught Storm: The guardian of the Seven and servant of Wrath. He posses aerial mobility and powerful knockback effects.    


  • Locate the seven constellations.  
  • Sneak into the compound they are held at.
  • Defeat the dark warden of their prison.
  • Escape for the final confrontation with the Seraphim.  

Last edited by Kazimir Seiryu on Tue May 04, 2021 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

#9Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:09 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: Evading the Horde

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary: Kaz rescued the seven warriors and now they all must make it back out of the hostile territory. They survive the night in the city despite attacks at every wrong turn, to find their way back to the tournament. The path to the tournament has been blocked by the enemy forces and the group is forced to flee back to the wind clan's village. On the way must escape the Seraphim's assassin.

Others: The Seven Constellations. Tokaki, Tatara, Ekie, Subaru, Amefuri, Toroki, Kagasuki. The new members of the wind clan.

Enemies: Wrath Assassin

Wrath Assassin: Skilled and stealth and long range combat. Uses Arcane blasts. 


  • Escape the city and evade the forces.  
  • Retreat to the wind clan Village.
  • Defeat the seraphim's assassin.
  • Regroup at the village and prepare for war.  

Last edited by Kazimir Seiryu on Tue May 04, 2021 11:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

#10Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:10 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: Assault on the Home Front

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary: Kaz and the team regroup in the wind clan village. They decide to ally themselves with the wind can as was the plan all along. In the short time they have, they need to heal and begin training to defeat whatever is out there and hunting them. Before they can begin, the Seraphim's minions are caught within the village. They need to fan out and stop them from getting away and relaying their location to the seraphim. Among all the chaos, they begin to try and unravel the angel's plans.

Others: The Seven Constellations. Tokaki, Tatara, Ekie, Subaru, Amefuri, Toroki, Kagasuki. The new members of the wind clan.

Enemies: Wrath Interceptors.

Wrath Interceptors: They are agile and fierce melee combatants. Utilizing their flight and quick reflexes to dart around enemies and slash them to ribbons with their swords.   


  • Regroup at the village  
  • Stop the interceptors from escaping and revealing their location.
  • Interrogate one to determinine what the Seraphim is thinking.
  • Uncover the plot to release the fallen once more.

Last edited by Kazimir Seiryu on Tue May 04, 2021 11:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

#11Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:10 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: The power of Celestials

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary: As the team regroups from the assault on their home, the real threat emerges. A giant fire erupts on the far side of the camp. At the same time, A warrior reports that people were seen by the sealed cave. They all split up and deal with the events and encounter more enemy forces.

Soon they find out that the sealed cave was broken and the fallen have returned, but all that was a mere distraction to the real issue. The Seraphim found a way to enter the celestial realm, with the spirit of the wind. They uncover that he plans to steal something from that realm to help his return to the heavens.

Kaz faces the Fallen that his ancestor fought before. The rift to the celestial plan is reopened by Byakko who calls on them for help. They answer the call and dive in to face the Seraphim and his makeshift generals.

Others: The Seven Constellations. Tokaki, Tatara, Ekie, Subaru, Amefuri, Toroki, Kagasuki. The new members of the wind clan.

Enemies: Lord of the Fallen

Lord of the Fallen: Posseses might, and explosive magic channeled through his swords.     


  • Split up and deal with the multiple threats.
  • Find the sealed cave and battle the lord of the fallen.
  • Kaz learns more about his family history with the clan and the fallen.
  • Follow the Seraphim into the celestial realm.

Last edited by Kazimir Seiryu on Wed May 05, 2021 12:07 am; edited 2 times in total

#12Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:10 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Name: Invigoration of the Celestial Wind.

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Kazimir

Summary: Kaz must lead the new members of the wind clan into battle against the Seraphims forces. Once they are in combat, Kaz will face off with the Seraphim that turned him into a Nephilim. The seraphim reveals the reason he turned Kaz and that now he seeks to use the powers of the celestial realm to create false angels and ascend back into the heavens.

Kaz is not strong enough along, but midway through the battle, he will earn the right and blessing of the four winds and be granted the God Wind's Staff, tethered to his existence and use it against the Seraphim to triumph.

Others: The Seven Constellations. Tokaki, Tatara, Ekie, Subaru, Amefuri, Toroki, Kagasuki. The new members of the wind clan.

Enemies: Seraphim of Wrath

Seraphim of Wrath: The seraphim uses wrath to empower the angelic spells of ligth and fire as well as an assortment of buff spells to deliver judgement.  

Rewards: Mythic Custom Item.

  • Take the seven star warriors of the wind clan to battle the minions of the Seraphim.
  • Find out what the Seraphim's plans have been with his life this whole time.
  • Defeat the Seraphim in the realm of the celestial spirits by obtaining the Celestial Wind Staff
  • Return to the wind clan and rebuild it.


Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Wed May 19, 2021 12:38 pm


This storyline has been approved.

#14Kazimir Seiryu 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:36 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Fallen Call | A rank
+412,500 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+7 SPD
+400 fame  
+13,000 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

Wind Twists the Path of Water | A rank
+412,500 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+7 SPD
+400 fame  
+13,000 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

Tournament of Wind is Howling | A rank
+412,500 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+7 SPD
+400 fame  
+13,000 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

The Tempest rages | A rank
+412,500 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+7 SPD
+400 fame  
+13,000 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

The Southern Wind | A rank
+412,500 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+7 SPD
+400 fame  
+13,000 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

Battle of Barrier and Speed | A rank
+412,500 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+7 SPD
+400 fame  
+13,000 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

The Fallen Return | S rank
+825,000 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+10 SPD
+500 fame  
+19,500 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

Gathering the Seven Constellations  | S rank
+825,000 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+10 SPD
+500 fame  
+19,500 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

Evading the Horde | S rank
+825,000 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+10 SPD
+500 fame  
+19,500 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

Assault on the Homefront | S rank
+825,000 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+10 SPD
+500 fame  
+19,500 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

The Power of Celestials | S rank
+825,000 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+10 SPD
+500 fame  
+19,500 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

Invigoration of the Wind | S rank
+825,000 Jewels (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)  
+10 SPD
+500 fame  
+19,500 EXP (20% guild + 10% Companion)

Total Rewards
Exp: +195,000 (+ 20% Guild perk+10% Companion)
Jewels: +7,425,000 (15% Rep+ 20% Guild perk+ 10% Companion + 20% Belt)
Fame: +5,400
SP:+102 Speed
Epic Storyline Bonus 1x Mythic Custom

Jewels minus cost of Mythic Custom: 2,425,000

#15Khalfani † 

Spirits of the Storm [Epic] Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:18 am

Khalfani †
Kazimir has completed this storyline and has Obtained 1x Mythic Custom ticket.

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