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Kyoyama Family[Long]

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#1Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Fri Feb 11, 2022 10:53 am

Achlys †

Name: Kyoyama Family

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Achlys

Story: This story happened during X792 to X794. One day when Achlys is in his room in the Eternal Nightmare guild hall she comes across her old stuff, some items that she brought with her the first time she gets here. She puts those items in a box and puts it under her bed in her room, and she never looks at it again in a long time. That item in the box is her item from the past, from her parents, before they tragically sacrifice their lives to safe hers. During that last moment, her mom gave something to her without explanation, and all she said is “You have to keep this, one day, this might help you, he might help you.” but Achlys never understood what she meant by that. Now that she looks at that sphere from her mom, she feels like it's time for her to learn more about her mother's side. So with some clue about her mom, she starts her journey to Joya, at least she knows her mom's name so she can start there.

Her mom is from the Kyoyama family,  one of the most respected shaman families in Joya. She was famously known because of her skill in shamanism, Himiko Kyoyama. Achlys believes that with this information as a starter, she can gain some more clues about her mom that will finally lead her to her mom's family and this quest is a story about how she can finally meet her family from her mom's side and learn the truth about that sphere.

Objective: Find her mom's family, ask them the truth about the sphere's history and also learn how to use it properly.

Name: Journey to Joya

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Achlys: A member of Eternal Nightmare, and this is her past where she learned how to use a sphere left by her mom without any explanation about it.

Summary: Achlys just found her long lost sphere given to her by her mom during their last moment together, before her parents sacrificed themselves for Achlys. After seeing the sphere, Ahclys decided that she had to go to Joya and find her mom's family exact location by asking around only with the information of her mom's name.

Others: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Rewards: N/A

  • Create a topic in Joya.
  • Ask around to find more information about her mom.
  • She has to find detailed information about her mom's hometown.
  • She will hear some story about her mom where she used to help some people.
  • Go to the town to see if any family from her mom is still there.

Name: Kyoyama Family

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Achlys: A member of Eternal Nightmare, and this is her past where she learned how to use a sphere left by her mom without any explanation about it.

Summary: After she gets to her mom’s hometown, she will have to find the house of Kyoyama family, her mom’s family. It won’t be that hard since the Kyoyama family is well known in that town and some other towns around. Finding the house of Kyoyama is one thing, but to convince them that Achlys is the daughter of their family is not that easy, plus her appearance will make the head of the Kyoyama family feel uneasy about it.

Others: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Rewards: N/A

  • Create a topic in Joya.
  • Go around town searching for the house of Kyoyama.
  • Go to the house according to the information you got.
  • Try to explain and prove that you’re part of the Kyoyama family from your mother’s side.
  • The head of the Kyoyama family won’t believe you so show them the sphere you got from your mother.
  • After they believe you, they will be glad and open up a secret story, and hear the story about your mother from the head of the Kyoyama family.

Name: House Introduction

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Achlys: A member of Eternal Nightmare, and this is her past where she learned how to use a sphere left by her mom without any explanation about it.

Summary: House of Kyoyama is big and they have so many sections in their area, this house is the main house for the whole family and also the place where they train their family members as shaman. On the first day of Achlys here, she will have to follow around someone that is assigned to take her on a house tour. She will be taken to every area of the house and learn what that area used for. During this tour Achlys will get a chance to try some low level training and it might take more than one day for the tour based on how well Achlys do during the trial.

Others: N/A

Training Target: A simple training target created and set by the member of Kyoyama Family

Rewards: N/A


  • Create a topic in Joya.
  • Take a tour around the house.
  • Take the chance to try every training possible.
  • Do 6 training in total and try to pass them all.
  • The result of your trials will decide the training you will get on the next day and how hard that training will be.

Name: Days in Hell [Spirit Will]

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Achlys: A member of Eternal Nightmare, and this is her past where she learned how to use a sphere left by her mom without any explanation about it.

Summary: The first training prepared for Achlys is Spirit Will. During this test she will have to prove that she can control herself and her will. She will have to take 5 days fasting while getting some work to do. During that work, she will secretly be tested by the people of Kyoyama to see how she maintains self control. Each time she fails to control herself, the training will start from the beginning on the next day. She has to pass 5 days in a row without losing her self control of not eating anything and only allowed to drink water.

Others: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Rewards: N/A


  • Create a topic in Joya.
  • 4 training will was prepared for Achlys from the result of the trial
  • The training chosen for her is meditation, magic creativity, spirit will, and soul power.
  • The first training will be the spirit will and after she can pass one training she will get to the next one.
  • Pass the training in 5 days, or start over for the next 5 days.

Name: Days in Hell [Magic Creativity]

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Achlys: A member of Eternal Nightmare, and this is her past where she learned how to use a sphere left by her mom without any explanation about it.

Summary: The second training prepared for Achlys is Magic Creativity. During this test she will have to hit a target prepared by the Kyoyama family. But not just with any spell, in this space created by one of the Kyoyama family, she will have to hit the target at least once with a new spell based on the Kyoyama family data or the target won’t take any damage. The training will take 7 days and only 3 hours a day, she will have to pass 5 times in total or the training will start over for the next 7 days.

Others: N/A

Advance Training Target: An advance training target created and set by a member of the Kyoyama Family.

Rewards: N/A

  • Create a topic in Joya.
  • The second training prepared by the Kyoyama family for Achlys is Magic Creativity.
  • Defeat the advanced target using new magic created with creativity.
  • The training target won’t take any damage if the spell used by Achlys is considered as something not original according to the Kyoyama family data.
  • Pass the training in 7 days, or start over or the next 7 days.

