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The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]

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The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 7:28 pm


Name: The Gambit of Souls

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Vyra Emrakul

Story: Thrown into a world of Magic that she did not know existed, Vyra has found herself forced into a deadly game of cat and mouse with the dark, alternate personality within her. Seemingly driven to erode away at the last of the defenses and protections within her mind, the ultimate prize is clear; retaining her humanity or losing it entirely. However, a glimmer of hope has revealed itself; a secretive network of individuals willing to go to whatever lengths required to help Mages at risk. But in her pursuits to seek them out, Vyra will quickly find herself caught in a wicked web of manipulation, lies, and deception that has both her and her alternate personality as pawns in a deadly game where nobody's hand is quite what they believe it to be.

Objective: Alternating between Vyra and her darker personality, discover, align with, and reach out to the underground Mage network for help. Then, outmaneuver, outlast, and escape when the truth is revealed and the world around implodes.

Addendum: Although the participant is A-Rank at the time of application, rewarded experience earned over the course of the Storyline will result in them ranking up to S-Rank, thereby making them appropriate ranked.

Name: The Crows at Bay

Rank: A

Type: Good


Vyra Emrakul: The exotic Demi-Human, friend to the Blue Pegasus Guild. Tormented by the growing control of her darker alternate personality, she finds herself desperate to find help.

Summary: Tipped off by members of the Blue Pegasus guild of a rumored covert group existing within Hargeon that has been providing assistance to Mages plagued by serious hardships and issues of persecution, Vyra makes attempt to find proof of this. After a seemingly fruitless search, Vyra stumbles upon a woman in a local tavern, claiming herself to be a representative on behalf of this supposed group. Their conversation is eventually cut short by a number of thugs whom strike, intent on causing problems for the tavern. Once they're dealt with, the woman has disappeared, leaving Vyra right back in the same situation as before.


Female Representative: A younger woman; polite, proper, and conservative at the same time. Reluctant to reveal too much, but willing to disclose her involvement with an underground group responsible for protecting and providing aid to Mages in need.


Thugs (x6): Traditional ruffians whom have banded together in order to support themselves while causing problems for law-abiding citizens within Hargeon Town. Follow a loose organizational structure and generally act in their own interests within the moment rather than with long-term agendas.

  • 7 SP
  • 400 Fame
  • 250,000 Jewels
  • 10,000 Experience

  • See if the rumored Mage group is real.
  • Visit a tavern to forget a fruitless search.
  • Strike up a conversation with a mysterious woman.
  • Deal with thugs who interrupted an interesting conversation.
  • Leave empty-handed.

Name: Fading Light

Rank: A

Type: Good


Vyra Emrakul: The exotic Demi-Human, friend to the Blue Pegasus Guild. Tormented by the growing control of her darker alternate personality, she finds herself desperate to find help.

Summary: Dejected at the events which occurred earlier in the previous thread, Vyra begins her return home to the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall. Before that can happen, she is ambushed by a larger group of thugs. A few of the thugs encountered earlier will point her out, leading to them all to attack you. Just as it seems things will be lost, Vyra is rescued by an unknown figure whom defeats the thugs with ease. Losing consciousness, Vyra reawakens within in what appears like some underground facility. After a brief exploration through some of the complex, Vyra encounters a number of people, including the woman who rescued her, Aegir, who explains to her that she has found the group that she had been seeking.


Mysterious Woman: A mysterious, yet intoxicatingly fascinating woman. Her presence as much exudes confidence as it does a feeling of uncertainty and fear, combined with a lethal and seemingly-effortless capability to slaughter anyone in her way. For her, everything seems to go well, if not too well.


Thug Leader: A criminal with the street smarts and charisma to unite fellow thugs under his banner. Thinks highly of himself and views the world with a jaded perspective and undeserved sense of entitlement. Despite that, very capable within a fight and strong by his own right.

Thugs (x12): Traditional ruffians whom have banded together in order to support themselves while causing problems for law-abiding citizens within Hargeon Town. Follow a loose organizational structure and generally act in their own interests within the moment rather than with long-term agendas.

  • 7 SP
  • 400 Fame
  • 250,000 Jewels
  • 10,000 Experience

  • Leave the bar dejectedly.
  • Run into Thug Leader and the rest of his gang.
  • Fight them off until you are overwhelmed.
  • Get rescued by the Mysterious Woman.
  • Awaken in some dark, underground facility.
  • Explore the compound.
  • Encounter the Mysterious Woman again.

Name: All Grown Cold

Rank: A

Type: Bad


Vyra Emrakul: The exotic Demi-Human, friend to the Blue Pegasus Guild. Tormented by the growing control of her darker alternate personality, she finds herself desperate to find help.

Summary: Having found the group dedicated to helping mages, Vyra tries to explain her situation to Aegir and company. Aegir seems reluctant to help, but after proding Vyra of her relationship to Blue Pegasus and Alisa in particular, she will express interest in meeting Vyra's other personality. Being informed that Vyra has no control over when it appears or doesn't, Aegir decides to force the personality forward, despite Vyra's pleas. Led into what seems like a fighting chamber, Vyra is ambushed by a large, frightening creature attacks her. With her attempts to escape failing, eventually Vyra's other personality takes control, intent on killing it before Aegir orders it to be destroyed and Vyra captured. A pair of guards are attacked, but another pair manage to apprehend Vyra and bring her before Aegir. The other Vyra reveals that she is aware of everything going on, that Aegir is not whom she claims to be, that this group is not what she says it is. When Aegir asks why that matters, Vyra responds that she's interested in making a deal with them.


Aegir: Leader of the underground Mage group that provides various forms of assistance to mages. Appropriately cautious, yet not for fear of her own safety. Ruthless when needed, but will provide the world of help where warranted.

Female Representative: A younger woman who operates as a liaison of sorts to Aegir's group. Enthusiastic and loyal to an almost zealous level, she carries out Aegir's tasks as needed.


Grotesque Creature: A hideous creature that seems to be some sort of bull that has been tortured and subjected to cruel and unfathomable Magic experiments. Whatever it once was, it is no longer; only just a monster that exists to suffer and cause suffering.

Compound Guards (x2): Veteran soldiers working in conjunction with Aegir. Display no human emotion outside of complete loyalty to Aegir. Well-trained and disciplined through battle, they do not fear Magic as other soldiers do.

  • 7 SP
  • 400 Infamy
  • 250,000 Jewels
  • 10,000 Experience

  • As Vyra: Ask Aegir for help.
  • As Vyra: When she refuses, explain her situation further.
  • As Vyra: Survive against the Grotesque Creature to earn Aegir's favor.
  • As Dark Vyra: Attack the Guards.
  • As Dark Vyra: Try to blackmail Aegir.

Name: Cross Wires

Rank: A

Type: Bad


Vyra Emrakul: The exotic Demi-Human, friend to the Blue Pegasus Guild. Tormented by the growing control of her darker alternate personality, she finds herself desperate to find help.

Summary: Without knowing the full specifics, Vyra's dark personality knows that Aegir is not whom she claims to be, nor is she head of any sort of Mage refugee group. To Aegir's intrigue, Vyra also knows that she is not much a fan of Alisa, a quality that the two of them share. Vyra proposes that if Aegir really wanted to hurt Alisa, there would be nobody better to do so than Vyra, provided that Aegir were to help. The two converse, keeping their cards close to the vest throughout, but Vyra appears to win over Aegir. Vyra is then brought to a cell occupied by a woman named Seras while privately Aegir explains her thinking to the representative. Within their cell, Seras explains the reality to the real Vyra; Aegir's group are not there to help Mages; they're there to hunt them.


Aegir: Leader of the Hargeon Witch Hunters. A ruthless, cold, but highly successful hunter who has expanded her operation into the realm of near terrorism. Possesses an unbridled hatred towards the Blue Pegasus Guild Leader, Alisa, and is willing to go any lengths to make her suffer.

Female Representative: A younger woman who operates as a liason of sorts to Aegir's group. Enthusiastic and loyal to an almost zealous level, she carries out Aegir's tasks as needed.

Seras: A young woman imprisoned within Aegir's Compound. Somewhat apathetic, yet open to Vyra's presence, her circumstances are known only to her and her captors.

Enemies: None

  • 7 SP
  • 400 Infamy
  • 250,000 Jewels
  • 10,000 Experience

  • As Dark Vyra: Reveal Aegir's deception.
  • As Dark Vyra: Offer to work with Aegir.
  • As Vyra: Awaken in a cell with Seras.
  • As Vyra: Discover the true reality of Aegir's group.

Name: Fringe

Rank: S

Type: Good


Vyra Emrakul: The exotic Demi-Human, friend to the Blue Pegasus Guild. Tormented by the growing control of her darker alternate personality, she finds herself desperate to find help.

Summary: While within their cell, Vyra bonds with Seras. Seras says that she has been here for a bit, having been captured having their caravan was ambushed. Her comrades who had been taken, she has not seen them since, nor knows what has happened to them. As time passes, the representative arrives and has Vyra taken out of her cell, brought into a small room with her and another guard for "some questions". Eventually, the interrogation will lead to Vyra breaking out, bringing the compound on high alert and force her to attempt to hide within. She is eventually caught though and brought before Aegir who says that she has a surprise for Vyra.


Seras: A young woman imprisoned within Aegir's Compound. Somewhat apathetic, yet open to Vyra's presence, she has begun to bond with the young Demi-Human, the two of them becoming friends in captivity.