Name: Days in Hell [Soul Power]

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Achlys: A member of Eternal Nightmare, and this is her past where she learned how to use a sphere left by her mom without any explanation about it.

Summary: Different from the first two training, this third training was not part of the trials. The third training prepared for Achlys is Soul Power. During this test she will be put to sleep and sent to an unknown dark cave. That is not a random cave to the Kyoyama family. Turns out this test is always given to the holder of the Sphere of Chordeva. This is the time for Achlys to meet the devil inside the sphere, Chordeva. Achlys will have to make a deal with Chordeva and seal that deal. Achlys will have to make Chordeva willing to let her keep the sphere and lend some of her power to Achlys. Chordeva made a deal and was kept in the sphere many generations ago by the ancestors from the Kyoyama family and each generation will have 1 child chosen by the previous user that will be the next user of the sphere. The last user before Achlys was her mom. Now is her turn to make a deal with Chordeva and keep this tradition going.

Others: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Rewards: N/A

  • Create a topic in Joya.
  • The third training prepared by the Kyoyama family for Achlys is Soul Power.
  • In the cave, the sphere will start shining and a tiny devil figure comes out from the sphere.
  • That devil figure is Chordeva, the devil inside the sphere. She will test you on how serious you’re to make a deal with her. This is where your Spirit Will test will come handy.
  • She will also ask you about what kind of deal and help you’ll ask from her. This is where your Magic Creativity test will come handy.
  • Make the deal within 3 days and come out from the cave, or some people from the Kyoyama family will come in to pick you up and you will lose your chance to be the holder of that sphere forever.

Name: Days in Hell [Meditation]

Rank: B

Type: Bad

Achlys: A member of Eternal Nightmare, and this is her past where she learned how to use a sphere left by her mom without any explanation about it.

Summary: After making the deal with Chordeva on the last test in the cave, Achlys now gets one spiritual teacher that will help her to calm down and control her emotions. Even though Chordeva is not a high rank devil spirit, being close to devil spirit all the time might change Achlys character, that is why she needs to learn how to control her emotions and not get affected by Chordeva.

Others: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Rewards: Sphere of Chordeva

  • Create a topic in Joya.
  • The last training prepared by the Kyoyama family for Achlys is Meditation.
  • Achlys has to learn to control her emotions during this training.
  • Take a 3 days meditation routine twice per day guided by her spiritual teacher.

Last edited by Achlys on Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:55 pm; edited 4 times in total


Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:06 pm


After speaking with Staff.

We have determined that Short, Medium, and long Storyline quest cannot allow you to change the name of your magic in your profile.

Given your premise and allowed rewards, we will allow you to have this as a flashback.

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#3Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 6:48 pm

Achlys †
I rework the storyline quest, a whole different story



Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 5:41 pm

Please change the Difficulty to Long.

#5Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:56 pm

Achlys †
Fixed, sorry for the trouble



Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 8:33 am

This Story line is approved to begin.

#7Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Fri Feb 25, 2022 6:37 am

Achlys †
Journey to Joya

Reward : 
  • 11,000EXP [10,000+1,000(10%human)]
  • 300,000J [250,000+50,000(20%human)]
  • 7SP Intelligence 
  • 400 Infamy


#8Khalfani † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:03 pm

Khalfani †
Achlys has completed "Journey to Joya".

#9Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:57 pm

Achlys †
Kyoyama Family

Reward : 
  • 11,000EXP [10,000+1,000(10%human)]
  • 300,000J [250,000+50,000(20%human)]
  • 7SP Intelligence 
  • 400 Infamy


#10Khalfani † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:16 pm

Khalfani †
Achlys has completed "Kyoyama Family".

#11Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 3:33 am

Achlys †
House Introductions

Reward : 
  • 11,000EXP [10,000+1,000(10%human)]
  • 312,500J [250,000+50,000(20%human)+12,500(5%reputation)]
  • 7SP Intelligence 
  • 400 Infamy


#12Khalfani † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:05 am

Khalfani †
Achlys has completed "House Introductions".

#13Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Wed Mar 02, 2022 9:48 pm

Achlys †
Days in Hell[Spirit Will]

Reward : 
  • 18,000EXP [15,000+3,000(20%daemon)]
  • 525,000J [500,000+25,000(5%reputation)]
  • 10SP Intelligence 
  • 500 Infamy



Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:53 pm

@Achlys has completed Days in Hell and been rewarded.

#15Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 7:52 am

Achlys †
Days in Hell [Magic Creativity]

Reward : 
  • 18,000EXP [15,000+3,000(20%daemon)]
  • 525,000J [500,000+25,000(5%reputation)]
  • 10SP Intelligence 
  • 500 Infamy
  • 25 Mana [guild perk level 3]


#16Khalfani † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:34 pm

Khalfani †
Achlys has completed "Days in Hell" and has been rewarded.

#17Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:39 am

Achlys †
Days in Hell [Soul Power]

Reward : 
  • 18,000EXP [15,000+3,000(20%daemon)]
  • 525,000J [500,000+25,000(5%reputation)]
  • 10SP Intelligence 
  • 500 Infamy


#18Khalfani † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:37 am

Khalfani †
Achlys has completed "Days in Hell" and has been rewarded.

#19Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Fri Mar 11, 2022 1:19 am

Achlys †
Days in Hell[Meditation]

Reward : 
  • 9,000EXP [7,500+1,500(20%daemon)]
  • 130,000J [100,000+10,000(10%reputation)+20,000(20%companion)]
  • 5SP Intelligence 
  • 300 Infamy


#20Khalfani † 

Kyoyama Family[Long]  Empty Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:13 am

Khalfani †
Achlys has completed "Days in Hell" and has been rewarded.

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