Compound Guards: Veteraned soldiers working in conjunction with Aegir. Display no human emotion outside of complete loyalty to Aegir. Well-trained and disciplined through battle, they do not fear Magic as other soldiers do.

Aegir: Leader of the Hargeon Witch Hunters. A ruthless, cold, but highly successful hunter who has expanded her operation into the realm of near terrorism. Possesses an unbridled hatred towards the Blue Pegasus Guild Leader, Alisa, and is willing to go any lengths to make her suffer.


Female Representative: A younger woman who operates as a liaison of sorts to Aegir's group. Enthusiastic and loyal to an almost zealous level, she carries out Aegir's tasks as needed.

Compound Guards (x2): Veteran soldiers working in conjunction with Aegir. Display no human emotion outside of complete loyalty to Aegir. Well-trained and disciplined through battle, they do not fear Magic as other soldiers do.

  • 10 SP
  • 500 Fame
  • 500,000 Jewels
  • 10,000 Experience

  • As Vyra: Bond with Seras, learning more about her and Aegir's operation.
  • As Vyra: Be led into an interrogation room with the Representative and a pair of guards.
  • As Vyra: Over the course of the interrogation conducted, eventually lose control of your Magic and unleash it.
  • As Vyra: Desperately try to escape the Compound.
  • As Vyra: Get captured and be before Aegir and the punishment that awaits.

Name: The Good Doctor

Rank: S

Type: Good


Vyra Emrakul: The exotic Demi-Human, friend to the Blue Pegasus Guild. Tormented by the growing control of her darker alternate personality, she finds herself desperate to find help.

Summary: Vyra is in her cell, her wounds being treated by Seras, who warns her that the guards have been giving the two of them deadly looks. She is not confident in their safety, further panicking Vyra of what may happen. A pair of guards will come for Vyra and take her away. When Seras pleads to know what will happen to her, they explain Vyra is going to be taught a lesson. Vyra is brought within a large arena-like room, with numerous guards, Aegir, and a decrepit old man all watching over her. She explains that given Vyra's conduct, an example needs to be made of her. Lights emerge to show a number of slaves in varying stages of abuse and trauma, all either in pain or afraid of Vyra. The man besides Aegir channels some sort of device which causes the slaves to become stoic and then feral at Aegir's command. With no option, Vyra is forced to confront them on her own. Shocked by her survival, several guards insist on getting revenge on Vyra, which Aegir only agrees so long as they do not kill her. As they enter the arena, Vyra's dark personality appears and attacks them. As they cry out, Aegir walks away in disgust, ordering them to seize her and throw her in chains.


Seras: A young woman imprisoned within Aegir's Compound. Somewhat apathetic, yet open to Vyra's presence, she has begun to bond with the young Demi-Human, the two of them becoming friends in captivity.

Aegir: Leader of the Hargeon Witch Hunters. A ruthless, cold, but highly successful hunter who has expanded her operation into the realm of near terrorism. Possesses an unbridled hatred towards the Blue Pegasus Guild Leader, Alisa, and is willing to go any lengths to make her suffer.

Croukte: A dark mage that was condemned to die but was rescued by Aegir's Witch Hunters for a specific purpose. His experiments and experience with the evil Soul Magic go against all realms of known humanity.


Husks (x8): Human slaves who have suffered the same fate as others affected by Croukte's Soul Magic devices. Their humanity is gone; all they exist now for is to bring suffering onto anything in their path.

Compound Guards (x3): Veteran soldiers working in conjunction with Aegir. Display no human emotion outside of complete loyalty to Aegir. Despite their battle discipline, seeing the effects of Soul Magic have left them shaken and physically affected.

  • 10 SP
  • 500 Fame
  • 500,000 Jewels
  • 15,000 Experience

  • As Vyra: Bond with Seras as she tends to your wounds.
  • As Vyra: Be brought before Aegir, an old man, and her guards.
  • As Vyra: Witness the old man's Soul Magic being used upon slaves around you.
  • As Vyra: Survive.
  • As Dark Vyra: Attack the guards who attempt to get revenge upon you.

Name: The Gambit of Souls

Rank: S

Type: Bad


Vyra Emrakul: The exotic Demi-Human, friend to the Blue Pegasus Guild. Tormented by the growing control of her darker alternate personality, she finds herself desperate to find help.

Summary: Some time has passed since the previous thread, with Seras tending to Vyra within their cell, the latter bound within an unruly set of chains. Their conditions have become worse, if it were even possible. After some time has passed, Vyra will be once again brought out from the cell, this time under blinding hood. When the hood is finally pulled, Vyra finds herself face to face with Aegir, the decrepit old man, and numerous guards surrounding them, as well as several glowing spheres. Uninterested in Vyra, Aegir uses violence to force out Vyra's alternate personality. Aegir flaunts the spheres, Soul Stones, instruments of Soul Harvesting Magic to extract souls from vessels. Realizing what Aegir is planning on doing, Vyra tries to bargain her way out of the situation, finding out Seras was an agent of Aegir in the process, but it's clear that Aegir is resolute in her plan. Before anything can happen, the old man causes the spheres to erupt in a flash of light, draining the souls of everyone minus Vyra and Aegir right before their eyes. The man unleashes the soulless soldiers upon Aegir and Vyra, to which Vyra takes advantage of the situation to get revenge on her own. In the aftermath of all of the carnage, the compound will be ruined, nearly everyone dead. As she prepares to depart, Vyra encounters the soulless Seras, in a daze following the effects of the Soul Stones' power. While as the other personality, Vyra manipulates Seras, completely and utterly destroying her true identity into one tailored directly to her own preferences.


Seras: A young woman within Aegir's Compound. Over time she has bonded with Vyra whilst in captivity, but despite their closeness she possesses a secret that she has not revealed.


Aegir: Leader of the Hargeon Witch Hunters. She has at this point become obsessed with destroying Vyra as a means to destroy Alisa, willing to go to the most unforgiveable levels in order to do accomplish this.

Croukte: A dark mage condemned to death for his involvement with taboo-like Soul Devices, he has been freed from captivity to serve Aegir's agenda. But ever the troublemaker, he has his own plans in mind.

Soulless Guards (x12): Soldiers once loyal to the Witch Hunter Aegir, they have now become devoid of soul, and thus devoid of any loyalty. Feral, unintelligent, and hostile to anyone and everything around them, they exist only for violence.

  • 10 SP
  • 500 Infamy
  • 500,000 Jewels
  • 15,000 Experience
  • Companion: Seras

  • As Vyra: Be taken out of your cell to some area in the Compound.
  • As Dark Vyra: Plead with Aegir to reconsider her gambit.
  • As Dark Vyra: Witness Croukte's betrayal.
  • As Dark Vyra: Do whatever you have to survive the battle between Aegir and Croukte's revenge.
  • As Dark Vyra: In the aftermath, eliminate Aegir.
  • As Dark Vyra: Locate Seras and "remodify" her.
  • As Vyra: Be rescued by Seras.


The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 8:47 am

This Story line is approved for role play.


The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 1:44 am

The Crows at Bay complete: Link

  • 7 SP (into Endurance)
  • 400 Fame
  • 300,000 Jewels (+20% from Racial)
  • 11,000 Experience (+10% from Racial)


The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 9:05 am

@Vyra Emrakul has completed this quest and been rewarded.


The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:59 am

Fading Light complete: Link


  • 7 SP (into Strength)
  • 400 Fame
  • 300,000 Jewels (+20% from Racial)
  • 11,000 Experience (+10% from Racial)

#6Khalfani † 

The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 9:09 pm

Khalfani †
Vyra has completed "Faded Light".


The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:58 pm

All Grown Cold complete: Link

  • 7 SP (into Endurance)
  • 400 Infamy
  • 300,000 Jewels (+20% from Racial)
  • 11,000 Experience (+10% from Racial)

#8Khalfani † 

The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:39 pm

Khalfani †
Vyra has completed "All Grown Cold".


The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:14 pm

Cross Wires complete: Link


  • 7 SP (into Endurance)
  • 400 Infamy
  • 300,000 Jewels (+20% from Racial)
  • 11,000 Experience (+10% from Racial)


The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 2:59 pm

@Vyra Emrakul has completed Cross Wires and been rewarded.


The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:18 am

Fringe complete: Link

  • 10 SP (into Intelligence)
  • 500 Fame
  • 600,000 Jewels (+20% from Racial)
  • 16,500 Experience (+10% from Racial)

#12Khalfani † 

The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:46 pm

Khalfani †
Vyra Emrakul has completed "Fringe" and has been rewarded.


The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 5:38 pm

The Good Doctor complete: Link

  • 10 SP (into Intelligence)
  • 500 Fame
  • 600,000 Jewels (+20% from Racial)
  • 16,500 Experience (+10% from Racial)

#14Khalfani † 

The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:07 am

Khalfani †
Vyra Emrakul has completed "The Good Doctor" and has been rewarded.


The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:25 am

The Gambit of Souls complete: Link


  • 10 SP (into Intelligence)
  • 500 Infamy
  • 600,000 Jewels (+20% from Racial)
  • 16,500 Experience (+10% from Racial)
  • Legendary Companion

#16Khalfani † 

The Gambit of Souls ♫ [Long]  Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:55 am

Khalfani †
Vyra Emrakul has completed this storyline has been rewarded.

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